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介绍了郑州金苑面业有限公司采用包括全八辊磨粉机,小麦色选机,卧式撞击磨,前路大量出粉工艺等多项新设备,新技术,自行设计,安装,调试的1000t全入辊磨粉机面粉生产线投入运行后与常规四辊磨粉制工艺相比,取得了单位产量高,面粉灰分低,资金投入省,动力消耗少,经济好等多项经济技术指标的成功范例,为制粉工业和制粉工艺的发展走出了一条新的路子。  相似文献   

八辊磨粉机及其在制粉工艺中的应用武汉食品工业学院(430022)王明伟1前言近几年,瑞士布勒公司、意大利贝尔加一桑加蒂等公司推出了在一台磨粉机内装置有八个磨辊的磨粉机,称之为八辊磨粉机。由于该机型是将两台磨粉机叠放在一起串联使用,即物料经过第一台磨粉...  相似文献   

长期以来,围绕八辊磨粉机的利与弊,国内外专家褒贬不一.国际上全八辊磨粉机生产工艺的应用,仅限于瑞士布勒公司在南非和意大利设计安装的两条中等规模生产线,世界其它国家包括中国在内尚为空白.在无任何参考资料可借鉴的情况下,郑州金苑面业有限公司的工程技术人员,从本公司的根本利益和需要出发,采用包括全八辊磨粉机、小麦色选机、卧式撞击磨、前路大量出粉工艺等多项新设备、新技术,自行设计、安装、调试,在短时间内将首条1000吨全八辊磨粉机面粉生产线投入运行.与常规四辊磨制粉工艺相比,取得了单位产量高、面粉灰分低、资金投入省、动力消耗少、经济效益好等多项经济技术指标的成功范例,为制粉工业和制粉工艺的发展走出了一条新的路子.  相似文献   

四、高效、高产、优质、低耗的工艺成果 从1999年5月我厂第一次使用八辊磨粉机,到2000年5月决定建设1000吨全八辊磨粉机车间,中间历时整整一年;从2000年8月立筒库群开始打桩到2001年8月1000吨全八辊磨粉机制粉车间投料试车,又经历了整整一年.在这二年期间,我厂对八辊磨粉机从感性认识到理性认识,从理论上的概念到实践上的探索,从局部使用到全面大规模的使用,取得圆满成功.2001年9月8日这一天,参加试车的全体工人、干部和工程技术人员,在对比了常规生产线和局部使用八辊磨粉机的生产线与新建的全八辊磨粉机1000吨生产线,在产量、质量、出粉率和吨麦电耗、设备运行、自动化控制、粉尘、噪音、消防等全面情况后,共同得出了一个结论:1000吨全八辊磨粉机生产线真正成功了,成功的标志是比常规工艺在所有指标方面更加出色了.  相似文献   

24.齿辊拉丝时到最后出现半条齿磨辊拉丝前是磨光,这时就应知道该根磨辊用于何道皮磨上,每厘米齿数是多少,通过计算得出磨辊辊体准确的直径尺寸是多少,只要磨光后的磨辊直径最终达到这个尺寸,就会消灭半条齿的现象。消灭半条齿,有利于以后重丝工作,如果在齿辊上出现半条齿并重丝时,略一疏忽就会出现1片乱齿而不能使用,被迫重新磨光,造成辊体直径严重损耗、以及砂轮、电力、工时等不必要的浪费。25.齿辊齿根与齿顶平面的精度在磨制拉丝刀时,最好在专用简易砂轮机上进行。其优点是:能将拉丝刀压在一个能放靠模的平台上,平…  相似文献   

8磨辊原商业部颁布的标准规定磨辊辊体表面硬度为肖氏66°~78°,深度为辊体直径的8~13%。我们在订购磨辊时,应提出明确要求,如用于齿辊应首选硬度值肖氏78°的,可延长使用周期,减少更换次数,减少磨辊损耗。用于心磨系统的喷砂辊则应选用肖氏66°的...  相似文献   

我国到目前为止已引进了七个国家九个公司的制粉成套设备或部分清理和面粉打包设备。经过使用一致公认磨粉机的磨辊好用,不仅寿命长,而且研磨后的大麸片大而薄、用手碾摸有光滑感、麸皮含粉量并不多。首先应承认进口齿辊加工精度高,那就是磨辊磨光精度高、齿辊齿顶都留...  相似文献   

2003年3月30日,国家粮食局粮食行政管理司在郑州主持了“1000t/d全八辊磨粉机面粉生产线研究及开发”项目技术成果鉴定会。鉴定委员会由中国粮油学会副理事长刘兴信、全国著名制粉专家席德清、张元培、荣兰荪、窦履豫、王凤成、郭祯祥、李家民、狄友清等9位专家组成,河南省粮食局行业发展处及河南省科技厅有关领导参加了会议。鉴定委员会在听取了郑州金苑面业有限公司总工、课题组负责人王志健的研究报告,参观了正常运行达18个月的1000t/d全八辊磨粉机面粉生产线现场并进行实地测试后,经过充分认真的讨论,一致认为:(1)该项目充分利用1000t/d…  相似文献   

辊式磨粉机在小麦制粉一百多年发展历史中一直占据无可争辩的主导地位.制粉科技的发展.使得辊式磨粉机的某些不适应小麦制粉需求的缺陷或不足逐渐显现,撞击磨粉机等设备的优势也逐渐显现.种种迹象表明.辊式磨粉机在小麦制粉中的主导地位被取代的趋势正在逐步形成.  相似文献   

介绍了小麦润后脱皮制粉新工艺与立式锥筛小麦脱皮机的性能及工艺测定结果。该机具有简化工艺流程与设备,独立风网气力输送,积木组合式结构,美观紧凑,操作维修方便等特点。  相似文献   

小麦碾皮制粉面粉品质的测定与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用布勒实验磨对同一种小麦获取的碾皮麦和未碾皮麦分别制粉,并对两种面粉进行品质测定.实验表明:小麦碾皮制粉工艺制取的面粉品质优于传统制粉工艺制取的面粉.  相似文献   



The quality of muffins made with different amounts (0, 15, 30, 45 and 60%) of waxy whole wheat flour (WWWF) blended with conventional whole wheat flour were characterized. High amounts of WWWF blends produced darker but acceptable crust color. WWWF formulations had a softer crumb on day 0 and day 4, but greater firmness after 16 days storage. Samples did not differ in springiness on day 0, but a slight decrease occurred in all samples, and WWWF samples were slightly less springy after 16 days. Proton (1H) NMR showed two distinct relaxation times, indicative of water migration from the crumb of the muffin to the crust. Sensory evaluation showed high overall likability, except for muffins made with 60% WWWF. The 60% muffins had lower volume than all other formulations. Results show that 15–30% WWWF produces a softer, moister muffin, but this advantage is lost after 8–16 days storage.


This study shows that 15–30% waxy whole wheat flour blended with conventional whole wheat flour produces softer and moisture whole wheat muffins, with good consumer acceptability. Muffins with WWWF remained softer for 4–8 days, but were firmer than control after 16 days storage. Waxy whole wheat flour also adds additional fiber, so its inclusion in blends with conventional whole wheat may help in the development of higher fiber products with a softer and moister crumb.

Puri is a traditional unleavened fried product prepared from whole wheat flour. Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) was used to study its effect on rheological characteristics of whole wheat flour dough and puri making quality. Addition of HPMC at 0.5 and 1.0% w/w increased the water absorption and dough stability whereas the resistance to extension and extensibility decreased. Pasting temperature, peak viscosity and cold paste viscosity gradually decreased. The moisture and fat contents of puri increased marginally. Quality parameters and sensory acceptability were monitored after 0 and 8 h of storage. Addition of 0.5% HPMC gave higher sensory scores. Microscopic observations during puri processing showed that the starch granules in the control dough were clearly visible in the protein matrix, which reduced on frying due to partial gelatinization. Microstructure of puri with HPMC showed higher gelatinization of starch. It also helped in moisture retention and hence, resulted in highly pliable and soft-textured puri .


Puri is a traditional unleavened fried product that is prepared by mixing whole wheat flour and water, sheeted to a desirable thickness and fried. Use of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) affected the whole wheat flour dough and puri making quality. It helped in moisture retention and hence, resulted in highly pliable and soft-textured puri . Microstructure of puri with HPMC showed higher gelatinization of starch.  相似文献   

SUMMARY— A study was carried out to evaluate the nutritive value of opaque-2 corn grown in Brazil and the nutritional effects of its mixture with hybrid corn and wheat flour. These studies were conducted with rats to determine the growth rate, feed efficiency and protein efficiency ratio. Amino acid analyses of Brazilian opaque-2 corn confirmed its high lysine content and other differences in amino acid content; nutritive value was shown to be similar to the American variety. There were small variations among samples of opaque-2 corn grown in different regions and crop years, but all had high nutritive value. The nutritive value of the hybrid corn was little improved by its mixture with the high lysine opaaue-2 corn. Better results were found when the opaque-2 was mixed with the wheat flour.  相似文献   

Rice flour and varying amounts (10–35%) of deboned minced carp were coextruded resulting in a precooked blend that developed no detectable offodors after being stored at room temperature for up to six months. In addition, the extrudates, along with nonextruded rice flour, were made into pakodas, a fried Indian snack food. Sensory triangle test data showed that up to 25% carp could be added before a statistical difference was noted. Hedonic sensory data demonstrated that consumer acceptable products relative to pakodas appearance, aroma, flavor, texture and overall acceptability can be made even at carp addition levels of up to 35%.  相似文献   

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