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高频局放带电检测是预先发现110 kV及以上高压电缆线路本体或屏蔽层运行缺陷的有效手段之一。针对高压电缆线路屏蔽层局放检测易受外界环境干扰且信号定位缺乏有效经验问题,采用长2 m、截面积为400 mm2的9根110 kV电缆搭建一交叉互联接地形式的电缆线路局放检测试验平台,并用信号发生器模拟局放源;利用该试验平台,分别对设置于电缆屏蔽层接地线不同位置的局放信号进行检测,并根据检测到的信号幅值和波形特征判断屏蔽层局放源位置及其传播路径。试验过程及其结果为1条实际在运的110 kV电缆线路高频局放检测异常信号的分析提供了参考。  相似文献   

为了提高发现油浸式变压器潜伏性绝缘缺陷的能力,研究振荡型冲击电压下典型油纸绝缘缺陷的放电特性,掌握振荡型冲击电压下局部放电的特点和规律,提出了振荡型冲击电压试验同时进行局部放电检测的方法,开发了基于振荡型冲击电压的变压器局部放电检测系统,解决了局部放电脉冲的完整测量问题,初步实现了对局部放电的辨识和绝缘状态诊断。应用结果表明:该系统对于发现油浸式变压器绝缘缺陷是有效的。  相似文献   

The partial discharge (PD) waveform reflects the evolution process of electron avalanche in the discharge space. The authors expect to estimate the condition of the discharge space based on the PD waveform characteristics. The semi-conductive sheet was attached to the insulator to simulate the decrease in surface resistance due to deterioration. With the reduction of the surface resistivity, the shoulder appeared on the rising part of the PD waveform and the rise time of the PD waveform became longer. In addition, we simulated the change in the rise time using an equivalent circuit model. The displacement current was calculated from the surface potential distribution estimated by the diffusion equation, and the PD current was simulated by summing up all the current components. As a result, the shoulder was reproduced at the rising part of the PD waveform in the simulation as well. The surface resistance was estimated from the PD waveform by fitting with the experimental results.  相似文献   

介绍了GIS设备的发展过程,并结合GIS故障统计结果,运用声发射法原理,对哈尔滨电业局72.5kVGIS和大庆电业局126kVGIS开展了正常运行电压下的局部放电测试,测试情况良好。  相似文献   

A novel technique for partial discharge (PD) measurement and analysis (PD-CPWA; PD current pulse waveform analysis) is developed and introduced in this paper. PD-CPWA is expected to be utilized to discuss PD mechanisms and physics in electrical insulating materials, focusing on the PD current pulse waveform and its time transition from PD inception to breakdown (BD). In this paper, the concept and principle of PD-CPWA are described, and the applications of PD-CPWA to (1) epoxy spacer samples under thermal and electric combined stresses in GIS, (2) creepage PD on epoxy spacers in SF/sub 6/ gas and (3) liquid nitrogen/polypropylene laminated paper composite insulation system for high temperature superconducting cables are introduced and discussed.  相似文献   

阐述了开展冲击电压下SF6气体绝缘中局部放电及其检测技术研究的意义,以及冲击电压下局部放电的研究手段和设备现状,包括振荡冲击电压发生器、典型绝缘缺陷模型和冲击电压下局部放电的检测方法等方面。介绍了现阶段冲击电压下SF6气体绝缘中局部放电的研究仍处于实验室阶段,重点仍在于冲击电压下典型绝缘缺陷模型(针板电极和绝缘气泡)局部放电的发展机理和特征,在实际生产中应用仍需要进一步研究;最后提出了该项研究目前存在的问题及以后的研究方向。  相似文献   

气体绝缘开关设备中局部放电的在线监测技术   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文评述了气体绝缘开关设备(GIS)中局部放电的各种在线监测技术的原理特点、适用范围、灵敏度及结果评价等,认为超高频法具有抗干扰能力强、能识别缺陷类型、能对局放源准确定位等优点在GIS局部放电在线监测技术中具有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Partial discharge characteristics in air under a low vacuum region were studied to develop a diagnosis technique to determine the gas pressure in a vacuum interrupter. The pressures were set at from 1.3 Pa to 2.6 kPa in order to simulate the leakage of gas into the vacuum interrupter. The structure of the vacuum interrupter, the measurement and the circuit construction for the experimental setup were described. The measurement of partial discharge occurring inside the vacuum interrupter was performed with a current transformer, intensified charge coupled device (1CCD) camera and photomultiplier tube. The measurement of partial discharge light intensity with a photomultiplier tube was more sensitive compared with that measured with a current transformer. From this result, an attempt has been made to distinguish the pressure below and above 260 Pa on the basis of the rise time and peak intensity of discharge light pulses. A relatively longer rise time (2 mus) with a smaller magnitude (less than 0.5 mA) was attributed to a Townsend-like discharge at pressures below 260 Pa, while a sharper rise time ~(10-100 ns) with a larger magnitude (greater than 1 mA) was characterized as a streamer-like discharge above 260 Pa. In addition, the estimation of gas pressure in a vacuum interrupter was made based on phase-resolved discharge characteristics utilizing an artificial neural network.  相似文献   

本文对连续脉冲电压下局部放电的测量分析系统进行研究.分析了不同铁芯材料传感器的响应特性,并用小波包对高低频干扰信号的提取方法进行了研究.在此基础上,通过对脉冲电压下局部放电分析,进一步研究各种统计参量的统计方法和特征,并对样本老化时间和统计参量的关系也进行了验证.通过这些研究,表明该系统对脉冲电压下局部放电的提取和统计是有效的.上述工作的开展,为更深入地研究脉冲电压下绝缘老化机理打下了坚实的基础.  相似文献   

为了解决高压电缆绝缘监测系统在实际工作环境中采集的局部放电(PD)脉冲信号含有噪声的问题,提出了一种融合ICA的EMD去噪算法。详细介绍了该算法的去噪原理。该算法的优点在于不仅有效地去除了局部放电脉冲信号中的噪声,而且还很好地保留了PD信号的完整性。经过实验室模拟实验和现场在线绝缘监测实验,可以看出该算法取得了很好的去噪效果,证实了该算法的有效性与可靠性。  相似文献   

This article presents partial discharge testing of medium voltage cables. Utility engineers are faced with decision on whether to replace some of the older cables in their underground distribution systems. Today, measurement of PD at voltages above 1 Vg on extruded cables more than fifteen years old may not indicate that the cables have developed PD due to in-service aging. Removal of these cables based solely on PD measurements may not be warranted. Failure history of the cable, in conjunction with an analysis of the PD site, should be part of the utility engineer's decision-making process.  相似文献   

姜雨泽 《中国电力》2005,38(12):59-63
开发电晕放电烟气净化设备用防腐导电涂料,对涂层的导电特性进行了研究。涂层导电机理为渗流、隧道效应和场致发射综合作用。涂层比电阻随填料粒度的增大、添加量的增加显著下降,温度对比电阻影响不大,涂料的比电阻为102~104Ω.cm量级。极板涂覆涂层后,直流电晕放电电流略有下降,脉冲电晕放电波形不变,涂层不影响电晕放电烟气净化效果,该涂料用于电晕放电烟气净化设备的防腐是可行的。  相似文献   

变压器套管是承担引出线与变压器箱体绝缘的重要支撑装置,现有变压器套管潜伏性放电故障检测技术及时性差且灵敏度较低,而特高频技术抗干扰能力强且可实现非接触式检测。文中提出一种基于特高频检测技术的套管局放检测方法,建立35 kV套管的局放仿真模型并开展真型套管不同类型缺陷的局放试验。所得结论为:电容屏间油纸和外侧油道都是特高频电磁波传播的有效路径;传播过程中横电波(TM波)从-16 dB大幅衰减至-5 dB,横磁波(TE波)初始成分不足1%,主要成分为横电磁波(TEM波);特高频段能量主要集中在0.3~1.5 GHz。通过设置无接触特高频传感器即可实现套管的带电检测,确保电力变压器运行安全可靠。  相似文献   

电力电缆耐压和局部放电试验方法的改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张强  宫瑞磊  燕飞 《绝缘材料》2004,37(5):28-29,34
从理论和应用的观点讨论了电压等级35kV及以下的交联聚乙烯电缆耐压和局部放电试验时,杯型终端中使用氟里昂与水两种液体介质来替代单一氟里昂液体介质的新方法。利用时域有限元方法在理论上分析了该方法的可行性,并且试验验证了该方法的正确性。新方法能节约氟里昂,更重要的是能够减少对大气环境的污染。  相似文献   

The authors investigated the characteristics of the electromagnetic spectrum caused by partial discharges (PDs) in air at three different types of high-voltage substations. From the measured results, they characterized the electromagnetic noise spectrum depending on the type of substation. They also measured the long-term change of the average gain of the noise spectrum and discussed the influence of atmospheric conditions on the results. Moreover, they introduced the “equivalent charge (qe)” which was derived by converting the electric field strength estimated from the average gain into the charge magnitude of PD. They also proposed a “phase gate control method” for better understanding the electromagnetic noise spectrum characteristics and the mechanism causing electromagnetic waves from PDs  相似文献   

高压开关柜局部放电的准确、快速定位对于及时排除设备故障隐患,保障电力系统的安全稳定运行具有重要的作用.利用四通道暂态对地电压(transient earth voltage,TEV)传感器的多种布置方式,首先将局部放电确定在开关柜某一柜面的某一隔室;基于某一隔室的XFDTD简化模型仿真结果,利用双曲面定位法和空间网格搜索法自行编制程序确定了某一隔室内放电源的具体位置;通过在实验室搭建了高压开关柜局部放电定位试验平台,验证定位方法的有效性.  相似文献   

We observed current pulse waveforms of partial discharge (PD) in SF6 gas so as to investigate the PD mechanism. We also measured light intensity and light emission image of PD simultaneously under different conditions of applies voltage and SF6 gas pressure. From these experiments, we found that the “double-peak current waveform” appeared at high pressure and high voltage conditions. We also analyzed the mutual correlation of waveforms between a single current and the light emission. Moreover, we obtained experimental evidence of filmentlike light image appearing at the PD tip under the same condition with double-peak current waveform. From the electric field analysis around the needle electrode tip, we believe that the filamentlike light image expands beyond the critical electric field of SF6 gas. Thus, we concluded that these current waveforms with double peaks showed evidence of leader-type PD, leading to breakdown. Finally, we could point out that leader-type PD should be distinguished and measured for the diagnosis of GIS insulation performance. © 1999 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 129(4): 58–65, 1999  相似文献   

高灵敏度状态感知是实现设备数字化运维的关键环节,也是实现设备状态分析与全生命周期管理的重要前提。局部放电暂态地电压(transient earth voltage,TEV)检测是实现开关柜绝缘状态感知的主要手段,其检测灵敏度受到放电类型与部位、检测位置的影响,目前缺乏系统研究。文中建立基于实测脉冲电流波形的时域有限差分法的电磁波仿真模型;分析局部放电脉冲电流波形上升沿时间、放电源位置及脉冲电流方向等因素对TEV幅值与衰减程度的影响;在实验室开展开关柜局部放电试验与TEV测量,得到影响TEV检测灵敏度的主要因素。结果表明,脉冲电流上升沿时间与放电源位置是影响开关柜局部放电信号幅值的主要因素。脉冲电流上升沿时间越长,TEV信号幅值越小,当2种脉冲电流波形上升沿时间相差10倍时,TEV幅值相差3.17~3.37倍;母排室局部放电的TEV衰减程度明显大于电缆室,前者衰减程度约为后者的9.5~10.0倍。该结论对检验TEV检测灵敏度具有参考价值。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the features of harmonic distortion which may affect significantly the reliability of typical ac-power network equipment, such as low-voltage self-healing capacitors used for reactive power and harmonic compensation. Moreover, the effect of high-frequency pulse-like voltage generated by Adjustable Speed Drives (ASD) on electrical machine insulation is also investigated, resorting to life tests carried out on different insulating materials of the standard and “corona resistant” type, at electrical field levels able to incept partial discharges (PD)  相似文献   

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