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为庆祝天津电镀工程学会成立十五周年,《电镀与精饰》杂志创刊二十周年,并为促进我国表面处理业同仁与国际间的学术交流和业务往来,我学会决定1993年在中国·天津举办"电镀与精饰国际学术研讨会".此次会议原订于1993年6月中旬召开,但考虑到1993年在山东举办"第三届海峡两岸"表面精饰业联谊会",为了方便欲参加两会代表,减少旅途费用和时间,我们准备将此会与山东"海峡两岸"会议衔接起来,故决定将′93中国·天津"电镀与精饰国际学术研讨会"改在1993年8月中旬召开,会议后将参加"第三届海峡两岸联谊会"代表送往济南.  相似文献   

在开封市科协的组织与领导下,由开封市电镀研究会净化剂研制组研制的"碱性镀锌液净化剂CK-778"技术鉴定会议,于1982年11月8~10日在开封召开.参加会议的有北京、南京、上海、天津、广州、武汉、杭州、郑州、洛阳、开封等地的大学、科研和生产厂(点)共50多个单位的代表80余人.大会选出了技术鉴定领导小组.与会代表听取  相似文献   

会议自8月16至19日在天津大学召开.由天津电镀工程学会等承办.台湾代表29人,由台湾《表面工业杂志社》社长叶明仁先生率领,包括电镀、铝着色、原材料、涂装、设备、环保等各专业的企业家.大陆代表218人.大会上,大陆与台湾同仁各作了几个信息发布.  相似文献   

重庆电镀学会成立大会于五月八日至十一日在重庆市观音桥饭店隆重召开。与会代表二百余人,湖南兵工学会防腐包装学会、北京电镀学会、天津电镀工程学会等兄弟学会及学术团体分别派代表参加了会议或发来了贺电。  相似文献   

今年7月13日至16日,在美国芝加哥召开了1987年国际电镀与表面精饰会议及展览会。这次会议是由美国电镀与表面精饰者学会、金属精饰供应者协会、国家金属精饰者学会和表面精饰国际联合会等十四个组织联合发起召开的。参加会议的除美国以外,还有英、德、法、日、意、加拿大、朝鲜和中国等60多个国家和地区的300多名国际电镀与表面精饰工作者参加。我国上海轻工业专科学校的张炳乾副教授出席了这次会议,并在会上宣读了题为“塑料电镀中非贵金属  相似文献   

第一届全国中小城镇电镀工作者技术交流大会于一九八六年四月一日至六日在苏州召开。这次会议是由苏州市私立殷乃德非金属电镀研究所发起和组织主办,并经苏州市科委正式批准召开的。参加大会的代表大部份来自全国二十六个省(地区)的中小城镇,北京、上海、天津、广州、武汉等市派出顾问或特邀代表参加。  相似文献   

为了庆祝1993年天津电镀工程学会成立十五周年,《电镀与精饰》杂志创刊二十周年,同时促进我国表面处理业同仁与国际界的学术交流和业务往来,我学会已决定1993年在中国·天津举办“电镀与精饰国际学术研讨会”。此次会议原订于1993年5月中旬召开,但考虑到1993年在山东举办  相似文献   

主办单位 :天津市电镀工程学会  为促进天津电镀及环保产品的发展 ,兹订于 2 0 0 2年 9月份在天津召开第九届天津市电镀学术年会暨电镀与环保产品展示会。年会将邀请国内外专家做专题报告。  本次会议恰逢《电镀与精饰》创刊 30年 ,天津市电镀工程学会恢复活动 2 5周年 ,《电镀与精饰》编辑部与武汉风帆电镀技术有限公司还将对“风帆杯”优秀论文的作者进行颁奖。  热忱欢迎全国各届人士光临并踊跃赐稿和参展。会议事项 :● 会议报到日期 :2 0 0 2年 9月 9日 会期 :9月 1 0日至 1 1日● 地点 :天津市河东区津塘路 79号 (天津市职工…  相似文献   

为纪念天津市电镀工程学会恢复活动巧周年,《电镀与精饰》创刊20周年,天津市电镀工程学会拟于1993年4一5月间在天津召开"国际电镀与精饰"研讨会。初步议定报名及提交论文摘要时间到1992年7月底截止。报名表  相似文献   

天津市电镀学会“第六届学术年会”与“表面处理材料与设备展览会”于1988年10月17日至19日在天津科学会堂召开.出席这次会议的代表250余人,其中天津市代表180余人,来自全国20多个省市地区的代表70余人,有八个单位参加了展览.到会代表中,有多年从事表面处理技术研究的老一  相似文献   

王颍超 《广东化工》2014,(11):37-38,34
S4储气库为SQ储气库群的一部分,定位为季节调峰及应急供气型储气库。建成后即可充分利用H油田良好的地质条件、地域优势和完善的地面已有设施等建库资源,满足京津冀晋地区快速增长和季节用气峰谷差的天然气市场要求,对于优化京津冀地区能源结构,推进区域低碳、清洁发展具有重大意义。针对目标区,从气藏地质特征和气藏工程两方面入手,对气藏圈闭、构造特征、盖层特征、储层物性、气体性质、储量规模、地层压力、动态储量、采出程度等方面进行了可行性分析。结果表明,区块的盖层密封性以及边界断层的侧向封堵作用比较良好,具备建库的基本地质条件;气藏储量较大,采出程度较高,为改建储气库提供有利条件。此外,规划设计了储气库的运行参数,为具体实施建库项目奠定了基础。  相似文献   

姚波 《当代化工》2016,(3):564-566
天津石化320万t/a柴油加氢装置多次采用抚顺石油化工研究院开发的FHUDS系列催化剂进行了国V柴油的生产,该系列催化剂在生产中能够满足成品油质量升级到国V排放标准的需要。该装置工业应用结果表明,FHUDS系列催化剂是生产清洁柴油的理想催化剂,均能生产硫含量符合国Ⅴ排放标准的车用柴油组分,且在保证催化剂性能的前提下FHUDS-8催化剂堆比降低了20%。  相似文献   

Chemical engineering education aims to equip students with both theoretical knowledge and hands-on capability to solve practical problems. At Imperial College London, this is practiced via three laboratory-based courses, which span over the first three years of the undergraduate curriculum. The Foundation, Knowledge and Discovery Laboratories were designed based on Kolb’s experiential learning theory as well as Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development. Although these courses intend to challenge students, appropriate scaffolding is in place to ensure a satisfactory learning experience across the spectrum of abilities. Assessment and survey results show that all students were capable of meeting the learning goals (>96% achieving satisfactory to excellent results in academic years 2014–2016), while a large majority is satisfied with the courses (>80% in academic years 2014–2016). The design and implementation of these courses are discussed to promote the exchange of good practices within the higher education community.  相似文献   

This report is written on the basis of the summary on ten-year field exposure tests made at the reinforced concrete observation stations in Zhanjiang, Shanghai and Tianjin. Through the exposure tests at the sites, detailed studies were made and various factors causing corrosion of reinforcements in the reinforced concrete structures for harbor works are discussed.  相似文献   

Ionic liquids (ILs) have attracted considerable attention in both the academic and industrial communities for absorbing and separating gases. However, a data‐rich and well‐structured systematic database has not yet been established, and screening for highly efficient ILs meeting various requirements remains a challenging task. In this study, an extensive database of estimated Henry's law constants of twelve gases in more than ten thousand ILs at 313.15 K is established using the COSMO‐RS method. Based on the database, a new systematic and efficient screening method for IL selection for the absorption and separation of gases subject to important target properties is proposed. Application of the database and the screening method is highlighted through case studies involving two important gases separation problems (CO2 from CH4 and C2H2 from C2H4). The results demonstrate the effectiveness of using the screening method together with the database to explore and screen novel ILs meeting specific requirements for the absorption and separation of gases. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 63: 1353–1367, 2017  相似文献   

Further Development of Codex Alimentarius Standards for Oils and Fats Further development of Codex Alimentarius standards for oils and fats, which was discussed at the 7th meeting of the Codex Committee in London, is reported. Limits of fatty acid composition of individual oils and fats, problems of solvent residues as well as the development of new standards for lowerucic rapeseed oil, low calorie spreads, coconut oil, palm oil and palm kernel oil were discussed at the above meeting. It has already been realized that the Recommended Standards have a significant impact both on harmonization work within the European Community and international development of food legislation.  相似文献   

代森锰锌及其代谢物乙撑硫脲在苹果及土壤中的残留研究   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
冯秀琼  李琥 《农药》1997,36(5):31-33
本文报道了代森锰锌及其人代谢乙撑硫脲在苹果和土壤中的消解动态及残留状态。两年两地实验表明,苹果中的最终钱留未超过FAO/WHO的最大残留允许量规定,但绝大多数样品都检出痕量的乙撑硫脲。  相似文献   

大宇空调(天津)有限公司冷却水是含氯离子高、腐蚀性强的水质,系统存在严重的腐蚀问题,一直没有很好解决,天津化工研究设计院通过一系列试验室研究,确定了适合该厂的水处理方案,并经现场应用证妥,主某五理技术方案经济可行。运行4年来,取得了良好的应用效果,获得了很好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

A sophisticated style of mentoring has been found to be essential to support engineering student teams undertaking technically demanding, real-world problems as part of a Project-Centred Curriculum (PCC) at The University of Queensland. The term ‘triple-objective’ mentoring was coined to define mentoring that addresses not only the student's technical goal achievement but also their time and team management. This is achieved through a number of formal mentor meetings that are informed by a confidential instrument which requires students to individually reflect on team processes prior to the meeting, and a checklist of technical requirements against which the interim student team progress and achievements are assessed. Triple-objective mentoring requires significant time input and coordination by the academic but has been shown to ensure effective student team work and learning undiminished by team dysfunction. Student feedback shows they value the process and agree that the tools developed to support the process are effective in developing and assessing team work and skills with average scores mostly above 3 on a four-point scale.  相似文献   

采用OV-20l为固定液,2,2'-二硝基联苯作内标物,气相色谱法测定p,p'-滴滴涕含量。  相似文献   

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