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A comprehensive study was undertaken to characterise carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) tubes at different temperatures. Quasi-static burst tests were performed on tubes of 25°, 55° and 75° winding angle. The tubes were burst under internal radial pressure with minimum end constraints. An experimental rig and two conditioning tanks were designed and built to test the specimens at three temperatures; -46°C (low temperature), +20°C (room temperature) and +70°C (high temperature). For each test the internal pressure and the strains in both circumferential and longitudinal directions were recorded using a digital processing equipment.For a particular batch of tubes, tested at three different temperatures, a decrease in hoop strength and modulus of the 55° tubes with increasing temperature was recorded; the effect was less pronounced on the properties of 25° and 75° tubes. The use of a non-structural liner during the tests led to higher ultimate strength and strain of 55° tubes but had negligible effects on the behaviour of 75° tubes. The use of a liner in 25° tubes altered the mode of failure, resulting in a very large tube deformation with no noticeable increase in burst pressure. Micrographic analysis was also undertaken to study the failure mechanisms during pressurisation of lined and unlined tubes.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study was undertaken to characterise glass fibre reinforced plastic (GRP) tubes at different temperatures and strain rates. The tests were performed on tubes of 25°, 55° and 75° winding angle. The tubes were burst under internal radial pressure with minimum end constraints. Two separate rigs were used, one for the static and the other for the dynamic tests. The tests were carried out at three temperatures; –46°C (low temperature), +20°C (room temperature) and +70°C (high temperature). For each test the internal pressure and the strains in both circumferential and longitudinal directions were recorded on suitable digital processing equipment. For a particular batch of tubes tested at three different temperatures, there is in general a decrease in hoop strength with increasing temperature during quasi-static tests. The use of a non-structural liner during such tests led to an increase in ultimate hoop strain of 55° tubes, especially at high temperature. The corresponding increase in ultimate hoop strain was markedly less in the case of 75° and almost negligible in the case of 25° tubes. Testing the tubes at high strain rates resulted in substantial increases in burst strength and ultimate hoop strain as compared with the quasi-static and low strain rate values. The mode of failure of 75° tube is a catastrophic fibre breakage under all test conditions. The mode of failure of 55° tube is a combination of weeping and fibre failure. The 25° tubes are characterised by matrix failure, which is very severe at high strain rates.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to investigate the response of hoop wound carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) tubes to dynamic compressive loading at strain rates in the range of 5–200/sec. An experimental rig was designed and built to test short tubular specimens under external radial pressure with minimum end constraints. The load was applied by detonating a small explosive charge inside a water filled, steel, cylindrical chamber enclosing the test specimen. For each test the external pressure and the strains, in both circumferential and longitudinal directions, were recorded on suitable digital processing equipment. Two distinct modes of failure were identified; material and structural (buckling). The mode of failure was dependent on the rate of loading and the tube diameter/thickness ratio. For 100 mm diameter tubes with diameter/thickness=40, buckling failure dominated at strain rates below 10/s. However, at higher strain rates, material failure and a considerable enhancement in burst strength was observed. For 100 mm diameter tubes, with diameter/thickness=80, a buckling mode of failure was in evidence in all the tests, irrespective of the rate of loading.R. Ahmad: Presently at School of Mechanical Engineering, University Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.  相似文献   

试样厚度对碳纤维复合材料拉伸力学性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对两种不同厚度的碳纤维复合材料进行了力学性能试验,并对其断裂过程及性能进行了对比分析。结果表明:厚度为1.40 mm的碳纤维复合材料比厚度为3.00 mm的碳纤维复合材料力学性能优越,其断裂后的纤维股比较细,纤维股完全发生断裂,贡献出其所有的应力;而厚度为3.00 mm的碳纤维复合材料断裂后的纤维股都比较粗,纤维辅层之间未能完全发挥到其极限应力。厚度为1.40 mm的碳纤维复合材料比厚度为3.00 mm的碳纤维复合材料的抗拉强度平均提高了65%;弹性模量提高了8.8%;延伸率提高了0.5%。  相似文献   

岩石在动载作用下破坏模式与强度特性研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
岩石在高应变率下的破坏类型及动态强度理论是工程爆破中的一个重要的基本问题。以往研究岩石的破坏类型只停留在静载作用下,而其强度理论也多采用静态强度理论。作者利用SHPB装置对常见的四种岩石进行了大量冲击试验。结果表明,岩石在冲击载荷作用了下破坏分为四种类型:压剪破坏,拉应力破坏,拉应变破坏和卸载破坏,而且其破坏强度随冲击速度的提高而提高。最后对强度理论作了讨论。  相似文献   

Facing compressive failure, facing wrinkling and core shear failure are the most commonly encountered failure modes in sandwich beams with facings made of composite materials. The occurrence and sequence of these failure modes depends on the geometrical dimensions, the form of loading and type of support of the beam. In this paper the above three failure modes in sandwich beams with facings made of carbon/epoxy composites and cores made of aluminum honeycomb and two types of foam have been investigated. Two types of beams, the simply supported and the cantilever have been considered. Loading included concentrated, uniform and triangular. It was found that in beams with foam core facing wrinkling and core shear failure occur, whereas in beams with honeycomb core facing compressive failure and core shear crimping take place. Results were obtained for the dependence of failure mode on the geometry of the beam and the type of loading. The critical beam spans for failure mode transition from core shear to wrinkling failure were established. It was found that initiation of a particular failure mode depends on the properties of the facing and core materials, the geometrical configuration, the type of support and loading of sandwich beams.  相似文献   

目的 预测不同时效条件下7050铝合金力学性能的演化规律,为多级快速时效热处理工艺提供理论基础。方法 分别在120、160、180℃温度下对7050铝合金进行0~8 h时效热处理,并进行室温单拉试验,获得相应时效条件组合的应力-应变曲线及屈服强度演化曲线,建立统一时效本构模型,模拟微观组织(沉淀半径、溶质浓度)的演化规律,根据微观组织的演化规律,模拟由析出强度与固溶强度组成的屈服强度的演化规律。结果 在不同时效温度下,模拟的屈服强度演化规律与试验结果基本保持一致,模拟的微观组织演化规律与理论分析结果基本保持一致。在160℃时效热处理8 h和180℃时效热处理2 h条件下得到了试验峰值屈服强度,分别为578.6 MPa和555.8 MPa,在模拟结果中也得到了相应的演化结果。在120℃下,屈服强度的试验结果与模拟结果均呈上升趋势。结论 所建立的统一本构模型考虑了时效温度、时效时间的影响,成功预测了不同时效温度条件下析出相半径、溶质浓度等微观变量的演化规律,这些变量都有助于预测合金析出强度与固溶强度的演化规律,进而成功预测了由这2个强度分量组成的屈服强度的演化规律。  相似文献   

本文从应力诱导结晶和应力活化反应速度理论出发,提出了等速拉伸下自增强高聚物抗张强度动力学模型理论,推导出了等速加力和等速形变下自增强高聚物极限断裂方程。它们成功地把抗张强度同成型工艺参数、测试条件、起始高聚物非晶区中的伸直链分数、起始分子量及其分布等联系起来。这些定量关系式为研究自增强高聚物抗张强度同成型工艺和测试条件以及其起始结构间的关系建立了理论基础。  相似文献   

研究添加不同含量的Ag对CP276合金的拉伸性能和时效组织的影响。对拉伸强度、延伸率测试及透射电镜观察表明:0.11wt%加入可促进T1相析出,使合金强度值升高;0.35wt%Ag的加入可在时效前期生成富Ag、Mg的稳定的GP区,从而降低合金中Cu的固溶度,阻碍T1相析出,时效后期,GP区分解,生成大量T1相,使合金强度值显著升高。  相似文献   

目的 制备一种热塑性上浆剂,以期改善碳纤维的表面性能以及单丝拉伸性能。方法 通过直接磺化法制备磺化聚醚醚酮水性上浆剂,并通过喷涂法对未上浆的T300碳纤维进行上浆处理,研究制得上浆剂的结构特征、性能以及其对碳纤维性能的影响。结果 制得磺化聚醚醚酮的磺化度约为74%,以此为主浆料配制的水性上浆剂具有良好的成膜性和储存稳定性。经上浆处理后,碳纤维表面形成了连续的磺化聚醚醚酮上浆层,表面官能团含量明显增加,树脂微滴在纤维表面的接触角降低。此外,上浆层可以弥补纤维表面的部分缺陷,使得上浆后碳纤维的单丝拉伸强度提高了5%。结论 磺化聚醚醚酮上浆剂可以有效改善碳纤维的表面性能及单丝拉伸性能。  相似文献   

研究了回火温度对16Col4Nil0Cr2Mo钢断裂韧度K_(IC)和抗应力腐蚀性能K_(ISCC)的影响。发现510℃以下回火K_(IC)和冲击值a_k的变化一致,都表现出回火马氏体脆性,但在回火脆性区内K_(IC)不降低。在二次硬化峰之前K_(ISCC)值很低,这是二次硬化钢不能在硬化峰之前回火使用的重要原因。  相似文献   

用化学气相沉积法制备的聚氯代对二甲苯膜具有优异的耐溶剂腐蚀及气体阻隔性能。文中采用X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)表征了不同基体温度下制备聚氯代对二甲苯膜的微观组织结构;采用MOCON透湿仪测试了其水汽渗透率。结果表明,随基体温度升高,膜内聚合物分子链取向度先升高、后降低,且在较高温度下聚合物苯环基团更倾向于垂直基体表面。水汽在膜内渗透速率随基体温度升高先降低、后升高,且在约30℃~45℃处达到最低值。  相似文献   

通过HOP技术,使X80管线钢获取了(B+M/A)复相组织。采用力学性能测试、显微分析和X射线衍射方法研究了在不同终冷温度条件下(B+M/A)X80管线钢的组织演变规律,分析了显微组织对力学性能的影响。结果表明,随着终冷温度的升高,贝氏体的板条宽度增加,贝氏体的含量和位错密度减小以及残余奥氏体量增加,导致材料强度降低和塑性增加。在高的终冷温度条件下,马氏体的形成、碳化物的析出和残余奥氏体的分解是材料强度增加和塑性减小的内在因素。在不同终冷温度下,实验钢的屈强比都小于0.85,均匀伸长率大于0.8%,形变强化指数大于0.10,符合大变形管线钢的技术要求。  相似文献   

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