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Since the early 1970s tremendous growth has been seen in the research of software reliability growth modeling.In general, software reliability growth models (SRGMs) are applicable to the late stages of testing in software development and they can provide useful information about how to improve the reliability of software products.A number of SRGMs have been proposed in the literature to represent time-dependent fault identification/removal phenomenon;still new models are being proposed that could fit a greater number of reliability growth curves.Often,it is assumed that detected faults axe immediately corrected when mathematical models are developed.This assumption may not be realistic in practice because the time to remove a detected fault depends on the complexity of the fault,the skill and experience of the personnel,the size of the debugging team,the technique,and so on.Thus,the detected fault need not be immediately removed,and it may lag the fault detection process by a delay effect factor.In this paper,we first review how different software reliability growth models have been developed,where fault detection process is dependent not only on the number of residual fault content but also on the testing time,and see how these models can be reinterpreted as the delayed fault detection model by using a delay effect factor.Based on the power function of the testing time concept,we propose four new SRGMs that assume the presence of two types of faults in the software:leading and dependent faults.Leading faults are those that can be removed upon a failure being observed.However,dependent faults are masked by leading faults and can only be removed after the corresponding leading fault has been removed with a debugging time lag.These models have been tested on real software error data to show its goodness of fit,predictive validity and applicability.  相似文献   

This paper describer the design and implementation of an experimental software automation system(NDAUTO).By combining the transformational and procedural approaches in software gutomation,the system can tansform software unctional specifications written in a graphical specification language GSPEC to executable programs sutomatically,The equivalence between a specification and its corresponding program can be guaranteed by the system,and the correctness of the specification can also be validated.The main new points of the work lie in the design of the specification languange,the transformation mechanism and the correctness validation of the specification.  相似文献   

基于配置管理系统的软件过程管理机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sohware processes are a group of relating activities in the lifecycle of software. Process man-agement is the central technique in software developing and maintaining. Based on configuration man-agement system that manages tht: resource of an enterprise ,process management will be more effective.This paper discusses the issues of process managementtask, rule and role. Based on the discussions, we makemanagementin configuration management systems, such assome study on mechanisms of computer aided  相似文献   

Knowledge engineering stems from E. A. Figenbaum's proposal in 1977, but it will enter a new decade with the new challenges. This paper first summarizes three knowledge engineering experiments we have undertaken to show possibility of separating knowledge development from intelligent software development. We call it the ICAX mode of intelligent application software generation. The key of this mode is to generate knowledge base, which is the source of intelligence of ICAX software, independently and parallel to intelligent software development. That gives birth to a new and more general concept "knowware". Knowware is a commercialized knowledge module with documentation and intellectual property, which is computer operable, but free of any built-in control mechanism, meeting some industrial standards and embeddable in software/hardware. The process of development, application and management of knowware is called knowware engineering. Two different knowware life cycle models are discussed: the furnace model and the crystallization model. Knowledge middleware is a class of software functioning in all aspects of knowware life cycle models. Finally, this paper also presents some examples of building knowware in the domain of information system engineering.  相似文献   

Unifying the Software Process Spectrum   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A software process can be defined as the coherent set of policies, organizational structures, technologies, procedures, and artifacts that are needed to conceive, develop, deploy, and maintain a software product[1]. Each process can be described in a vari…  相似文献   

Requirements analysis is an important phase in a software project. The analysis is often performed in an informal way by specialists who review documents looking for ambiguities, technical inconsistencies and incomplete parts. Automation is still far from being applied in requirements analyses, above all since natural languages are informal and thus difficult to treat automatically. There are only a few tools that can analyse texts. One of them, called QuARS, was developed by the Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione and can analyse texts in terms of ambiguity. This paper describes how QuARS was used in a formal empirical experiment to assess the impact in terms of effectiveness and efficacy of the automation in the requirements review process of a software company.  相似文献   

In today's process-centered business organization, it is imperative that enterprise information system must be converted from task-centered to process-centered system. However, traditional software development methodology is function-oriented, in which each function manages its own data and it results in redundancy because data that belongs to one object are stored by several functions. Proposed in this paper is a process-driven software development methodology, in which business process is a major concern and workflow functionalities are identified and specified throughout the entire development life cycle. In the proposed methodology, the development process, modeling tools and deliverables are clarified explicitly. Proposed methodology can be a guideline to practitioners involved in enterprise software development, of which workflow is an essential part.  相似文献   

基于IS09001和CMM的软件需求管理的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Regarding ISO9001 and CMM Requirements Management as the background,this article analyses the demands of Requirements Management with the techology and methods of Software Requirements Development;presents the Requirements Management practice framework,which can be used to promote the software processes capability of software enterprises;establish the Requirements Management of document flow and workfolw.As a result,based on the practice fractice framework,the Requirements Management sub-platform is established as a part of software quality assurance platform based on ISO9000 and CMM.and it can be used to intensify the requirement management and development of software enterprises.  相似文献   

Distributed software development has become an option for software companies to expand their horizons and work with geographically dispersed teams, exploiting the advantages brought by this approach. However, this way of developing software enables new challenges to arise, such as the inexistence of a formal, normalized model of a project's data and artifacts accessible to all the individuals involved, which makes it harder for them to communicate, understand each other and what is specified on the project's artifacts. With what being said, this paper proposes a knowledge management tool that utilizes a domain-specific ontology for distributed development environments, aiming to help distributed teams overcome the challenges brought by this modality of software development proposing techniques and best practices. Thus, the main output of this work is ontology-based system to support the software development process with distributed teams.  相似文献   

一个基于Web的软件过程改进框架SPIF的实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
软件过程的理论日趋成熟,而基于软件过程改进模型的面向中小软件组织的应用程序却很少,因而造成一种情形,即管理者知道应该进行软件过程的改进,也知道有很多可以参考的规范与模型,但是,真正开始的时候,却不知道该如何着手。本文介绍一个基于Web的软件过程改进框架,试图给出一个解决问题的途径。该系统集成一组管理工具与相关知识库,用一种灵活的方式帮助组织确定适合自己的软件过程模型,从而以一种相对简洁方便的方式实现对软件过程的管理与改进。  相似文献   

软件过程的自动化计算技术是近年来出现的新兴研究方向,对软件过程的研究有着重要的影响.基于规划图方法设计了一种过程活动实时规划系统,能对过程活动的安排做出实时自动规划,能在实际执行中对过程活动流中每一过程活动所出现的各种可预见的执行效果做出实时反应,使软件开发始终处于有序的过程控制中,并最终取得既定目标.另外实际项目中软件的过程活动常会出现重复执行或者多次执行,已有的一些相关软件过程规划都没谈及该问题,所提出的实时规划算法较好地解决了该问题.  相似文献   

度量面临的重要问题是建立引入和运用度量的一个有效的方法和框架.使用统一的术语、明确的语义对组 .织的过程模型进行定义;创建具体的度量模型参考框架的度量元模型,建立组织整体的度量管理.为解决上述问题,本文建立了软件度量的概念模型CMMP(Conceptual Model of Measurement Process),它是基于软件过程工程元模型(sPEM)的,从而可与现有的过程模型有效地集成.  相似文献   

ISO9000、CMM和CMMI在国内软件企业已经实施了相当一段时间,目前实施后的软件公司CMM/CMMI等级都上去了,可是效果却各不相同.本文从软件过程改进整个过程来探讨成功实施软件过程改进要注意的方方面面,以及如何才能够让软件过程改进取得最佳效果.  相似文献   

陈迎欣  刘群 《计算机科学》2005,32(11):218-222
本文提出了一个具有丰富语义、灵活的、可扩展的、形式化的软件过程建模语言SPML。它提供了两个不同抽象层次的描述语言以满足不同用户的需求。高抽象层次的语言SPML/H能够较全面地描述软件过程,具有良好的易用性;低抽象层次的语言SPML/L可以描述规则等,适合描述软件过程的细节。SPML/H还能够被逐步地变换成SPML/L,保证了软件过程模型可以在一个共同的形式化基础上被分析和运作。最后通过一个实例说明过程建模语言的有效性。  相似文献   

软件过程是软件生命周期中所实施的一系列活动的集合.软件过程模型为软件开发者提供了软件开发的标准,也方便了开发者之间的交流.过程建模作为软件过程中最主要的活动,是对实际软件过程的再加工工程.基于Petri网提出了一种以活动为中心的软件过程控制模型ACCM,并给出了相应的算法.最后以一个软件开发的实例解释说明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

统一软件过程与地理信息系统的应用开发   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
地理信息系统是一个涉及多学科领域的、复杂而且投资昂贵的信息系统,构建一个性能良好、结构健壮、扩展容易而且维护容易的应用GIS,需要应用软件工程的方法,对应用系统构建过程进行组织和控制。作为结构化软件过程之后具有划时代意义的软件工程方法--来源于面向对象方法的统一软件过程,吸收和发展了面向对象方法中的精华,在现代软件工程实践中得到了日益普及的应用,因而也必然地对GIS系统应用的构建方法产生巨大的影响。就目前实际软件应用过程中影响最大的一种软件方法--统一软件过程,作初步的论述和探讨,并结合一个开发实例,说明其对地理信息系统的开发实践的实用价值。  相似文献   

基于RUP的软件过程及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
RationalUnifiedProcess(RUP)将项目管理、商业建模、分析与设计等统一起来,贯穿整个开发过程。讨论了基于RUP的软件过程,并把该过程应用于水电厂综合管理信息系统的开发。与传统的软件过程相比较,基于RUP的软件过程可以降低产品风险,规范管理和开发流程,有效地控制资源,提高开发效率。  相似文献   

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