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本文阐述了媒资管理系统编目工作站的安装和设置.在编目过程中如出现故障,可依照本文进行媒资编目工作站的重新设置,从而保证媒资管理系统的正常运行. 相似文献
机群并行计算机成为并行计算研究的热点。文中介绍了机群并行系统的特征、机群的体系结构、理想模型,并讨论了在设计机群并行系统时需要考虑的基本因素。 相似文献
本文根据我台近几年音频工作站系统的工作实践,结合实际使用中存在的问题(无备份软件),自主开发出适合本台使用的播出站备份软件,希望能借此推动音频工作站的广泛利用。 相似文献
本文通过数字音频工作站的两种基本工作方式,介绍了一些常见的音频工作站及其它们的工作特点,并对数字音频工作站的发展作了展望。 相似文献
本文简要介绍了北京人民广播电台在建设数字音频制作播出网络系统中的一些情况,探讨了关于数字化的一些技术问题。 相似文献
The concept of using a microcontroller coupled to re-programmable FPGAs is being used at the heart of Run-Time Reconfigurable (RTR) systems. This paper presents the development of an RTR system for DSP and telecommunication applications. It differs from other systems, in that it treats reconfiguration time as a key design parameter by employing design for reconfiguration where partial reconfiguration is identified in the design of the circuit architecture. Reductions of up to 75% in the implementation time of multiplication, division and square root circuits have been achieved using the Xilinx XC6200 FPGA family. A special hardware/software interface called the Virtual Hardware Handler, has also been developed to support the design approach. It vastly simplifies the reconfiguration operation, reducing it to a simple process of passing pointers and data. The approach has been implemented on a windows-based RTR system. 相似文献
In optical WDM networks, an assignment of transceivers to channels implies an allocation of the bandwidth to the various network nodes. Intuition suggests, and our recent study has confirmed, that if the traffic load is not well balanced across the available channels, the result is poor network performance. Hence, the time-varying conditions expected in this type of environment call for mechanisms that periodically adjust the bandwidth allocation to ensure that each channel carries an almost equal share of the corresponding offered load. In this paper we study the problem of dynamic load balancing in broadcast WDM networks by retuning a subset of transceivers in response to changes in the overall traffic pattern. Assuming an existing wavelength assignment and some information regarding the new traffic demands, we present two approaches to obtaining a new wavelength assignment such that (a) the new traffic load is balanced across the channels, and (b) the number of transceivers that need to be retuned is minimized. The latter objective is motivated by the fact that tunable transceivers take a non-negligible amount of time to switch between wavelengths during which parts of the network are unavailable for normal operation. Furthermore, this variation in traffic is expected to take place over larger time scales (i.e., retuning will be a relatively infrequent event), making slowly tunable devices a cost effective solution. Our main contribution is a new approximation algorithm for the load balancing problem that provides for tradeoff selection, using a single parameter, between two conflicting goals, namely, the degree of load balancing and the number of transceivers that need to be retuned. This algorithm leads to a scalable approach to reconfiguring the network since, in addition to providing guarantees in terms of load balancing, the expected number of retunings scales with the number of channels, not the number of nodes in the network. 相似文献
针对综合模块化航空电子( Integrated Modular Avionics, IMA)系统中通用信号处理模块( Signal Processing Module, SPM)功能线程动态重构和应用程序在线更新的工程要求,采用特有的应用程序3级加载流程,能够按照系统指令配置DSP和FPGA,可存储和运行数10种数字信号处理功能程序。目前该技术已在一系列航空电子设备中广泛使用,实现了稳定可靠的功能重构和代码更新。 相似文献
A wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) network offers a flexible networking infrastructure by assigning the route and wavelength of lightpaths. We can construct an optimal logical topology, by properly setting up the lightpaths. Furthermore, setting up a backup lightpath for each lightpath improves network reliability. When traffic demand changes, a new optimal (or sub-optimal) topology should be obtained by again applying the formulation. Then, we can reconfigure the running topology to the logical topology obtained. However, during this reconfiguration, traffic loss may occur due to the deletion of older lightpaths. In this paper, we consider reconfiguring the logical topology in reliable WDM-based mesh networks, and we propose five procedures that can be used to reconfigure a running lightpath to a new one. Applying the procedures one by one produces a new logical topology. The procedures mainly focus on utilizing free wavelength resources and the resources of backup lightpaths, which are not used usually for transporting traffic. The results of computer simulations indicate that the traffic loss is remarkably reduced in the 14-node network we used as an example. 相似文献
在动态局部可重构设计过程中,系统级设计到现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)硬件实现,还需要大量的寄存器传输级(RTL)硬件语言编写,导致设计效率下降的问题。针对该问题,以Xilinx公司最新提出的动态局部重构设计流程———早期获取部分可重构(EAPR)为基础,利用System Generator软件,提出一种动态局部重构的设... 相似文献
端到端重配置技术起源于软件无线电,软件无线电技术实现了终端的多模式支持功能,并实现了软件从空中接口的下载.端到端重配置技术利用软件无线电提供的重配置能力,构建起以可重配置的终端、基站等网元为主体的体系结构,结合先进的动态网络规划、灵活频谱管理和联合无线资源管理技术,实现对重配置能力和异构无线资源的有效利用,保证用户的无缝业务体验.本文论述了端到端重配置技术的产生背景、基本概念和研究现状,对重配置研究中的主要问题和关键技术(包括架构、规划和管理等方面的内容)进行了系统的总结,最后就重配置未来研究的重点提出了自己的看法. 相似文献
提高供电的质量,保证其在供电过程中的稳定性以及运行的安全,就需要进行配电网络重构。解决这个问题所涉及的方面非常复杂,需要一系列的非线性优化组合,并且这些组合的优化过程也是一个非常庞大的工程。本文对配电网重构的相关问题进行了介绍,同时对智能优化算法在配电网重构中的相关运用也进行了详细介绍,提出了在对电网进行重构过程中需要注意的一些问题。 相似文献