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Transiently increased teat wall thickness in response to machine milking has been documented by various methods, including ultrasound. However, correlative ultrasonography and histology to detect the origin of this phenomenon is lacking. The first goal of the present study was to evaluate and compare milking-related changes of the teat tissue in 2 breeds of dairy cows (11 Simmental and 3 Holstein) using B-mode ultrasonography. Additionally, the observed changes were compared with ultrasonographic findings in a Holstein cow with periparturient udder edema. Finally, corresponding histological sections of the Simmental teats were analyzed and compared with those from a lactating nonmilked Angus cow. We hypothesized that the mechanical load of both stretching by the vacuum during phases of open teat cup liner and compression by the closed liner during machine milking results in a transient congestion of blood vessels in the teat wall. The barrel of 1 front teat of each cow was scanned immediately before and after machine milking (system vacuum: 42 kPa; pulsation rate: 60 cycles/min; pulsation ratio: 65:35). Shortly after milking (33 ± 6 min), the Simmentals were slaughtered, and their scanned teat was immediately removed and processed for investigation by light microscopy. Ultrasonography after milking revealed anechoic tubular structures mainly in the inner half of the teat wall. Histological examination revealed these structures to be thick-walled veins. The left front and hind teats of the nonmilked lactating cow, collected and prepared identically to those from the Simmental cows, showed the same histological features. Ultrasonographic measurements showed that the diameter of these veins significantly increased after milking compared with matching images before milking. This effect was most pronounced in the Holstein cows. Similarly, these veins were very prominent in the periparturient cow. However, neither the milked cows, including the periparturient cow, nor the lactating nonmilked cow provided any evidence of edematous extravasation on ultrasonography or histology. These findings corroborated our hypothesis that the increase in size of thick-walled veins in the teat tissue is the main reason for the thickening of the teat walls in response to machine milking.  相似文献   

We have investigated the responses of cow teats to machine milking in a study of relatively newly installed commercial milking parlours fitted with one of two types of milking cluster. The first was a common type with a large claw volume (> 200 ml), 15-16 mm i.d. long milk tube, 10 mm short pulse tube, cluster weight < 3-2 kg and used alternate pulsation. The second was a more traditional type with a 150 ml claw bowl volume, 13.5 mm i.d. long milk tube, 8 mm short pulse tube, cluster weight approximately 3.5 kg and used simultaneous pulsation. We scored approximately 50 cows in each of 20 herds, all within 60 s of cluster removal, for changes from the premilking teat condition: teat colour (creation of reddening or blueness), firmness, thickening at the base of the teat associated with the position of the liner mouthpiece, and whether the teat duct orifice was open. There were statistically significant differences in the proportion of cows displaying these four alterations in teat condition between herds using the two types of cluster. The more common type of cluster was always associated with better teat condition. The cause and effect of poorer teat condition have not been fully established and are likely to be multifactorial. The principal risk factors may be cluster weight, overmilking, vacuum applied during the overmilking phase and the design of the liner mouthpiece.  相似文献   

The importance of a consistent and comprehensive milking routine as a critical component of any mastitis control program is well documented. However, as pressure on time increases, farmers are faced with 3 options: (1) adjust the milking routine to suit the time available, (2) undertake the task less thoroughly, or (3) examine which elements of the milking routine can be automated and substitute capital expenditure for labor. A study was undertaken on 5 farms in the United Kingdom in October and November 2007 to assess the effect on milking time of installing a commercial automatic postmilking teat disinfection and cluster back flushing system (ADF). Two of the farms recruited for the study were intending to purchase the ADF system in the near future and 3 farms had already invested in the technology. The farms ranged in size from 120 to 550 cows and included three 90° rapid exit parlors, a herringbone parlor, and an abreast parlor. All 5 farms were visited for 2 successive milkings before the ADF was installed or disabled, and a detailed time and motion analysis was undertaken. After ADF was installed or the system reactivated, a further 2 milkings were monitored. All monitored farms showed a measurable reduction in milking time after the ADF system was installed. However, the magnitude of the reduction was greater than would be expected by simply removing the elements of postmilking teat disinfection and cluster sanitization. The benefits of ADF are greater than simply disinfecting teats and back flushing clusters and the time saving obtained may allow a more structured milking routine that may have additional benefits in terms of mastitis prevention and control.  相似文献   

The term 'hydraulic milking' describes a new milking concept in which liner movement is restricted and the liner is flooded with milk beneath the teat. This condition, achieved with a multi-valve claw without air admission to the cluster, reduced milking time by 26% and increased milk flow rate by 20%. Four experiments describe the discovery of hydraulic milking and investigate its potential using equal or different levels of vacuum in the milkline and pulseline. Benefits from hydraulic milking include decreased lipolysis (less than or equal to 36%) and milk foam (75%), improved teat condition and a high degree of protection against machine-induced infections. Evidence of increased milk yield is inconclusive. Cluster removal is impeded by hydraulic milking and the multi-valve cluster requires modification to facilitate the process. Pulsation characteristics and vacuum levels developed for conventional milking appear adequate for hydraulic milking. Unorthodox vacuum conditions may be needed, however, to exploit fully this novel milking concept.  相似文献   

A milking machine claw incorporating valves to prevent movement of milk between teats during milking, and its contribution to the prevention of udder infection under experimental and field conditions, is described. Under experimental conditions a suspension of Streptococcus agalactiae and Str. dysgalactiae was introduced into the milking cluster during milking; 11 of 40 quarters became infected using a conventional claw piece whereas none of 40 quarters milked with the multi-valve claw developed intramammary infection. In a 12-month experiment in ten commercial herds, each split into two equal susceptibility groups, the multi-valved cluster reduced the incidence of new infection with coliforms and Str. uberis by 17% (P less than 0.1). The incidence of all new infections and new clinical cases was 14 and 25% lower compared to conventional clusters but these reductions were not significant.  相似文献   

Total bacterial counts of the milk from individual cows were measured for three groups of ten winter housed cows at three milkings. The teats were either (i) left unwashed or (ii) washed with disinfected water (60 ppm available iodine) and dried with individual paper towels or (iii) washed with plain water and then dried with a single fabric cloth impregnated with a polymeric bisguanide and a quaternary ammonium compound. The mean total bacterial counts/ml for the groups were 5820, 2108 and 1116 respectively. Treatments (ii) and (iii) were also compared for their ability to prevent the inter-teat transfer of bacteria. Before teat washing and drying, one teat of each cow was deliberately contaminated with Streptococcus agalactiae. Significantly fewer teats (5/30) became contaminated with Str. agalactiae when treatment (iii) was used for teat washing and drying compared with treatment (ii) (20/30).  相似文献   

The optimal milking cluster should milk as gently as possible to minimize the mechanical effect on the teat tissue at an optimal milking performance and milk quality. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of liner shape (round vs. triangular) and type of cluster ventilation (claw vs. mouthpiece chamber; MPC) on milking performance and vacuum at the teat end and in the MPC. Our hypothesis was that liner shape and cluster ventilation affect milking performance and MPC vacuum. Six Holstein Friesian cows were milked twice daily over 12 d with a bucket milker, using 4 different cluster types that combined liner shape and type of cluster ventilation at 3 different system vacuum settings (35, 42, and 50 kPa) in an incomplete randomized block design. Milk flow and vacuum in the MPC, at the teat end (measured in the short milk tube), and in the short pulse tube were continuously recorded during milking. Milk flow was higher, and hence main milking time was shorter, with the round than with the triangular liners. The MPC vacuum was lower in round than triangular liners, which was caused by higher air leakage between teat and liner barrel in the triangular liners. The MPC vacuum, as well as its cyclic fluctuations, increased at the end of milking (immediately before cluster detachment) in all cluster types, with the highest amplitude of fluctuation in the triangular liners with MPC ventilation. The MPC ventilation reduced the MPC vacuum in both liner types at the end of milking, and also in triangular liners during peak milk flow. Despite the observed differences of MPC vacuum, the ventilation type did not affect milking performance. However, milking with triangular MPC-ventilated liners caused an increased proportion of foamed milk, which could potentially have a negative effect on milk quality.  相似文献   

A series of short duration experiments has shown that infections caused by the milking machine or the way in which it is used can be controlled by fitting deflector shields in the teatcup liners. This not only provides a simple means of controlling such infections, but demonstrates that they result from penetration of the streak canal of the teat by contaminated milk particles impacting on the teat ends.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare a vacuum control system that increases milking system vacuum during the peak flow period of milking to conventional constant vacuum control technology regarding its effect on milk flowrate and milking duration. Further objectives were to study the effects of flow-controlled vacuum on milking parlor performance. An observational study was conducted on a commercial dairy farm milking from 848 to 896 cows per day over the study period using a 60-stall rotary milking parlor. The flow-controlled vacuum control system was applied for 3 wk. Milking performance and teat condition were compared with 3-wk periods prior and subsequent to the test period using conventional vacuum control. Statistical analysis was performed assuming a cross-sectional study design during each period. Flow-controlled vacuum increased peak milk flowrate by 12% and increased average milk flowrate by 4%. The decrease in individual cow milking duration was proportional to milk yield per milking. Postmilking teat condition was good during the entire study period. The occurrence of rough teat ends was slightly reduced during the flow-controlled vacuum period with no meaningful difference in the occurrence of teats with blue color, palpable rings, or petechia. The combination of reduced vacuum during the low flow period of milking and the decrease in milking duration are likely factors that are protective of teat tissues. Bioeconomic modeling of the use of flow-controlled vacuum on the performance of rotary milking parlors, using the data that were collected during the study, showed that the reduction in milking duration of individual cows allows a higher rotary parlor speed. Modeled parlor throughput increased by 5.0% to 419 cows/h, 6.8% to 407 cows/h, and 4.2% to 326 cows/h when 80%, 95%, and 99% of the cows were finished milking at the end of the rotation for a 60-stall parlor. Model results showed that increased parlor throughput resulted in increased labor efficiency, reduced labor costs for milking, and a positive benefit-cost ratio on the investment for all but the smallest herd and parlor sizes considered.  相似文献   

A higher milking frequency, as a consequence of milking with an automated milking system, incorporates a threat to teat condition. To study the effect of transition from conventional to automated milking on teat skin and teat end condition, 40 lactating Holstein-Friesian cows and heifers from a high yielding dairy herd were randomly allocated to either a conventional or an automated milking system group. In the latter group, automated milking was initiated during the study period, while conventional milking was continued in the control group. Teat skin and teat end condition were evaluated weekly on quarter level for all animals from 5 wk before until 8 wk after transition. A high emollient iodine teat dip was used on all cows during the study period. Teat skin condition of the animals in the automated milking system group was consistent from before and during milking with the automated milking system. Rear teats had a better skin and end condition than front teats. Evolution of teat end condition over time between the automated and conventional milking groups was not statistically different. Heifers, however, seemed to be more sensitive to the change than multiparous cows, as their teat end condition slightly decreased.  相似文献   

A database consisting of 35291 milking records from 83 cows was built over a period of 10 months with the objectives of studying the effect of teat cup attachment failures and milking interval regularity on milk production with an automated milking system (AMS). The database collected records of lactation number, days in milk (DIM), milk production, interval between milkings (for both the entire udder and individual quarters in case of a teat cup attachment failure) and average and peak milk flows for each milking. The weekly coefficient of variation (CV) of milking intervals was used as a measure of milking regularity. DIM, milking intervals, and CV of milking intervals were divided into four categories coinciding with the four quartiles of their respective distributions. The data were analysed by analysis of variance with cow as a random effect and lactation number, DIM, the occurrence of a milking failure, and the intervals between milkings or the weekly CV of milking intervals as fixed effects. The incidence of attachment failures was 7.6% of total milkings. Milk production by quarters affected by a milking failure following the failure was numerically greater owing to the longer interval between milkings. When accounting for the effect of milking intervals, milk production by affected quarters following a milking failure was 26% lower than with regular milkings. However, the decrease in milk production by quarters affected by milking failures was more severe as DIM increased. Average and peak milk flows by quarters affected by a milking failure were lower than when milkings occurred normally. However, milk production recovered its former level within seven milkings following a milking failure. Uneven frequency (weekly CV of milking intervals >27%) decreased daily milk yield, and affected multiparous more negatively than primiparous cows.  相似文献   

Machine milking-induced changes in teat tissue condition, such as congestion and edema, have been associated with teat canal openness, penetrability, and thus susceptibility to new intramammary infections and diminished animal well-being. The primary objective of this study was to investigate the association of teat-end shape and machine milking-induced short-term changes in teat tissue condition. Our secondary objective was to study the association of udder-level milking characteristics and short-term changes. Data from 125 Holstein cows were analyzed in a longitudinal prospective cohort study. Cows were housed in freestall pens with sand bedding, fed a total mixed ration, and milked 3 times per day. Teat-end shape was classified into 3 categories: pointed, flat, and round. Udder-level milking characteristics were obtained from electronic on-farm milk meters. Short-term changes in teat tissue condition after machine milking were assessed visually. Multivariable generalized mixed model analysis showed an association between teat-end shape and short-term changes. Compared with teats with round teat-end shape, the odds ratio (95% confidence interval) for short-term changes was 1.68 (0.53–5.31) and 0.03 (0.004–0.19) in teats with pointed and flat teat-end shape, respectively. There was an association between milking characteristics and short-term changes such that higher milk flow rate during the first 15 s of milking decreased the likelihood of short-term changes. The adjusted probability of short-term changes for a milking observation of a mid-lactation cow and an average first 15-s milk flow rate of 0.5 and 1.5 kg/min was 53.0% (42.8–63.8) and 32.9% (15.2–57.3), respectively. Our results suggest that teat-end shape may be one of the risk factors that contribute to machine milking-induced short-term changes. Milking characteristics (e.g., first 15-s milk flow rate) may have the potential as a measure to indirectly monitor teat tissue changes associated with machine milking on a daily basis, though further research is needed to validate this hypothesis and to establish thresholds that could serve as on-farm guidelines.  相似文献   

This experiment studied the effect of milking pipeline height (mid- vs. low-level milking system) on milking efficiency and milk composition. The experiment was of 8 wk duration: 2 wk preexperimental period and 6 wk experimental, in crossover design (2 x 2). Ewes were milked in a 2 x 12 milking parlor with 2 milking pipelines set at a milking vacuum of 36 kPa with a pulsation rate of 180 cycle/min and ratio of 50%. Height of the milkline had no effect on yield of milk at the time of milking, yield after stripping, milk composition, SCC, and number of teatcup fall-offs. Nor did milkline height have any effect on milk lipolysis or on the distribution of fatty acids. The level of free fatty acids was higher in evening than in morning milk (60.5 vs. 25.6 mg/L). Likewise, the increase in the degree of lipolysis between the receiver (40.4 mg/L) and the refrigeration tank (45.8 mg/L) underlines the importance of the milk delivery line design. The parameters (time and flow rate) that define the first peak in the milk emission kinetics were statistically different between lines, so care must be taken when comparing milk emission curves from both types of pipeline.  相似文献   

A natural exposure trial was conducted for 12 mo in a herd of 150 lactating Jersey cows to determine efficacy of a .35% chlorhexidine teat dip containing a glycerine emollient for the prevention of bovine intramammary infections. Right teats of cows were dipped in the experimental teat dip after milking machine removal and left teats were not dipped. The herd was free of Streptococcus agalactiae and had a low prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus. Most new major pathogen intramammary infections resulted from Streptococcus species, primarily Streptococcus uberis and Streptococcus dysgalactiae. New infections by Streptococcus species were significantly lower in teats dipped in chlorhexidine than in undipped teats. Overall efficacy of the chlorhexidine teat dip against major mastitis pathogens was 50%. The experimental teat dip also reduced coagulase-negative Staphylococcus species infections 49.0% and Corynebacterium bovis infections 65.2%. Overall efficacy against minor mastitis pathogens was 54.0%. No irritation or chapping of teats dipped in the experimental teat dip was observed.  相似文献   

Technical success and effectiveness of teat cleaning and the management factors associated with them were evaluated in 9 automatic milking herds. In total, 616 teats cleaned with a cleaning cup and 716 teats cleaned with rotating brushes were included. Technical success and the effectiveness of teat cleaning, including the location and nature of the dirt, were evaluated visually. On average, 79.9% of teat cleanings with a cleaning cup, and 85.0% of those cleaned with brushes succeeded technically; that is, the teat was correctly positioned in the cleaning device throughout the whole cleaning process. The difference between use of teat cups and brushes was significant. However, because technical success of teat cleaning is strongly dependent on herd characteristics, these results should be interpreted with caution. Factors associated with the technical success of teat cleaning with a cleaning cup were herd, days in milk, behavior of the cow, teat color, and teat location. For rotating brushes, behavior of the cow, teat location, udder and teat structure, and days in milk were associated with technical success. Excessive udder hair and technical failure of the automatic milking machine also caused a few technically unsuccessful teat cleanings with a cleaning cup. Teats with technically successful teat cleanings were evaluated for the effectiveness of teat cleaning. From originally dirty teats, the cleaning cup had a significant advantage over the brushes in the percentage of teats that became clean or almost clean during the cleaning process (79.8 vs. 72.9%). Teat orifices were least effectively cleaned compared with the teat barrel and apex. Bedding material (peat, sawdust, or straw) on the teat was cleaned almost completely. Factors associated with the effectiveness of teat cleaning were teat cleanliness before cleaning, herd, teat cleaning method, and teat condition. The variation among herds indicates the likelihood that herd management factors can be adjusted to improve milking hygiene. There is also a need to improve the precision and effectiveness of the teat cleaning mechanisms of automatic milking systems.  相似文献   

在分析活塞式挤奶机工作原理的基础上,根据气体状态方程建立了活塞式挤奶机工作过程的数学模型,以计算实例揭示了活塞式挤奶机壁间室真空度变化规律,证实所建数学模型的正确性,为进一步设计和研究活塞式挤奶机提供理论依据.  相似文献   

A teat disinfectant containing a phenolic combination was evaluated in a natural exposure study in two dairy research herds. Premilking teat disinfection was compared with a negative control using a split-udder experimental design. In both herds, premilking and postmilking teat disinfections with the phenolic combination were significantly more effective in preventing new intramammary infection (IMI) than was postmilking teat disinfection only. Clinical mastitis and new IMI by Streptococcus uberis, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Gram-negative pathogens, and coagulase-negative Staphylococcus species were significantly lower in quarters of cows with teats predipped and postdipped than in quarters with teats postdipped only. No chapping or teat skin irritation was observed. Premilking teat disinfection with the phenolic combination in association with good udder preparation and postmilking teat disinfection can further reduce the occurrence of new IMI by numerous mastitis pathogens during lactation.  相似文献   

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