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直接膨胀式土壤源热泵是一种高效、节能的空调方式,但系统本身存在一些需要解决的问题。本文搭建了一个试验台,把地下换热器置放在水井中与周围介质进行直接换热,通过设置在在U型管上的温度测点得到了管壁面上温度分布,从而了解了制冷剂在U型管内的变化规律。最后,对在制冷模式下制冷剂回流和制热模式下压缩机回油等问题分析以及两种模式下机组性能参数进行了分析讨论。 相似文献
土壤蓄冷与土壤耦合热泵集成系统 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
以平衡电网负荷、削峰填谷及利用可再生浅层地热能为基本出发点,提出了土壤蓄冷与土壤耦合热泵集成系统的新设想.该集成系统将蓄冷装置与地下埋管换热器合二为一,在夏季空调工况时,利用电力低谷时段的廉价电力,将冷量全部或部分储存到土壤中,以供白天用电高峰期空调使用;在需供冷的过渡季,系统按土壤耦合热泵系统的供冷工况运行,将系统的冷凝热排至土壤中,为冬季供暖储备热量;供暖季节,系统按土壤耦合热泵系统的供暖工况运行,土壤作为热泵系统的低位热源.介绍了该集成系统的形式、技术特点及核心研究内容,并在前期研究工作的基础上对影响集成系统运行特性、冷量损失的因素进行了较全面的总结. 相似文献
水源热泵与土壤源热泵的对比 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
地源热泵是一种利用地球浅表的热资源,通过输入少量的高位能源(如电能),使用热泵在冬季将地球浅表的热能取出来供给室内采暖,在夏季把室内的热能取出向地球浅表释放,以实现既可供热又可制冷的高效节能空调系统。地源热泵利用地能一年四季温度较稳定。本文重点就水源热泵与土壤源热泵的各自特点进行较系统地分析,包括技术、费用、节能、设备综合利用、环保及生态环境、资源可再生利用和一些设想并对各自的特点进行比较。 相似文献
针对上海地区的一栋办公楼,按照适用于土壤蓄冷与土壤耦合热泵集成系统的运行方式,对该系统的全年运行特性进行了模拟计算分析。结果表明,该集成系统采用的运行方式不仅有效地降低了白天高峰时段空调的用电量,而且还缓解了冬夏负荷不平衡导致的土壤温度逐年变化问题。 相似文献
主要介绍了耦合地源热泵系统设计中应考虑的问题和设计方法,重点论述了系统设计的主要步骤以及辅助冷源系统的形式。 相似文献
Study on hybrid ground-coupled heat pump systems 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Although ground-coupled heat pump (GCHP) systems are becoming attractive air-conditioning systems in some regions, the significant drawback for their wider application is the high initial cost. Besides, more energy is rejected into ground by the GCHP system installed in cooling-dominated buildings than the energy extracted from ground on an annual basis and this imbalance can result in the degradation of system performance. One of the available options that can resolve these problems is to apply the hybrid ground-coupled heat pump (HGCHP) systems, with supplemental heat rejecters for rejecting extra thermal energy when they are installed in cooling-dominated buildings. This paper presents a practical hourly simulation model of the HGCHP system by modeling the heat transfer of its main components. The computer program developed on this hourly simulation model can be used to calculate the operating data of the HGCHP system according to the building load. The design methods and running control strategies of the HGCHP system for a sample building are investigated. The simulation results show that proper HGCHP system can effectively reduce both the initial cost and the operating cost of an air-conditioning system compared with the traditional GCHP system used in cooling-dominated buildings. 相似文献
土壤耦合热泵系统地下埋管换热器传热模型的研究 总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6
在总结埋管传热理论的基础上,系统地介绍了国外关于土壤耦合热泵系统地下埋管换热器传热模型的研究进展,并给出了各传热模型的形式及其理论基础。 相似文献
土壤源热泵具有节能与环保的特点.近年来发展迅速,但在应用中存在冷热负荷不平衡的不利因素。这种不平衡会导致热堆积。引起整个系统性能的降低。本文介绍了针对不同情况的解决方法,如冷却塔辅助散热装置,太阳能-土壤源热泵混合系统等。并提出了亟待解决的新问题。 相似文献
简述了土壤源热泵系统的概念,结合具体工程实例,详细介绍了土壤源地源热泵地下管路系统在各个施工环节中应注意的施工技术及质量控制要点,以供类似工程参考借鉴。 相似文献
Experimental study of a solar-assisted ground-coupled heat pump system with solar seasonal thermal storage in severe cold areas 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
This paper presents the experimental study of a solar-assisted ground-coupled heat pump system (SAGCHPS) with solar seasonal thermal storage installed in a detached house in Harbin. The solar seasonal thermal storage was conducted throughout the non-heating seasons. In summer, the soil was used as the heat sink to cool the building directly. In winter, the solar energy was used as a priority, and the building was heated by a ground-coupled heat pump (GCHP) and solar collectors alternately. The results show that the system can meet the heating-cooling energy needs of the building. In the heating mode, the heat directly supplied by solar collectors accounted for 49.7% of the total heating output, and the average coefficient of performance (COP) of the heat pump and the system were 4.29 and 6.55, respectively. In the cooling mode, the COP of the system reached 21.35, as the heat pump was not necessary to be started. After a year of operation, the heat extracted from the soil by the heat pump accounted for 75.5% of the heat stored by solar seasonal thermal storage. The excess heat raised the soil temperature to a higher level, which was favorable for increasing the COP of the heat pump. 相似文献
Simulation of hybrid ground-coupled heat pump with domestic hot water heating systems using HVACSIM+
A hybrid ground-coupled heat pump (HGCHP) with domestic hot water (DHW) supply system has been proposed in this paper for space cooling/heating and DHW supply for residential buildings in hot-climate areas. A simulation model for this hybrid system is established within the HVACSIM+ environment. A sample system, applied for a small residential apartment located in Hong Kong, is hourly simulated in a typical meteorological year. The conventional GCHP system and an electric heater for DHW supply are also modeled and simulated on an hourly basis within the HVACSIM+ for comparison purpose. The results obtained from this case study show that the HGCHP system can effectively alleviate the imbalanced loads of the ground heat exchanger (GHE) and can offer almost 95% DHW demand. The energy saving for DHW heating is about 70% compared with an electric heater. This proposed scheme, i.e. the HGCHP with DHW supply, is suitable to residential buildings in hot-climate areas, such as in Hong Kong. 相似文献
关于发展地源热泵系统的若干思考 总被引:7,自引:7,他引:7
就地源热泵系统的原理、分类,水源热泵机组与地源热泵系统的区别,地下水水源热泵系统的环境风险,地耦合水源热泵系统的数学模型与计算程序,地表水水源热泵系统选用条件,水源热泵机组的其他应用等方面,提出了作者认为值得思考的若干问题与意见,希望引起同行们讨论。 相似文献