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Full congener-specific polychorinated biphenyl (PCB) and partial-congener-specific polychorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin/furan (PCDD/F) analyses were performed on livers from young-of-the-year (YOY) and adult Atlantic tomcod from the Hudson River estuary including multiple sites along the main-stem Hudson River and Newark Bay/Hackensack River, NJ, and from a reference river, the Miramichi River, NB. Highest hepatic burdens of PCBs were found in fish collected in the main-stem Hudson River between river miles (RM) 37 and 50 and in Newark Bay/Hackensack River. By far, the highest concentrations of PCDD/Fs were seen in fish from Newark Bay/Hackensack River. The di- to tetrachlorinated biphenyls dominated the PCB composition in YOY tomcod, whereas the penta- to nonachlorinated biphenyls predominated in adults with particular prevalence of the 2,4,5-substituted diortho congeners. Overall, using a direct mixing model an aroclor composition of approximate 1:1:1, A1242:A1254:A1260, was calculated from the hepatic PCB profiles in YOY tomcod. A linear increase in A1242 characteristics with river mile was seen in YOY collected between RM 0 and RM 80, which was likely due to the well-characterized A1242 source from the former capacitor manufacturing plants located upriver. However, tomcod caught upstream of RM 80 exhibited a PCB pattern with decreasing A1242 characteristics, and it was hypothesized that this was due to the increased depuration or decreased uptake of low chlorinated (log K(OW) < 6) congeners upon entry of the fish into freshwater from brackish water. The most abundant tetra-octa PCDD/F chlorohomologue in tomcod collected from the main stem of the Hudson River was TCDF, whereas 2,3,7,8-TCDD was the major congener detected in tomcod from Newark Bay/Hackensack River, which showed elevated total PCDD/F levels compared to tomcod from the main-stem Hudson River.  相似文献   

The first estimates of atmospheric deposition fluxes of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) to the Hudson River Estuary are presented. Concentrations of PCBs were measured in air, aerosol, and precipitation at nine sites representing a variety of land-use regimes at regular intervals from October 1997 through May 2001. Highest concentrations in the gas phase were observed at urban sites such as Camden and Jersey City (sigmaPCB concentrations averaged 3250 and 1260 pg m(-3), respectively). In great portions of the state encompassing forested, coastal, and suburban environments, gas-phase sigmaPCB concentrations were essentially the same (averaging 150-220 pg m(-3)). This spatial trend suggests that atmospheric PCBs arise from highly localized, urban sources which influence atmospheric concentrations and deposition fluxes over a distance of a few tens of kilometers. Atmospheric sigmaPCB deposition fluxes (gas absorption + dry particle deposition + wet deposition) ranged from 7.3 to 340 microg m(-2) yr(-1) and increased with proximity to urban areas. While the magnitude of the fluxes increased with urbanization,the relative proportions of wet, dry, and gaseous deposition remained largely constant. Because the Hudson River Estuary is adjacent to urban areas such as Jersey City, it is subject to higher depositional fluxes of PCBs. These depositional fluxes are at least 2-10 times those estimated for the Chesapeake Bay and Lake Michigan. Inputs of PCBs to the Hudson River Estuary from the upper Hudson River and from wastewater treatment plants are 8-18 times atmospheric inputs, and volatilization of PCBs from the estuary exceeds atmospheric deposition of low molecular weight PCBs.  相似文献   

A bioenergetics-based model was used to simulate the accumulation of total PCBs and 20 PCB congeners by nestling tree swallows at two contaminated sites on the Upper Hudson River, New York. PCB concentrations in birds were calculated as the sum of inherited residues and those acquired through consumption of contaminated insects. Close agreement between simulations and measured residues in 5-, 10-, and 15-day-old nestlings was obtained when PCB concentrations in the diet were set equal to those in food boli taken from adult birds. These simulations were further optimized by fitting the value of a dietary assimilation efficiency constant. Fitted constants for both sites were similar and averaged about 0.7. An evaluation of model performance for individual congeners provided no evidence of metabolic biotransformation. The results of this study are consistent with a companion effort in which principal components analysis was used to compare PCB congener patterns in insects and in tree swallow eggs, nestlings, and adults. Together, these studies establish a quantitative linkage between nestling tree swallows and the insects that they consume and provide strong support for the use of nestling swallows as a biomonitoring species for exposure assessment.  相似文献   

The transfer of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from air to vegetation is an important air-surface exchange process that affects global cycling and can result in human and wildlife exposure via the terrestrial food chain. To improve understanding of this process, the role of stomata in uptake of gas-phase polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) was investigated using Hemerocallis x hybrida "Black Eyed Stella", a plant with a high stomatal density. Uptake of PCBs was monitored over a 72-h period in the presence and absence of light. Uptake rates were significantly greater in illuminated (stomata open) plants than unilluminated (stomata closed) plants for 18 of the 28 measured PCB congeners (p < 0.05). Depuration of PCBs was monitored in a subsequent experiment over a period of 3 weeks. Levels after 3 weeks of depuration time were still much higher than the concentration prior to contamination. Tri- and tetrachlorinated PCBs showed the greatest depuration, with less than 20% and 50% of accumulated PCBs respectively remaining, while approximately 70% of higher chlorinated PCB congeners remained in the plants at the end of the experiment. Treatments with/without light (to control stomatal opening during uptake) and with/without abscisic acid (ABA) application (to control stomatal opening during depuration) were compared. After contamination indoors for 3 days, there was a significantly higher concentration of PCBs (p < 0.05) in the light contaminated plants than the dark-contaminated plants for 13 of the 28 measured PCB congeners. The ABA treatment affected depuration of PCB-18 only. "Light/ABA-treated" plants had a significantly slower depuration rate for PCB-18 than "light/untreated", "dark/ABA-treated", and "dark/untreated" plants (p < 0.05). The results of the study indicate that there is a stomatal effect on the rate of exchange of PCBs between Hemerocallis leaves and air.  相似文献   

Atmospheric deposition can be an important source of PCBs to aquatic ecosystems. To develop the total maximum daily load (TMDL) for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) for the tidal Delaware River (water-quality Zones 2-5), estimates of the loading of PCBs to the river from atmospheric deposition were generated from seven air-monitoring sites along the river. This paper presents the atmospheric PCB data from these sites, estimates direct atmospheric deposition fluxes, and assesses the importance of atmospheric deposition relative to other sources of PCBs to the river. Also, the relationship between indirect atmospheric deposition and PCB loads from minor tributaries to the Delaware River is discussed. Data from these sites revealed high atmospheric PCB concentrations in the Philadelphia/Camden urban area and lower regional background concentrations in the more remote areas. Wet, dry particle, and gaseous absorption deposition are estimated to contribute about 0.6, 1.8, and 6.5 kg year-(-1) sigmaPCBs to the River, respectively, exceeding the TMDL of 0.139 kg year(-1) by more than an order of magnitude. Penta-PCB watershed fluxes were obtained by dividing the tributary loads by the watershed area. The lowest of these watershed fluxes are less than approximately 1 ng m(-2) day(-1) for penta-PCB and probably indicates pristine watersheds in which PCB loads are dominated by atmospheric deposition. In these watersheds, the pass-through efficiency of PCBs is estimated to be on the order of 1%.  相似文献   

The upper Hudson River (NY) was subjected to massive PCB contamination over a period of three decades. A large inventory of PCBs remains in contaminated sediments of the river, most notably in the Thompson Island Pool. During the summer, flow crossing the Thompson Island Pool exhibits a large and consistent PCB load gain. This load gain is not associated with scouring flows and is not accompanied by an increase in suspended solids. A variety of hypotheses have been proposed to explain this load gain, including flux of contaminated porewater and dissolution of unverified reservoirs of pure PCBs. A wealth of congener-specific PCB data is available for the site throughout the 1990s. Interpretation of the Thompson Island Pool load gain is facilitated by examination of the PCB congener signature of the gain and comparison to the signature of potential sources. This examination suggests that neither the flux of porewater nor the dissolution of unaltered Aroclors are the predominant source of the load gain. Instead, the congener signature is consistent with a mixed source consisting of porewater flux and non-scour flux of contaminated sediments. The non-scour sediment flux, which reaches a maximum in the beginning of the summer growing season, is likely driven by a variety of biological and anthropogenic processes, including bioturbation by benthic organisms, bioturbation by demersal fish, scour by propwash, mechanical scour by boats and floating debris in nearshore areas, and uprooting of macrophytes.  相似文献   

The reassessments of environmental processes in sediments rely upon capturing the heterogeneous features of elements at a small scale and at the same location. In this study, a diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) technique was developed for the high-resolution simultaneous measurements of dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) and dissolved sulfide. A new binding gel was used in this DGT technique, which was prepared by incorporating AgI particles into the zirconium oxide binding gel previously used in the DGT measurement of DRP. The concentrations of the DRP and sulfide loaded into the binding gel were determined by a routine procedure and a computer-imaging densitometry (CID) technique, respectively. The performance of this DGT technique was tested under laboratory conditions and applied to in situ measurements in sediments of a shallow lake. Simultaneous release of DRP and dissolved sulfide was observed in a sulfide microniche with a diameter of ~3 mm and in locally aggregated zones with a length over 1 cm, which was attributed to the simultaneous reductions of Fe(III) and sulfate and the associated release of Fe-bound P in the zones of the reactive organic matter in sediments. The good performance of this technique implies that there is a great potential for the development of new DGT techniques capable of simultaneous measurements of more analytes.  相似文献   

Air-water exchange of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) is an import process for the delivery of contaminants to water bodies, as well as for their removal, and is thus a pivotal parameter in the construction of mass balances in aquatic systems. Simultaneous measurements of PCB concentrations in the gas and dissolved phases conducted in Green Bay in 1989 and in southern Lake Michigan in 1994-1995 were used to estimate air-water exchange fluxes. In this work, improved Henry's law constants for PCBs and new mass-transfer rates across the air-water interface were used to update the previous calculations. The new model calculations suggest that the net volatilization flux of PCBs out of Green Bay ranges from +170 to +5300 ng m(-2) day(-1), which is 2-20 times larger than previous estimates. The flux of PCBs in southern Lake Michigan exhibits net volatilization of +0.5 to +230 ng m(-2) day(-1) throughout the study period (May and July 1994, January 1995), whereas previous estimates reported that the net flux was seasonally absorptive. Thus, water-to-air fluxes are more important for the removal of PCBs from both Green Bay and Lake Michigan than previously recognized.  相似文献   

The New York/New Jersey Harbor Estuary is subject to significant contamination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from numerous sources, including the historically contaminated Upper Hudson River, stormwater runoff and sewer overflows, and atmospheric deposition from PCBs originating from the surrounding urban area. However, the relative importance of these sources to the estuary's food web is not fully understood. Sources of PCBs to the estuary were apportioned using chiral signatures of PCBs in air, water, total suspended matter, phytoplankton, and sediment. PCBs 91, 95, 136, and 149 were racemic in the atmosphere of the estuary. However, the other phases contained nonracemic PCB 95 and to a lesser extent PCB 149. Thus, the predominant atmospheric source of these congeners is likely unweathered local pollution and not volatilization from the estuary. The similarity in chiral signatures in the other phases is consistent with dynamic contaminant exchange among them. Chiral signatures in the dissolved phase and total suspended matter were correlated with Upper Hudson discharge, suggesting thatthe delivery of nonracemic contaminated sediment from the Upper Hudson, not the atmosphere, controls phytoplankton uptake of some PCBs. Thus, measures to control PCB contamination in the Upper Hudson should be effective in reducing loadings to the estuary's aquatic ecosystem.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-contaminated sediments remain a significantthreatto humans and aquatic ecosystems. Dredging and disposal is costly, so viable in situ technologies to dechlorinate PCBs are needed. This study demonstrates that nanoscale zerovalent iron (ZVI) dechlorinates PCBs to lower-chlorinated products under ambient conditions, provides insight into structure-activity relationships between PCB isomers, and compares the reactivity of nanoscale ZVI to that of palladized microscale ZVI. Six PCB congeners were studied (22', 34', 234, 22'35', 22'45', and 33'44') to compare the initial rate of dechlorination of each and to monitor the order in which chlorines are removed. Using 200 g/L of nanoscale ZVI in a 30% MeOH/water mixture, observed surface-area-normalized pseudo-first-order PCB dechlorination rate constants ranged from 1 x 10(-6) to 5.5 x 10(-4) L yr(-1) m(-2) depending on the PCB congener tested. Using 200 g/L of palladized (0.05 wt %) microscale ZVI, surface-area-normalized pseudo-first-order PCB dechlorination rate constants were significantly faster and ranged from 3.8 x 10(-2) to 1.7 x 10(-1) L yr(-1) m(-2), but these rates were not sustainable. For nanoscale ZVI, nonorthosubstituted congeners had faster initial dechlorination rates than orthosubstituted congeners in the same homologue group. Chlorines in the para and meta position were predominantly removed over chlorines in the ortho position, which suggests that more-toxic coplanar PCB congeners are not likely to form from less-toxic noncoplanar, orthosubstituted congeners. Complete dechlorination was not observed over the course of the experiments. PCB dechlorination is rapid enough that nanoscale ZVI may offer novel in situ remedial alternatives for PCB-contaminated sediments.  相似文献   

The depuration of gas-phase polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from a slow-growing evergreen shrub, Skimmia japonica Thunb., was studied to investigate the reversibility of uptake and the compartmentalization of PCB congeners within leaves with respect to air-plant exchange processes. Depuration of PCBs was monitored over periods of hours, days, and weeks. Equilibrium had not been attained between air and leaves during the uptake phase after many weeks. Depuration followed two-phase clearance kinetics, with phase 1 occurring over the order of hours and phase 2 continuing slowly over weeks. In phase 1, a substantial part (ca. 40%) of the PCB burden that the plants had accumulated over weeks was lost in 2-3 h. This observation is further evidence for the close dynamic coupling of air and vegetation compartments. In the second phase, very slow depuration over 28 d only removed a further approximately 25% of the accumulated PCB burden. Depuration rates in phase 2 varied between compounds and were not influenced by growth dilution. Depuration rates for both phases were not correlated with KOA, indicating that plant-air mass transfer coefficients were proportional to plant-air partition coefficients and, therefore, probably dominated by the plant-side resistance to diffusion. Photolysis and metabolism are unlikely to have influenced the rates of congener disappearance. Pathways into the leaf and possible storage locations within the plant are discussed with respect to the observed differences between uptake and clearance rates. Uptake and depuration are not mirror image processes, with a fraction of accumulated PCBs effectively stored in the leaves. This has important implications for terrestrial food chain transfer and global cycling with leaf concentrations remaining elevated long after a contamination event.  相似文献   

The dissolved phase of environmental aqueous samples is generally defined by filtration at 0.2 microm or even 0.45 microm. However, it is also acknowledged that colloids <0.2 microm suspended in the aqueous phase can be important for determining contaminant availability and mobility. We have used flow field-flow fractionation (FI FFF) and size exclusion chromatography (SEC) coupled to UV-absorbance (UVA) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to study the dissolved organic matter (DOM) and colloidal binding of U and Ni in water extracts of sediments collected from a contaminated area of the Savannah River Site, a U.S. Department of Energy former nuclear materials production and processing facility, near Aiken, SC. High-performance SEC-UVA-ICP-MS was well-suited to the separation of DOM overthe molecular weight (MW) range of approximately 200-7000 Da. The ICP-MS element specific data indicated that a significant fraction of U was associated with DOM. Uranium exhibited a bimodal distribution and the other fraction was greater than the exclusion limit for the column and coeluted with Al. Flow FFF was used to size this fraction as colloidal with an approximate effective spherical diameter of 0.09-0.12 microm. Element specific ICP-MS data confirmed that U and Al were associated with the colloidal phase. High-field FI FFF was also applicable to sizing DOM but resolution was poorer than SEC. The results of this study suggest that "dissolved" U at this site is predominantly either complexed by DOM or bound to a colloidal fraction while Ni is predominately present as labile complexes or the free cation and, therefore, potentially bioavailable.  相似文献   

Air-water exchange of polychlorinated biphenyls in the Delaware River   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The air-water exchange of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) often results in net volatilization, which is thought to be the most important loss process for PCBs in many systems. Previous investigations of the air-water exchange of PCBs have been hampered by difficulties in treatment of the uncertainty in the calculation of air/water fugacity ratios. This work presents a new framework for the treatment of uncertainty, where uncertainty in physical constants is handled differently from random measurement uncertainty associated with random samples, and it further investigates the sorption of PCBs to colloids (dissolved organic carbon). Simultaneous measurements of PCBs in the air and water of five water quality management zones of the Delaware River were taken in 2002 in support of the total maximum daily load (TMDL) process. Gas-phase concentrations of IPCBs ranged from 110 to 1350 pg m(-3), while dissolved water concentrations were between 420 and 1650 pg L(-1). Shallow slopes of log Koc vs. log Kow plots indicated a colloidal contribution to the apparent dissolved-phase concentrations, such that a three-phase partitioning model was applied. Fugacity ratios for individual congeners were calculated under the most conservative assumptions, and their values (log-transformed) were examined via a single-sample T-test to determine whether they were significantly less than 1 at the 95% confidence level. This method demonstrated that air-water exchange resulted in net volatilization in all zones over all cruises for all but seven high molecular weight congeners. Calculated net fluxes ranged from +360 to +3000 ng m(-2) d(-1) for sigma PCBs. The colloidal correction decreased the volatilization flux of sigma PCBs by approximately 30%. The decachlorinated congener (PCB 209), exhibited unusually high concentrations in the suspended solids, especially in the southern portions of the river, indicating that there is a distinct source of PCB 209 in the Delaware River.  相似文献   

The Willamette River drains a 32,000 km2 basin (Basin) in northwestern Oregon. Owing to their persistence and toxicity, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in resident fish within the Basin at levels above consumption advisory thresholds are a human and environmental health concern. This concern may trigger a Willamette River Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for PCBs, at which time both their probable sources and the mechanism by which they came to be distributed throughout the Basin will be of considerable regulatory interest. Deposition within the Basin of some portion of global primary (1930-1980) and secondary (post-1980) emissions arriving via long-range advective transport in the atmosphere was posited as an explanation. This proposition was explored with a seasonally responsive, dynamic mass balance watershed-scale model that estimated concentrations of toxicologically relevant congeners (PCB-077, -118, -169) in various environmental media over a 90-year period, assuming advective inflow to the Basin's atmosphere to be the only PCB congener source. Model results suggest that rising air concentrations, and associated advective inflows, from increasing primary emissions between 1930 and 1975 (PCB-118 peak inflow, 1970, approximately equal to 11 kg y(-1)) and declining primary and secondary emissionsthereafter, could have yielded congener concentrations observed in air, soil, and fish between 1993 and 2003. The possibility that observed concentrations may be obtainable entirely with inputs from global legacy sources raises questions as to the efficacy of a TMDL directed primarily at local point or area sources. Better characterization of potential sources, and collection of additional soil and air data combined with more sophisticated modeling, appear to be necessary precursors to any PCB TMDL for the Willamette River.  相似文献   

Scientists and regulatory agencies have expressed concern that exposures to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) might be contributing to reductions in the abundance of fish populations exposed to these chemicals. The specific effects of concern involve impairment of fish reproduction, including both reduced egg production and decreased viability of eggs and larvae. We tested hypotheses concerning the effects of PCBs on fish populations using long-term data sets available for the striped bass population of the Hudson River, NY, a population that has long been a subject of regulatory concern because of potential effects of PCB exposures. The data sets examined include both measurements of PCB concentrations in adult female striped bass over the period from 1976 through 1997 and estimates of the numbers of striped bass eggs, larvae, and juveniles produced annually during this same period. We found strong correlations between estimates of the abundance of spawners and the number of eggs and larvae produced by those spawners and also between independent estimates of year-class strength derived from different sampling programs. However, we found no relationships between PCB exposure and any measure of striped bass abundance or reproduction. Although inconsistent with the expected effects of PCB exposures, trends in all measures of striped bass abundance and reproductive success were consistent with the expected effects of striped bass harvest restrictions that were imposed during the 1980s. Our results demonstrate a need for caution in inferring risks to populations in nature from effects observed in laboratory studies.  相似文献   

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