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弧电源是中性束注入加热系统中最关键的设备之一,它的性能决定了弧放电的稳定性及束流引出的品质。为提高弧放电稳定性,降低电网容量,减少对电网的冲击,弧电源拓扑设计采用了基于超级电容储能和开关电源技术的DC/DC变换器结构。利用多个IGBT功率模块并联工作,可提高电源工作频率,实现更快的动态响应速度。在详细分析电源工作过程的基础上,设计了滤波电路和电流快速转移电路,根据电源的要求和具体参数,由一阶RL电路的电流响应特性,精确计算出滤波电感的最小值。最后,利用Matlab对电源性能指标进行了仿真验证,结果表明电源性能完全符合设计要求。  相似文献   

强流离子源是HL-2M装置5 MW中性束注入加热系统的核心部件,离子源通过弧电源加速初级电子至高能态,碰撞气体分子,产生等离子体。所以,弧电源对于离子源维持稳定的弧放电非常重要。本文利用Saber软件建立了弧电源的主电路模型,设计并仿真了弧电流的恒流控制、打坑控制以及超级电容的恒流充电控制、恒功率放电控制等。这种方法不仅提高了弧电源电路的分析和设计效率,缩短了系统研制的周期,还可用于实际系统的故障分析和控制参数的整定,降低实验风险。实验结果表明,弧电源的真实输出与仿真输出结果相符。  相似文献   

HL-1M中性束注入器和供电方框图如图1所示。注入器主要由离子源、束线和电源等部分组成,而离子源由等离子体发生器(放电室)和加减速结构(引出系统)两部分组成。在这种源型中,等离子体发生器电源包括灯丝、弧流和送气电源,也称做放电电源。  相似文献   

HL-1M 中性束注入器快速断电保护器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了用于HL-1M中性束注入器电源系统中的一个快速断电保护器。它能快速探测注入器过黉,过流和打火击穿等运行故障并给出故障信号,以便快速分断电源,保护离子源和电源本身免于损坏。详细介绍了电路结构,工作原理和实验结果。保护器在强线路干扰和电磁干扰下可靠工作。  相似文献   

中性束注入器抑制极电源技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中性束注入(NBI)器抑制极电源是中性束电源系统的组成部分,输出电压能根据实验情况在1~5kV内可调且脉冲式输出,脉冲波形的前后沿时间不大于20μs。采用串联谐振变换技术和移相脉宽调制技术设计高压直流平台,然后使用真空四极管进行调制,满足波形上的参数需要。对有关主电路和控制方法进行了分析说明。初步实验证明该设计调整性能好,抗过载与短路能力增强,能在脉冲负载状态下运行,具有较好的NBI实验应用前景。  相似文献   

中性束注入是磁约束核聚变研究重要的辅助加热和电流驱动手段.由于负离子源中性束注入系统束能量高、束斑大,电偏转已经成为剩余离子剥离的首选方案,其剩余离子剥离设备被称为电偏转器.电偏转器作为实现束流中性化的核心设备,其性能决定了中性束注入系统的工作效率.本文提出了聚变堆主机关键系统研究中负离子源中性束注入系统电偏转器的概念...  相似文献   

本论文设计了基于WinCC的负离子源中性束注入(NNBI)装置电源监控系统以实现对NNBI运行状态的实时监控。该系统针对多种型号PLC控制器通过单边通信和Modbus通信协议进行系统集成,以WinCC组态软件作为平台开发人机界面,为实验运行人员提供了一个操作方便、交互友好、性能稳定的系统状态监控和诊断手段,为NNBI实验稳定可靠运行提供必需的保障。  相似文献   

文中介绍了一种用于诊断中性束电源系统的数据采集与处理系统(DPAS).在电源系统的运行过程中,系统需要对18路电流/电压信号进行实时采集.DPAS采用网络技术以客户端/服务器模式进行开发.系统引进了一种高效的压缩算法从而大量地节约了数据存储所需的磁盘空间.系统所采用的数据存储格式与EastScope软件(一款用于查看实验数据的软件)兼容,从而使实验操作人员可以很容易对实验结果进行分析和总结.  相似文献   

The highpower pulsed power supply system for the magnetic field of the HL-2A Tokamak is described in this paper. The total output power of its eight magnetic field power supply units of nearly 250 MW. Their highest DC output voltage and current are 3510 V and 45 kA, respectively. All the units are operated in a pulsed mode. The pulse duration is 5 s, and the cyclic period is 15 min. The power supply system consists mainly of pulsed flywheel motor generators, rectifying transformers, thyristor converters, diode rectifiers and switches. The system incorporates many key technologies-supply equalization with two generators and four diode bridges, constant-angle phase triggers with a wide frequency range, current equalization, a status detector for the high current 6-phase converter, and advanced monitoring based on a programmable logic computer and engineering parameter measurement. The experimental results show that the performance of the power supply system satisfies the requirements of HL-2A experiments very well.  相似文献   

In order to support the design,manufacture and commissioning of the negativeion-based neutral beam injection(NBI) system for the Chinese Fusion Engineering Test Reactor(CFETR),the Hefei utility negative ion test equipment with RF source(HUNTER) was proposed at ASIPP.A prototype negative ion source will be developed at first.The main bodies of plasma source and accelerator of the prototype negative ion source are similar to that of the ion source for EAST-NBI.But instead of the filament-arc driver,an RF driver is adopted for the prototype negative ion source to fulfill the requirement of long pulse operation.A cesium seeding system and a magnetic filter are added for enhancing the negative ion density near the plasma grid and minimizing co-extracted electrons.Besides,an ITER-like extraction system is applied inside the accelerator,where the negative ion beam is extracted and accelerated up to 50 kV.  相似文献   

An Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECRH) launcher for four-beam injection has been installed on the HL-2A tokamak and used in plasma heating experiments. By the launcher, four EC wave beams can be injected into the tokamak through a φ350 mm port, which are generated from 2 sets of 68 GHz/1 s and 2 sets of 68 GHz/1.5 s gyrotron tubes manufactured by GYCOM, with maximum output power of 500 kW for each. In this paper, the properties of the EC beam in the launcher and plasma are presented: at the centre of the cross section of the tokamak, the beam radius is 31.7 mm; thermal analysis of a 3D model indicates that the peak temperature increase would be only 30 o C at the mirror surface for a 500 kW/1 s pulse; ray-tracing calculation predicts satisfactory power deposition. In the plasma experiment, six beams including four beams from this launcher and two from another launcher have been injected simultaneously. Besides, obtaining ELM-y H-mode discharges, the ECRH system shows reliability and stability of the launcher functions.  相似文献   

文章介绍HT-7托卡马克实验装置上的中性束诊断电源系统的组成、结构,以及基于S7-300PLC的逻辑控制系统。实验表明,该系统操作简单,性能稳定可靠。  相似文献   

Design of the ECRH/ECCD Launcher System for HL-2A Tokamak   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An ECRH/ECCD system with two 68GHz/500kW/1S gyrotrons will be built up in HL-2A tokamak. The location of the Gaussian beam waist is 580 mm away from the center of the plasmas and the beam radius is 37 mm at the center of the plasmas. Compared to the minor plasma radius (420 mm), it is small enough for localized control. The launcher system covers a wide toroidal and poloidal steering range by the two steering plane mirrors. Therefore it is possible to explore the on- and off-axis heating over half of the plasma minor cross section and the co-current drive.  相似文献   

A distributed control system of Neutral Beam Injector(NBI) on the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak(EAST-NBI) is briefly presented in this paper.The control system is developed in accordance with the experimental operational characteristics of the EASTNBI.The NBI control system(NBICS),which is based on the computer network technologies and classified according to the control levels,consists of three levels:a remote monitoring layer,a server control layer,and a field control layer.The 3-layer architecture is capable of extending the system functions and upgrading devices.The timing system provides the reference clock of the synchronization and interlock for the EAST-NBI system.An interlock system ensures the safety of the experiment operators and field devices.Both of the ion sources of the beamline are designed to operate independently.This lays an important foundation for developing a control system for the second beamline on EAST.Experimental results demonstrate that the NBICS meets functional requirements of the EAST-NBI control,and makes experimental operations visual and automatic.  相似文献   

Diagnostic neutral beam (DNB), combined with spectral diagnostics, is employed to measure the ion temperature in HT-7. The factors affecting the extracted beam are studied in the experiment for the high performance diagnostic neutral beam. A 6.5 A extracted hydrogen current at 43 keV of 100 ms was obtained after optimization. The extracted beam has a proton ratio as high as 40%, and can penetrate into the core plasma after neutralization to measure the ion temperature effectively.  相似文献   

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