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Cannata JM Williams JA Zhou Q Ritter TA Shung KK 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》2006,53(1):224-236
This paper discusses the development of a 64-element 35-MHz composite ultrasonic array. This array was designed primarily for ocular imaging applications, and features 2-2 composite elements mechanically diced out of a fine-grain high-density Navy Type VI ceramic. Array elements were spaced at a 50-micron pitch, interconnected via a custom flexible circuit and matched to the 50-ohm system electronics via a 75-ohm transmission line coaxial cable. Elevation focusing was achieved using a cylindrically shaped epoxy lens. One functional 64-element array was fabricated and tested. Bandwidths averaging 55%, 23-dB insertion loss, and crosstalk less than -24 dB were measured. An image of a tungsten wire target phantom was acquired using a synthetic aperture reconstruction algorithm. The results from this imaging test demonstrate resolution exceeding 50 microm axially and 100 microm laterally. 相似文献
Passmann C. Ermert H. 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》1996,43(4):545-552
A major design problem concerning high-frequency broad-band ultrasound imaging systems is caused by the strong dispersive attenuation of the tissue, which gives rise to images with inhomogeneous resolution and poor signal to noise ratio (SNR). To address the noise problem, strongly focused transducers with high energy density in a narrow focal region are utilized, which also provide more isotropic images due to improved lateral resolution. To account for the short depth of the focal area two suitable imaging conceptions are used: 1) synthetic aperture concept and 2) B/D-scan concept. To avoid the inhomogeneity of the images, different transmitter signals for each depth are applied, which are pseudoinversely prefiltered according to the transfer function of the tissue. To gain signal energy required for inverse filtering, a pulse compression technique with nonlinearly frequency modulated chirp signals is utilized. These procedures have been implemented in an ultrasound imaging system, which has been developed in the authors' laboratory for eye and skin examinations, It can be used with transducers in a frequency range from 20 to 250 MHz. 相似文献
Yeh DT Oralkan O Wygant IO O'Donnell M Khuri-Yakub BT 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》2006,53(6):1202-1211
Forward-viewing ring arrays can enable new applications in intravascular and intracardiac ultrasound. This work presents compelling, full-synthetic, phased-array volumetric images from a forward-viewing capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) ring array wire bonded to a custom integrated circuit front end. The CMUT ring array has a diameter of 2 mm and 64 elements each 100 microm x 100 microm in size. In conventional mode, echo signals received from a plane reflector at 5 mm had 70% fractional bandwidth around a center frequency of 8.3 MHz. In collapse mode, 69% fractional bandwidth is measured around 19 MHz. Measured signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the echo averaged 16 times was 29 dB for conventional operation and 35 dB for collapse mode. B-scans were generated of a target consisting of steel wires 0.3 mm in diameter to determine resolution performance. The 6 dB axial and lateral resolutions for the B-scan of the wire target are 189 microm and 0.112 radians for 8 MHz, and 78 microm and 0.051 radians for 19 MHz. A reduced firing set suitable for real-time, intravascular applications was generated and shown to produce acceptable images. Rendered three-dimensional (3-D) images of a Palmaz-Schatz stent also are shown, demonstrating that the imaging quality is sufficient for practical applications. 相似文献
GD Kim C Yoon SB Kye Y Lee J Kang Y Yoo TK Song 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》2012,59(7):1386-1394
We present a cost-effective portable ultrasound system based on a single field-programmable gate array (FPGA) for point-of-care applications. In the portable ultrasound system developed, all the ultrasound signal and image processing modules, including an effective 32-channel receive beamformer with pseudo-dynamic focusing, are embedded in an FPGA chip. For overall system control, a mobile processor running Linux at 667 MHz is used. The scan-converted ultrasound image data from the FPGA are directly transferred to the system controller via external direct memory access without a video processing unit. The potable ultrasound system developed can provide real-time B-mode imaging with a maximum frame rate of 30, and it has a battery life of approximately 1.5 h. These results indicate that the single FPGA-based portable ultrasound system developed is able to meet the processing requirements in medical ultrasound imaging while providing improved flexibility for adapting to emerging POC applications. 相似文献
Johnson R. 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》1997,44(4):805-809
Traditional measures of spatial resolution are helpful but incomplete for characterizing the imaging performance of medical ultrasound systems because the challenge is not so much resolving strong point reflectors as limiting the impact of stronger scattering regions on weaker regions. This paper discusses the use of an alternative measure which is based on the ability of a system to accurately image an anechoic region surrounded by a uniform scattering medium. This measure, called contrast response, includes effects of both mainlobe width and sidelobe level. Since the impulse response of a linear system to a target is the convolution of the system spatial impulse response (beam pattern) and the target scattering function, the system output can be described by a three dimensional integral. The contrast response is defined as the ratio of this system output when the anechoic target is not present to the output when it is present, evaluated over a range of target sizes. Contrast response analysis is useful for both system design and performance comparison. Examples are presented which compare the performance of systems with different apodization functions and aperture sizes. This analysis approach suggests why the strong window functions popular in signal processing have not been used for apodization in medical ultrasound and why 256 channel systems have not demonstrated a dramatic performance improvement over 128 channel systems 相似文献
Cannata JM Williams JA Zhang L Hu CH Shung KK 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》2011,58(10):2202-2212
This paper describes the development of a high-frequency 256-element linear ultrasonic array utilizing an interdigitally bonded (IB) piezo-composite. Several IB composites were fabricated with different commercial and experimental piezoelectric ceramics and evaluated to determine a suitable formulation for use in high-frequency linear arrays. It was found that the fabricated fine-scale 2-2 IB composites outperformed 1-3 IB composites with identical pillar- and kerf-widths. This result was not expected and lead to the conclusion that dicing damage was likely the cause of the discrepancy. Ultimately, a 2-2 composite fabricated using a fine-grain piezoelectric ceramic was chosen for the array. The composite was manufactured using one IB operation in the azimuth direction to produce approximately 19-μm-wide pillars separated by 6-μm-wide kerfs. The array had a 50 μm (one wavelength in water) azimuth pitch, two matching layers, and 2 mm elevation length focused to 7.3 mm using a polymethylpentene (TPX) lens. The measured pulse-echo center frequency for a representative array element was 28 MHz and -6-dB bandwidth was 61%. The measured single-element transmit -6-dB directivity was estimated to be 50°. The measured insertion loss was 19 dB after compensating for the effects of attenuation and diffraction in the water bath. A fine-wire phantom was used to assess the lateral and axial resolution of the array when paired with a prototype system utilizing a 64-channel analog beamformer. The -6-dB lateral and axial resolutions were estimated to be 125 and 68 μm, respectively. An anechoic cyst phantom was also imaged to determine the minimum detectable spherical inclusion, and thus the 3-D resolution of the array and beamformer. The minimum anechoic cyst detected was approximately 300 μm in diameter. 相似文献
Use of modulated excitation signals in medical ultrasound. Part II: Design and performance for medical imaging applications 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Misaridis T Jensen JA 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》2005,52(2):192-207
In the first paper, the superiority of linear FM signals was shown in terms of signal-to-noise ratio and robustness to tissue attenuation. This second paper in the series of three papers on the application of coded excitation signals in medical ultrasound presents design methods of linear FM signals and mismatched filters, in order to meet the higher demands on resolution in ultrasound imaging. It is shown that for the small time-bandwidth (TB) products available in ultrasound, the rectangular spectrum approximation is not valid, which reduces the effectiveness of weighting. Additionally, the distant range sidelobes are associated with the ripples of the spectrum amplitude and, thus, cannot be removed by weighting. Ripple reduction is achieved through amplitude or phase predistortion of the transmitted signals. Mismatched filters are designed to efficiently use the available bandwidth and at the same time to be insensitive to the transducer's impulse response. With these techniques, temporal sidelobes are kept below 60 to 100 dB, image contrast is improved by reducing the energy within the sidelobe region, and axial resolution is preserved. The method is evaluated first for resolution performance and axial sidelobes through simulations with the program Field II. A coded excitation ultrasound imaging system based on a commercial scanner and a 4 MHz probe driven by coded sequences is presented and used for the clinical evaluation of the coded excitation/compression scheme. The clinical images show a significant improvement in penetration depth and contrast, while they preserve both axial and lateral resolution. At the maximum acquisition depth of 15 cm, there is an improvement of more than 10 dB in the signal-to-noise ratio of the images. The paper also presents acquired images, using complementary Golay codes, that show the deleterious effects of attenuation on binary codes when processed with a matched filter, also confirmed by presented simulated images. 相似文献
Emery CD Smith SW 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》1999,46(5):1101-1119
Conventional diagnostic ultrasound scanners are bulky and require significant amounts of electrical power during operation. Reducing the size, weight, and consumption of electrical power is made easier through the use of highly integrated compact transmit and receive electronics that may be incorporated in the transducer handle. This necessitates the use of low voltage transmitters and low power receive preamplifiers. Conventional scanners typically use approximately 100-V pulses during transmit; therefore, decreasing the transmit voltage to 15 V decreases the transmit sensitivity. Conventional receive electronics that are located at the scanner degrade the received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) because the array element cannot efficiently drive the coaxial cable. Transmit sensitivity and received SNR can be radically improved using a multilayer/single-layer hybrid array making integration of electronics into the transducer handle more feasible. In this paper, we discuss the design, fabrication, and testing of a 5-MHz hybrid linear array. The hybrid array included 16 multilayer transmit elements (10 Omega impedance) and 24 single-layer receive elements at a half wavelength element pitch. Low voltage transmitters with an output resistance of 7 Omega and high impedance JFET preamplifiers using 15 V for biasing were located adjacent to the hybrid array in the transducer handle. The transmit sensitivity and received SNR of the hybrid array were compared with a conventional array using 50-Omega transmitters and receive preamplifiers at the scanner. The transmit sensitivity improved by 12.8 dB, and the received SNR improved by 7.8 dB, yielding an overall improvement of 20.6 dB, which compared well with predictions from the KLM model. Images of phantoms and in vivo images of the kidney obtained with the Siemens Model 1200 phased array system showed the increased SNR using the hybrid array. Estimates of penetration in tissue mimicking phantoms (alpha=0.5 dB/(cm MHz)) improved by 7 cm compared with the control. 相似文献
Ketterling J.A. Aristizabal O. 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》2009,56(7):1394-1404
Prospective imaging with electrocardiogram (ECG) and respiratory gating presents an imaging application that leverages the improved image quality of high-frequency (>20 MHz) annular arrays without the need for rapid mechanical motion. The limitation of prospective imaging is that the object being imaged must have a periodically stable motion. The present study investigated the implementation of prospective imaging with a 34 MHz annular-array scan system to image the mouse heart at high effective frame rates, >200 frames/s (fps). M-mode data for all transmit-to-receive pairs were acquired at a series of spatial locations using ECG and respiratory gating, and the data were then synthetically focused in postprocessing. The pulse-repetition frequency of the M-mode data determined the effective frame rate of the final B-mode image sequence. The hearts of adult mice were prospectively imaged and compared with retrospective data acquired with a commercial ultrasonic biomicroscope (UBM). The annulararray data were acquired at an effective frame rate of 500 fps spanning 0.5 s, and the UBM data were acquired at 1000 fps spanning 0.15 s. The resulting images showed that multiple heart cycles could be clearly resolved using prospective imaging and that synthetic focusing improved image resolution and SNR of the right ventricle, interventricular septum, posterior edge of the left ventricle (LV), and papillary muscles of the LV versus fixed-focused imaging and the retrospective imaging of the UBM machine. 相似文献
Kumar FJ Lim LC Lim SP Lee KH 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》2003,50(3):203-209
A nondestructive quality evaluation and control procedure for large-area, (001)-cut PZN-8%PT wafers is described. The crystals were grown by the flux technique engineered to promote (001) layer growth of the crystals. The wafers were sliced parallel to the (001) layer growth plane. Curie temperature (Tc) variations, measured with matching arrays of dot electrodes (of 5.0 mm in center-to-center spacing), were found to be better than +/- 4.0 degrees C both within wafers and from wafer to wafer. After selective dicing to give final wafers of narrower Tc distributions (e.g., +/- 3.0 degrees C or better), the wafers were coated with complete electrodes and poled at room temperature at 0.7-0.9 kV/mm. Typical overall properties of the poled wafers were: K3T = 5,200 (+/- 10% from wafer to wafer), tan delta < 0.01 (all wafers), and kt = 0.55 (+/- 5%) (all percentage variations are in relative percentages). Then, the distributions of K3S, tan delta, and kt were measured by the array dot electrode technique. The variations in K3S (hence K3T) and kt within individual wafers were found to be within +/- 10% and +/- 5%, respectively. The dielectric loss values, measured at 1 kHz, were consistently low, being < 0.01 throughout the wafers. The kt values determined by the dot electrodes were found to be about 5% smaller than those obtained with the complete electrodes, which can be attributed to an increase in capacitance ratio due to the partial electroding. The k33 values, deduced using the relation K3S approximately (1 - k33(2))K3T, from the mean K3S and overall K3T values, average 0.94 (+/- 2%). The present work shows that the distribution of Tc within wafers can be used as a convenient check for the uniformity in composition and electromechanical properties of PZN-8%PT single crystal wafers. Our results show that, to control deltaK3T and deltakt within individual wafer to < or = 10% and 5%, respectively, the variation in Tc within the wafer should be kept within +/- 3.0 degrees C or better. 相似文献
Lee Y Lee WY Lim CE Chang JH Song TK Yoo Y 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》2012,59(3):573-582
In this paper, a new compounded direct pixel beamforming (CDPB) method is presented to remove blurring artifacts introduced by ultrasound scan conversion. In CDPB, receive focusing is directly performed on each display pixel in Cartesian coordinates using the raw RF data from adjacent transmit firings so that artifacts from the scan conversion can be removed. In addition, the energy variations resulting from the distance between the transmit scanline and display pixel are compensated by utilizing the gain factor obtained from the ultrasound beam pattern. The proposed CDPB method was evaluated using simulation and in vivo liver data acquired by a commercial ultrasound machine equipped with a research package. The experimental results showed that the proposed CDPB method improved the information entropy contrast (IEC) by 23.6% compared with the conventional scan conversion method and it reduced the blocking artifacts factor (BAF) by 16.4% over the direct pixel-based focusing method. These results indicate the proposed new direct pixel beamforming method could be used to enhance image quality in medical ultrasound imaging. 相似文献
Ito Y. Kushida K. Sugawara K. Takeuchi H. 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》1995,42(2):316-324
A 100-MHz ultrasonic linear transducer array made from a piezoelectric zinc oxide thin film on a sapphire substrate was developed and evaluated. Epitaxial, high-acoustic quality 10-μm-thick ZnO film layers were produced by rf-magnetron sputter deposition onto a (111)-oriented gold film (with a chromium adhesion layer) that was vacuum-evaporated onto a (0001) sapphire surface. We found that, in well-oriented growth of gold, it is important to control the chromium sublayer thickness (less than 5 nm). An array was constructed by photolithography with an appropriate etch. V-shaped grooves between adjacent elements were formed by using an anisotropic etchant (HCl and HNO3-based) that preferentially etched the c-plane of ZnO. Typical array elements were 90 μm wide, 3.2 mm long, and 10 μm thick, and the pitch of an array was typically 100 μm. Our fine uniform array resulted in uniform ultrasonic response of individual elements throughout the array. For a 32-element array, the ultrasound beam in the azimuth plane in water could be electronically focused in the 100 MHz range to obtain a half-amplitude width of 60 μm at the focal depth, agreeing well with theoretical predictions. Besides the use demonstrated with this present transducer, piezoelectric thin films should also lead to fabrication of various other kinds of ultrasonic transducers that can operate at high frequencies and should provide opportunities for miniaturizing transducers and making integrated ultrasonic devices 相似文献
Mamou J Ketterling JA Silverman RH 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》2008,55(2):508-513
High-frequency ultrasound (HFU, > 15 MHz) is an effective means of obtaining fine-resolution images of biological tissues for applications such as opthalmologic, dermatologic, and small animal imaging. HFU has two inherent drawbacks. First, HFU images have a limited depth of field (DOF) because of the short wavelength and the low fixed F-number of conventional HFU transducers. Second, HFU can be used to image only a few millimeters deep into a tissue because attenuation increases with frequency. In this study, a five-element annular array was used in conjunction with a synthetic-focusing algorithm to extend the DOF. The annular array had an aperture of 10 mm, a focal length of 31 mm, and a center frequency of 17 MHz. To increase penetration depth, 8-micros, chirp-coded signals were designed, input into an arbitrary waveform generator, and used to excite each array element. After data acquisition, the received signals were linearly filtered to restore axial resolution and increase the SNR. To compare the chirpcoded imaging method with conventional impulse imaging in terms of resolution, a 25-microm diameter wire was scanned and the -6-dB axial and lateral resolutions were computed at depths ranging from 20.5 to 40.5 mm. The results demonstrated that chirp-coded excitation did not degrade axial or lateral resolution. A tissue-mimicking phantom containing 10-microm glass beads was scanned, and backscattered signals were analyzed to evaluate SNR and penetration depth. Finally, ex vivo ophthalmic images were formed and chirpcoded images showed features that were not visible in conventional impulse images. 相似文献
Wang Y Metzger K Stephens DN Williams G Brownlie S O'Donnell M 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》2003,50(7):805-823
In this paper, a scheme called coded excitation with spectrum inversion (CEXSI) is presented. An established optimal binary code whose spectrum has no s and possesses the least variation is encoded as a burst for transmission. Using this optimal code, the decoding filter can be derived directly from its inverse spectrum. Various transmission techniques can be used to improve energy coupling within the system pass-band. We demonstrate its potential to achieve excellent decoding with very low (<80 dB) side-lobes. For a 2.6 /spl mu/s code, an array element with a center frequency of 10 MHz and fractional bandwidth of 38%, range side-lobes of about 40 dB have been achieved experimentally with little compromise in range resolution. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) improvement also has been characterized at about 14 dB. Along with simulations and experimental data, we present a formulation of the scheme, according to which CEXSI can be extended to improve SNR in sparse array imaging in general. 相似文献
Daher NM Yen JT 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》2006,53(5):912-924
A two-dimensional (2-D) array of 256 X 256 = 65,536 elements, with total area 4 X 4 = 16 cm2, serves as a flexible platform for developing acquisition schemes for 3-D rectilinear ultrasound imaging at 10 MHz using synthetic aperture techniques. This innovative system combines a simplified interconnect scheme and synthetic aperture techniques with a 2-D array for 3-D imaging. A row-column addressing scheme is used to access different elements for different transmit events. This addressing scheme is achieved through a simple interconnect, consisting of one top, one bottom single-layer, flex circuits that, compared to multilayer flex circuits, are simpler to design, cheaper to manufacture, and thinner so their effect on the acoustic response is minimized. We present three designs that prioritize different design objectives: volume acquisiton time, resolution, and sensitivity, while maintaining acceptable figures for the other design objectives. For example, one design overlooks time-acquisition requirements, assumes good noise conditions, and optimizes for resolution, achieving -6 dB and -20 dB beamwidths of less than 0.2 and 0.5 mm, respectively, for an F/2 aperture. Another design can acquire an entire volume in 256 transmit events, with -6 dB and -20 dB beamwidths in the order of 0.4 and 0.8 mm, respectively. 相似文献
Yang HC Yin J Hu C Cannata J Zhou Q Zhang J Chen Z Shung KK 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》2010,57(12):2839-2843
We have developed a dual-modality biomedical imaging probe utilizing intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and optical coherence tomography (OCT). It consists of an OCT probe, a miniature ultrasonic transducer and a fixed mirror. The mirror was mounted at the head of the hybrid probe 45° relative to the light and the ultrasound beams to change their propagation directions. The probe was designed to be able to cover a larger area in blood vessel by IVUS and then visualize a specific point at a much finer image resolution using OCT. To demonstrate both its feasibility and potential clinical applications, we used this ultrasound-guide OCT probe to image a rabbit aorta in vitro. The results offer convincing evidence that the complementary natures of these two modalities may yield beneficial results that could not have otherwise been obtained. 相似文献
Adaptive beamforming applied to medical ultrasound imaging 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Synnevåg JF Austeng A Holm S 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》2007,54(8):1606-1613
We have applied the minimum variance (MV) adaptive beamformer to medical ultrasound imaging and shown significant improvement in image quality compared to delay-and-sum (DAS). We demonstrate reduced mainlobe width and suppression of sidelobes on both simulated and experimental RF data of closely spaced wire targets, which gives potential contrast and resolution enhancement in medical images. The method is applied to experimental RF data from a heart phantom, in which we show increased resolution and improved definition of the ventricular walls. A potential weakness of adaptive beamformers is sensitivity to errors in the assumed wavefield parameters. We look at two ways to increase robustness of the proposed method; spatial smoothing and diagonal loading. We show that both are controlled by a single parameter that can move the performance from that of a MV beamformer to that of a DAS beamformer. We evaluate the sensitivity to velocity errors and show that reliable amplitude estimates are achieved while the mainlobe width and sidelobe levels are still significantly lower than for the conventional beamformer. 相似文献
由于声成像技术具有对材料内部力学特性进行成像检测的特点,它已成为医学超声中的重要研究领域。为了提高声成像的空间分辨力,近年来,又发展了光声成像,扫描电子声显微术和扫描探针声显微术等新的近场成像技术。结合同济大学声学研究所部分研究结果,对这些近场成像技术在医学超声中的应用作了简单介绍。 相似文献