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对一种Al/Al2O3/Al多层膜结构的中红外超材料吸波体的吸波性能进行了研究,并分析了其吸波机理。该结构最上层为周期性排布的正方形Al膜阵列,中间介质层和底层分别为连续的Al2O3和Al薄膜。仿真结果表明,该多层膜结构理论上能够在10.6m实现完美吸波。  相似文献   

设计并研制出一种基于超材料的宽带微波/红外兼容隐身结构器件,该结构包括基于氧化铟锡(ITO)薄膜制备出的红外隐身层、微波吸收层和微波反射层,红外隐身层由圆环镂空结构的频率选择表面组成,微波吸收层由周期和方阻均不同的方环结构组成,微波反射层由连续的导电薄膜组成。各层由厚度不同的聚甲基丙烯酰亚胺(PMI)隔开。结果表明此结构能够在2~18.6 GHz范围内实现90%以上的吸收,其红外发射率低于0.3。  相似文献   

为精确地评估真空低温状态下大面积黑体辐射源的均匀性,设计了高灵敏度中波红外辐射计。给出了辐射校准的物理模型,详细分析了目标温度200 K和213 K的信噪比,得到真空低温下200 K和213 K目标信噪比分别为460倍和1 492倍。设计了高信噪比测量200 K目标的总体方案,研制了高灵敏度真空低温环境下使用的中红外辐射计。采用透射式光学系统及温度系数匹配稳定的高刚性光机支撑结构,满足真空低温的环境条件。采用外置黑体标定中红外辐射计的温度/辐射响应度,创新性采用调制器兼顾内置定标辐射源,采用四级TE制冷中红外探测单元,配合高性能探测单元及80倍动态范围的同步积分锁相放大器,获取大占空比的高质量方波信号用于辐射计算。实验结果表明:在温度77 K、真空度1×10-5Pa真空低温环境下,测试213 K目标黑体辐射源,1 h内的信号不稳定度为0.24%;噪声等效温差(NETD)值为0.034 K;测量精度优于2%。中红外辐射计满足真空低温环境下高精度测试微弱目标的要求。  相似文献   

设计了一种基于电阻膜氧化铟锡(ITO)的柔性透明偏振不敏感超宽带吸波器,并对其进行了分析和制备。利用ITO电阻膜图样产生欧姆损耗实现高吸收。仿真结果表明设计的超材料吸波器在2.7~12.1 GHz范围内可实现高于90%吸收率,相对带宽为127%,覆盖了S、C、X波段。由于结构的对称性,该吸波器对偏振角不敏感,且在45°宽入射角范围内具有高吸收率。通过阻抗匹配、等效电路理论、电场以及电流分布、结构参数分析了吸收机理。实验测量结果与仿真结果一致。该超材料吸波器具有超宽带吸收、极化不敏感和灵活性好等优点,可广泛应用于电磁屏蔽、雷达隐身技术等领域。  相似文献   

秦正  梁中翥  史晓燕  杨福明  刘文军  侯恩柱  孟德佳 《红外与激光工程》2022,51(7):20220224-1-20220224-5
超材料吸波体可以将入射电磁波集中在亚波长尺度内并进行高效吸收,因此在光电探测、热发射器、能量收集等领域具有广泛的应用前景。迄今报道的多波段超材料吸波体主要为某一波长范围内多个相近波长的完美吸收,想要实现大光谱范围内的多波长吸收则需要多个结构的联合工作。基于钛十字形谐振器-氮化硅介质层-钛反射层三层结构,设计并数值模拟了一种工作波长范围跨越中波红外、长波红外以及甚长波红外的三波段超材料吸波体。利用超材料吸波体激发的传播型表面等离激元谐振、局域型表面等离激元谐振以及氮化硅本征吸收模式,实现了4.8 μm、9.1 μm和18 μm三个波长处97.3%、94.4%和93.6%的高吸收率。超材料吸波体的工作波长可以通过改变其几何参数进行调节,且具有偏振和入射角不敏感性。该工作中所用材料均为现有工艺中的常用材料,在气体检测、红外成像等领域具有应用前景。  相似文献   

采用Bessel和Hankel函数级数模技术,对不同多壁碳纳米管在红外波段的电磁散射特性进行了研究.结果表明,不同半径、不同纳米管数目对入射的横磁波与横电波的散射现象产生不同的影响.在横磁波垂直入射时,不同结构多壁碳纳米管对其频率的选择性不明显,相同半径纳米管对横磁波的散射强度随纳米管数目的增加而增强,但其峰值不变;而在横电波入射时,不同结构多壁碳纳米管表现出强烈的频率选择性,其散射强度随半径、管数目的增加而明显增强.研究结果对利用碳纳米管进行红外波段的探测具有一定意义.  相似文献   

设计和制作了一种基于超材料的光学透明和双波段吸波体,吸波体基本单元由ITO 十字微结构加补丁结构、玻璃及ITO 膜组成。采用时域有限差分法,研究了十字微结构加补丁结构参数对吸波体电磁性能的影响。仿真结果表明,补丁结构的加入,可以实现双波段高效吸收电磁波,材料在8.5 ~11 GHz 和14.5 ~16.5 GHz 频率范围内反射率小于-10 dB。根据仿真结果,制作了透明吸波体样品,测试了材料反射率和透光率,测试反射率结果与仿真结果吻合得较好,且在可见光区及近红外区透光率达到70%以上。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the accurate and efficient modal analysis of arbitrarily shaped waveguides whose cross section is defined by a combination of straight, circular, and/or elliptical arcs. A novel technique for considering the presence of circular and/or elliptical segments within the frame of the well-known boundary integral-resonant mode expansion (BI-RME) method is proposed. This new extended BI-RME method will allow a more accurate solution of a wider number of hollow conducting waveguides with arbitrary profiles, which are usually present in most modern passive waveguide components. To show the advantages of this new extended technique, the modal chart of canonical (circular and elliptical) waveguides, as well as of irises with great practical interest (i.e., cross-shaped irises with rounded corners) has been first successfully solved. Next, a computer-aided-design software package based on such a novel modal analysis tool has first been validated with the accurate analysis of a referenced complex dual-mode filter, and then applied to the complete design of a novel twist component for K-band application based on circular and elliptical waveguides. A prototype of this novel device has been manufactured and measured for verification purposes.  相似文献   

电子能量损失谱磁手性二向色性技术是近年发展起来的实验方法,它与X射线磁圆二向色性一样可以测量特定元素的自旋与轨道磁矩的信息,由于其高空间分辨率、实验方法多样和对设备要求简单,因此有望应用于对微观材料的磁性测量和研究。本文简要介绍了该方法的背景、理论基础、实验方法、研究进展和应用。  相似文献   

设计了一种圆极化(LCP)、采用边缘馈电的椭圆贴片天线。该天线采用单点馈电方式实现圆极化,无需外加相移网络和功率分配器,结构简单,成本低,适合小型化。对所设计的天线采用CST软件进行了仿真,从方向图、S参数值、轴比等方面进行分析,仿真结果验证了设计具有合理性,天线性能达到了设计要求。  相似文献   

Approximate solutions for the current of thin circular and elliptical loops have been determined on the basis of an asymptotic antenna theory. The fields at and around the center have been calculated to illustrate the broadband behavior of these structures when used as electromagnetic pulse (EMP) simulators. Fields calculated with this approach and those measured in an actual EMP simulator are compared. The comparison indicates that the model presented might be adequate for describing the salient features of the fields of a real system and could provide an alternative to experimental field mapping efforts  相似文献   

We describe the design and optimization of a new polarizer structure realized in circular waveguide with insertion of elliptical irises. The device is compact, showing a considerable reduction in size and weight when compared to previously known realizations. It requires manufacturing by milling techniques only and, since it is composed entirely by waveguides with separable cross sections, it is also well suited for electromagnetic modeling. Measured and theoretical results for a polarizer with a 90°±1° differential phase shift and a return loss better than 35 dB for both polarizations over the operating frequency band confirm the validity of the proposed design  相似文献   

A method of calculating the input impedance of either a circular or a slightly ellipitcal microstrip antenna excited by a coaxial probe is presented. Using the reaction integral equation and the exact dyadic Green's function, the finite substrate thickness is taken into account in the formulation. Good agreement with experimental results for an elliptical patch is obtained and a design procedure for a circularly polarized antenna is presented.  相似文献   

磁致圆二向色性对法拉第旋转器消光比的影响   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王光辉  吴福全 《激光技术》1999,23(6):350-353
从磁光材料的介电张量出发,分析了法拉第旋转器消光比与磁致圆二向色性的关系,在此基础上,讨论了铋钙钒BiCaInVIG法拉第旋转器磁致圆二向色性对光隔离器隔离度、插入损耗的影响.  相似文献   

Drug delivery systems for cancer prevention and pain management have been improved related to classical cancer chemotherapy. Nanotechnology with nanoparticles offers new ways in transport of drug molecules and contrast agents by the blood flow through the circulatory system. In this study, we use multiscale mesoscopic bridging procedure of the finite elements (FE) coupled with dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) and lattice Boltzmann (LB) method to model the motion of circular and elliptical particles in a 2-D laminar flow. Four examples are considered: 1) one sedimenting cylinder in a channel, 2) two sedimenting cylinders in a channel, 3) motion of four elliptical particles in a linear shear flow, and 4) motion of circular and elliptical particle in the arterial bifurcation geometry. A good agreement with solution from the literature available was found. These results show that the multiscale approach with coupled FE and DPD/LB methods can effectively be applied to model motion of micro/nanoparticles for a drug delivery system.  相似文献   

米波圆环天线阵的方向图综合研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用通过遗传算法和粒子群优化方法对米波圆环阵列的幅度和相位加权进行设计,实现方向图增益、副瓣电平和方向图凹口的优化综合.以位爬山法和相位局部搜索技术为辅助,得到了较为理想的方向图结果,同时将GA和PSO方法的计算效率进行了比较,后者操作更简单,占用的计算资源更少,方法和结果可作为共形阵方向图设计参考.  相似文献   

Two novel designs of planar elliptical slot antennas are presented. Printed on a dielectric substrate and fed by either microstrip line or coplanar waveguide with U-shaped tuning stub, the elliptical/circular slots have been demonstrated to exhibit an ultrawideband characteristic. The performances and characteristics of the proposed antennas are investigated both numerically and experimentally. Based on these analyses, an empirical formula is introduced to approximately determine the lower edge of the -10 dB operating bandwidth. It is also shown that these antennas are nearly omnidirectional over a majority fraction of the bandwidth.  相似文献   

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