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The results are presented for a new and improved procedure for estimating the synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) image spectrum of ocean waves. This procedure, the spectral-sum method, involves summing individual image spectra derived from each of the looks of a multilook set. An automatic registration of the per-look spectral information is achieved, accounting for subimage look misregistration due to the wave propagation between looks. Spectral-sum processing is compared with traditional look-sum processing as a function of the radar slant-range. Spectral-sum processing is applied to SAR imagery of waves penetrating the marginal ice zone  相似文献   

Microwave polarimetric radiance measurements of the ocean surface have revealed some characteristic modulations in response to strong internal waves. This paper demonstrates that the major features of these modulations are all consistent with a model that evaluates the response of radiance to the modulation of surface roughness. This is a two-scale model that divides the spectrum of unresolved waves into a short and a long wavelength domain. The short wave "critical point" model, which evaluates resonant interactions occurring when the surface roughness scale and microwave wavelengths are comparable, is based on the solution of Gershenzon et al. (1986), to the simpler problem of determining the effect on the emissivity of a monochromatic wave propagating in direction /spl phi/ with respect to the incidence plane. The model of the response of radiance to the modulation of long unresolved waves uses the Kirchhoff approximation and Gaussian slope probability function. This second contribution to the radiance modulation is not significant with respect to the dominant features of the observations, but it could contribute to some of the more subtle features.  相似文献   

We consider the theory of waves scattered from a moving, rough, and dispersive surface in the small perturbation limit. The first-order scattered field for a time-dependent surface is obtained in the far zone of scattering in terms of the two-dimensional spectral amplitude of the surface and its dispersion relation. We develop a rigorous Δk radar theory and show that the nonzero output of a Δk radar occurs only when the Bragg condition for each signal component is satisfied separately. The frequency correlation function of the scattered field is then proportional to the mean value of the product of the spectral amplitudes of the surface at the corresponding Bragg wavenumbers. The mean value of this product is nonzero only for surfaces that have a locally varying spectrum and is proportional to the Fourier transform (with the argument Δk) of the variation of the local spectrum with respect to the pattern position. Such variations may be caused by either amplitude or phase modulation of the surface structure. In the former case, our results are similar to the results of existing theory. The latter case of phase modulation of the surface (for example, internal waves interacting with capillary waves) cannot be explained by previous theory  相似文献   

A number of models which would explain ocean wave imagery taken with a synthetic aperture imaging radar are analyzed analytically and numerically. Actual radar imagery is used to support some conclusions. The models considered correspond to three sources of radar backscatter cross section modulation:tilt modulation, roughness variation, and the wave orbital velocity. The effect of the temporal changes of the surface structure, parametric interactions, and the resulting distortions are discussed.  相似文献   

Microwave radiometric measurements were made at wavelengths ranging from 0.8 to 2.8 cm at altitudes from 0.16 to 11 km under well documented meteorological conditions over the Bering Sea. It is shown that determinations of wind speed at the ocean surface and liquid water content of the clouds may be made from such data. Determinations were made from two simultaneous but independent sets of radiometric measurements. The wind speeds and liquid water contents made from these two sets showed remarkable agreement. Independent estimates of these parameters made from in situ measurements showed reasonable agreement as well.  相似文献   

复杂场景微波辐射图像的模拟   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
模拟生成微波辐射图像是为了用其作地形匹配制导中的基准图。文中分析了光学图像和微波辐射图像之间的几何关系,讨论了光学图像的分割、识别及表面方向获取的方法,论述了地物表面温度、亮度温度、视在温度、天线温度和天空温度之间的关系,并在此基础上提出了一种模拟生成复杂场景微波辐射图像的方法。仿真结果表明,方法完全可行。  相似文献   

The subcutaneous temperature distribution of a simulated hyperthermic treatment is retrieved from a set of noisy radiometric measurements at six equally spaced frequencies in the range 1.5?6.5 GHz. Temperature profiles reconstructed by the combined use of both the singular value decomposition of the radiometric integral equation and Kalman filtering are shown.  相似文献   

Radiometric measurements at 90 GHz and three sideband frequencies near the water vapor absorption line at 183.3 GHz were made with the Advanced Microwave Moisture Sounder (AMMS) aboard the NASA DC-8 aircraft over some regions of the Pacific Ocean during November 1989. These measurements were used to retrieve atmospheric water vapor profiles over ocean surface using the algorithm developed by T.T. Wilheit (1979). The algorithm incorporates a mechanism to estimate cloud liquid water when the estimated relative humidity is greater than 95%. The results are compared with the estimated values from the measurements of Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSMI) and TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS). The water vapor profiles estimated from AMMS are generally higher at low altitudes and lower at high altitudes compared to those from the TOVS measurements. Values of total precipitable water estimated from the AMMS and SSM/I are in general agreement. Cloud liquid water vapor profiles retrieved from the AMMS show more fluctuations than those from SSM/I  相似文献   

Observations of emission from GaAs are reported. These differ from earlier observations in that they are produced by amplification of an electromagnetic wave within a sample of GaAs. The specimen dimensions perpendicular to the applied d.c bias field form a microwave cavity and determine the frequency of emission.  相似文献   

Two types of microwave emission from InSb plasma subjected to the crossed electric and magnetic fields were investigated experimentally. From the simultaneous measurements of Hall effect and microwave emission, the threshold condition of the one type of emission was obtained as(omega_{ce} tau_{e})^{2} cdot Delta n geq 3 times 10^{14}cm-3, whereomega_{ce}, tau_{e}, andDelta nare electron cyclotron frequency, relaxation time, and electron-hole pair density, respectively. It was also found that the "Hall" mobility showed anomalous decrease above the threshold. The emission power of the other type of emission showed maximum value at several values of the applied magnetic field lower than the threshold of the noise-type emission. These characteristic magnetic fields were not influenced by current density except by slight change in the low-current density region.  相似文献   

简述了微波辐射成像系统的工作原理。由于影响微波辐射成像质量的因素很多,本文主要从理论上分析了微波辐射成像系统中辐射计的空间分辨率、灵敏度与系统采样时间间隔、天线扫描速度、积分时间的关系,并进行了相关的实验。实验证明,它们之间是相互制约、相互影响的。在选择参数时要根据不同情况综合考虑,才能得到理想的图像。  相似文献   

In this paper, the first-order small slope approximation is applied to a rough sea surface with non-Gaussian statistics, for which the third- and the fourth-order statistics are taken into account in the calculation of the radar cross section. From the Cox and Munk slope distribution, the higher order statistic moments are derived, and behaviors of the corresponding correlation functions are assumed. We show that the fourth order (related to the peakedness or kurtosis) is isotropic, whereas the third order (related to the skewness) has a behavior as cos(/spl psi/), where /spl psi/ is the wave direction along the wind direction. Thus, using the Elfouhaily et al. sea height spectrum, related to the second-order statistics, we show that the normalized radar backscattering cross section (NRBCS) can be expanded as an even Fourier series in cos(n/spl phi/) (where n is a positive integer), for which the harmonic coefficients require only a single integration over the radial distance. This result is consistent with experimental data done for microwave frequencies. In addition, we show for microwave frequencies (like C- and Ku-bands) that the Fourier series can be truncated up to the second order, since the higher order harmonic coefficients vanish. The NRBCS is also compared with empirical backscattering models CMOD2-I3 and SASS-II, valid in C- and Ku-bands, according to the scattering angle and the wind direction. The first-order harmonic coefficient predicts the surface asymmetry along the upwind and downwind directions, whereas the second-order harmonic coefficient describes the surface asymmetry along the upwind and crosswind directions.  相似文献   

The local spatial scales of tropical precipitating systems were studied using Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI) rain rate imagery from the TRMM satellite. Rain rates were determined from TMI data using the Goddard Profiling (GPROF) Version 5 algorithm. Following the analysis of Ricciardulli and Sardeshmukh (RS), who studied local spatial scales of tropical deep convection using global cloud imagery (GCI) data, active precipitating months were defined alternatively as those having greater than either 0.1 mm/h or 1 mm/h of rain for more than 5% of the time. Spatial autocorrelation values of rain rate were subsequently computed on a 55/spl times/55 km grid for convectively active months from 1998 to 2002. The results were fitted to an exponential correlation model using a nonlinear least squares routine to estimate a spatial correlation length at each grid cell. The mean spatial scale over land was 90.5 km and over oceans was 122.3 km for a threshold of 0.1 mm/h of rain with slightly higher values for a threshold of 1 mm/h of rain. An error analysis was performed which showed that the error in these determinations was of order 2% to 10%. The results of this study should be useful in the design of convective schemes for general circulation models and for precipitation error covariance models for use in numerical weather prediction and associated data assimilation schemes. The results of the TMI study also largely concur with those of RS, although the more direct relationship between the TMI data and rain rate relative to the GCI imagery provide more accurate correlation length estimates. The results also confirm the strong impact of land in producing short spatial scale convective rain.  相似文献   

The potential and the difficulties of using airborne synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) to study ocean surface waves are presented. Airborne C-band SAR imagery obtained with the real-time SAR processor on the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS) Convair 580 during the Labrador Extreme Waves Experiment (LEWEX) shows waves propagating through the marginal ice zone as well as through open water regions. Examples are chosen to illustrate both coherent and noncoherent scene motion effects. Coherent scene motion effects include velocity bunching. acceleration defocus, and coherence time limitations. Noncoherent scene motion effects include scanning distortion and look misregistration. The slow platform velocity of airborne SAR precludes replication of spaceborne observations, largely due to coherent motion effects  相似文献   

The behavior of surface waves in truncated periodic arrays is examined through analysis of the currents. The surface waves to be studied are guided by the perfectly conducting elements of the array itself and are to be distinguished from the dielectric slab-guided surface waves encountered elsewhere in the literature. The conditions under which surface waves may arise are given. The surface wave currents are extracted from the method of moments solution for the finite by an infinite array using a least squares algorithm. Surface wave excitation and reflection coefficients are then be determined from the data and compared with the semi-infinite array solution.  相似文献   

We analyze the wind direction signal for vertically (v) and horizontally (h) polarized microwave radiation at 37 GHz, 19 GHz, and 11 GHz; and an Earth incidence angle of 53/spl deg/. We use brightness temperatures from SSM/I and TMI and wind vectors from buoys and the QUIKSCAT scatterometer. The wind vectors are space and time collocated with the radiometer measurements. Water vapor, cloud water and sea surface temperature are obtained from independent measurements and are uncorrelated with the wind direction. We find a wind direction signal that is noticeably smaller at low and moderate wind speeds than a previous analysis had indicated. We attribute the discrepancy to errors in the atmospheric parameters that were present in the data set of the earlier study. We show that the polarization combination 2v-h is almost insensitive to atmospheric changes and agrees with the earlier results. The strength of our new signals agrees well with JPL aircraft radiometer measurements. It is significantly smaller than the prediction of the two-scale sea surface emission model for low and intermediate wind speeds.  相似文献   

A numerical technique based on genetic algorithms (GAs) is used to invert the equations of an electromagnetic model based on dense-medium radiative transfer theory (DMRT) to retrieve snow depth, mean grain size, and fractional volume from microwave brightness temperatures. In order to study the sensitivity of the GA to its parameters, the technique is initially tested on simulated microwave data with and without adding a random noise. A configuration of GA parameters is selected and used for the retrieval of snow parameters from both ground-based observations and brightness temperatures recorded by the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-EOS (AMSR-E). Retrieved snow parameters are then compared with those measured on ground. Although more investigation is required, results suggest that the proposed technique is able to retrieve snow parameters with good accuracy.  相似文献   

During 1987 and 1988, ground-based zenith-viewing observations of atmospheric thermal emission were made at frequencies of 20.6, 31.65, and 90.0 GHz. At the locations of the experiments (San Nicolas Island, CA, and Denver, CO) radiosonde observations of temperature and humidity were also available. Both National Weather Service and CLASS radiosondes were used in the study. After conversion to attenuation by use of the mean radiating temperature approximation, the data were processed to derive attenuation statistics. Both clear and cloudy attenuation characteristics were examined and compared with results from recent theories. For the clear atmosphere, water-vapor models of Waters (1976) and of Liebe (1989) were compared. At 20.6, and 31.65 GHz, the model of Waters agrees better with measurements; at 90.0 GHz, the model of Liebe is far superior. A recent model of P.W. Rosenkranz (1988) was used for oxygen absorption. For the average mass absorption coefficients for liquid clouds, measurement and theory generally agreed to within 30%. The predictability and interdependence of the three separate channels were also examined. It was found that attenuation for any two channels can predict that of the third to within 25%  相似文献   

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