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The relationship between a range of prenatal and perinatal events and risk for psychopathology in offspring was examined. Prenatal and perinatal events investigated included maternal experiences, health, and substance use during pregnancy, obstetric complications, feeding practices, and infant health during the first year of life. Offspring diagnosis was based on structured interviews conducted with 579 adolescents on two occasions. Risk for later psychopathology was associated with a number of prenatal and perinatal factors. Major depression was associated with not being breast fed and maternal emotional problems during the pregnancy. Anxiety was chiefly associated with fever and illness during the first year of life and maternal history of miscarriage and stillbirth. Disruptive behavior disorder was associated with poor maternal emotional health during the pregnancy and birth complications. Risk for substance use disorder was associated with maternal use of substances during the pregnancy. Mediating effects of maternal depression, maternal-child conflict, and physical symptoms in the child, and moderating effects of gender of child and parental education were also evaluated. The limitations of this study are discussed and future research directions are suggested.  相似文献   

At birth, the mammalian gastrointestinal tract (GIT) must be able to support a shift from mainly parenteral nutrition in the fetus (via the placenta) to enteral nutrition in the neonate. In the perinatal period the GIT therefore undergoes enhanced growth as well as morphological and functional differentiation, and this maturational programme is influenced by a complex interplay of local, systemic and luminal factors. This review shows how systemic and luminal factors may influence GIT development in the perinatal period of the pig and sheep, two long-gestation species. Adrenocortical hormones play a pivotal role in the prepartum maturation of the GIT in addition to their better known effects on the development of many other tissues and body systems. More particularly, in the fetal pig and sheep, the prenatal development of gastric acid and gastrin secretion, and of GIT hydrolase activities (chymosin, pepsin, amylase, lactase, aminopeptidases) is influenced by cortisol. Additionally, glucocorticoids exert effects throughout the GIT by influencing morphological, cytological, and functional differentiation. Since the GIT epithelial cells comprise a renewing cell population there are also changes in cell kinetics. In addition to systemic factors, the presence of growth factors, hormones and nutrients from swallowed amniotic fluid (fetus) and colostrum (neonate) may influence GIT development. In utero, fetal fluid ingestion has been shown to modulate tissue growth, macromolecule and immunoglobulin transport, enterocyte differentiation, cell turnover and activity of brush-border hydrolases. These effects may be mediated via regulatory peptides (e.g. insulin-like growth factor I, gastrin-releasing peptides, insulin, epidermal growth factor, gastrin). A physiological role of luminally derived growth factors is supported by a number of unique structural and functional adaptations of the GIT in the fetus and neonate (low luminal proteolysis, intestinal macromolecule transport). Thus, in the pig and sheep, both systemic and luminal factors appear to play critical roles in GIT development in the perinatal period.  相似文献   

School adjustment and achievement are at the heart of a child's development. Both are influenced by a myriad of factors that are complex and interconnected. For children with difficulties, school psychologists are integral to the assessment of those diverse factors and to the implementation of intervention strategies that help those children reach their potential. The traditional role of the school psychologist as an evaluator has often required a focus on the immediate results of psychological and emotional assessment and an interpretation of those results for placement. Nonetheless, environmental factors affect learning and behavior and influence children throughout their lives--even from before birth. Those variables interact during critical developmental periods, thereby affecting the youngster's function in substantial ways. This set of articles addresses some of the varied preconceptional and perinatal influences that may affect a child's performance in school, at home, and in his community--the knowledge of which will assist the school psychologist in helping the child and family. The articles combine concern for individual functioning with a public health model, addressing broader population-based data. The intersection of school psychology and public health has been too little explored, and this volume helps to close that gap. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to determine fibronectin levels in umbilical cord blood of infants of diabetic mothers (IDM) and evaluate a possible correlation with perinatal pathology. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A prospective study of 58 IDM (33 males and 25 females) and 58 control newborns (NB) (33 males and 25 females) was carried out. RESULTS: There were no differences in fibronectin levels between the two groups nor between the sexes. Perinatal morbidity was higher in the IDM group, but there was no correlation between fibronectin levels and the presence of perinatal pathology. CONCLUSIONS: Fibronectin levels are not useful in the perinatal evaluation of infants of diabetic mothers.  相似文献   

The offspring of nine women who had abused alcohol and drugs during pregnancy were studied. Of the 30 children, 10 had fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) or fetal alcohol effects (FAE). Ophthalmological impairments associated with FAS--impaired vision, optic nerve hypoplasia, cataract, increased tortuosity of retinal vessels--were common. The severity of teratogenic lesions varied among the children and was often related to the level of abuse during pregnancy. Most women were unable to take care of their children during periods of substance abuse. All children with FAS/FAE had learning difficulties. Four mothers abstained from alcohol or drugs during some of their pregnancies and gave birth to children without birth defects.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To perform an exploratory analysis of the relative contribution of single MHC genes to the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in a homogenous white population. METHODS: MHC class II alleles and C4 allotypes were determined in 64 SLE patients and in ethnically matched controls. HLA-DR and DQ typing was performed by polymerase chain reaction amplification with sequence specific primers. C4 allotypes were determined by agarose gel electrophoresis. RESULTS: The frequency of C4A*Q0 was significantly higher in patients than in controls (46.9% v 25.3%, p = 0.002). HLA-DRB1, DQA1, and DQB1 alleles in the whole group of SLE patients were not significantly different from those of controls. On the other hand increase in DRB1*03 was observed in the group of patients with C4A*Q0, as compared with patients with other C4A allotypes (p = 0.047). There was no significant correlation between severe and mild disease, as judged by the SLEDAI, and HLADR, DQ alleles and comparing the patients with C4A*Q0 with those with other C4A allotypes there was no significant difference regarding clinical manifestations. CONCLUSION: The results are consistent with the argument that C4A deficiency contributes independently to susceptibility and the pathogenesis of SLE. C4A*Q0 in SLE patients in Iceland shows weaker linkage disequilibrium with DR3 genes than reported in most other white populations and emphasises the role of ethnicity.  相似文献   

Reports an experiment in which Charles River rats, irradiated or sham irradiated on Day 16 of fetal life, were reared by irradiated or nonirradiated foster mothers (n = 24) in a dual-chambered maternity cage. Results show that irradiated mothers spent less time with their litters than controls independent of the nature of the pups. Irradiated Ss weighed less than controls and the prenatal effects on mortality during the immediate postweaning period were influenced by maternal factors. Ss reared by irradiated mothers weighed less, were less emotional, and were more susceptible to the lethal effects of subsequent X-irradiation than Ss reared by nonirradiated mothers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate whether maternal diabetes in pregnancy may adversely affect the children's behavioral adjustment, in a sample of 201 mothers (68 with pre-gestational diabetes, 50 with gestational diabetes, and 83 with non-diabetic pregnancies) and their singleton offspring. After accounting for socioeconomic status, ethnicity and maternal attitudes, none of the Child Behavior Checklist ratings correlated significantly with maternal patient group or several indices of antepartum maternal metabolism. Child obesity, a common sequela of diabetic pregnancies, correlated positively with Internalizing Behavior problems and three narrow-band sub-scales: Somatic Complaints, Anxious/Depressed, and Social Problems. Results suggest that children of diabetic mothers are at increased risk for a variety of developmental disturbances. Screening for learning and behavioral difficulties should be made at regular pediatric visits, with follow-up evaluations warranted by positive indications, excessive weight gain, or other evolving medical concerns.  相似文献   

Valeriana officinalis L. (Valerianaceae) is widely known to be associated with sedative properties. The effects of a valepotriates mixtures on mothers and progeny were evaluated in rats. A 30-day administration of valepotriates did not change the average length of estral cycle, nor the number of estrous phases during this period. Also, there were no changes on the fertility index. Fetotoxicity and external examination studies did not show differences, although internal examination revealed an increase in number of retarded ossification after the highest doses employed--12 and 24 mg/kg. No changes were detected in the development of the offspring after treatment during pregnancy. As for temperature, valepotriates caused a hypothermizant effect after administration by the intraperitoneal route but not after oral administration. Generally, the valepotriates employed induced some alterations after administration by the intraperitoneal route, but doses given orally were innocuous to pregnant rats and their offspring.  相似文献   

In a sample of 300 Texas adoptive families, there was a tendency for adopted children to be more extraverted and emotionally stable than biological children (3–18 yrs of age). For extraversion there was a low but significant resemblance between unwed mothers and their adopted-away children; mothers had been administered the 16 PF, children the High School or Children's Personality Questionnaire. Paradoxically, however, children of mothers with elevated MMPI scores tended to be rated as more emotionally stable than children of mothers with better adjustment on the MMPI. This latter finding is interpreted as suggesting an interaction between emotional sensitivity and the early environment. According to this hypothesis, individuals with genotypes making them vulnerable to their environments could thrive in the warm climate of the adoptive families, but turn out relatively badly in the presumably less benign families in which the unwed mothers were reared. (18 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe our experience in prenatal diagnosis and perinatal management of congenital atrioventricular heart block, as well as pacemaker treatment in the neonate. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 13 fetuses are included. The diagnosis of atrioventricular dissociation was established by Doppler heart rate sample in the right atrium to show the atrial activity while the sample in the Aorta reflected the ventricular heart rate. Gestational age at diagnosis, ventricular heart rates, autoimmune maternal pathology, maternal blood tests for autoantibodies antiRo+, congenital structural heart disease, fetal hydrops, maternal medical treatment, perinatal results and pacemaker neonatal implantation are described. RESULTS: Gestational age at diagnosis ranged between 22 and 32 (mean 27.6) weeks. Ventricular heart rates ranged between 32 to 80 (mean 54) beats/min. AntiRo+ antibodies were detected in 5 mothers, and clinical systemic lupus erythematosus was found in only one. Four had congenital heart disease (2 ventricular inversion and corrected TGA, 1 complete atrio-ventricular canal and 1 tricuspid atresia). Signs of heart failure and hydrops were detected in 9 fetuses. Treatment with beta-metasona and ritodrine was administered to 7 mothers when the ventricular heart rate dropped below 60 beats/min. Intrauterine fetal death occurred in 3 fetuses with structural congenital heart disease and hydrops. Delivery was performed by cesarean section in 8 preterm fetuses (one them a twins), 3 spontaneous deliveries at term and 3 stillbirth. Postnatal pacemaker implantation was carried out in 9 newborns (3 cases with unicameral temporal right ventricle electrode and 6 cases with permanent bicameral electrodes implanted through the subclavian vein and DDD pacemaker). Follow-up of the bicameral pacemaker group was satisfactory. CONCLUSION: Persistent fetal bradycardia is the first sign to diagnose prenatal complete atrioventricular heart block. Echocardiography asses fetal haemodynamic status and may detect signs of fetal deterioration. Hydrops and further drop in the ventricular heart rate warrant urgent cesarean section and pacemaker management of the newborn.  相似文献   

The current article explores the connection between maternal depression and offspring aggression during the transition to adulthood, expanding the scope of prior research on this topic. Both family-level factors (including parent–child relationship quality and maternal romantic relationship quality) and youth factors (including depression history and social functioning in midadolescence) were tested as potential mediators in a longitudinal community sample of 710 youth at ages 15 and 20. The results suggest that maternal depression confers a risk for higher levels of aggressive behavior by offspring at age 20. Structural equation models suggested that the association between maternal depression and youth aggression is fully mediated by youth history of depression by midadolescence, even when accounting for the stability of aggression between ages 15 and 20. Parent–child relationship quality, youth social functioning, and maternal relationship quality were not unique mediators of this association. Limitations and implications are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To explore a method of combined endovascular/conventional treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), in which the iliac arteries are reconstructed by conventional surgical techniques to provide the anatomic substrate for subsequent endovascular repair of the aortic aneurysm. METHOD: A 77-year-old patient with severe cardiac disease was found to have a 6.5-cm AAA, bilateral common iliac artery (CIA) aneurysms, and diffusely narrowed, tortuous external iliac arteries. The left internal iliac artery was occluded. At operation, the right CIA was exposed through a transverse retroperitoneal incision under epidural anesthesia. An iliobifemoral bypass was constructed using a preformed bifurcated graft. A stent-graft was delivered through the right limb of the bifurcated iliobifemoral graft. The proximal end of the stent-graft was implanted in the neck of the aneurysm, and the distal end was deployed in the common trunk of the iliobifemoral graft, thereby excluding the AAA and both native iliac arteries from prograde arterial flow. RESULTS: Completion angiography and follow-up contrast computed tomography showed the aneurysm to be excluded from the circulation. The patient was not intubated, was never hemodynamically unstable, and had aortic blood flow interrupted for no more than 20 seconds. In addition, he was able to resume his usual diet on the first postoperative day. He continues to be well and without evidence of endoleak at 6-month follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: This case demonstrates that iliac artery stenosis, tortuosity, and aneurysmal dilatation are not impediments to endovascular AAA exclusion. Any necessary surgical modifications of pelvic arterial anatomy can be performed before stent-graft insertion to minimize aortic occlusion time.  相似文献   

Three newborn infants with congestive heart failure had hemodynamic, angiographic, and echocardiographic features of hypertrophic subaortic stenosis (hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy). Treatment with digitalis and diuretic drugs was ineffective, but improvement occurred when these agents were withheld in one patient, and when treatment with propranolol was begun in two patients. Echocardiography was helpful in establishing the diagnosis in two patients and showed resolution of the condition during the first six months of life. Serial cardiac catheterizations confirmed resolution of the outflow obstruction in the third patient. Family studies revealed no evidence of familial cardiomyopathy, but the mothers of two infants had insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and the mother of the third was presumed to be prediabetic.  相似文献   

On the basis of animal models, it was hypothesized that infants of diabetic mothers (IDMs) would be at risk for suffering damage to the hippocampus primarily because of fetal iron deficiency, chronic hypoxia, and hypoglycemia. This, in turn, may result in impairments in recognition memory at a young age. To test this model, the memory of 6-month-old IDMs and control infants was evaluated with electrophysiological (event-related potential [ERP]) and behavioral (looking time) measures. At 12 months, the Bayley Scales of Infant Development was administered. Our ERP measures showed robust evidence consistent with memory deficits in the IDMs. In contrast, the looking time measures and the Bayley exam failed to distinguish between the groups. From these results it was concluded that the ERP, but not the behavioral, measures are able to detect, in an at-risk population, deficits in recognition memory that are thought to be mediated by damage to the hippocampus. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine whether the retina is hypoxic in early stages of diabetic retinopathy in cats and to correlate intraretinal PO2 with fluorescein angiographic and histologic alterations. METHODS: Intraretinal PO2 was measured with microelectrodes in three cats with long-standing diabetes (>6 years) that had been followed with fluorescein angiographs every 6 months. Average PO2 in the inner vascularized half of the retina was compared with similar measurements in 21 control animals. Photoreceptor oxygen consumption was also compared. The retinal vascular endothelium of the diabetic animals was stained for ADPase activity in flatmounts, and transverse sections were used to visualize microscopic alterations in vascular structure. RESULTS: PO2 in the inner half of the retina was abnormally low in the diabetic cats, 7.7+/-5.2 mm Hg (35 penetrations in 3 cats) versus 16.4+/-9.3 mm Hg in normal cats (85 penetrations in 21 cats) (P < 0.001). Oxygenation was almost normal in some regions of the diabetic retinas, but little evidence of oxygen supply from the retinal circulation was observed in other regions. Inner retinal hypoxia was present in areas with no detectable capillary dropout in fluorescein angiograms or flatmounts. The worst changes histologically were microaneurysms, leukocyte and platelet plugging of aneurysms and venules, and degenerating endothelial cells in capillary walls. These histologic abnormalities were confined to small regions, some of which could be positively correlated with markedly abnormal PO2 profiles. Photoreceptor oxygen utilization was not affected in two diabetic cats, but was below normal in one animal in which choroidal PO2 was low. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first direct demonstration of retinal hypoxia in early diabetic retinopathy, before capillary dropout was evident clinically. Hypoxia was correlated with endothelial cell death, leukocyte plugging of vessels, and microaneurysms.  相似文献   

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