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太阳能热发电技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1太阳能发电技术 太阳能发电的方式有多种,主要有通过热过程的“聚热式太阳能热发电(CSP)”。  相似文献   

聚光型太阳能热发电(CSP)是可能实现太阳能大规模利用的形式之一,其技术可行性已得到证明,并在个别国家进入了预商业化阶段。文章对目前世界上聚光型太阳能热发电的发展现状及未来发展障碍进行了阐述,针对我国发展CSP技术进行了风险分析,并提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

正1太阳能光热发电技术概述太阳能光热发电即聚光太阳能热发电(Concentrating Solar Power),也称CSP,是太阳能发电中不同于光伏发电的另一种技术。光热发电技术是利用光聚焦原理,把太阳光线的分散能量进行高度聚集,通过吸热器中工质吸收阳光热能,直接或间接地加热水,产生一定参数的蒸汽,然后送往汽轮发电机组进行发电。实际应用的主要技术种类有槽式、塔式、碟式和线性菲涅尔式。1.1槽式光热发电技术分别采用槽式聚光镜和吸热管来聚焦和吸收太阳光热能,进而转化成电能。槽式聚光镜是一种高精密度的太阳反射镜,按主要制造材料可分为两种:玻璃反射镜和铝板反射镜,反射镜的横  相似文献   

基于太阳能热利用系统,建立能势分析模型,对太阳能聚光过程、光热发电、光热化学等主要环节进行能量分析和能势分析,并对光热发电、光热化学2种技术路线进行对比。结果表明太阳能与吸热工质能势不匹配是太阳能热利用系统效率的关键限制因素,热功转化、热化学过程的不可逆性相对较小。现有太阳能光热、光热化学热利用系统的效率均较低,有较大的提升潜力。  相似文献   

聚光类太阳能热发电技术是指利用聚光器收集太阳能,通过接收器转换成热能,加热工质,驱动热动力装置进行发电的技术。现有的聚光类太阳能热发电系统按照形式不同可分为槽式太阳能热发电系  相似文献   

<正>一项对聚光太阳能发电(CSP)技术及其实际应用潜力的新研究显示,CSP可以提供脱碳能源系统中大部分的电力。据发表在《自然气候变化》杂志上的研究论文显示,聚光太阳能发电可以满足当前大量的能源需求。例如,在地中海地区,该研究显示联网的聚光太阳能发电系统,可提供当前电力需求的70%~80%,还不比燃气电厂的成本高。其生产的电力类似于一个标准能源生  相似文献   

<正>3月30日,北京希尔顿逸林酒店三楼宴会厅,2015年第一场在国内召开的、影响力最大的光热发电行业盛会——CSP Focus 2015太阳能热发电工业热利用大会开幕。两天的会议分别由国家太阳能光热产业技术创新战略联盟秘书长刘晓冰和中国科学院电工研究所研究员白凤武主持,国家应对气候变化战略研究和国际合作中心主任李俊峰在大会开幕式上致开幕词。大会共设政策趋势项目动态、流体控制系统、储热系统、项目开发和维护、光热发电融资支持、光热技术进展、印度南非的光热发电机遇、工业热利用市场前景8个分论坛,共有30多位来自国内外主流机构及公司的专家分别就光热发电产业的各环节内容发表了主题演讲,  相似文献   

黄卫东 《太阳能》2021,(4):51-57
从理论方面对降低太阳能热发电投资成本的方式进行了分析,认为可通过扩大规模来降低投资成本,依靠扩大发电系统的规模和优化镜场设计来提高太阳能热发电系统的光电转换效率;碟式和点聚焦菲涅耳聚光系统的光热转换效率高,竞争力较强.当采用超大功率蒸汽轮机时,可使发电系统的规模扩大10倍、热电转换效率提高25%;按照光学效率和接收器热...  相似文献   

周晓东 《太阳能》2010,(6):64-64
<正>随着环境保护压力的增大和太阳能热发电技术的成熟,各国热发电技术公司逐渐开始开拓中国市场。为了确切描述和对比不同聚光式太阳能热发电系统的配置,比较采用不同技术方案系统的性能和经济性。研究设计聚光式太阳能热发电系统时引入了容量系数、设计工况和太阳岛倍率三个概念。容量系数是指聚光式太阳能发电厂在当地日照资  相似文献   

正太阳能光热发电本身可以储热,可以廉价地储能,一年发电时间可以达到5500h以上,具有24h满发的能力,是一种可调峰可调度的低碳电力,同时可以跟光伏、风电组合,成为一种高比例接入电网的可再生能源。近年来,随着太阳能光热发电站在全球的重新兴起,我国在太阳能聚光方法及设备、吸热、高温传热储热等方面取得了一些实质性突破,建设太阳能光热发电站所需的主要设备和零部件已初步形成了产业链。当前我国太阳能热发电关键设备和材料基本能够实现自  相似文献   

聚光太阳能发电技术应用与前景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析了聚光太阳能发电三大技术(线性聚光系统、碟/引擎系统、电力塔系统)以及热能储存系统,阐述了其结构、工作原理与研究方向,比较了这三大技术之间的经济技术性能,介绍了适合我国太阳能辐射量大的边远地区碟/引擎系统的应用,展示了太阳能热发电技术的应用前景及对节能减排的贡献。  相似文献   

以风电、光伏、光热构成新能源互补发电模式,计及风、光资源消纳,建立将高载能负荷作为可调度资源参与新能源互补发电系统的二层优化调度模型,采用NSGA-Ⅱ和二进制粒子群算法求解模型。上层优化模型以互补系统输出功率波动最小和并网效益最大为优化指标确定各机组的出力,并且计算出弃风弃光量。在此基础上,下层优化模型针对上层优化模型造成的弃风弃光量,选取能够有效消纳风、光的高载能负荷参与电网调度。最后,以甘肃地区实际数据为例,验证了所提方法的可行性和有效性。仿真结果表明,光热电站的参与增加了44.3%的经济效益,减小了65.8%的输出功率波动,高载能负荷的参与减小了86.3%的弃风弃光量。  相似文献   

以预测CSP电站短期出力为目的,首先引入自适应思想对递归深度信念网络的训练算法进行改进,并建立直接法向辐射的短期预测模型。随后提出一种结合静态模型的CSP电站短期出力预测方法。最后进行性能检验,验证了改进递归深度信念网络的可行性,以及CSP电站短期出力预测方法的有效性。研究结果表明:建立的改进递归深度信念网络可提升预测准确性和收敛速度;提出的CSP电站短期出力预测方法可较为准确地预测其短期出力情况。  相似文献   

Selecting a site that meets the technical requirements for a concentrating solar power plant (CSP) is a very critical exercise. This paper points out crucial factors and provides guidelines regarding the selection of suitable sites. It especially focuses on Sahelian countries which have their own climatic peculiarities. These countries, characterized by low access to electricity, are well endowed in solar resources. They are potentially good locations for concentrating solar power plants since their mean daily solar radiation exceeds 5.5 kWh/m2. CSP presents therefore, a good opportunity for them to increase in a sustainable manner, their energy supply. The guidelines developed in this paper are applied to Burkina Faso as a case study.  相似文献   

The idea of generating electricity in North Africa using concentrating solar thermal power (CSP) has been around for some time now but has recently gained momentum through the Mediterranean Solar Plan (MSP) and the formation of the Desertec Industrial Initiative. This paper argues that while the large-scale deployment of CSP in North Africa does not seem economically attractive for either European or African institutions or countries on their own at present, combining domestic use and electricity exports could be profitable for both parties. A detailed economic portfolio covering both solar and wind power plants can achieve competitive price levels, which would accelerate the diffusion of solar technology in North Africa. This portfolio could be financed partially by exporting electricity from solar thermal plants in North Africa via HVDC interconnections to European consumers. Sharing the costs in this way makes it possible to generate solar electricity for the domestic market at a reasonable cost. Some of the electricity produced from the solar power plants and wind parks in North Africa is sold on European energy markets in the form of a long-term contracted solar–wind portfolio, which would qualify for support from the financial incentive schemes of the European Member States (e.g. feed-in tariffs). This transfer of green electricity could help to meet the targets for energy from renewable energy sources (RES) in the EU Member States as the new EU Directive of 2009 opened the European electricity market to imports from third states.  相似文献   

Solar irradiation and wind speed vary with climatic, as well as seasonal and daily weather conditions. In order to represent these variable renewable energy (VRE) resources in specialized energy system models, high temporal and spatial resolution information on their availability is used. In contrast, integrated assessment models (IAM), typically characterized by long-term time scales and low temporal and spatial resolution, require aggregated information on VRE availability and balancing requirements at various levels of VRE penetration and mix. Parametric studies that provide such information typically regard solar energy synonymously with photovoltaic power generation. However, solar energy can also be harvested with concentrating solar power (CSP) plants, which can be dispatchable if equipped with thermal storage. Accounting for this dispatchable use of the variable solar resource can change the balancing requirements at any solar energy penetration level. In this paper, we present an application of the high-resolution energy system model REMix to a set of European supply scenarios with theoretical VRE shares ranging from 0% to 140%, three solar-to-wind ratios, with CSP included in the solar share. We evaluate balancing measures, curtailments and costs and compare the findings to previous results in which CSP is regarded a backup option among other dispatchable power plants. The results show that CSP potentials in Europe are widely exploited in most scenarios. System costs are found to be lowest for wind-dominated systems or balanced mixes of wind and solar and for an overall VRE share between 40% for a low and 80% for a high scenario of the future CO2 emission certificate price. The comparison with previous results shows that storage capacity is the only system variable that is significantly affected by allocating CSP to the VRE resources category. It is reduced by 24% on average across all VRE shares and proportions and by around 80% at most.  相似文献   

Renewable energy sources and technologies have potential to provide solutions to the longstanding energy problems being faced by the developing countries like India. Solar energy can be an important part of India's plan not only to add new capacity but also to increase energy security, address environmental concerns, and lead the massive market for renewable energy. Solar thermal electricity (STE) also known as concentrating solar power (CSP) are emerging renewable energy technologies and can be developed as future potential option for electricity generation in India. In this paper, efforts have been made to summarize the availability, current status, strategies, perspectives, promotion policies, major achievements and future potential of solar energy options in India.  相似文献   

This study presents a methodology to assess suitability of a site for small scale concentrated solar power (CSP) systems for its energy conversion efficiency and make‐up water requirement. Energy conversion efficiency of CSPs relies not only on the level of direct solar radiation but also on the performance of the cooling system. Regions with high solar potential have to deal with heat rejection at elevated temperatures which causes reduced energy conversion efficiencies due to high condenser temperatures. It is desirable to utilize wet cooling systems as they can achieve temperatures lower than the dry bulb temperature by evaporative cooling. On the other hand, such regions usually lack water resources which deteriorate the sustainable nature of CSP applications. This study combines various available models for both solar resource estimation and cooling systems' performance considering (i) the influence of ambient temperatures, and (ii) the influence of humidity levels. These models are integrated together to analyze the use of dry or wet cooling systems in terms of overall energy output and water consumption at a selected site in northern Cyprus. The model inputs consist of only annual hourly surface weather data and the location of the site of interest. The results show that dry cooling unit at northern Cyprus is capable of saving water about 18.7 ton/MWh while it produces 27% less energy compared to the wet cooling alternative for the representative annual weather data. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

North African countries generally have strategic demands for energy transformation and sustainable development. Renewable energy development is important to achieve this goal. Considering three typical types of renewable energies— wind, photovoltaic (PV), and concentrating solar power (CSP)—an optimal planning model is established to minimize construction costs and power curtailment losses. The levelized cost of electricity is used as an index for assessing economic feasibility. In this study, wind and PV, wind / PV / CSP, and transnational interconnection modes are designed for Morocco, Egypt, and Tunisia. The installed capacities of renewable energy power generation are planned through the time sequence production simulation method for each country. The results show that renewable energy combined with power generation, including the CSP mode, can improve reliability of the power supply and reduce the power curtailment rate. The transnational interconnection mode can help realize mutual benefits of renewable energy power, while the apportionment of electricity prices and trading mechanisms are very important and are related to economic feasibility; thus, this mode is important for the future development of renewable energy in North Africa.  相似文献   

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