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The WAF1/p21 gene product is an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases which can be induced by the tumor suppressor p53 and mediate some of its effects, or function in p53-independent pathways of cell cycle regulation. Although a potential tumor suppressor gene, WAF1/p21 is expressed in bladder cancer. To elucidate the function of p21 in tumor cells we have investigated in urothelial carcinoma cell lines: i) WAF1/p21 mRNA and protein expression, ii) the biological effects of p21 overexpression or down-regulation and (iii) whether p21 can be induced by p53. WAF1/p21 mRNA levels examined in four cell lines were comparable to bladder mucosa. One cell line, HT1376, failed to express p21 protein due to a frame shift mutation. Overexpression of WAF1/p21 cDNA inhibited clone formation in three cell lines, whereas transfection with antisense WAF1 increased clone sizes and numbers. WAF1 sense clones showed diminished cell proliferation compared to the parental cell line. Apoptosis- induced wild-type p53 was not inhibited by overexpression of antisense WAF1/p21. In a cell clone derived from line VMCub1 by stable transfection with wild-type p53 under the control of a metallothionein promotor, p21 was induced along with p53 upon activation of the promoter with zinc chloride. This induction was accompanied by a decrease in cell proliferation but by little apoptosis. These data suggest that p21 inhibits proliferation in a p53-dependent or independent manner but does not mediate p53-induced apoptosis in urothelial carcinoma cells.  相似文献   

Activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase/stress-activated protein kinase (JNK/SAPK) has been implicated in the induction of apoptosis in a variety of systems [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]. BAF3 cells are pre-B cells that undergo apoptosis following IL-3 withdrawal or ceramide treatment [9] [10]. JNK/SAPK in BAF3 cells is stimulated by ceramide and also during cell proliferation in response to IL-3 [11], but its role in the apoptotic response is not clear. We have devised a method of selectively inhibiting JNK/SAPK activity using a dual-specificity threonine/tyrosine phosphatase, M3/6. Expression of this phosphatase in BAF3 cells prevented ceramide stimulation of JNK/SAPK activity but did not affect apoptosis following IL-3 withdrawal or ceramide treatment. IL-3-stimulated proliferation of BAF3 cells expressing the phosphatase was, however, inhibited. Hence JNK/SAPK activation is likely to be involved in the proliferative response of these cells but is not required for apoptosis. Selective ablation by dual-specificity phosphatases should be a general method for determining the functions of specific mitogen-activated kinase pathways.  相似文献   

In addition to binding DNA in a sequence-specific manner, p53 can interact with nucleic acids in a sequence-independent manner. p53 can bind short single-stranded DNA and double-stranded DNA containing nucleotide loops; these diverse associations may be critical for p53 signal transduction. In this study, we analyzed p53 binding to DNA fragments containing insertion/deletion mismatches (IDLs). p53 required an intact central domain and dimerization domain for high affinity complex formation with IDLs. In fact, the C terminus of p53 (amino acids 293-393) was functionally replaceable with a foreign dimerization domain in IDL binding assays. From saturation binding studies we determined that the KD of p53 binding to IDLs was 45 pM as compared with a KD of 31 pM for p53 binding to DNA fragments containing a consensus binding site. Consistent with these dissociation constants, p53-IDL complexes were dissociated with relatively low concentrations of competitor consensus site-containing DNA. Although p53 has a higher affinity for DNA with a consensus site as compared with IDLs, the relative number and availability of each form of DNA in a cell immediately after DNA damage may promote p53 interaction with DNA lesions. Understanding how the sequence-specific and nonspecific DNA binding activities of p53 are integrated will contribute to our knowledge of how signaling cascades are initiated after DNA damage.  相似文献   

Somatostatin (SST) exerts direct antiproliferative effects in tumor cells, triggering either growth arrest or apoptosis. The cellular actions of SST are transduced through a family of five distinct somatostatin receptor subtypes (SSTR1-5). Whereas growth inhibition has been reported to follow stimulation of protein tyrosine phosphatase via SSTR2 or inhibition of Ca2+ channels via SSTR5 in heterologous expression systems, the subtype selectivity for signaling apoptosis has not been investigated. The tumor suppressor protein p53 and the protooncogene product c-Myc regulate cell cycle progression (growth factors present) or apoptosis (growth factors absent). The p53-induced G1 arrest requires induction of p21, an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases, whereas apoptosis requires induction of Bax. c-Myc is capable of abrogating p53-induced G1 arrest by interfering with the inhibitory action of p21 on cyclin-dependent kinases. We have, therefore, investigated the regulation of p53, p21, c-Myc, and Bax and cellular apoptosis in relation to cell cycle progression in CHO-K1 cells stably expressing individual human SSTR1-5. We demonstrate that apoptosis is signaled uniquely through human SSTR3 and is associated with dephosphorylation-dependent conformational change in wild-type (wt) p53 as well as induction of Bax. The induction of wt p53 occurs rapidly and precedes the onset of apoptosis. We show that the increase in wt p53 is not associated with the induction of p21 or c-Myc when octreotide-induced apoptosis becomes evident, suggesting that such apoptosis does not require G1 arrest and is not c-Myc dependent. These findings provide the first evidence for hormonal induction of wt p53-associated apoptosis via G protein-coupled receptor in a subtype-selective manner.  相似文献   

The relationship between acute (<36 h) induction of apoptosis and longer-term (>72 h) intestinal histopathology was systematically investigated in vivo using p53 wild-type (+/+) and null (-/-) mice. Administration of the enterotoxin 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) at either 40 or 400 mg/kg to BDF1 mice induced an acute p53-dependent apoptosis in the crypts of both small intestine and midcolon. Although the amount of apoptosis was of the same order of magnitude at its peak (24 h) at both doses, only 400 mg/kg 5-FU brought about histopathological changes to the gut after 96 h, quantified as losses of crypt and villus cellularity. Only after the administration of 400 mg/kg 5-FU were mitotic index and DNA synthesis significantly suppressed in both small intestinal and midcolonic crypts at 24 h. This correlated with a prolonged, p53-dependent expression of p21waf-1/cip1. In p53 null (-/-) mice, significant reductions in both 5-FU-induced apoptosis and inhibition of cell cycle progression allowed retention of crypt integrity 96 h after 5-FU. These results show that quantitative measures of acute apoptosis in vivo may not accurately predict subsequent pathological changes in the gut. Rather, p53-dependent inhibition of cell cycle progression, together with cell loss by apoptosis, caused a loss of crypt integrity. Importantly, the tissue toxicity of 5-FU was genetically determined at a locus (p53) separate from that directly associated with drug action.  相似文献   

Treatment of neonatal rat islets of Langerhans with combined cytokines (interleukin-1beta 10(-10) M, tumour necrosis factor-alpha 10(-10) M, interferon-gamma 5 U/ml) led to extensive cell death, which was potentiated by Fas activation with the anti-Fas cytolytic antibody JO2. Pre-treatment with insulin (25 ng/ml) or insulin-like growth factor-1 (10(-8)M) gave only partial protection against cell killing, but prevented the Fas-mediated component. In the absence of cytokine treatment, Fas-mediated killing was not observed.  相似文献   

Cell growth arrest is a common response to DNA damage by ionising irradiation and the p53 gene has been shown to play an important role in this mechanism, possibly in a tissue-specific manner. Mutations in the p53 gene are frequent in invasive bladder cancers, which are often treated by radiotherapy. In this paper we have investigated the growth response to X-irradiation of three bladder cancer cell lines with differing p53 status: UCRU-BL-17 overexpresses mutant p53, while UCRU-BL-13 and UCRU-BL-28 contain wt P53. We have also examined the expression of proteins reported to be part of the p53 control pathway in response to irradiation-induced DNA damage. No G1 arrest was detectable in any of the cell lines after ionising irradiation; furthermore, in a downstream event reported to be correlated with p53 function there was no increase in WAF-1 protein levels regardless of p53 status. Rather, ionising irradiation resulted in G2 arrest, but the extent of this was not related to p53 status. p16 levels were also not affected by irradiation. Our results suggest that the UCRU-BL-28 cell line may have a defect in the p53-cell control pathway upstream of p53, while UCRU-BL-13 cells may have a defect downstream between p53 and WAF-1.  相似文献   

Deregulated overexpression of c-Myc (Myc) confers susceptibility to apoptosis in several cell types, but the molecular regulation of these processes has not been well established. Here we have characterized several molecular changes that may modulate Myc-dependent apoptosis. Ectopic overexpression of Myc in both Rat1 fibroblasts and human osteosarcoma cells causes a dramatic increase of cellular p53 mRNA and protein, and this induction of p53 correlates with apoptosis triggered by withdrawal of serum. Stable transfection of a wild-type human p53 gene into Myc-transformed cells further potentiates apoptosis. Anticancer agents vinblastine and nocodazole also induce apoptosis in Myc-transformed Rat1 fibroblasts but are cytostatic to the same cells without Myc overexpression. We demonstrate that induction of Myc-dependent apoptosis in these cells is specifically associated with an activation of p46 c-Jun N-terminal kinase/stress-activated protein kinase (JNK/SAPK) activity, whereas this JNK/SAPK activation is absent in stress-treated cells without Myc overexpression. Moreover, overexpression of the Mdm-2 gene in Rat1-myc cells significantly inhibits apoptosis induced by low serum but has little effect on apoptosis triggered by chemotherapeutic drugs. Interestingly, differential inhibition by Mdm-2 paralleled differential activation of p46 JNK/SAPK. Thus, our data support a functional involvement of p53 in Myc-dependent apoptosis and implicate potential regulatory roles for JNK/SAPK and Mdm-2 pathways in the regulation of apoptosis in Myc-transformed tumor cells.  相似文献   

NS Litofsky  D Hinton  C Raffel 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1994,34(6):967-72; discussion 972-3
Mutations in the p53 gene, which codes for a cell division regulatory protein, have been identified in approximately one-third of adult astrocytomas. We evaluated 35 astrocytic tumors (17 pilocytic, 4 diffuse low grade, 12 anaplastic, and 2 glioblastoma) in pediatric patients for p53 mutations, using polymerase chain reaction-single-stranded conformation polymorphism analysis as a screening technique. Additionally, those tumors identified with homozygosity in the area of the p53 gene on chromosome 17 by Southern blotting were sequenced to look for p53 mutations. No tumors were identified with polymerase chain reaction-single-stranded conformation polymorphism analysis shifts indicative of mutations in the p53 gene. Five of 21 tumors were homozygous in the region of the p53 gene on chromosome 17; no mutations in exons 5 to 8 were found in any of these tumors. The frequency of p53 mutation in pediatric astrocytomas is significantly less than the frequency for adult tumors, regardless of tumor grade. Furthermore, the frequency of p53 mutations in high-grade astrocytomas is significantly lower in pediatric tumors than in adult tumors. These results suggest that p53 is not important in the oncogenesis of pediatric astrocytomas. Oncogenesis in pediatric astrocytomas may occur by different mechanisms than those of similar tumors in adults.  相似文献   

To explore the pathway of p53 dependent cell death, we investigated if p53 dependent apoptosis following DNA damage is mediated by the CD95 (APO-1/Fas) receptor/ligand system. We investigated cell lines of solid human tumors upon treatment with clinically relevant chemotherapeutic drugs known to act via p53 accumulation. Treatment with these cytotoxic drugs led to an upregulation of both, the CD95 receptor (CD95) and the CD95L (CD95L). Induction of the CD95L occurred in p53 wild-type (wt), p53 mutant (mt) and in cell lines lacking p53 altogether (p53-/-). Thus, the regulation of the CD95L in response to chemotherapeutic drugs clearly involves p53 independent mechanisms. Most importantly, upregulation of CD95 occurred only in cell lines with wild-type p53, thereby strongly increasing the responsiveness towards CD95 mediated apoptosis. Thus, upregulation of the CD95 receptor seems to be dependent on intact wild-type p53. Apoptosis was mediated by cleavage of the receptor proximal caspase, caspase-8 (FLICE/MACH). Caspase-8 cleavage was observed, independent of the p53 status of the tumor cells and irrespective whether or not apoptosis was dependent on the CD95 system. Hence, additional effector pathways besides CD95/CD95L signaling are likely to contribute to drug-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the translational value of the quantitative assay of mutant p53 protein expression as both a prognostic indicator and a tool to determine appropriate therapy in a group of relatively innocuous and morphologically similar soft tissue sarcomas (STSs). Using a quantitative ELISA, we analyzed mutant p53 protein expression in 47 well-differentiated (grade I) STSs from patients treated in our Department of Surgical Oncology. Sixteen of 47 tumors expressed up to 42.6 ng mutant p53 protein/mg total protein. After a mean follow-up of 112 months, 63% of the patients with mutant p53+ tumors but only 16% of the patients with mutant p53- tumors had died (P < 0.01). Mutant p53 expression of >/=4.5 ng predicted even greater reduction in survival. These data show that mutant p53 expression identifies biologically aggressive grade I STSs. This molecular marker should have translational value as a tool to select those patients likely to benefit from aggressive multimodal therapy and intense surveillance.  相似文献   

Previous reports have demonstrated that a variety of anticancer drugs, e.g., 1-beta-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine (ara-C), mitoxantrone, etoposide, camptothecin, and cisplatin, induce the expression of c-jun oncogene in leukemic cells prior to producing internucleosomal DNA fragmentation and the morphological features of apoptosis. This has led to the impression that the induction of c-jun expression may be directly involved in the molecular signaling of the final common pathway of programmed cell death or apoptosis. In the present study, we examined the role of c-jun expression in three different settings of anticancer drug-induced apoptosis in human leukemic cells. First, exposure of human myeloid leukemia HL-60 cells to high-dose ara-C for 4 h produced internucleosomal DNA fragmentation preceded by c-jun induction. However, pretreatment of HL-60 cells with staurosporine, a protein kinase C inhibitor, repressed c-jun yet enhanced DNA fragmentation and apoptosis due to ara-C. Second, in human pre-B leukemia 697/BCL-2 cells which are transfected with the cDNA of the bcl-2 oncogene and overexpress p26BCL-2, although ara-C or mitoxantrone treatment caused greater c-jun induction than in the 697/neo cells, significantly reduced endonucleolytic DNA fragmentation and apoptosis was observed in 697/BCL-2 cells. Finally, taxol-induced internucleosomal DNA fragmentation and morphological features of apoptosis in HL-60 cells were not associated with the induction of c-jun expression. These lines of evidence indicate that the induction of c-jun expression may not have a direct role in the molecular signaling of anticancer drug-induced apoptosis, and that the anticancer drug-induced apoptosis can occur by a mechanism that does not involve the induction of c-jun expression.  相似文献   

Enhancement of the cytotoxicity of cytosine arabinoside (ara-C) by granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), and the mechanisms involved, were studied in the AML-193 human leukemia cell line. AML-193 cells require GM-CSF and G-CSF(CSFs) for optimum growth, and 24 h deprivation of CSFs decreased DNA synthesis measured in terms of 3H-thymidine incorporation. The DNA synthesis gradually recovered upon addition of CSFs. To examine the sensitivity to ara-C under different growth conditions, two groups of cell suspensions, one pretreated with CSFs after 24 h deprivation (CSFs(+) cells), and the other held continuously under CSFs-free conditions (CSFs(-) cells), were exposed to 1.0 microgram/ml of ara-C for 16 h. In clonogenic assays, CSFs(+) cells showed higher sensitivity to ara-C than CSFs(-) cells. These cell groups showed no significant difference in ara-C triphosphate accumulation or retention, though the amount of ara-C incorporated into the acid-insoluble fraction was two times greater in CSFs(+) cells than CSFs(-) cells, and that difference became even clearer in the retention pools. These data suggest that the enhancement of cytotoxicity by CSFs was due to the promotion of ara-C incorporation into DNA as a result of an increase of the cell fraction in the S phase.  相似文献   

Despite good evidence for p53 dysfunction in human hepatocellular carcinomas, little is known of the significance of p53 to normal hepatocytes and whether p53 dysfunction is relevant to early hepatocarcinogenesis. We have therefore examined the consequences of targeted p53 deficiency in hepatocytes for regulation of apoptosis, proliferation, and ploidy. p53 deficiency was silent in normal liver and did not affect progression from diploidy to polyploidy in the aging liver. However, in primary culture the absence of p53 resulted in increased hepatocyte proliferation indices and decreased sensitivity to proliferation inhibition by TGFbeta. Moreover, p53-deficient cells continued to survive and proliferate under conditions of minimal trophic support that led to growth arrest and apoptosis of wild-type cells. In vivo, p53-deficient mice had enhanced proliferative responses to both xenobiotic hepatomitogen and CCl4-induced liver necrosis, although lack of persistent proliferation showed that other control mechanisms are important. There was no simple relationship between p53 and apoptosis after DNA damage because UV irradiation led to p53-independent apoptosis, even though p53 was stabilized. However, p53 did couple DNA damage to growth arrest, and abnormal mitoses after gamma-irradiation of regenerating p53 null livers demonstrated circumstances where loss of G1 and G2 checkpoints may generate abnormal ploidy. Thus p53 becomes important when hepatocytes are released from G0 and stressed, sensitizing them to mitogen and cytokine regulators of cell cycle progression and apoptosis. Hence p53 deficiency is likely to be significant in an environment of persistent regenerative stimuli and unfavorable trophic support or in the presence of other enabling genetic lesions. This model is relevant to human hepatocarcinogenesis, which almost always occurs against a background of chronic hepatocellular destruction in hepatitis and cirrhosis. In that context, by reducing the need for cytokine support and disabling DNA damage-induced growth arrest, p53 deficiency should facilitate the expansion of preneoplastic clones in chronic liver disease.  相似文献   

Fc gamma R cross-linking on murine macrophages resulted in the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) family members p42MAPK, p38, and c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK)/stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK). The temporal pattern of activation was distinct for each kinase. p42MAPK activation peaked at 5 min after receptor cross-linking, while peak p38 activity occurred 5 to 10 min later. Maximal JNK/SAPK activation occurred 20 min after Fc gamma R cross-linking. The selective MAPK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase-1 (MEK-1) inhibitor PD 098059 inhibited activation of p42MAPK induced by Fc gamma R cross-linking, but not p38 or JNK/SAPK activation. PD 098059 also inhibited the synthesis of TNF-alpha induced by Fc gamma R cross-linking (IC50 approximately 0.1 microM). Together, these results suggest that 1) the activation of MAPKs may play a role in Fc gammaR signal transduction, and 2) the activation of p42MAPK is necessary for Fc gamma R cross-linking-induced TNF-alpha synthesis.  相似文献   

Rho proteins are a branch of GTPases that belongs to the Ras superfamily which are critical elements of signal transduction pathways leading to a variety of cellular responses. This family of small GTPases has been involved in diverse biological functions such as cytoskeleton organization, cell growth and transformation, cell motility, migration, metastasis, and responses to stress. We report that several human Rho proteins including Rho A, Rho C and Rac 1, are capable of inducing apoptosis in different cell systems like murine NIH3T3 fibroblasts and the human erythroleukemia K562 cell line. Since K562 cells are devoid of p53, apoptosis induced by Rho in this system is independent of p53. Rho-dependent apoptosis is mediated by the generation of ceramides, and it is drastically inhibited by ectopic expression of Bcl2, both under in vitro and in vivo conditions. Furthermore, the human oncogenes vav and ost that have been shown to function as guanine exchange factors for Rho proteins, were also able to induce apoptosis under similar conditions. Finally, we also report that the levels of endogenous Rho proteins are increased when U937 myeloid leukemia cells are exposed to apoptosis-inducing conditions such as TNF alpha treatment. Furthermore, TNF alpha-induced apoptosis in these cells is inhibited by expression of a dominant negative mutant of Rac 1 but it is not affected by a similar mutant of Rho A. These results suggest that Rho proteins play an important role in the physiological regulation of the apoptotic response to stress-inducing agents.  相似文献   

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