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随着人民生活水平的提高,人们对健康赋予了更深的意义,对饮食也就有了更高的要求。饮食自然而然成为一种特殊的文化。回归自然,倡导绿色成为一个全新的消费时尚,恰在此时,红太阳美食生态园诞生了! 北京红太阳美食生态园至今已开业年多了,店里的生意是越来越红火,越来越受到社会各界的关注,越来越多地吸引了来自八方的食客。就说这今年春节7天长假吧,天天爆满。据不完全统计,每天 相似文献
北京中国大饭店重新装修改造后的咖啡苑,每周五晚都出现排队等位现象,这在大众餐馆不算新鲜,但在高档的五星级饭店出现如此火暴的排队等位场面还真不多见。 相似文献
10月26日,位于北京燕山区的双益美食城举行了隆重的营养美食名店挂牌仪式。原北京市副市长,首都保健营养美食学会名誉会长郭献瑞、中国电影家协会主席、首都保健营养美食学会名誉会长谢铁骊以及燕山区党政领导、首都营养保健美食学会会长刘克、多家新闻媒体出席了挂牌仪式。 相似文献
花雷 现为北京花家怡园餐饮有限公司董事长,2001年被推选为簋街工商联商会副会长。2006年被评为“2005年度京城餐饮十大人物”。成立于一九九八年的北京花家怡园餐饮有限公司经过了十余年的拼搏、发展、壮大,已经发展成为了一个旗下拥有三座冠以“花家怡园”牌名,以不同中国传统建筑风格和造型布局各异的大型酒楼,一个物流中心,培训基地和一个红酒酿造庄园,经营面积6500多平方米,员工人数2000余名,年营业额上亿元,接待了许多国内外宾客,政界要员和当红影视明星的连锁式餐饮有限公司。[编者按] 相似文献
餐饮乃人类赖以生存的基本需求;文化是人类得以发展的必要工具。虽然同是人类的基本需要,但一个属于物质范畴,一个属于精神范畴,二者似乎没有什么必然的联系,可谓是“风马牛不相及”了。然而,当人们生存得以保证,基础文化知识得以普及之后,文化,这一精神产品便潜移默化地渗透到各个领域,派生出诸多文化现象来。 相似文献
宋河,在北京市场主要走的是餐饮和商超两大渠道。目前在北京已有数十家合作伙伴,并且发展态势良好,宋河用了不足一年的时间实现了厂家主动招揽代理发展到今天经销商主动上门寻求合作,这不能不说是品牌在京发展的一个奇迹。这也正是对宋河经营理念的最好认可。 相似文献
曾几何时,香辣蟹风行京城,北京蟹老宋香锅酒楼2001年10月以70万元资产起家,一直引领香辣蟹美食潮,企业实力迅速增强。日前,北京蟹老宋香锅酒楼餐饮有限公司与香港创富餐饮发展公司共同投资上千万港币在深圳帝王大厦开办以经营燕鲍翅为主的太子金城。仅仅一年半时间,经受了SARS的严峻考验,以做家常菜为主的北京蟹老宋香锅酒楼餐饮有限公司小生意搞出了大名堂,其中有何奥妙?为此,记者专访了该公司董事长宋汉桥先生。 相似文献
郝军,今年30岁,国家高级烹调师。他曾于1994年-1998年在大连阿福粤 菜馆工作,1999年-2000年在大连日月明珠大酒店主理燕鲍翅和各类海鲜制作,2001年-2003年在锦州中华楼任厨师长,2004年出任长春红太阳禧富德花园酒店海鲜类出品主管,2005年至今担任北京红太阳美食生态园出品主管,大连菜厨师长。[编者按] 相似文献
M. Gobikrushanth D.C. Purfield J. Kenneally R.C. Doyle S.A. Holden P.M. Martinez E.Rojas Canadas T.C. Bruinjé M.G. Colazo D.J. Ambrose S.T. Butler 《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(2):1702-1711
The evaluation of anogenital distance (AGD), the distance from the center of the anus to base of the clitoris, as a potential fertility trait for genetic selection in dairy cows has generated recent interest. The objectives of this cross-sectional observational study were to (1) characterize the distribution and variability of AGD, (2) determine factors associated with AGD, (3) estimate heritability for AGD, (4) identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) associated with phenotypic variation of AGD, and (5) validate the relationship between categories of AGD and fertility in Irish Holstein-Friesian cows. Anogenital distance was measured using digital calipers in 1,180 Holstein cows (mean ± standard deviation: 225 ± 79 d in milk) from 10 dairy herds located in Munster, Ireland. In addition, age (yr), weight (kg), height at hip (cm), and body condition score (BCS) at the time of AGD measurement were determined in a subset of 281 cows. Genotype information available from 908 cows was subsequently imputed to the Illumina Bovine High Density BeadChip (Illumina Inc., San Diego, CA) for genome-wide association analysis of phenotypic variation in AGD. Overall, AGD had a normal distribution and high variability (mean ± standard deviation; 119.2 ± 11.6 mm). Anogenital distance was weakly but positively associated with cow age, hip height, and body weight, and negatively associated with BCS; the phenotypic variation in AGD that was explainable by these variables was small (coefficient of determination; R2 = 0.09, 0.06, 0.10, and 0.02, respectively). The estimated heritability for AGD was 0.37 (standard error of mean ± 0.08). Six SNP of suggestive significance were identified on Bos taurus autosomes 6, 15, 20, and 26; however, none of these SNP was related to previously identified candidate genes for fertility. Cows were categorized into quartiles (Q1; 86 to 111 mm; n = 311, Q2; 112 to 120 mm; n = 330; Q3; 121 to 127 mm; n = 265, and Q4; 128 to 160 mm; n = 274) based on AGD and the association with reproductive outcomes examined (21-d submission rate, pregnancy to first AI, pregnancy rate within 21, 42 and 84-d after the farm mating start date, and number of times bred). None of the reproductive variables differed significantly between AGD categories. In summary, despite identification of high variability and moderate heritability for AGD in Irish Holstein-Friesian cows, reproductive outcomes did not differ between categories of AGD. This latter result differs from our previous finding of an inverse relationship between AGD and pregnancy outcomes in first- and second-parity Canadian Holstein cows, emphasizing the need to test and validate this new phenotype in diverse cow populations. 相似文献
This study provides us information about relationship between curling and knitted structure and density of two-guide bar warp-knitted fabrics. Five standard warp-knitted fabrics are produced with three densities (Tricot, Locknit, three-needle Satin, Reveres Locknit and three-needle Sharkskin). Certain cut lengths of sample fabrics in both wale and course direction are analyzed through image processing to define curling value. A mechanical model, a function of fabric structure and yarn parameters, is also suggested to predict the curling force. The results of experimental and theoretical results show a greater curling value for course-wise cut in comparison to that of wale-wise in all warp-knitted structures and densities. The lowest curling value is found for three-needle Sharkskin structure in both directions and all densities. 相似文献
节日的半岛 邀您共享
此季,王府半岛酒店正准备以美昧丰盛的菜肴,豪华舒适的住宿和富于灵感的礼物,来令您度过一个从未体验过的,引人入胜并且令人神往的盛大节目。今年,宾客更可享用备类半岛风格的美宴和可供选择的礼篮。 相似文献
本文阐述了南京民国建筑在建筑文化遗产中的重要性,从历史的源流介绍了现存的南京民国建筑,其分类主要有:官方、公共、商业、交通、纪念、教堂、公馆别墅类等。剖析了现存旧建筑保护面临着很多现实而残酷的问题,其一就是城市的开发与旧建筑的保护往往成为一对矛盾。进而对南京民国建筑的保护策略从七个方面进行了分析,其中既有体现了旧建筑保护的共同点,也有其特殊化的一面。 相似文献
为揭示胸围截面上距离松量与服装放松量的分配关系,采用三维扫描仪扫描标准人体和不同放松量的服装,得到胸围截面不同角度处的距离松量.通过分析得出:距离松量主要集中在胸围截面的165°~195.(侧面)之间,90°~ 150°之间和210°~ 240°之间的距离松量较小;胸围截面90°~225°处的距离松量均与平均距离松量在0.01水平(双侧)上显著相关,240°处的距离松量与平均距离松量在0.05水平(双侧)上显著相关,前中附近255° -270.之间的距离松量与平均距离松量低度相关;回归方程的拟合优度总体较好.180.处的回归方程的确定系数R2达到0.965 2. 相似文献