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OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: Until recently, laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty (LAUP) has been used to treat only snoring and mild cases of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of LAUP in patients with mild, moderate, and severe OSA. STUDY DESIGN: A prospective study of 38 patients who completed LAUP for the treatment of OSA who were evaluated based on the severity level of their preoperative apnea. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between July 1993 and December 1995, 96 patients with a diagnosis of OSA based on polysomnography underwent staged outpatient LAUP treatment. Thirty-eight patients completed treatment and obtained postoperative polysomnography. Postoperative complications and polysomnographic findings were reviewed. RESULTS: Fifteen patients had a diagnosis of mild apnea, 12 had moderate apnea, and 11 had severe apnea based on preoperative polysomnography. The surgical response rates, defined as greater than or equal to 50% reduction in the postoperative respiratory disturbance index (RDI) and a postoperative RDI of less than 20, were 46.7% in the mild apneics, 41.7% in the moderate apneics, and 45.5% in the severe apneics. Postoperative complications in this series included minor bleeding, oral candidiasis, and temporary velopharyngeal insufficiency. There were no serious complications. CONCLUSIONS: In the carefully selected and prepared patient with mild, moderate, or severe OSA, LAUP should be considered a surgical option for the treatment of this disorder. LAUP remains a cost-effective and safe alternative to uvulopalatopharyngoplasty.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a minimal-intervention smoking cessation program tailored to meet the needs of patients in a pneumology practice. Six-months open study was designed, multicenter, involving four pneumology practices in different Spanish cities. Smokers with or without respiratory disease who consulted a pneumologist were included. Patients were grouped according to their phase in the self-change process toward smoking cessation: precontemplation or contemplation. The level of physical dependence on nicotine was assessed using a revised version of the Fagerstr?m test. CO in exhaled air was also measured. Precontemplators were advised to quit smoking and given a booklet about smoking addiction. Contemplators were additionally given a practical guide to quitting. Advice on quitting was different for the two different phases. Smokers were reexamined twice: 8 weeks and 6 months later. We evaluated the success of the physician's intervention of encouragement to abstain (a level of CO in exhaled air [10 ppm was required]) and we recorded change of phase in the cessation process. Three hundred thirteen subjects were enrolled: 222 men (70.9%) and 91 women (29.1%). After 6 months, 40 (43%) of the precontemplators had changed phase and 21 of them (23%) had stopped smoking; 61 (28%) of the 221 contemplators had changed phase and 20 of them (9%) had quit smoking. Personalized minimal intervention in subjects with or without disease gives good results in terms of success in quitting as well as progress toward cessation.  相似文献   

Liquid-liquid equilibrium (LLE) compositions and interfacial tensions of the aqueous two-phase system containing poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG 4000, average Mr=3500; PEG 6000, average Mr=7500; and PEG 20000, average Mr =20000) and dipotassium hydrogenphosphate were experimentally determined by using a shaking flask method and a drop volume method at 288.15, 298.15 and 308.15 K, respectively.  相似文献   

Sixty patients with leg lymphedema from a variety of etiologies were divided into randomized two groups, matched by Grade, duration, age, sex, and cause of lymphedema. Using a double-blind format, one group received 5,6 benzo-[alpha]-pyrone (coumarin 1,2 benzopyrone, 400 mg/day) for six months; the other received a placebo. For the next six months, both groups received a standardized regimen of heat (using microwaves) coupled with compression garments. Benzopyrone produced approximately 20% reduction in the volume (p = 10(-4)) and improvement in circumferences and tonometry (p = 10(-5) and 10(-7)). Symptoms (feelings of swelling, pain, heaviness and loss of mobility) were also significantly improved (p = 0.03 to 10(-7)). During the second six months, when microwave heat therapy was added to drug therapy, the patients who had previously received the placebo showed significant improvement (p = 0.03 to 10(-9)) in signs and symptoms of lymphedema. Some, but not all, of the group that was receiving benzopyrones were also significantly improved by heat therapy (p = 0.8 to 0.002). Taking benzopyrones for 12 months plus heat treatment for six months was significantly better, for some criteria, than the placebo plus heat therapy (p = 0.7 to 0.04). On the other hand, heat plus either placebo or benzopyrone was often significantly better than either the active or inactive drug without heat (p = 0.8 to 10(-9)).  相似文献   

Spasmomen is an affective medicinal substance for treating functional pathologies of digestive organs in children. The above drug is well tolerated, with no adverse events or complications being associated with its intake. Spasmomen as a drug having spasmolytic effect can be recommended for use in pediatric practice for treating children in all age brackets.  相似文献   

Definite diagnostic advantages exist in the use of combined microlaryngoscopy and microstroboscopy in vocal rehbilitation since objective determination of vocal pathology can be made. The phoniatric considerations used in determining the indications for operative investigation are described. Reference is made to specific clinical problems, including the "hormone voice" in the Reinke edema from medications used in therapy and arytenoid dislocations from insufflation anesthesias. The postoperative prognosis after endolaryngeal surgery depends on the effectiveness of the surgical intervetion and the appropriate phoniatric-logopedic care employed. The author suggests that post-operative voice pauses should be minimized and not depend upon complete re-epithelialization of operative sites. Phoniatric and logopedic treatment used is based on considerations for appropriate vocal cord movements. The advantages of endolaryngeal faradization for vocal rehabilitation are discussed. In addition, the theoretical considerations of fitness for work are also discussed.  相似文献   

The yield equation of a slip or twinning system is represented by a surface in five dimensional stress coordinates. Because of crystallographic symmetry, the yield surfaces of the twelve {111}〈112〉 twin systems can be arranged as faces of three separate tetrahedra in three-dimensional shear stress coordinates σ23, σ31, σ12. The other two stress components then determine the size of the tetrahedra. For {111}〈112〉 (or {112}〈111〉) slip, three additional tetrahedra are needed for slip in the reverse direction. A general shape change requirement of five or more active twin (or slip) systems may be found as intersections of five or more faces among the tetrahedra with the requirement that the stresses at the intersections do not exceed the yield value for the nonactive systems. These intersections have been obtained systematically. It is verified that the lists of stress states previously reported by Hosford and Chin for {111}〈112〉 multiple slip and twinning are complete.  相似文献   

Chlorhydrate nefopam was used in the prophylaxis and treatment of postoperative shivering in 54 patients undergoing general anesthesia for radical cystectomy with trans-intestinal anastomosis. Postoperative shivering was not observed in any of the patients treated with nefopam before coming round, whereas it occurred in 55% of patients treated with placebo. Chlorhydrate nefopam subsequently stopped shivering in all these patients. The main side effects observed took the form of delayed awakening in 11% of patients receiving prophylactic treatment and somnolence lasting 5-10 minutes in all other patients.  相似文献   

Subgroups of the B cell malignancies are known to be associated with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection, especially in immunocompromised patients. These are fatal and refractory to conventional antineoplastic therapy. B cells are usually post-mitotic cells and even mitogen activated or transformed B cells have shown relative resistance against viral mediated gene transfer. To address this issue, we employed a replication-defective herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) to mediate gene transfer into EBV-transformed B cells. The virus expresses the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSV-TK) and the E. coli lacZ reporter genes and is designated T0Z.1. We used the lymphoblastoid cell line SWEIG as a model for human EBV-related B cell malignancy. This cell line was established by in vitro EBV infection of primary human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. When SWEIG cells were infected with T0Z.1, X-gal staining revealed lacZ expression in more than 20% cells even at multiplicity of infection (MOI) as low as 1 and the expression persisted for at least one week. Ganciclovir (GCV) administration after T0Z.1 infection effectively decreased the number of the infected tumor cells in a dose-responsive manner. Viral toxicity was analyzed by cell proliferation assay (MTS assay) and found to be little even at 10 MOI infection. Three MOI of the virus yielded maximum antineoplastic effect and more than 50% tumor cells were killed by HSV-TK/GCV. These results suggest the potential utility of replication-defective HSV-1 for the treatment of EBV-related B cell malignancies.  相似文献   

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