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Conventional models suggest that long-term antibody responses are maintained by the continuous differentiation of memory B cells into antibody-secreting plasma cells. This is based on the notion that plasma cells are short-lived and need to be continually replenished by memory B cells. We examined the issue of plasma cell longevity by following the persistence of LCMV-specific antibody and plasma cell numbers after in vivo depletion of memory B cells and by adoptive transfer of virus-specific plasma cells into naive mice. The results show that a substantial fraction of plasma cells can survive and continue to secrete antibody for extended periods of time (>1 year) in the absence of any detectable memory B cells. This study documents the existence of long-lived plasma cells and demonstrates a new mechanism by which humoral immunity is maintained.  相似文献   

We compared the survival requirements of early- and late-born motoneurons from E5 chicken spinal cord. Density gradient centrifugation followed by immunopanning using SC1 antibody allowed us to purify two size classes of motoneuron. Large motoneurons retained by 6.8% metrizamide were shown by BrdU labeling in ovo to be born on average 1.5 d earlier than the small motoneurons recovered from the metrizamide pellet. Large motoneurons were both biochemically and functionally more mature: they expressed higher levels of choline acetyltransferase and low-affinity neurotrophin receptor, and had an acute requirement for trophic support from muscle-derived factors. After 24 hr in culture in basal medium, all early-born motoneurons died, whereas 60% of late-born motoneurons survived. Small motoneurons can develop into large motoneurons in ovo, suggesting that they represent a general transitional stage in motoneuron development. Our results suggest that a defined period elapses between birth of a motoneuron and its acquisition of trophic dependence, possibly corresponding to the time required for target innervation. This property may have important consequences for the timing and regulation of developmental motoneuron death.  相似文献   

The role of Ca2+ from extracellular and intracellular sources in stimulating neurosecretion was investigated in four experiments using neuroendocrine bag cells of the marine mollusk Aplysia. (i) Bag cells were treated with either an extracellular calcium chelator (BAPTA) or Co(2+)-substitution within 30 s after onset of an electrical afterdischarge to prevent influx of Ca2+ from extracellular fluid. These treatments shortened the duration of the afterdischarge, but did not significantly affect the overall pattern or total amount of egg laying hormone (ELH) secretion, suggesting that extracellular Ca2+ is not required for maintenance of ELH release. (ii) Substitution of Ba2+ for Ca2+ has previously been shown to support bag cell afterdischarges that trigger transient elevations in intracellular Ca2+. We showed that this treatment also stimulates ELH secretion, suggesting that Ca2+ release from intracellular stores can stimulate ELH secretion. (iii) To raise intracellular Ca2+ levels in the absence of an afterdischarge, the calcium ionophore X537A was used to transport Ca2+ across plasma and organelle membranes. When this treatment was combined with extracellular calcium chelators so that the only source of Ca2+ was from intracellular compartments, ELH secretion was stimulated. Taken together, these findings are consistent with the hypothesis that release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores is sufficient to stimulate ELH secretion.  相似文献   

12-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (12-HETE) is one of the major metabolites formed from arachidonic acid in platelets. We have recently shown that the in vitro metabolism of 12-HETE by human leukocytes, with and without stimulation, is effectively inhibited by the addition of physiological concentrations of albumin, probably by sequestration of the compound. In the present paper, we have studied the in vivo metabolism of 12-HETE in the rabbit, using either [1-14C]- or [14C(U)]12-HETE. Distribution of radioactivity was followed in urine, plasma, and bile, as well as in a number of tissues. In most of the tissues examined, the hydrophilic radioactivity constituted more than 50% of the total radioactivity after 20 min. When the lipophilic fraction was analyzed, around 15% of the radioactivity was shown to be unesterified 12-HETE, and only a very minor part could be detected as metabolites. The dominating lipophilic compound in the circulation after i.v. administration of radiolabeled 12-HETE was at all time points (1-60 min.) the parent compound, as analyzed by HPTLC and HPLC. A comparison of the plasma metabolite profiles obtained when [1-14C]- and [14C(U)]12-HETE were used displayed almost identical patterns, thus indicating that beta-oxidized metabolites either were not formed or were rapidly removed from the circulation. The appearance of large amounts of water-soluble radioactivity with time supported the latter conclusion. Several minor metabolites were seen that chromatographed in the dihydroxy acid region as judged by HPLC and TLC. The major one of these compounds represented about 10% of the lipophilic plasma radioactivity after 60 min., while unmetabolized 12-HETE at this stage still represented about 30%. The metabolite had a polarity similar to 12,20-dihydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid; however, when chromatographed together, these two compounds separated, indicating a different structure of the metabolite. Our findings are in agreement with in vitro data concerning the protective effect of albumin on the metabolism of 12-HETE and is the first extensive metabolic study of 12-HETE in vivo covering all metabolic possibilities involving the carbon skeleton.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory disease of the myelinated central nervous system that is postulated to be induced by myelin-reactive CD4 T cells. T cell activation requires an antigen-specific signal through the TCR and a costimulatory signal, which can be mediated by B7-1 or B7-2 engagement of CD28. To directly examine the activation state of myelin-reactive T cells in MS, the costimulation requirements necessary to activate myelin basic protein (MBP) or tetanus toxoid (TT)-reactive CD4 T cells were compared between normal controls and MS patients. Peripheral blood T cells were stimulated with Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells transfected either with DRB1*1501/DRA0101 chains (t-DR2) alone, or in combination with, B7-1 or B7-2. In the absence of costimulation, T cells from normal subjects stimulated with the recall antigen TT p830-843 were induced to expand and proliferate, but stimulation with MBP p85-99 did not have this effect. In marked contrast, T cells from patients with MS stimulated with MBP p85-99 in the absence of B7-1 or B7-2 signals expanded and proliferated. Thus, MBP-reactive CD4 T cells in patients with MS are costimulation independent and have been previously activated in vivo. These experiments provide further direct evidence for a role of activated MBP-specific CD4 T cells in the pathogenesis of MS.  相似文献   

We have investigated the antidiabetic action of troglitazone in aP2/DTA mice, whose white and brown fat was virtually eliminated by fat-specific expression of diphtheria toxin A chain. aP2/DTA mice had markedly suppressed serum leptin levels and were hyperphagic, but did not gain excess weight. aP2/DTA mice fed a control diet were hyperlipidemic, hyperglycemic, and had hyperinsulinemia indicative of insulin-resistant diabetes. Treatment with troglitazone alleviated the hyperglycemia, normalized the tolerance to intraperitoneally injected glucose, and significantly decreased elevated insulin levels. Troglitazone also markedly decreased the serum levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, and free fatty acids both in wild-type and aP2/DTA mice. The decrease in serum triglycerides in aP2/DTA mice was due to a marked reduction in VLDL- and LDL-associated triglyceride. In skeletal muscle, triglyceride levels were decreased in aP2/DTA mice compared with controls, but glycogen levels were increased. Troglitazone treatment decreased skeletal muscle, but not hepatic triglyceride and increased hepatic and muscle glycogen content in wild-type mice. Troglitazone decreased muscle glycogen content in aP2/DTA mice without affecting muscle triglyceride levels. The levels of peroxisomal proliferator-activated receptor gamma mRNA in liver increased slightly in aP2/DTA mice and were not changed by troglitazone treatment. The results demonstrate that insulin resistance and diabetes can occur in animals without significant adipose deposits. Furthermore, troglitazone can alter glucose and lipid metabolism independent of its effects on adipose tissue.  相似文献   

Despite extensive research efforts to identify unique molecular alterations in breast cancer, to date, no characteristic has emerged that correlates exclusively with malignancy. Recently, it has been shown that the multiprotein DNA replication complex (synthesome) from breast cancer cells has a significantly decreased replication fidelity compared to that of nonmalignant breast cells. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) functions in DNA replication and DNA repair and is a component of the synthesome. Using two-dimensional PAGE analysis, we have identified a novel form of PCNA in malignant breast cells. This unique form is not the result of a genetic alteration, as demonstrated by DNA sequence analysis of the PCNA gene from malignant and nonmalignant breast cells. This novel form is most likely the result of an alteration in the post-translational modification of PCNA in malignant breast cells. These findings are significant in that it is now possible to link changes in the fidelity of DNA replication with a specific alteration of a component of the DNA synthetic apparatus of breast cancer cells. The novel form of PCNA may prove to be a new signature for malignant breast cells.  相似文献   

Using a double-antibody panning procedure, we separated a unique cancer antigen cell line (BS-SHI-4M OVC-MU) expressing a mucinous ovarian cancer (OVC) antigen from a malignantly transformed Bloom's syndrome cell line. In order to gain information concerning a mucinous OVC antigen, we tested this unique cell line in the reaction to sera from patients with various OVCs, Krukenberg (KR) tumor, and signet ring cell cancer of the stomach under immunofluorescence and Western blotting protocols and determined the mucinous OVC antigen band at M(r) 84,000. We also undertook an immune electron microscopic study to gain information concerning the antigen-antibody reaction [BS-SHI-4M OVC-MU cells-sera from patients with mucinous OVC and KR tumor] and concerning the antigenic determinant of the membrane using preembedding methods. Occasional protein A-gold particles were observed along the cell membrane of BS-SHI-4M OVC-MU cells, when treated with sera from mucinous OVC and KR tumor patients, but no labeling was observed in the cell membrane when treated with sera from normal patients and those with other cancers. Results of the immune electron microscopic study strongly support the data from the antigen-antibody reaction obtained by immunofluorescence and Western blotting analyses. The BS-SHI-4M OVC-MU cells separated here would be useful for serodiagnosis of mucinous OVC and KR tumors and for follow-up of patients after therapy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Evaluate the age-dependency of ciliary beat frequency (CBF) in biopsies after ciliogenesis in culture. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of CBF and ciliary ultrastructure in biopsies and after ciliogenesis from 203 individuals, aged 3 months to 74 years. METHODS: All patients with successful culture were included. Ciliogenesis was obtained using the sequential monolayer-suspension culture technique for dissociated nasal epithelial cells. CBF was measured using computerized microscope photometry. Secondary ultrastructural abnormalities were evaluated in transmission electron microscopy. RESULTS: There was no correlation between age and CBF, in either the biopsies (7.0 +/- 2.6 Hz; n = 113) or after ciliogenesis in culture (8.1 +/- 1.3 Hz; n = 203). Even in individuals older than 70 years, CBF was normal in bioptic material (6.7 +/- 1.7 Hz) and after ciliogenesis in culture (7.9 +/- 1.0 Hz). Also, in individuals less than 1 year of age CBF was normal in biopsies as well as after ciliogenesis. CBF correlated inversely with the percentage of secondary ultrastructural abnormalities in the biopsies as seen with transmission electron microscopy: 8.1 +/- 1.8 Hz when ciliary ultrastructure was normal and 3.5 +/- 3.3 Hz in cases of severe secondary ciliary dyskinesia. After ciliogenesis in culture, ciliary ultrastructure was always normal, as was CBF. CONCLUSION: CBF is age independent but correlates with secondary ultrastructural abnormalities. CBF after ciliogenesis in culture is the intrinsic one.  相似文献   

This study examined school personnel smokers' reports regarding how they would feel if a no-smoking ban was instituted on school premises. Demographics, smoking history, interest in quitting, and perception of school staff as role models for student smoking behaviors were examined as concurrent predictors of personnel attitudes toward a school-wide no-smoking policy. Generally, the fifty-nine respondents, sampled from fourteen schools, were interested in quitting smoking, but they did not favor a policy prohibiting smoking on campus. A staff role model index was a significant predictor of support for a no-smoking policy; the stronger the belief that staff influence their students' smoking, the greater the desire for a smoking ban at school. Compliance by school staff to future regulations that schools become smokefree environments may be improved if staff believe or are taught that they can directly affect students' smoking behaviors.  相似文献   

On seven dairy farms an attempt was made to control lungworm disease in calves by turnout on a pasture grazed earlier by cows, followed by a move to aftermath and ivermectin treatment 2 months later. Transmission of lungworm was observed on all farms. Lungworm disease occurred on four farms at treatment. Coughing re-occurred on three of these farms in some animals 2 months later. Owing to poor performance between turnout and treatment, weight gain was below the norm on the farm with the highest infections and most severe respiratory signs. On the other farms respiratory signs did not result in poor weight gain. Gastrointestinal nematode infections remained low on all farms. The conclusion is that this dose and move scheme cannot be recommended for the control of lungworm.  相似文献   

Cross-reactivity with environmental antigens has been postulated as a mechanism responsible for the induction of autoimmune disease. Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis is a T cell-mediated autoimmune disease model inducible in susceptible strains of laboratory animals by immunization with protein constituents of myelin. We used myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) peptide 139-151 and its analogues to define motifs to search a protein database for structural homologues of PLP139-151 and identified five peptides derived from microbial Ags that elicit immune responses that cross-react with this self peptide. Exposure of naive SJL mice to the cross-reactive environmental peptides alone was insufficient to induce autoimmune disease even when animals were treated with Ag-nonspecific stimuli (superantigen or LPS). However, immunization of SJL mice with suboptimal doses of PLP139-151 after priming with cross-reactive environmental peptides consistently induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Furthermore, T cell lines from mice immunized with cross-reactive environmental peptides and restimulated in vitro with PLP139-151 could induce disease upon transfer into naive recipients. These data suggest that expansion by self Ag is required to break the threshold to autoimmune disease in animals primed with cross-reactive peptides.  相似文献   

The nuclear pore complex (NPC) mediates communication between the cytoplasm and nucleus in eukaryotic cells. Active transport of large polypeptides as well as passive diffusion of smaller (approximately 10 kD) macromolecules through the NPC can be inhibited by depletion of intracellular Ca2+ stores. However, the physiological relevance of this process for the regulation of nucleocytoplasmic trafficking is not yet clear. We expressed green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase-activated protein kinase 2 (MK2) to study the effect of Ca2+ store depletion on active transport in HM1 cells, a human embryonic kidney cell line stably transfected with the muscarinic M1 receptor. Dexamethasone-induced nuclear import of GR-GFP and anisomycin-induced nuclear export of GFP-MK2 was monitored by confocal microscopy. We found that store depletion by carbachol, thapsigargin or ionomycin had no effect on GR-GFP import, whereas pretreatment with 1,2-bis-(o-aminophenoxy) ethane-N,N,N', N'-tetraacetic acid-acetoxymethyl ester (BAPTA-AM) attenuated import significantly. Export of GFP-MK2 was not influenced by any pretreatment. Moreover, carbachol stimulated GFP-MK2 translocation to the cytoplasm in the absence of anisomycin. These results demonstrate that Ca2+ store depletion in intact HM1 cells is not directly linked to the inhibition of active protein transport through the NPC. The inhibition of GR-GFP import but not GFP-MK2 export by BAPTA-AM presumably involves a depletion-independent mechanism that interferes with components of the nuclear import pathway.  相似文献   

Lovastatin, a cholesterol-lowering drug, has antiproliferative properties that may be related to its inhibition of protein isoprenylation. We examined the effects of lovastatin on signal transduction via the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR). Lovastatin inhibited both proximal and distal TCR-mediated signaling events in a time- and concentration-dependent manner in the human Jurkat T-cell line. Upregulation of CD69 surface expression after TCR stimulation was blocked by lovastatin, although no inhibition of phorbol ester-induced CD69 expression was noted. Proximal TCR-mediated signaling events, including intracellular calcium mobilization, inositol phosphate production, and tyrosine phosphorylation of phospholipase Cgamma1, were similarly inhibited by lovastatin, although global protein tyrosine kinase activity remained intact. In a Jurkat variant transfected with the human type-1 muscarinic receptor, lovastatin also inhibited TCR-mediated calcium mobilization and inositol phosphate production but failed to affect muscarinic receptor-induced responses. Lovastatin, at similar doses, also disrupted post-translational processing of ras and inhibited ras-dependent signals, including phosphorylation and activation of mitogen-associated protein kinase after TCR stimulation. These findings suggest that the antiproliferative properties of lovastatin may be independent of ras and could result from uncoupling protein tyrosine kinases from distinct signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

Thrombolytic therapy in acute myocardial infarction fails to re-establish coronary blood flow in a significant number of patients. One reason for this may be haemostatic imbalance. We investigated whether coagulation factor VII antigen (FVIIag), fibrinogen and protein C were related to reperfusion. Plasma from 45 patients was drawn before treatment and reperfusion assessed by means of continuous, on-line, vector-ECG analysis. Among the 17 patients with no reperfusion, FVIIag levels were significantly higher than among the 28 with signs of reperfusion (560 vs. 410 microg/l median, p = 0.006). Protein C levels where higher in the group with successful reperfusion (1.10 vs. 1.01 U/ml median, p = 0.03), whereas no difference was seen in fibrinogen levels. The findings were not influenced by plasma-triglycerides, body-mass index, age or time between onset of chest pain and thrombolytic therapy. The results suggest that FVII is of importance for the formation as well as resolution of coronary clots.  相似文献   

Ubiquinone (Q) is an essential, lipid soluble, redox component of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Much evidence suggests that ubiquinol (QH2) functions as an effective antioxidant in a number of membrane and biological systems by preventing peroxidative damage to lipids. It has been proposed that superoxide dismutase (SOD) may protect QH2 form autoxidation by acting either directly as a superoxide-semiquinone oxidoreductase or indirectly by scavenging superoxide. In this study, such an interaction between QH2 and SOD was tested by monitoring the fluorescence of cis-parinaric acid (cPN) incorporated phosphatidylcholine (PC) liposomes. Q6H2 was found to prevent both fluorescence decay and generation of lipid peroxides (LOOH) when peroxidation was initiated by the lipid-soluble azo initiator DAMP, dimethyl 2,2'-azobis (2-methylpropionate), while Q6 or SOD alone had no inhibitory effect. Addition of either SOD or catalase to Q6H2-containing liposomes had little effect on the rate of peroxidation even when incubated in 100% O2. Hence, the autoxidation of QH2 is a competing reaction that reduces the effectiveness of QH2 as an antioxidant and was not slowed by either SOD or catalase. The in vivo interaction of SOD and QH2 was also tested by employing yeast mutant strains harboring deletions in either CuZnSOD and/or MnSOD. The sod mutant yeast strains contained the same percent Q6H2 per cell as wild-type cells. These results indicate that the autoxidation of QH2 is independent of SOD.  相似文献   

We demonstrate using primary mast cell cultures derived from wild-type and CD45-deficient mice that mast cell triggering through the high-affinity immunoglobulin E (IgE) receptor requires the cell surface tyrosine phosphatase CD45. Unlike wild-type cells, cross-linking of surface-bound IgE in mast cells deficient in CD45 does not induce degranulation. Degranulation in these mutant cells does occur after treatment with the calcium ionophore A23187 indicating that the degranulation machinery is intact in these cells. We also demonstrate that the tyrosine phosphatase inhibitors orthoVanadate and perVanadate inhibit degranulation in wild-type mast cells, as does cross-linking of CD45 by anti-CD45 antibodies. Finally, we show that CD45-deficient mice are resistant to IgE-dependent systemic anaphylaxis. These results show that, like the T cell receptor and the antigen receptor on B cells, there is an absolute requirement for CD45 in signaling via the high affinity IgE receptor, expanding the number of receptors for which CD45 is an essential component.  相似文献   

We have examined the role of innervation in directing embryonic myogenesis, using a mutant (prospero), which delays the pioneering of peripheral motor nerves of the Drosophila embryo. In the absence of motor nerves, myoblasts fuse normally to form syncytial myotubes, myotubes form normal attachments to the epidermis, and a larval musculature comparable to the wild-type pattern is generated and maintained. Likewise, the twist-expressing myoblasts that prefigure the adult musculature segregate normally in the absence of motor nerves, migrate to their final embryonic positions and continue to express twist until the end of embryonic development. In the absence of motor nerves, myotubes uncouple at the correct developmental stage to form single cells. Subsequently, uninnervated myotubes develop the mature electrical and contractile properties of larval muscles with a time course indistinguishable from normally innervated myotubes. We conclude that innervation plays no role in the patterning, morphogenesis, maintenance or physiological development of the somatic muscles in the Drosophila embryo.  相似文献   

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