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民国时代,是风流的时代。民国人物,都是鲜活、独立、个性的形象,虽然大师的背影已远去,而余韵永存!民国之于今日,更多的是一种向往,一种流连,那时名流往来,大师云集,无论是吟风弄月,还是开世代风气,无不一呼百应,各领风骚:刘半农、张恨水、胡适、张爱玲、鲁迅、周作人、梁漱溟、徐悲鸿、徐志摩、辜鸿铭……民国人物的至情至性令今人津津乐道。那些渐渐远去的民国记忆,民国人物的风骨与气度,守护、在意、体现的精神、传统,已与我们相去甚远。  相似文献   

“更高、更快、更强”,不是奥运的专利,这也是人类对影像的追求。科技的飞速发展,让电视的功能倍增到令人发指的地步:大屏幕、高清、4K、8K、CRT、背投、液晶、等离子、超薄、LED、OLED、全息、卡拉OK、点播、存储、无线、游戏、上网、语音/视频通讯、缴费等等。所以无论是有文化的,还是没文化的,在面对电视时都要学习怎么看电视、怎么用电视,而“用”电视,意味着思想上的革命。  相似文献   

慧眼 《音响世界》2008,(7):85-85
地理意义上的拉丁国家为数不少,包括:墨西哥、危地马拉、尼加拉瓜、萨尔瓦多、哥斯达黎加、洪都拉斯、巴拿马、委内瑞拉、哥伦比亚、秘鲁、玻利维亚、厄瓜多尔、智利、阿根廷、巴拉圭、乌拉圭、巴西、古巴、多米尼加共和国……由于拉丁国家的人口结构常常是多民族的组合,因此拉丁音乐是以多种音乐元素的融合而形成的一种多元化的混合型音乐。历史上欧洲的白人音乐、非洲的黑人音乐、美洲的印第安音乐,甚至是东方的亚洲音乐,都对拉丁音乐作出过不同程度的贡献。它们经过长期的积淀,在以欧洲文化为主体的基础上,同时又大量的吸取印第安文化和非洲黑人文化的元素,逐渐形成多姿多彩的、充满活力的、充满动感的拉丁文化。以巴西和古巴为首的拉丁音乐,近年来更是风靡全球,走在世界流行音乐的尖端。  相似文献   

国乐——中华民族的音乐,用中华民族的乐器奏出中华民族的渊源与积淀。它悠远、恬静、玄妙,而且蕴藏着丰富的遐想,集绮丽、灵秀、典雅、清新、脱俗于一体,不仅能写景写意,还能包容万物,使时空回转。令人感慨的是民族的风情、地方的色彩、文化的特色,汇聚成我们灿烂辉煌、源远流长的中华文明。  相似文献   

海洋目标类型多样,覆盖海面、水下、空中,包括民船(商船、渔船、货轮等)、军船(航母、驱逐舰、护卫舰等)、钻井平台、潜艇、无人潜航器、水雷、鱼雷,以及海上飞行的民航、军机(预警机、战斗机等)、导弹、无人机等,分布区域广阔。与此同时,受台风、洋流等因素影响,海洋环境复杂,气象多变,对声、光、电、磁等探测手段具有不确定的影响.  相似文献   

李春根 《广东电子》2014,(19):60-61
宝洁同类产品相互之间的竞争非常激烈。如同狼群一般,即使有了猎物,也必须通过相互比拼,才能确定自己能吃到多少。缺乏竞争力的,只能饿肚子哪家外国企业在中国赚钱最多?根据相关资料,答案不是可口可乐,不是麦当劳,也不是沃尔玛,而是宝洁公司,简称为P&G。稍作留意就能发现,几乎所有上规模的商店或超市日用品柜台里,摆满的那些玉兰油、海飞丝、Sk-Ⅱ、潘婷、飘柔、沙宣、伊卡璐、威娜、吉列、舒肤佳、护舒宝、佳沽士、汰渍、碧浪、帮宝适、金霸王等,居然郁是宝洁公司的产品。  相似文献   

正不知为何,想到深通就会想到深圳的天空,那么高远,那么澄净,那么令人顾盼神往。每一次从北京飞到深圳,到达之前,我都会转向舷窗向下俯瞰,有一段在大海上空盘旋,我会透过一尘不染的天空,欣赏如画的大地,明净的海洋,分辨哪里是深圳,哪里是香港。二十年过去了,深通的记忆日渐模糊。今年春节前一天我到深圳,与王晓光、杨泓、张军、张敏毅、肖卫国、熊鹰、陈邦爱、刘志、陈杰、刘亚海、郭小海、吕晓明、王宗泽、聂桃一起聚会了一次,这是我95年初离开深通后难得的一次与这么多深通人见面。大家多  相似文献   

近年来,随着物联网的不断兴起,无线Wi-Fi扮演着非常重要的角色。Wi-Fi被应用于各式各样的场合,任何物品都可以与互联网相连接,进行信息交换和通信,通过各种信息传感设备,实时采集任何需要监控、连接、互动的物体或过程,采集其声、光、热、电、力学、化学、生物、位置等各种需要的信息,实现对其智能化识别、  相似文献   

一年来,在发改委、工信部、国家广电总局等部委的指导与推动下,数字电视、三网融合、移动互联网、数字家庭、新媒体、物联网、云计算等技术领域都获得了很大进展,与数字电视、三网融合、数字家庭、物联网等相关的政策、规划、标准纷纷出台,为消费电子特别是消费视听领域注入了无限生机。当前,网络接入更加便捷,网络带宽不断增加,商业模式不断创新,网络业务不断丰富,针对个人家庭生活的业务、产  相似文献   

音响发烧友往往也是音乐发烧友,因为对音乐保真度的苛求、对音乐细节的挑剔、对音色品味的追求、对音乐欣赏的讲究……所以对音响器材也会不断地更换、调配、摩改,力求高音通透、圆润还有飘逸感,中音厚实、温暖还有甜美感,低音松软、饱满还有震撼感,声场要宽厚,层次要清晰,结像要真实,动态要鲜活,谐音要丰富,胆味要浓郁。总之,好听、动听又耐听,还要经济实惠、性价比高、可靠耐用。这么多的讲究当然够发烧友不断地去学习、实践、提高和“折腾”了。  相似文献   

电化学电容器的特点及应用   总被引:15,自引:9,他引:15  
电化学电容器是一种介于电池和传统电容器的新型储能元件,具有比传统电容器更大的电容量,比电池更高的功率密度,更长的循环寿命,无需维护,引起了世界各国的广泛关注。综述了电化学电容器的原理、分类、特点以及国内外的发展状况。系统地介绍了电化学电容器的目前正在实用的领域以及正在开发新的使用领域。  相似文献   

当前铝电解电容器的主要技术动向   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
着重论述了铝电解电容器的安全性。详细分析了解决此问题的三个措施。最后提到引线式铝电解电容器长期工作的失效问题,除研制能抑制气体产生的工作电解液外,特别要对引线铝梗表面状态及橡胶塞加以注意。  相似文献   

针对抑制电磁干扰和降压用金属化薄膜电容器工作一段时间后容量不正常衰减的问题,通过样品解剖和理论分析,收集不同试验条件下的数据,发现金属化薄膜层间空气和封装方式导致容量不正常衰减.将热聚合温度从85℃提高到120℃,选用高温环氧树脂封装,可使所制金属化薄膜电容器在使用过程中电容量衰减小于1%,保证了电子产品在寿命周期内的...  相似文献   

Nowadays, many innovations in the automobile are enabled by electronics. Ambient requirements can be very stringent especially when the temperature reaches 150 °C or even more. Especially electrolytic capacitors are known to be critical devices at high temperatures.Therefore, it is necessary to validate the performance of such components and check their reliability during high temperature operation. In this paper we discuss how to predict the lifetime of both aluminum and tantalum electrolytic capacitors. In that aim we first review state of the art qualification tests that allow a life prediction.We describe a test setup that we have built in order to investigate electrolytic capacitors by LCR and leakage current measurements at temperatures above current manufacturer's specifications. Results for different capacitors after variation of tests conditions will be presented.  相似文献   

电解电容器用铝箔现状及其发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对铝电解电容器用铝箔的现状及其发展趋势进行了概述,介绍了引进腐蚀生产线的情况、电容器铝箔的研制及质量状况。  相似文献   

Oxide charge trapping and interface state generation phenomena under the various high-field stress conditions have been investigated using capacitors fabricated on both p-and n-type substrates, and p- and n-channel MOSFETs. It was found that prediction based on MOSFET devices yielded shorter lifetimes than predictions based on capacitors  相似文献   

This paper studies the consequences of having solid state starters with long term ramps in a real pumping case. The harmonic resonances due to the necessary reactive power compensation capacitors and the short circuit impedance is analyzed. Electromagnetic Compatibility standards are checked in order to explain the frequent failure of the starters. One time proposed the disconnection of the capacitors during the ramps, reactive compensation is redesigned with the objective to have a 0.92 power factor in the pump installations.  相似文献   

Electrolytic filter capacitors are frequently responsible for static converter breakdowns. To predict these faults, a new method to set a predictive maintenance is presented and tested on two types of converters. The best indicator of fault of the output filter capacitors is the increase of ESR (equivalent series resistance). The output-voltage ripple ΔVo of the converter increases with respect to ESR. In order to avoid errors due to load variations, ΔVo is filtered at the switching frequency of the converter. The problem is that this filtered component is not only dependent on the aging of the capacitors, but also on the ambient temperature, output current, and input voltage of the converter. Thus, to predict the failure of the capacitors, this component is processed with these parameters and the remaining time before failure is deduced. Software was developed to establish predictive maintenance of the converter. The method developed is as follows. First, a reference system including all the converter parameters was built for the converter at its sound state, i.e., using sound electrolytic filter capacitors. Then, all these parameters were processed and compared on line to the reference system, thereby, the lifetime of these capacitors was computed  相似文献   

In this work, an effort is being made to monitor the condition of in-circuit aluminum electrolytic capacitor using artificial neural network (ANN). Recent industrial surveys on the reliability of power electronic systems shows that most of faults occur due to the wear out of aluminum electrolytic capacitors and thermal stress is the major cause for its parametric degradation. The condition of target capacitors can be estimated by monitoring variation in equivalent series resistance (ESR) from the initial pristine state value. ANN is used to estimate ESR of pristine and weak target capacitors at the test conditions. The data set for training and testing of proposed back-propagation trained artificial neural network are experimentally obtained from the developed test bed. Using the test bed, target capacitors are subjected to different operating frequency and temperature in the output section of DC/DC buck converter circuit to determine the effect of variation in electrical and thermal stress on ESR value. After off-line training, the proposed ANN is implemented using National Instruments LabVIEW software. A low cost microcontroller is programmed for real time data acquisition of target capacitors and the serial transmission of acquired dataset to the LabVIEW software installed at host computer. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated in real time by comparing the resulting ESR with the experimental values of in-circuit target capacitors. The proposed ANN, once trained properly, can be used for different circuits and in different operating conditions because of its generalization capability.  相似文献   

Doping profiles can be measured to best advantage by using MIS capacitors when one is interested in the profile either very close to the semiconductor surface or in very heavily doped semiconductors. This paper shows both experimentally and theoretically that the major error caused by interface states can be minimized by using either the pulsed capacitance voltage technique or by the second-harmonic profiling technique. This makes possible profile measurements in MIS capacitors even with very large interface state densities, and makes it advantageous to use MIS capacitors for the express purpose of profile measurements. The minimization of interface state errors is contingent upon using a high enough measurement frequency. Moreover, the closer to the interface that the profile is desired, the higher the frequency must be. At high enough frequencies, the intrinsic resolution of the method allows accurate measurement of the doping profile only to within a few extrinsic Debye lengths of the Si-SiO2interface. Curves are presented indicating the closeness to the interface attainable within a 2 percent profile error as a function of measurement frequency, doping level, and temperature. Comparison of experimental measurements with theory on uniformly doped samples at 5 and 30 MHz substantiates our analysis of interface state effects. Finally, a nonuniform profile is measured to illustrate the method.  相似文献   

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