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Peroxidation of egg yolk phosphatidylcholine (egg PC) liposomes was induced by addition of ascorbic acid (AsA) and Fe(II) in the presence of a trace of autoxidized egg PC (PC−OOH), but not in the absence of PC−OOH. PC−OOH was degraded upon addition of AsA and Fe(II) but not of either one alone. The results suggest that PC−OOH is necessary to initiate lipid peroxidation by AsA/Fe(II). AsA oxidation in the bulk water phase was also associated with an increase in lipid peroxidation by AsA/Fe(II) in the presence of PC−OOH, but not in the absence of PC−OOH. Furthermore, the spin probe 12-NS [12-(N-oxyl-4,4′-dimethyloxazolidin-2-yl)stearic acid], which labels the hydrophobic region of dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) liposomal membranes, was degraded upon addition of AsA and Fe(II) in the presence of PC−OOH, but not in the absence of PC−OOH. These results indicate that the “induction message” that is associated with decreases of PC−OOH and AsA in the initiation step of lipid peroxidation must be transferred from the membrane surface to the inner hydrophobic membrane region. AsA in the bulk phase was oxidized faster and more extensively upon its addition together with Fe(II) to egg PC liposomes than to DMPC liposomes, though the initial content of PC−OOH in the former was 5–10 times lower than in the latter. This suggests that, in egg PC liposomes, the OOH-groups of new PC−OOH generated in the inner membrane regions must become accessible from the surface, enabling reaction with AsA/Fe(II) which in turn would result in an extensive decrease in AsA. By contrast, in DMPC liposomes, that do not generate PC−OOH, AsA is only oxidized slightly in connection with the degradation of the PC−OOH initially present. The effect of surface charges on the membrane surface was also studied to obtain further information on the initiation step of lipid peroxidation. The rate of lipid peroxidation by AsA/Fe(II) or Fe(III) decreased in the order, egg PC liposomes ≫negatively charged egg PC liposomes containing dicetylphosphate>positively charge egg PC liposomes containing stearylamine. The rate of associated AsA oxidation was in the order, egg PC liposomes≫egg PC/stearylamine liposomes>egg PC/dicetylphosphate liposomes. However, in DMPC liposomes that do not generate PC−OOH, the rates of AsA oxidation associated with the reductive cleavage of PC−OOH by AsA/Fe(II) and coupled with the reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II) were in the order, DMPC liposomes =DMPC/stearylamine liposomes≫DMPC/dicetylphosphate liposomes. These differences in the rates of lipid peroxidation, depending on differences in membrane charge, are discussed in relation to two properties of AsA: (i) its antioxidant property through trapping of lipid radicals and (ii) its prooxidant properties (a) by being an effective iron chelator thus altering the reactivity of iron with oxygen and peroxides and (b) by being an iron reductant and providing a source of Fe(II).  相似文献   

The effect of dietary vitamin E and/or selenium (Se) supplementation (200 IU and/or 0.2 ppm, respectively) or deficiency for two months on lipid peroxidation in cerebrum, cerebellum, mid-brain, and brain stem of one-month-old male F344 rats was investigated. Dietary treatment had a minimal effect on weight gain of rats for the period tested. Plasma α-tocopherol (α-T) concentration and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity were reflective of dietary treatments. Supplementation of diets with vitamin E and/or Se increased plasma α-T and/or GSH-Px activity, while diets devoid of these nutrients reduced them significantly. Increased GSH-Px activity in Sesupplemented rats was further enhanced by vitamin E supplementation. Differential concentrations of α-T among brain regions were affected by dietary vitamin E but not by Se. In vitro lipid peroxidation of brain homogenates was inhibited by dietary vitamin E supplementation and increased by deficiency. Addition of 0.25 mM ascorbic acid or 0.1 mM of Fe2+ to brain homogenates markedly increased in vitro lipid peroxidation. Ascorbic acid-induced lipid peroxidation was inversely correlated with dietary vitamin E and Se in cerebrum. In vitro Fe2+-addition induced the greatest stimulation of lipid peroxidation, with cerebellum and brain stem of vitamin E-deficient rats showing the highest response to Fe2+ challenge. These findings indicate that concentrations of α-T among the brain regions are different and can be altered by dietary vitamin E treatments, cerebellum and brain stem are more susceptible to in vitro challenge by peroxidative agents than other regions, and the degree of lipid peroxidation of brain regions is partially affected by dietary vitamin E but not by Se in the levels tested.  相似文献   

Pennington  S. N.  Smith  C. P. 《Lipids》1978,13(10):636-643
Peroxidation of endogenous lipid by rat liver microsomes, coupled with oxidation of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) and measured as thiobarbituric acid reactive materials, is markedly stimulated in the presence of indomethacin [1-(p-chlorobenzyl)-5-methoxy-2-methyl-3-indole acetic acid] (0.1–1.0 mM). Concurrently, indomethacin enhances the lipolysis of membrane phospholipid containing arachidonic acid but has no effect on the rate of O2 uptake in these samples. The system generates a rapidly developed chemiluminescense (CL), the intensity and rate of development of which are related to indomethacin concentration. The microsomal CL generated in the presence of indomethacin is distinct from the previously reported CL in that the time required for maximum intensity development is a matter of seconds (20–180) rather than hours. The enhanced CL is believed to be due to an energy transfer reaction whereby a high energy species transfers energy to the indomethacin molecule, which, in turn, decays via chemiluminescense. An enhanced chemiluminescense was also observed when indomethacin was added to a lipoxidase system and superoxide generating system (xanthine oxidase). Based on inhibitor studies, the rapidly developed chemiluminescense of the microsomal system requires cytochrome P-450 in addition to NADPH and coordinated iron ions. The results indicate that the CL is related to neither hydroxyl free radical nor superoxide anion formation.  相似文献   

Steady-state fluorescence anisotropy of diphenylhexatriene and n-(9-anthroyloxy)stearic acids (n=2,12) in rat liver microsomes showed a marked increase in the early stages of enzymatically or non-enzymatically induced lipid peroxidation. The changes in fluorescence anisotropy occurred in parallel with the formation of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBA-RS). Parallel to these changes, the fluorescence emitted from peroxidized microsomes increased markedly in the early stages of lipid peroxidation. In contrast to the changes in the fluorescence anisotropy and in the formation of TBA-RS, the fluorescence showed a continuing increase over the three hr period of lipid peroxidation. Glucose-6-phosphatase was inactivated in the early stages of lipid peroxidation, whereas NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase underwent a slow deactivation over three hr. The apparently slow deactivation of the peripheral protein may be explained by the formation of fluorescent substances.  相似文献   

Hao Chen  Al Tappel 《Lipids》1996,31(1):47-50
The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that multiple antioxygenic nutrients provide increased protection against lipid peroxidative damage to rat liver. Rats were fed diets (i) deficient in vitamin E and selenium (Diet 1), (ii) supplemented with vitamin E and selenium (Diet 2), (iii) supplemented with (ii) and in addition trolox C,N-acetylcysteine, coenzyme Q0, and (+)-catechin (Diet 3), or (iv) supplemented with (iii) and in addition β-carotene, ascorbic acid palmitate, canthaxanthin, and coenzyme Q10 (Diet 4). Liver homogenates were obtained from three rats fed each of the diets for six weeks and were incubated at 37°C up to two hours with and without exogenous tertiary-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP) or Cu2+. Lipid peroxidation was determined by measurement of thiobarbituric acid substances. Diets 2 and 3 significantly protected againstin vivo hepatic lipid peroxidation, and this protection was augmented by Diet 4. Diets 2, 3, and 4 were protective against mild oxidation induced by TBHP or Cu2+. During incubations with exogenous TBHP and Cu2+, there were only small differences between diets supplemented with antioxidants in inhibition of lipid peroxidation, indicating that diets supplemented with vitamin E and selenium (Diet 2) may have provided the maximal protection for liver. The possible mechanisms of protection provided by multiple antioxidants in diets were discussed. Protection by multiple antioxidants against lipid peroxidation may translate to prevention of peroxidative damage to human tissue, a factor in human disease.  相似文献   

The role of vitamin E in the protection against iron dependent lipid peroxidation was studied in rat liver microsomes and Triton-dispersed microsomal lipid micelles. In these systems, an antioxidant effect of vitamin E at a physiological ratio to phospholipids could be observed only in the presence of phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPX) and glutathione. The rationale of this cooperation is discussed on the basis of the hydroperoxyl radical scavenging capacity of vitamin E and the reduction of membrane hydroperoxides by PHGPX. The scavenging of lipid hydroperoxyl radicals by vitamin E, although inhibiting propagation of the peroxidative chain, produces lipid hydroperoxides from which ferrous iron generates alkoxyl radicals that react with vitamin E almost as fast as with fatty acids. Therefore, only if membrane hydroperoxides are continuously reduced by this specific peroxidase does the scavenging of hydroperoxyl radicals by vitamin E lead to an effective inhibition of lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

Patel SP  Katyare SS 《Lipids》2006,41(9):819-825
Early and late effects of alloxan-diabetes on lipid/phospholipid composition in rat kidney microsomes and mitochondria were examined. In microsomes, early diabetic state resulted in an increase in contents of total phospholipids (TPL), cholesterol (CHL), with an increase in the lysophospholipids (Lyso), phosphatidylcholine (PC), and phosphatidylinositol (PI) components. The sphinogmyelin (SPM), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), phosphatidylserine (PS), and phosphatidic acid (PA) content decreased. Treatment with insulin had no effect on PC but PE increased and the other components decreased. In the 1-month diabetic group PI, PS, PE, and PA components decreased, whereas Lyso and PC increased. Treatment with insulin had restorative effects on PE, PI, and PS; Lyso was further elevated whereas PA decreased. In mitochondria, at an early stage of diabetes marginally increased CHL content was restored by insulin treatment. Long-term diabetes lowered the TPL and elevated the CHL content. Treatment with insulin partially restored the TPL and CHL content. A diabetic state decreased the proportion of PE and diphosphatidylglycerol (DPG) components but increased the Lyso, SPM, PC, PI, and PS components in the mitochondria. Treatment with insulin had a partial restorative effect. The membrane fluidity of both microsomes and mitochondria decreased in general in the diabetic condition and was not corrected by insulin treatment at a late stage. However, at an early stage, treatment with insulin fluidized both membranes.  相似文献   

Beta-adrenergic receptor blocking drugs include a structurally related class of drugs that are employed clinically to treat a variety of cardiovascular disorders. Since these drugs exert additional nonspecific effects including membrane stabilization, representative samples including atenolol, dilevolol, labetolol, metoprolol and propranolol were studied to determine their influence on lipid peroxidation. Homogenates or liposomes of adult rat hearts were incubated in the presence of various concentrations of propranolol or equivalent concentrations of dilevolol, labetolol, metoprolol or atenolol. Lipid peroxidation was stimulated with 50 μM FeSO4, 5 μMt-butyl hydroperoxide (homogenates) or 0.2 mM citrate FeSO4 (liposomes) plus O2. Lipid peroxidation, as assessed by both the thiobarbituric acid reaction and chemiluminescence, was reduced in a dose-dependent manner as the propranolol concentration was increased from 1 to 10 mM. The five beta-adrenergic receptor blocking drugs reduced lipid peroxidation both in crude homogenates and in liposomes; their effectiveness was related to their lipophilicity. Dilevolol, propranolol, labetolol and metoprolol at a concentration of 20 mM reduced lipid peroxidation by 45%, 37%, 35% and 28%, respectively. The hydrophilic blocker atenolol was ineffective in reducing lipid peroxidation event at elevated concentrations. Lipophilic beta-blocking drugs apparently are capable of exerting an antioxidant effect in protecting membrane lipids against peroxidation.  相似文献   

Maoz D  Lee HJ  Deutsch J  Rapoport SI  Bazinet RP 《Lipids》2005,40(11):1149-1154
Tissues changes in FA metabolism can occur quite rapidly in response to ischemia and may require immediate microwave fixation to determine basal concentrations. The present study aimed to quantify the effects of immediate no-flow ischemia on concentrations of individual nonesterified FA (NEFA) and acyl-CoA species in the rat heart. Male CDF 344 rats were anesthetized and decapitated either 5 min prior to being microwaved (5.5 kW, 3.4 s, twice) to produce ischemia or microwaved prior to decapitation (nonischemic). Hearts were then removed and used to measure the concentrations of acyl-CoA species and FA in several lipid classes. The ischemic heart total NEFA concentration was significantly lower than that in the nonischemic heart (11.9 vs. 19.0 nmol/g). Several individual NEFA concentrations were decreased by 31–85%. Ischemic heart total long-chain acyl-CoA concentrations (21.0 nmol/g) were significantly higher than those in nonischemic hearts (11.4 nmol/g). Increased concentrations of individual acyl-CoA species occurred in palmitoyl-CoA, stearoyl-CoA, oleoyl-CoA, and linoleoyl-CoA. Concentrations of short-chain acetyl-CoA and β-hydroxy-β-methylglutaryl-CoA were also two- to three-fold higher in ischemic hearts than in nonischemic hearts. The FA concentration in TG and phospholipids generally did not differ between the groups. Decreases in concentrations of individual FA and increases in acyl-CoA species during no-flow ischemia occur very rapidly within the heart. Although it is not clear how these alterations contribute to the pathogenesis of ischemia, it is evident that future studies attempting to quantify basal levels of these metabolites could use microwave fixation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of long-term feeding of dietary fat rich in either n−3 or n−6 fatty acids on the availability of arachidonic acid (20∶4n−6) in major phospholipids of gastric mucosa in rats. Three groups of male Wistar rats were fed either a standard diet, a cod liver oil-enriched diet (10% by weight), or a corn oil-enriched diet (10% by weight) for 8 mon. Dietary cod liver oil significantly reduced the level of 20∶4n−6 in phosphatidylcholine (PC) and in phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) of gastric mucosa. The loss of 20∶4n−6 was compensated for by eicosapentaenoic acid (20∶5n−3) in PC, whereas the decrease in 20∶4n−6 in PE corresponded to the increase in three n−3 fatty acids: 20∶5n−3, docosapentaenoic acid (22∶5n−3), and docosahexaenoic acid (22∶6n−3). The level of 20∶5n−3 was higher than the level of 22∶6n−3 both in PC and PE of mucosa in rats fed cod liver oil. Diets supplemented with corn oil increased the level of 18∶2n−6 but decreased the monoene fatty acids 16∶1 and 18∶1n−7 in PC but not in PE of gastric mucosa. The 20∶4n−6 levels of both PC and PE were markedly reduced by dietary cod liver oil, to about one-third of control levels. Similar changes were also observed in the stomach wall. Gastric erosions were observed in all rats exposed to restriction stress, but this form of stress induced twice the number of erosions in rats fed fish oil compared to control rats or rats fed corn oil. We conclude that a diet rich in fish oil altered the balance between n−6 and n−3 fatty acids in major gastric mucosal phospholipids, markedly reduced the availability of 20∶4n−6, and increased the incidence of gastric erosions induced by restriction or emotional stress.  相似文献   

Rat lung and liver microsomes were used to examine the effects of dietary vitamin E deficiency on membrane lipid peroxidation. Microsomes from vitamin-E-deficient rats displayed increased lipid peroxidation in comparison to microsomes from vitamin-E-supplemented controls. The extent of lipid peroxidation, as determined by measurement of thiobarbituric acid reacting materials, was enhanced by addition of reduced iron and ascorbate (or NADPH). Rats fed a vitamin-E-supplemented diet and exposed to 3 ppm NO2 for 7 days did not exhibit increases in microsomal lipid peroxidation compared to air-breathing controls. However, increases were found in microsomes prepared from rats fed a vitamin-E-deficient diet and exposed to NO2. Lung microsomes from vitamin-E-fed rats contained almost 10 times as much vitamin E as liver microsomes when expressed in terms of polyunsaturated fatty acid content. The extent of lipid peroxidation was, in turn, considerably less in lung than in liver microsomes. Lipid peroxidation in lung microsomes from vitamin-E-deficient rats was comparable to liver microsomes from vitamin-E-supplemented rats as was the content of vitamin E in these respective microsomal samples. A combination of vitamin E deficiency and NO2 exposure resulted in the greatest increases in lung and liver microsomal lipid peroxidation with the largest relative increases occurring in lung microsomes. An inverse relationship was found between the extent of lipid peroxidation and vitamin E content. Most of the peroxidation in lung microsomes appeared to proceed nonenzymatically whereas peroxidation in liver was largely enzymatic. Vitamin E appears to be assimilated by the lung during oxidant inhalation, but with dietary vitamin E deprivation, the margin for protection in lung may be less than in liver.  相似文献   

The peroxidation of different polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) after photoirradiation in aqueous solution was evaluated by measuring fatty acid loss and malonaldehyde production in medium. The oxidation rates of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), two highly unsaturated fatty acids of the n−3 series, were surprisingly lower (14 and 22%, respectively) than the oxidation rates of linoleic, α-linolenic, γ-linolenic, dihomo γ-linolenic, and arachidonic acids (62–90%). The quantities of malonaldehyde (MA) produced were assayed simultaneously by gas chromatography (GC) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). MA production was found to be related to both the degree of unsaturation and the metabolic series of the fatty acid. The maximum value was observed with arachidonic acid (MA production from 2 mM arachidonic acid in aqueous solution was estimated at 44.9±6.0 μM by GC and 46.8 ±4.0 μM by HPLC). Eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid produced lower MA quantities compared to arachidonic acid (MA production from 2 mM EPA and 2 mM DHA was estimated at 17.9±1.5 μM and 37.9±0.7 μM, respectively, by GC, and 26.3±4.9 μM and 37.3±4.2 μM, respectively, by HPLC). The MA yield, defined as the amount of MA (nmols) produced per 100 nanomoles of oxidized fatty acid, was used to express the susceptibility of individual PUFA to peroxidation. The MA yield correlated well with the degree of unsaturation, but was independent of carbon chain length and metabolic series. The study suggests that adequate assessment of lipid peroxidation cannot be achieved by measuring MA formation alone, but it also requires knowledge of the fatty acid composition of the system studied.  相似文献   

Weanling rats were fed one of 3 diets containing 0, 11 or 200 international units (IU) dl-α-tocopherol acetate/kg diet for 4 weeks. Following this period, the drinking water was replaced with an 18% solution of ethanol (v/v). An isocaloric D-glucose solution was substituted for the drinking water of a control group of rats fed the vitamin-E-deficient diet for 4 weeks. The 4 treatment groups were maintained on the diet and drinking regimen for 20 weeks. Basal levels of expired pentane were determined at weeks 0, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9. Chronic ethanol consumption did not influence basal pentane production during the 9-week treatment. Basal levels of expired pentane were affected by dietary vitamin E. Rats supplemented with vitamin E had basal pentane levels less than one-half of the level of rats fed a vitamin-E-deficient diet (p<0.001). After 14 weeks of treatment, the 2 groups of rats fed a vitamin-E-deficient diet were administered p.o. an acute dose of 6 g of ethanol/kg body wt. Pentane expired above basal levels during the following 4-hr period correlated with the amount of hepatic triglycerides determined at the conclusion of the experiment. The etiology of ethanol toxicity is a complex and multifactorial system made up to many biological variables that influence lipid peroxidation. The appropriate choices of experimental designs and methods are important in examining the role of lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

Adrenalectomy did not significantly alter plasma cholesterol, triglycerides and phospholipids in fasted naturally hypertriglyceridemic rats. Oral administration of cottonseed oil resulted in elevations in plasma cholesterol and phospholipids within 2 hr. Adrenalectomy negated these elevations. Triglycerides rose to an equal extent in both groups at the same time. A secondary rise in plasma glucose was noted at about 7 hr in the control rats; this rise was also negated by adrenalectomy.  相似文献   

Analyses of the fatty acid content and composition of various lung lipids were conducted in rats 1 day, 5 days, and 12 days after birth and in adult animals in order to define more clearly the specific lipid peroxidizing system found in neonatal rat lungs. Lipid peroxidation occurs in the 900×g supernatant fraction of rat lung homogenates in an age-dependent manner independent of the addition of any factor and is maximal at 5 days of age. No lipid peroxidation is evident in similar preparations of either newborn or adult lung tissue. As the animals develop, arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids, fatty acids which are both highly susceptible to lipid peroxidation in the presence of a suitable catalyst, decrease gradually when measured as the percentage of the total fatty acids in the triglyceride fraction of the lung. The total quantity of triglycerides, however, is significantly lower in lungs from 1-day-old rats than at any other age. The fatty acid composition and total quantity of both lung phospholipids and lung free fatty acids do not show similar changes. Following in vitro incubation of the 900×g supernatant fraction of peroxidizing lung homogenates, an appreciable decrease in the amount of arachidonic and docosa-hexaenoic acid could be detected in lung triglycerides. Less extensive decreases were observed in the phospholipid fraction. No changes in these components were observed in newborn or adult animals. The addition of triarachidonin to the 900×g supernatant fraction of lung homogenates resulted in increased malondialdehyde release at all ages tested while added arachidonic acid increased the formation of malondialdehyde only in 5- and 12-day-old rat lung preparations. The addition of triolein, cholesterol arachidonate, and diarachidonyl phosphatidylcholine had no effect on malondialdehyde formation at any age. The age-dependent lipid peroxidation observed after in vitro incubation of rat lung homogenate preparations, therefore, may result from the relatively high concentration of triglycerides containing polyunsaturated fatty acids present in the neonatal tissue. As the susceptible polyunsaturated fatty acids of lung triglycerides are replaced by less unsaturated species, this activity may diminish concomitantly. Recipient of Public Heath Service Research Career Development Award 5-K04-HD00068 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.  相似文献   

Steer P  Millgård J  Sarabi DM  Basu S  Vessby B  Kahan T  Edner M  Lind L 《Lipids》2002,37(3):231-236
The present study investigated possible relationships between left ventricular mass, intima-media thickness of the carotid artery (IMT), total arterial compliance, and lipid status in a population sample of 58 apparently healthy subjects aged 20 to 69. By stepwise multiple regression analysis, including age, blood pressure, and smoking, left ventricular mass index, measured by M-mode echocardiography, increased by 13.0 g/m2 for each 1 standard deviation (SD=0.11 μM, r=0.60, P<0.01) increase in plasma malondialdehyde and 9.50 g/m2 per SD increase in plasma 8-iso-prostaglandin F in women only (SD=8.88 ng/L, r=0.44, P=0.01). Each 1-SD (SD=0.27 g/L) increase in apolipoprotein B was associated with a 63 μm increase in IMT (r=0.47, P=0.01) and a 0.27 mL/min/m2/mm Hg (r=−0.60, P<0.01) decrease in stroke index/pulse pressure ratio, reflecting total arterial compliance in women. In men, each 1-SD increase in the proportion of stearic acid (18∶0) in serum cholesterol esters (SD=0.12 percent units) reduced the transmitral E/A ratio, measured by Doppler echocardiography, reflecting left ventricular diastolic function, by 0.10 units (r=−0.29, P<0.05). Thus, important cardiovascular characteristics, such as left ventricular mass, left ventricular diastolic function, carotid IMT, and total arterial compliance, were independently predicted by indices of lipid metabolism and peroxidation in apparently healthy subjects.  相似文献   

Malondialdehyde (MDA) derivatives occur as normal constituents of rat and human urine. In a previous study, it was found that MDA excretion in rats is responsive to MDA intake and to certain factors that increase lipid peroxidation in vivo: vitamin E deficiency, iron administration and a high concentration of cod liver oil (CLO) fatty acids in the tissues. In the present study, the effect on MDA excretion of several additional dietary and endogeneous factors was evaluated. The composition of dietary fatty acids had a major influence on MDA excretion in fed animals, being highest for animals fed n−3 fatty acids (20∶5 and 22∶6) from CLO, intermediate for those fed n−6 (18∶2) acids from corn oil (CO) and lowest for those fed saturated acids from hydrogenated coconut oil (HCO). Diet was the main source of urinary MDA in all groups. Fasting produced a marked increase in urinary MDA, which tended to be higher in rats previously fed CLO. Fasting MDA excretion was not affected by the level of CO in the diet (5, 10 or 15%), indicating that feeding n−6 acids does not increase lipid peroxidation in vivo. Adrenocorticotropic hormone and epinephrine administration increased urinary MDA, further indicating that lipolysis either releases fatty acid peroxides from the tissues or increases the susceptibility of mobilized fatty acids to peroxidation. A decrease in fasting MDA excretion was observed in rats previously fed a high level of antioxidants (vitamin E+BHT+vitamin C) vs a normal level of vitamin E. MDA excretion increased following adriamycin and CCl4 administration. No increase was observed following short-term feeding of a choline-methionine-deficient diet, which has been reported to increase peroxidation of rat liver nuclear lipids. This study provides further evidience that urinary MDA can serve as a useful indicator of lipid peroxidation in vivo when peroxidation of dietary lipids is precluded. This research was performed in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the M.Sc. degree in Nutritional Sciences  相似文献   

Rats were fed lard-enriched (17%) or corn oil-enriched (17%) diets and were compared with rats fed a low fat (4.5%) diet. Cardiac protein, DNA, phospholipid (PL) and fatty acid (FA) compositions were analyzed. Neutral phospholipase A, lysophospholipase and creatine kinase activities in the membrane and cytosolic compartments were also investigated. No significant modification of cardiac protein, DNA nor PL was observed among the three groups. Some alterations appeared in the FA composition. A lard-enriched diet induced a significant increase of 22∶5n−3 and 22∶6n−3 in heart phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), whereas a linoleic acid-rich diet induced a specific increase of 22∶4n−6 and 22∶5n−6 in these two major PL. Compared to rats fed the low fat diet, membrane-associated phospholipase A activity, measured by endogenous hydrolysis of membrane PC and PE, showed a significant increase (+45%) for both PL in rats fed corn oil. However, the activity of membrane-associated phospholipases, measured with exogenous [1-14C]dioleoyl PC, was not different among the three groups of rats. Cytoplasmic activity was decreased in rats fed corn oil, and lysophospholipase and creatine phosphate kinase activities were not significantly affected by diet. FA modification of the long chain n−6 FA induced by corn oil may be responsible for the observed increase in phospholipase activity. Physiological implications are suggested in terms of membrane degradation and prostaglandin production. Presented in part at the International Symposium on Lipid Metabolism in the Normoxic and Ischemic Heart, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, September 1986.  相似文献   

Guinea pigs were fed for five weeks with three diets containing different levels of vitamin E: LOW (but nondeficient, 15 mg of vitamin E/kg diet), MEDIUM (150 mg/kg diet), and HIGH (1,500 mg/kg diet). Dietary vitamin E supplementation did not change oxidative stress indicators in the hydrophilic compartment but increased liver α-tocopherol in a dose-dependent way and strongly decreased sensitivity to nonenzymaticin vitro liver lipid peroxidation. This last effect was already observed in group MEDIUM, and no further decrease inin vitro lipid peroxidation occurred from group MEDIUM to group HIGH. The protective effect of vitamin E againstin vitro lipid peroxidation was observed even though an optimum dietary concentration of vitamin C for this animal model was present in the three different vitamin E diets. Both HIGH and LOW vitamin E decreased percentage fatty acid unsaturation in all phospholipid fractions from membrane origin in relation to group MEDIUM. The results, together with previous information, show that both vitamin E and vitamin C at intermediate concentrations are needed for optimal protection against lipid peroxidation and loss of fatty acid unsaturation even in normal nonstressful conditions. These protective concentrations are higher than those needed to avoid deficiency syndromes.  相似文献   

Malondialdehyde (MDA) production and cytosolic aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) response were examined in rat liver tissues after feeding different levels of dietary vitamin E and/or selenium and polyunsaturated fat for 12–38 wk. MDA production was significantly increased by vitamin E deficiency or by high levels of polyunsaturated fat intake, but not by selenium deficiency. The activity of cytosolic ALDH increased upon increased production of MDA after 12–16 wk of feeding the lipid peroxidation-inducing diets. However, ALDH activity was suppressed after 38 wk of feeding the vitamin E-deficient diet. The results indicate that the hepatic cytosolic ALDH may be involved in the metabolism of MDA during a relatively short-term increase inin vivo lipid peroxidation, but that ALDH activity becomes suppressed after more severein vivo lipid peroxidation has been produced. Hepatic and plasma α-tocopherol levels and lipid peroxidation products were measured for the various dietary groups.  相似文献   

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