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"CHINAPLAS2012国际橡塑展"(第二十六届中国国际塑料橡胶工业展览会)将于2012年4月18日~21日重临上海,于上海浦东新国际博览中心盛大举行。显赫的往绩"CHINAPLAS国际橡塑展"首办于1983年,拥有25届佳绩,是唯一荣获欧洲塑料和橡胶工业机械制造商协会(EUROMAP)赞助的中国橡塑工业展,亦是中国唯一荣获全球展览业协会(UFI)认可的塑料橡胶  相似文献   

<正>第二十四届中国国际塑料橡胶工业展览会(下称"CHINAPLAS2010国际橡塑展")已于4月22日在中国上海新国际博览中心圆满闭幕。作为享誉亚洲及全球的橡塑业顶级盛会,"CHINAPLAS 2010国际橡塑展"  相似文献   

<正>第二十四届中国国际塑料橡胶工业展览会(下称"CHINAPLAS 2010国际橡塑展")已于4月22日在中国上海新国际博览中心圆满闭幕。作为享誉亚洲及全球的橡塑业顶级盛会,"CHI-NAPLAS2010国际橡塑展"在短短四  相似文献   

<正>第二十四届中国国际塑料橡胶工业展览会(简称「CHINAPLAS 2010国际橡塑展」)将于2010年4月19-22日在上海上海新国际博览中心举行,将再次"掌舵"国内橡塑行业,为全球业界展示橡塑高科技的国际行业盛会。  相似文献   

"CHINAPLAS 2013国际橡塑展"(第二十七届中国国际塑料橡胶工业展览会)将于2013年5月20至23日回归广州中国进出口商品交易会展馆,规模空前。骄人往绩突显行业地位已连续举办26届的"CHINAPLAS国际橡塑展"规模连年扩大,并已被业界公认为亚洲第一,  相似文献   

2014年"萨驰杯"第九届中国(国际)橡塑技术、装备与市场高峰论坛(苏州)2012年"万向新元杯"第八届中国(国际)橡塑技术、装备与市场高峰论坛(北京)2010年"力创杯"第七届全国橡塑技术与市场研讨会暨石油和化工橡塑节能环保中心成立大会(桂林)2007年"大橡塑杯"第六届全国橡塑技术与市场研讨会暨中国国际橡塑行业高峰论坛(大连)2005年"青岛软控杯"第五届全国橡塑技术与市场研讨会暨中国国际橡塑行业高峰论坛(青岛)2003年"富特杯"第四届全国橡塑技术与市场研讨会(昆明)2001年"双象杯"第三届全国橡塑技术与市场研讨会(无锡)1999年"赛象杯"第二届全国橡塑技术与装备论文报告会(宁波)1995年第一届全国橡胶技术与装备论文报告会(青岛)  相似文献   

正2014年"萨驰杯"第九届中国(国际)橡塑技术、装备与市场高峰论坛(苏州)2012年"万向新元杯"第八届中国(国际)橡塑技术、装备与市场高峰论坛(北京)2010年"力创杯"第七届全国橡塑技术与市场研讨会暨石油和化工橡塑节能环保中心成立大会(桂林)2007年"大橡塑杯"第六届全国橡塑技术与市场研讨会暨中国国际橡塑行业高峰论坛(大连)2005年"青岛软控杯"第五届全国橡塑技术与市场研讨会暨中国国际橡塑行业高峰论坛(青岛)  相似文献   

王玲 《中国橡胶》2011,27(8):35-35
伴随橡塑业成长高端品牌深入人心2011年5月17~20日,CHINAPLAS国际橡塑展(第二十五届中国国际塑料橡胶工业展览会)将在亚洲最大的展览馆——广州·中国进出口商品交易会琶洲展馆隆重举行。早年的CHINAPLAS国际橡塑展是一个为中国企业提供学习机会的平台。"几千平方米的展览面积,百家参展企业,参展商全部是外国企业,没有中国自己的参展产品和技术。"主办方雅式展览服务有限公司董事长-朱裕伦先生回忆起第一届CHI-  相似文献   

<正>继成功举办两届"中国汽车橡塑制品技术与市场发展论坛"后,由中国橡胶工业协会、浙江省橡胶工业协会和宁海县人民政府联合举办的"第三届中国(国际)汽车橡塑制品技术与市场发展论坛"9月25日在宁海开幕。会议旨在更好地推动我国汽车橡塑零部件产业的发展,促进国内橡塑汽配生产企业提高产品质量、改进产品结构、完善企业管理、推动新材料新技术应用,满足汽车工业对橡塑汽配产品的需求。论坛邀请到了来自美国和日本的专家到会演讲。同时,大会还邀请了中国工  相似文献   

第二十二届中国国际塑料橡胶工业展览会(下称"2008国际橡塑展")于4月17日至20日在中国上海新国际博览中心隆重举行.  相似文献   

Two series of semiinterpenetrating networks (SIPN) based on linear hydrophilic poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and thermo‐responsive poly(N‐isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPA), physically crosslinked with inorganic clay, are presented. The hydrogels with different crosslinking densities were prepared by varying the content of clay from 1 to 6 wt % and contained linear interpenetrant, PVA in the range of 0.5–1.5 wt %. The effect of clay content on swelling/deswelling behavior and phase transition in PNIPA gels, as well as the feasibility of reinforcing the gels with high molecular weight PVA, were analyzed. The thermal response of hydrogels, followed by DSC, confirmed that the insertion of hydrophilic PVA did not have a significant effect on the onset of the volume phase transition temperature, while the response was faster. The equilibrium degree of swelling of SIPNs and PNIPA hydrogels was in the range of 9–79 and decreased with increasing content of clay. The internal morphology and surface wettability of the hydrogels were investigated by scanning electron microscope analysis and contact angle measurements, respectively. The network structural parameters of the PNIPA and SIPN nanocomposites hydrogels, such as the average molecular weight between crosslinks, Mc, and effective crosslinking density, Ne, were determined by dynamic mechanical analysis. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2017 , 134, 44535.  相似文献   

Electrodialysis (ED) was applied to concentrate brine solutions of various concentrations — similar to effluentsfrom the desalination of brackish and industrial water — to about 20%. The consequent reduction in effluent volumes would facilitate a reduction in disposal costs. The energy requirement for concentrating solutions from 70 to 300 mN (0.4-1.8%) to 3.9 N (20%) was in the range 1.5-7.1 kWh/m3, in contrast to approximately 25 kWh/m3 by thermal evaporation. With the aim of preventing precipitation of CaSO4 on the membranes, laboratory-scale ED experiments were carried out on solutions of different compositions to determine the conditions that would lead to the precipitation of excess gypsum on gypsum seeds in a separate precipitator. The results were then applied in a pilot-scale ED unit in which the brine that circulated through the ED brine cells passed through a separate CaSO, precipitator containing gypsum seeds.  相似文献   

Cyclopropenoids inactivated by reactingSterculia foetida oil with cottonseed oil fatty acids were fed at three dietary levels to growing rats and laying hens for 4 weeks. At the termination of the experiments, all animals were autopsied and examined microscopically for pathological lesions, but no pathology that could be related to dietary treatment was observed. Hemoglobin, packed cell volume and plasma cholesterol were similar in animals fed all of the diets. Growth rate of rats and egg production of hens fed the experimental diets were similar to those of animals fed the control diet. After 3 and 6 months of storage, eggs from hens fed the inactivated cyclopropenoids were normal and showed no evidence of the unusual characteristics of cyclopropenoid feeding. Lipids of heart, liver and adipose tissues of all the rats and hens varied little from the normal fatty acid composition. Small amounts of three unidentified fatty acids were found in the adipose tissues of rats fed the higher levels of inactivated cyclopropenoids. The results of these feeding studies suggest that inactivation of cyclopropenoids with fatty acids eliminates the unusual biological effects attributable to cyclopropenoids. Presented at the AOCS Meeting, New Orleans, April 1970.  相似文献   

山东铝业公司水泥厂(以下简称我厂)运行的大型高压电动机较多.有时由于长时间停运或者环境的潮湿,导致电动机的绝缘水平下降,致使电动机不能再次正常启动。因大型电动机是企业的关键设备,其运行好坏直接影响企业生产的正常与否,进而影响企业效益。  相似文献   

复合肥行业的转型升级已被列为化肥行业"十三五"规划重要内容。介绍我国复合肥行业转型发展期的特征,并提出在此形势下复合肥行业的发展思路;以创新谋发展,促进行业技术水平提高;以协作促转型,助推行业转型发展。  相似文献   

曹和胜 《轮胎工业》2006,26(9):564-565
介绍厦门正新橡胶工业有限公司在观念、产品、管理和技术方面开展创新活动的经验。观念创新是名牌战略的灵魂,相互理解与支持、创建伙伴关系是公司对外往来的原则,坚决实施名牌战略,坚持以人为本、适才适用的原则;产品创新是占领市场的法宝,根据市场需求不断适时开发新产品;管理创新是维护品牌形象的前提,各项试验均执行企业内控标准,严把产品质量关;技术创新是实施名牌战略的源泉,以自有技术开发各种轮胎。通过开展创新活动,公司利税指标一直位居国内前列。  相似文献   

目的探讨混合痔行PPH的护理方法。方法99例混合痔患者均行PPH,手术前向患者介绍住院环境、住院须知,告知治疗方法及护理上需要的配合,饮食、排便的注意事项,术前准备等;术后体位及恢复饮食时间,大小便情况观察及各种外用药的使用,出血护理及伤口护理,肛门功能锻炼;制定入院评估,印制出院指导。结果99例患者痔核明显回缩,顺利出院。结论混合痔PPH的术前术后护理对患者顺利康复有重要意义。  相似文献   

樊森 《中国涂料》2005,20(12):16-18
位于西部大开发的龙头省份——陕西省的陕西宝塔山油漆股份有限公司,自1958年创建以来,历经40多年的积累,40多年的发展,现已成为西北地区产销量最大的涂料生产企业和中国涂料工业骨干企业,以非凡的努力奠定了西北涂料业旗舰的地位。其资本结构的调整、诚信经营的建设及创新发展的模式,对涂料行业的发展可带来一些启迪借鉴。  相似文献   

Cotton fabric decorated with TiO2 synthesized by sol-gel approach was investigated as a self-cleaning material depending on the TiO2 loading (1.5 wt% in the case of single layered fabric and 3 wt% in the case of double layered). The materials were investigated by SEM, EDX, XRD, FTIR, and photoactivity. The self-cleaning property was established by determining the amount of the coated dust, the elemental composition, the carbon content, the opacity, and the water contact angle. The self-cleaning property of the impregnated fabric was accentuated by TiO2 loading. The dust deposited on the single layer fabric stored inside was 3.8 wt% lower than on the nonimpregnated fabric and that deposited on double layer fabric, respectively, was reduced by 9.1 wt%. The decrease in the deposited dust was more accentuated for the samples stored outside (4.2 wt% for the single layer fabric and 16 wt% for the double layer fabric, as compared with the nonimpregnated textile).  相似文献   

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