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The Manzanares River, located in Madrid (Spain), is the main water supplier of a highly populated region, and it also receives wastewater from the same area. The effluents of eight Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTPs) downstream of the river, which represent 90% of the flow in the middle and lower parts of the river, are the primary sources of water pollution. Although the situation has improved slightly in the last two years, the water in the river is highly polluted, making it uninhabitable for aquatic life. Water quality modelling is typically used to assess the effect of treatment improvements in water bodies. In this work, the GESCAL module of the Aquatool Decision Support System Shell was used to simulate water quality in the Manzanares River. GESCAL is appropriate for modelling in an integrated way water quality for whole water resources systems, including reservoirs and rivers. A model was built that simulates conductivity, phosphorous, carbonaceous organic matter, dissolved oxygen, organic nitrogen, ammonia, and nitrates. The period from October 2006 to September 2008 was selected for calibration due to the many treatment modifications that occurred during this time. An earlier and longer period, from October 2000 to September 2006, was used for validation. In addition, a daily model was used to analyse the robustness of the GESCAL model. Once the GESCAL model was validated, different scenarios were considered and simulated. First, different combinations of nutrient elimination among the different WWTPs were simulated, leading to the conclusion that investments have to focus on three of the proposed WWTPs. Moreover, these treatments will not be sufficient to maintain fish habitat conditions at all times. Additional measures, such as the increment of the flow in the river or oxygen injection, were simulated. Incrementing the flow of the Manzanares River has been shown to be an efficient means of increasing water quality, but this implies an increment in the risk of water scarcity situations in the Madrid water supply system.  相似文献   

Total concentrations of Cu and Pb and the speciation of these metals in sediments of the River Tenes are studied in order to establish the extent to which they are polluted and their capacity of remobilization. Five samples taken along the river were analyzed, major components of the sediments were studied using XRF and total Pb and Cu content were determined by AAS. In order to test the accuracy of the digestion methods used (triacid attack with nitric, perchloric and hydrofluoric acids or diacic attack with nitric and hydrochloric acids) for the determination of total trace metal, a standard reference material was also analyzed. Triacid attack is proposed to obtain good results. The results show a highly polluted area (1556 mg kg−1 Cu and 1555 mg kg−1 Pb) in the last sampling site analyzed. For metal speciation, the sequential scheme of Tessier et al. was used. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that Cu content in non-residual fraction is bonded mainly to organic matter, whereas non-residual Pb is mainly associated to iron and manganese oxides.  相似文献   

The progressive improvement in the lifestyle of inhabitants of the Autonomous Community of Madrid (A.C.M.), allows them to spend part of their free time in leisure activities. Golf has become one of the most popular of these sports in the last few years. Currently there are 25 golf courses in the A.C.M. and last year there were plans to build another 20. A problem for the Public Administration is that they only have a short period of time to approve or disapprove of projects not yet completely developed.The principal objective of the work is to determine how to classify the territory into zones of greater or lesser compatibility for the construction of gold courses, and to represent them cartographically.Use of a planning model enables us to determine the suitability of territory for the site, construction and maintenance of a gold course. The model outline covers environmental, site, construction and maintenance requirements of gold courses, environmental characterization of the territory of Madrid, capacity and impact analysis, and territory assessment. The final map, entitled Suitability of the A.C.M.'s Territory, shows four classes of aptitude.The results provided by the capacity and impact models allow greater accuracy on the scale of the project. To facilitate the task, the work includes suggestions for the construction and maintenance phases. Some are of a general character, others are more specific for each level of define impact.  相似文献   

On-road traffic is the major contributor to pollutant emissions in urban areas. Nowadays different emission abatement strategies are being tested in order to improve urban air quality (e.g. the European Commission currently promotes the use of natural gas as an alternative fuel). Several feasible scenarios regarding the introduction of natural gas vehicles (NGV) are studied in the two main cities of Spain (Barcelona and Madrid) by using the HERMES emission model. The most suitable emission factors to NGV are selected among those available in the literature. The account of emissions in the base case scenario estimated for a typical summertime polluted day of the year 2004 reflects that in Barcelona 86% of primary pollutants come from on-road traffic compared to 93% in Madrid, because of the heavier industrial activity in the former. The introduction of NGV in urban zones would have a positive effect on emissions, whose extent largely depends on the substituted fleets and the conurbation characteristics. Maximum reductions in NOx emissions in Madrid are attributed to the substitution of 10% of the oldest diesel and petrol cars, while in Barcelona the change of 50% of the oldest commercial light vehicles becomes more effective. PM2.5 and SO2 emissions can be significatively reduced with the introduction of NGV instead of the oldest commercial light vehicles. The substitution of conventional fuels by natural gas must reach around 4% to achieve significative reductions in traffic emissions (larger than 5%). This work focuses on air quality issues, therefore GHG emissions are not included, nevertheless this kind of associated impact has to be considered by the decision makers. Assessing the efficacy of environmental improvement strategies entails a realistic design of emission scenarios and their evaluation. The detailed emission account provides a fundamental basis for the air quality modelling and its comparison among scenarios.  相似文献   

Various surface water systems in the metropolitan area of Barcelona (Spain), including two rivers and three beaches, were analysed for human viruses using glass powder as adsorbent to concentrate them. The method used allows concentration of large volumes (up to 2001), of water in a single step. Values obtained varied from 18.4 to values higher than 55 MPNCU 1−1in the Besôs river and 0.44-44 MPNCU 1−1in the Llobregat river. Viruses were isolated from approx. 70% of sea-water samples, the values ranging from 0 to 1.60 MPNCU 1−1. Findings are discussed in terms of correlation between virus pollution and bacterial indicators of fecal contamination. Also, the suitability of glass powder adsorption to concentrate viruses in sea-water is discussed.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the state of the riverine organic carbon in the Luodingjiang River under human impacts, such as reforestation, construction of reservoirs and in-stream damming. Seasonal and spatial characteristics of total suspended sediment (TSS), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC), as well as C/N ratios and the stable carbon isotopic signatures of POC (δ13CPOC) were examined based on a one-year study (2005) in the basin-wide scale. More frequent sampling was conducted in the outlet of the river basin at Guanliang hydrological station. DOC and POC concentrations showed flush effects with increasing water discharge and sediment load in the basin-wide scale. Atomic C/N ratio of POC had a positive relationship with TSS in the outlet of the basin, indicating the reduced aquatic sources and enhanced terrestrial sources during the high flood season. However, the similar relationship was not observed in the basin-wide scale mainly due to the spatial distributions of soil organic carbon and TSS. δ13CPOC showed obvious seasonal variations with enriched values in the period with high TSS concentration, reflecting the increased contribution from C4 plants with enhanced soil erosion.The specific flux of the total organic carbon (2.30 t km− 2 year− 1) was smaller than the global average level. The ratio of DOC to POC was 1.17, which is higher than most rivers under Asian monsoon climate regime. The organic carbon flux was estimated to decline with decreasing sediment load as a result of reforestation, reservoir construction and in-stream damming, which demonstrates the impacts of human disturbances on the global carbon cycle.  相似文献   

赫佐格和德默隆事务所设计的凯撒广场文化中心坐落在马德里著名的"艺术三角洲",由一座19世纪的电力站改建而成.原电力站砖墙立面得到了完整的保留,但内部空间和建筑体量都做了较大调整,以满足当代文化交流的需要.建筑师还同植物学家合作在入口市场设计了西班牙第一座垂直花园.整个文化中心的设计摆脱了马德里文化建筑一贯的保守态度,在尊重历史的基础上运用时尚和前卫的建筑语言,为这座城市在文化建筑的发展领域注入了新的活力.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of chromium, partly attributable to historical disposal of chromite ore processing residue, are present in sediment along the eastern shore of the lower Hackensack River near the confluence with Newark Bay. Due to anaerobic conditions in the sediment, the chromium is in the form of Cr(III), which poses no unacceptable risks to human health or to the river ecology. However, as water quality conditions have improved since the 1970s, aerobic conditions have become increasingly prevalent in the overlying water column. If these conditions result in oxidation of Cr(III) to Cr(VI), either under quiescent conditions or during severe weather or anthropogenic scouring events, the potential for adverse ecological effects due to biological exposures to Cr(VI) is possible, though the reaction kinetics associated with oxidation of Cr(III) to Cr(VI) are unfavorable. To investigate the stability of Cr(III) in Hackensack River sediments exposed to oxic conditions, sediment suspension and oxidation experiments and intertidal sediment exposure experiments that exposed the sediments to oxic conditions were conducted. Results revealed no detectable concentrations of Cr(VI), and thus no measurable potential for total chromium oxidation to Cr(VI). Furthermore, total chromium released from sediment to elutriate water in the oxidation and suspension experiments ranged from below detection (<0.01 mg/L) to 0.18 mg/L, below the freshwater National Recommended Water Quality Criteria (NRWQC) of 0.57 mg/L for Cr(III). These results support conclusions of a stable, in situ geochemical environment in sediments in the lower Hackensack River with respect to chromium. Results showed that chemicals other than Cr(VI), including copper, lead, mercury, zinc, and PCBs, were released at levels that may pose a potential for adverse ecological effects.  相似文献   

The variation of the water quality of the Guadarrama river and its tributaries in a section of Las Rozas‐Madrid, Spain, was studied during the time period between January 2003 and January 2008. The parameter water quality index (WQI) was used to determine the water quality based on the conventional parameters of pollution. It was found that the WQI was slightly affected in the section evaluated. The value of the WQI was in the range of 56–64, which corresponded to the classification of ‘good quality’. It was determined that 64.3% of the organic matter present in the river was removed in the section of Las Rozas‐Madrid. The river acted as a plug flow reactor and a first‐order kinetics governed the ultimate biological oxygen demand (BOD5) (BODU) decay. The value of the first‐order constant demonstrated the river's high self‐purification capacity. In addition, a high linear relationship was found between the WQI and the dissolved oxygen deficit (D). Therefore, a quick determination of WQI may be carried out if the values of D are known. These are easily obtainable by field measurements.  相似文献   

Of all the costs associated with the operation and maintenance of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), those associated with energy use tend to be the most significant. From this point of view, it is hence logical that energy efficiency and saving strategies should be one of the current focuses of debate amongst those involved with the management of WWTPs. The present study's objective is to determine the correlation between size and energy consumption for a WWTP. To this end, 90 WWTPs currently in service were analysed and their energetic impact quantified in terms of kWh/m3 of water treated. The results obtained demonstrate that energy consumption ratio increases as the size of WWTPs decreases, either in terms of treatment volume or population equivalent served.  相似文献   

The Sava River, the largest and most commercially valuable water body in the riparian countries, receives inputs of organic and inorganic compounds from a variety of domestic and industrial activities that may affect the health of human beings and wildlife. In this work, the chronic toxicity of sediment, sediment porewater and surface water from the Sava River and connecting tributaries to the freshwater algae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata was assessed to characterise the potential impact on aquatic organisms. Samples of different environmental matrices were either tested directly (porewater) or subjected to pre-concentration (sediments and surface water) prior to testing in a 72 h growth inhibition assay using P. subcapitata. The results show that a combination of pre-concentration and bioassay testing was able to characterise the toxic potential and to identify several compartment-specific "hot spots" along the Sava River. Based on the resulting data, a crude risk assessment identified that some of the locations may represent a risk to algae. Additional testing using multiple species and exposure phases is required to conduct a thorough risk assessment, however.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to assess the status of surface sediments from Funa River. Sediment samples were characterized for physicochemical parameters, including grain size, organic matter and toxic metals. The result revealed high metal concentrations in river sediments, reaching values of 154.19, 186.00, 1105.34, 3.69, 548.02 and 5.45 mg/kg for Cr, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb and Hg, respectively. A strong correlation was observed between analysed metals and organic matter suggesting that these contaminants could have originated from common sources with a similar transport pathway. Based on the Sediment Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life, Funa River is considered as highly polluted with toxic metals indicating the potential environmental and human health risk. The results of this research represent a useful tool to assess the sediment quality of urban river receiving system which can be applied to similar environment.  相似文献   

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) aims at improving the ecological status of the water bodies in Europe. In this context, some rivers are currently being restored and, in accordance with this Directive, the restoration actions have to be evaluated from a socio‐economic approach. This work applies the Choice Modelling method to the WFD provisions for river restoration. This method proves to be useful for the economic valuation of the restoration measures, as well as a very important tool for people's public participation. In this sense, the water quality improvement has been defined as a priority action from a social point of view. Moreover, the method used has provided answers to both basic questions included in the WFD: the calculation of the economic value of the Segura River's ecological flow, the decrease of which would pose an environmental cost, and the estimation of the environmental income generated by this river.  相似文献   

This paper intends to analyse seasonal variations of the quality of the water of the Odiel River. This river, together with the Tinto River, drains the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB), a region containing an abundance of massive sulphide deposits. Because of mining activity dating back to prehistoric times, these two rivers are heavily contaminated. The Odiel and Tinto Rivers drain into a shared estuary known as the Ría of Huelva. This work studies dissolved contaminant data in water of the Odiel River collected by various organisations, between October 1980 and October 2002, close to the rivers entry into the estuary. Flow data for this location were also obtained. The most abundant metals in the water, in order of abundance, are zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn) and copper (Cu). Arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) are also present but in much lower quantities. The quality of the river water is linked to precipitation; the maximum sulphate, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cd and Pb concentrations occur during the autumn rains, which dissolve the Fe hydroxysulphates that were precipitated during the summer months. In winter, the intense rains cause an increase in the river flow, producing a dilution of the contaminants and a slight increase in the pH. During spring and summer, the sulphate and metal concentration (except Fe) recover and once again increase. The Fe concentration pattern displays a low value during summer due to increased precipitation of ferric oxyhydroxides. The arsenic concentration displays a different evolution, with maximum values in winter, and minimum in spring and summer as they are strongly adsorbed and/or coprecipitated by the ferric oxyhydroxides. Mn and sulphates are the most conservative species in the water. Relative to sulphate, Mn, Zn and Cd, copper displays greater values in winter and lower ones in summer, probably due to its coprecipitation with hydroxysulphates during the spring and summer months. Cd and Zn also appear to be affected by the same process, although to a lower degree than Cu, experiencing a slight reduction in summer with respect to Mn and sulphates.  相似文献   

The mitigation of the effects of on-road traffic emissions on urban air pollution is currently an environmental challenge. Air quality modeling has become a powerful tool to design environment-related strategies. A wide range of options is being proposed; such as the introduction of natural gas vehicles (NGV), biofuels or hydrogen vehicles. The impacts on air quality of introducing specific NGV fleets in Barcelona and Madrid (Spain) are assessed by means of the WRF-ARW/HERMES/CMAQ modeling system with high spatial-temporal resolution (1 km2, 1 h). Seven emissions scenarios are defined taking into account the year 2004 vehicle fleet composition of the study areas and groups of vehicles susceptible of change under a realistic perspective. O3 average concentration rises up to 1.3% in Barcelona and up to 2.5% in Madrid when introducing the emissions scenarios, due to the NOx reduction in VOC-controlled areas. Nevertheless, NO2, PM10 and SO2 average concentrations decrease, up to 6.1%, 1.5% and 6.6% in Barcelona and up to 20.6%, 8.7% and 14.9% in Madrid, respectively. Concerning SO2 and PM10 reductions the most effective single scenario is the introduction of 50% of NGV instead of the oldest commercial vehicles; it also reduces NO2 concentrations in Barcelona, however in Madrid lower levels are attained when substituting 10% of the private cars. This work introduces the WRF-ARW/HERMES/CMAQ modeling system as a useful management tool and proves that the air quality improvement plans must be designed considering the local characteristics.  相似文献   

We present data from a study of mercury concentrations in air and plant specimens from the MAF Herbarium in Madrid (Spain). Hg (gas) emissions from old plant collections treated with mercuric chloride (HgCl(2)) in herbaria may pose a health risk for staff working in installations of this type. This is an issue not yet properly addressed. Plants that underwent insecticide treatment with HgCl(2) at the MAF Herbarium until the mid 1970s have persistent high concentrations of Hg in the range 1093-11,967 microg g(-1), whereas untreated specimens are in the range of 1.2-4.3 microg g(-1). The first group induces high concentrations of Hg (gas) in the main herbarium room, with seasonal variations of 404-727 ng m(-3) (late winter) and 748-7797 ng m(-3) (early summer) (baseline for Hg: 8 ng m(-3)). A test survey at another herbarium in Madrid showed even higher concentrations of Hg (gas) above 40,000 ng m(-3). The World Health Organization guidelines for chronic exposure to Hg (gas) are estimated at a maximum of 1000 ng m(-3). While staff was aware of the existence of HgCl(2) treated plants (the plant specimen sheets are labelled as 'poisoned'), they had no knowledge of the presence of high Hg (gas) concentrations in the buildings, a situation that may be relatively common in herbaria.  相似文献   

The accuracy, precision, detection limit and rapidity in the determination of Cd, Cu and Pb in river water by AAS determination, previous extraction with APDC-MIBK system, is compared with direct determination method ICP-AES. Both methods show a similar detection limit and an analogous accuracy by the addition standard method. With a calibration curve only ICP-AES presents good accuracy, this technique is advantageous in long term precision and requires minimum sample preparation. The sample stability at different temperature conservation is studied. Finally both methods are applied to the determination of Cd, Cu and Pb in Congost river water.  相似文献   

Contents of total and extractable heavy metals, carbonates, MnO and Fe2O3, organic matter, and matrix components such as SiO2, Al2O3, CaO, Na2O, MgO, TiO2, K2O and P2O5 are used along with principal component analysis (PCA) for studying distribution, mobility and binding behaviour of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb in the Louro River (Galicia, Spain). Eleven surficial sediment samples were taken along the beds of the river course. Total metal concentrations were obtained after microwave-assisted digestion whilst extractable metal contents were obtained following a three-stage sequential extraction scheme (i.e. soluble, reducible and oxidisable fractions). Loading plots of heavy metals bound to carbonates, Fe–Mn oxides, organic matter and aluminosilicates allowed determination of binding behaviour. Correlations found indicate that Pb and Cu are mainly discharged from urban wastes, whereas Cr and Ni are from electroplating and galvanizing industries. The occurrence of diffuse pollution sources along the river can account for the binding behaviour of Cd. Metal mobility decreased in the order: Cd>Pb>Cu>Ni>Cr. Despite total contents indicating moderate-to-high heavy metal pollution in this river, metals are mostly distributed in the residual fraction, hence showing a low risk of mobility.  相似文献   

"互惠场"反映出全球范围的水、食品和矿物燃料的匮乏,及马德里新城市边缘与其景观之间缺乏联系的状况。该方案试图探寻一种新型多功能景观基础设施。这一景观改善了生态环境、可持续发展与人类活动之间的关系,畅想未来景观与人类居住地的和谐共处。  相似文献   

This study investigates the consolidation properties of muddy sediments from the Huelva Estuary (Spain). Soil index properties were calculated and oedometer tests were undertaken to establish the consolidation properties. The results indicated most of the soils were of medium–low plasticity and high–very high compressibility. The paper discusses the difference in the overconsolidation ratios of the sedimentological units distinguished, noting that in the upper 10 m the soils are overconsolidated while below that depth high pore pressures are frequently present such that the soil can be metastable.  相似文献   

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