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This paper examines the validity of the plasticity index (PI) as a criterion for estimating the liquefaction potential of clayey soils under cyclic loading. The results of undrained cyclic stress-controlled ring-shear tests on artificial mixtures of sand with different clays saturated with water indicated that an increase in PI decreased the soil potential to liquefy, and soil with PI>15 seemed to be nonliquefiable, a finding that is in agreement with the results of other researchers. However, in this study some deviations from this relation were found when a bentonite–sand mixture was treated with solutions of different ions, thus bringing into question the effectiveness of PI as a measure of the liquefaction potential of clayey soil having a certain pore water chemistry.  相似文献   

Liquefaction of granular soil deposits is one of the major causes of loss resulting from earthquakes. The accuracy in the assessment of the likelihood of liquefaction at a site affects the safety and economy of the design. In this paper, curves of cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) versus cone penetration test (CPT) stress-normalized cone resistance qc1 are developed from a combination of analysis and laboratory testing. The approach consists of two steps: (1) determination of the CRR as a function of relative density from cyclic triaxial tests performed on samples isotropically consolidated to 100 kPa; and (2) estimation of the stress-normalized cone resistance qc1 for the relative densities at which the soil liquefaction tests were performed. A well-tested penetration resistance analysis based on cavity expansion analysis was used to calculate qc1 for the various soil densities. A set of 64 cyclic triaxial tests were performed on specimens of Ottawa sand with nonplastic silt content in the range of 0–15% by weight, and relative densities from loose to dense for each gradation, to establish the relationship of the CRR to the soil state and fines content. The resulting (CRR)7.5-qc1 relationship for clean sand is consistent with widely accepted empirical relationships. The (CRR)7.5-qc1 relationships for the silty sands depend on the relative effect of silt content on the CRR and qc1. It is shown that the cone resistance increases at a higher rate with increasing silt content than does liquefaction resistance, shifting the (CRR)7.5-qc1 curves to the right. The (CRR)7.5-qc1 curves proposed for both clean and silty sands are consistent with field observations.  相似文献   

The use of the measured complex permittivity of electrolyte solutions for predicting ionic species and concentration is investigated. Four artificial neural networks (ANNs) are created using a database containing permittivities (at 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 GHz) and loss factors (at 0.3, 1.5, and 3.0 GHz) of 12 aqueous salts at various concentrations. The first ANN correctly identifies cationic species in 83% of the samples and distinguishes between pure water and electrolyte solutions with 100% accuracy. The second ANN predicts cationic concentrations with a RMS error of 190 mg/L for the range of concentrations examined (0–3,910 mg/L) and explains 90% of the variability in these data. The third ANN correctly identifies 98% of the anionic species in samples and accurately distinguishes between pure water and anion-containing solutions. The last ANN predicts anionic concentrations with a RMS error of 164 mg/L for the range of concentrations examined (0–5,654 mg/L) with an r2 of nearly 98%.  相似文献   

Shear wave velocity (Vs) offers engineers a promising alternative tool to evaluate liquefaction resistance of sandy soils, and the lack of sufficient in-situ databases makes controlled laboratory study very important. In this study, semitheoretical considerations were first given based on review of previous liquefaction studies, which predicted a possible relationship between laboratory cyclic resistance ratio (CRRtx) and Vs normalized with respect to the minimum void ratio, confining stress and exponent n of Hardin equation. Undrained cyclic triaxial tests were then performed on three reconstituted sands with Vs measured by bender elements, which verified this soil-type-dependent relationship. Further investigation on similar laboratory studies resulted in a database of 291 sets of data from 34 types of sandy soils, based on which the correlation between liquefaction resistance and Vs was established statistically and further converted to equivalent field conditions with well-defined parameters, revealing that CRR will vary proportionally with (Vs1)4. Detailed comparisons with Vs-based site-specific investigations show that the present lower-bound CRR–Vs1 curve is a reliable prediction especially for sites with higher CSR or Vs1. The framework of liquefaction assessment based on the present laboratory study is proposed for engineering practice.  相似文献   

Factors for correcting liquefaction resistance for aged sands using ratios of measured to estimated shear-wave velocity (MEVR) are derived in this paper. Estimated values of shear-wave velocity (VS) are computed for 91 penetration resistance-VS data pairs using previously published relationships. Linear regression is performed on values of MEVR and corresponding average age. Age of the sand layer is taken as the time between VS measurements and initial deposition or last critical disturbance. It is found that MEVR increases by a factor of about 0.08 per log cycle of time, and time equals about 6?years on average when MEVR equals 1 for the recommended penetration resistance-VS relationships. The resulting regression equation is combined with the strength gain equation reported by Hayati et al. 2008 in “Proc., Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics IV,” to produce a MEVR versus deposit resistance correction relationship. This new corrective relationship is applied to create liquefaction resistance curves based on VS, standard penetration test blow count, and cone tip resistance for sands of various ages (or MEVRs). Because age of natural soil deposits is usually difficult to accurately determine, MEVR appears to be a promising alternative.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new simplified method for assessing the liquefaction resistance of soils based on the cone penetration test (CPT). A relatively large database consisting of CPT measurements and field liquefaction performance observations of historical earthquakes is analyzed. This database is first used to train an artificial neural network for predicting the occurrence and nonoccurrence of liquefaction based on soil and seismic load parameters. The successfully trained and tested neural network is then used to generate a set of artificial data points that collectively define the liquefaction boundary surface, the limit state function. An empirical equation is further obtained by regression analysis to approximate the unknown limit state function. The empirical equation developed represents a deterministic method for assessing liquefaction resistance using the CPT. Based on this newly developed deterministic method, probabilistic analyses of the cases in the database are conducted using the Bayesian mapping function approach. The results of the probabilistic analyses, expressed as a mapping function, provide a simple means for probability-based evaluation of the liquefaction potential. The newly developed simplified method compares favorably to a widely used existing method.  相似文献   

In order to simulate the effect of drainage on soils adjacent to gravel drains that are installed as countermeasure against liquefaction, several series of cyclic triaxial tests were performed on saturated sands under partially drained conditions. The condition of partial drainage under cyclic loading was simulated in the laboratory using triaxial testing equipment installed with a drainage control valve to precisely regulate the volume of water being drained from test specimens. Effects of both drainage conditions and loading frequencies on cyclic response were incorporated through the coefficient of drainage effect, α*. Experimental results showed that for sand exhibiting strain softening, the partially drained response was controlled by the critical effective stress ratio while for sand showing strain hardening behavior, the controlling factor was the phase transformation stress ratio. Moreover, test results indicated that the minimum liquefaction resistance under partially drained conditions can be used as a parameter to describe the liquefaction resistance of sands improved by the gravel drain method. From these results, a simplified procedure for designing gravel drains based on the factor of safety (FL) concept was proposed.  相似文献   

In this paper, the microfauna distribution data of a contact stabilization process were used in a neural network system to model and predict the biological activity of the effluent. Five uncorrelated components of the microfauna were used as the artificial neural network model input to predict the dehydrogenase activity of the effluent (DAE) using back-propagation and general regression algorithms. The models’ optimum architectures were determined for the back-propagation neural network (BPNN) model by varying the number of hidden layers, hidden transfer functions, test set size percentages, and initial weights. Comparison of the two model prediction results showed that the genetic general regression neural network model demonstrated the ability to calibrate the multicomponent microfauna, and yielded reliable DAE close to that resulting from direct experimentation, and thus was judged superior to BPNN models.  相似文献   

Results of a numerical exercise, substituting a numerical operator by an artificial neural network (ANN) are presented in this paper. The numerical operator used is the explicit form of the finite difference (FD) scheme. The FD scheme was used to discretize the one-dimensional transport equation, which included both the advection and dispersion terms. Inputs to the ANN are the FD representation of the transport equation, and the concentration was designated as the output. Concentration values used for training the ANN were obtained from analytical solutions. The numerical operator was reconstructed from a back calculation of the weights of the ANN. Linear transfer functions were used for this purpose. The ANN was able to accurately recover the velocity used in the training data, but not the dispersion coefficient. This capability was improved when numerical dispersion was taken into account; however, it is limited to the condition: C/P<0.5, where C is the Courant number and P, the Peclet number (i.e., the restriction imposed by the Neumann stability condition).  相似文献   

This paper describes an application of artificial neural networks (ANNs) to the prediction of local losses from integrated emitters. First, the optimum input-output combination was determined. Then, the mapping capability of ANNs and regression models was compared. Afterwards, a five-input ANN model, which considers pipe and emitter internal diameter, emitter length, emitter spacing, and pipe discharge, was used to develop a local losses predicting tool which was obtained from different training strategies while taking into account a completely independent test set. Finally, a performance index was evaluated for the test emitter models studied. Emitter data with low reliability were removed from the process. Performance indexes over 80% were obtained for the remaining test emitters.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of six centrifuge model tests of liquefaction and earthquake-induced lateral spreading of fine Nevada sand using an inclined laminar box. The centrifuge experiments simulate a gently sloping, 10 m thick stratum of saturated homogeneous sand of infinite lateral extent and relative densities ranging from 45 to 75%. Such idealized models approach some field situations and they provide significant general insight into the basic mechanisms and parameters influencing the lateral spreading phenomenon. The layer was subjected to lateral base shaking with prototype peak acceleration ranging from 0.20 to 0.41 g, a frequency of 2 Hz, and duration of approximately 22 cycles. The simulated field slope angle was 5°. The model deposits were all saturated with a viscous fluid 50 times more viscous than water, so that testing under the increased gravitational field (50 g) produced a deposit with the prototype permeability of the same fine-grained sand saturated with water in the field. Detailed discussions and comparisons of the six centrifuge tests are included. The observed effects of relative density Dr and input peak acceleration amax on the following measured parameters are summarized: thickness of liquefied soil H1, permanent lateral displacement DH, and ground surface settlement S. Comparisons and discussions are also presented on the effect of permeability for a Dr = 45% deposit. This is done by comparing the results reported herein using a viscous pore fluid, with other published centrifuge tests where a similar deposit using the same model soil, also tested at 50 g and shaken with the same input motion, was saturated with water, thus simulating a prototype sand having 50 times the permeability of the fine sand reported in this paper.  相似文献   

Return Period of Soil Liquefaction   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The paper describes a performance-based approach to the evaluation of liquefaction potential, and shows how it can be used to account for the entire range of potential ground shaking. The result is a direct estimate of the return period of liquefaction, rather than a factor of safety or probability of liquefaction conditional upon ground shaking with some specified return period. As such, the performance-based approach can be considered to produce a more complete and consistent indication of the actual likelihood of liquefaction at a given location than conventional procedures. In this paper, the performance-based procedure is introduced and used to compare likelihoods of the initiation of liquefaction at identical sites located in areas of different seismicity. The results indicate that the likelihood of liquefaction depends on the position and slope of the peak acceleration hazard curve, and on the distribution of earthquake magnitudes contributing to the ground motion hazard. The results also show that the consistent use of conventional procedures for the evaluation of liquefaction potential produces inconsistent actual likelihoods of liquefaction.  相似文献   

High Overburden Stress Effects in Liquefaction Analyses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A reevaluation is presented of two factors that can strongly affect the estimation of liquefaction resistance for clean sands under high effective overburden stresses (σv′): the relation used to normalize penetration resistances to a σv′ of 1 atm (i.e., CN), and the adjustment factor for the effects of σv′ on cyclic resistance ratio (i.e., Kσ). These two factors have been investigated in a number of ways and several relations exist for each of them. An improved CN relation is developed based on cone penetration theory and validation against calibration chamber test data for both cone penetration and standard penetration tests. A relative state parameter index (ξR) is shown to provide a consistent theoretical framework for interrelating the penetration and cyclic loading resistances. It is subsequently shown that the CN and Kσ relations are interrelated through the sand properties and relative density (DR) in ways that have compensating effects on the predicted cyclic resistance. The derived relations provide an improved representation of the effects of high σv′ levels, and reduce the conservatism that results when some established relations are extended to σv′ levels higher than they were calibrated for.  相似文献   

Forecasting of Reference Evapotranspiration by Artificial Neural Networks   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In recent years, artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been applied to forecasting in many areas of engineering. In this note, a sequentially adaptive radial basis function network is applied to the forecasting of reference evapotranspiration (ETo). The sequential adaptation of parameters and structure is achieved using an extended Kalman filter. The criterion for network growing is obtained from the Kalman filter’s consistency test, while the criteria for neuron/connection pruning are based on the statistical parameter significance test. The weather parameter data (air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and sunshine) were available at Nis, Serbia and Montenegro, from January 1977 to December 1996. The monthly reference evapotranspiration data were obtained by the Penman-Monteith method, which is proposed as the sole standard method for the computation of reference evapotranspiration. The network learned to forecast ETo,t+1 based on ETo,t?11 and ETo,t?23. The results show that ANNs can be used for forecasting reference evapotranspiration with high reliability.  相似文献   

The liquefaction susceptibility of various graded fine to medium saturated sands are evaluated by stress controlled cyclic triaxial laboratory tests. Cyclic triaxial tests are performed on reconstituted specimens having global relative density of 60%. In all cyclic triaxial tests, loading pattern is selected as a sinusoidal wave form with 1.0 Hz frequency and effective consolidation pressure is chosen as 100 kPa. Liquefaction resistance is defined as the required cyclic stress ratio causing initial liquefaction in 10 cycles during the cyclic triaxial test. The results are used to draw conclusions on the effect of the extreme void ratios and void ratio range on the liquefaction resistance of various graded sands.  相似文献   

Nondestructive testing (NDT) methods are widely used for the performance evaluation of flexible pavements. Falling weight deflectometer (FWD), which measures time-domain deflections resulting from applied impulse loads, is the most popular technique among all NDT methods. The evaluation of the FWD data requires the inversion of mechanical pavement properties using a backcalculation tool that includes both a forward pavement response model and an optimization algorithm. Neural networks (NNs) have also emerged as alternative tools that can be employed for pavement backcalculation problems relative to their real-time processing abilities. However, there have been no comprehensive analyses in previous studies that focus on the learning algorithm and the architecture of a NN model, which considerably affect backcalculation results. In this study, 284 different NN models were developed using synthetic training and testing databases obtained by layered elastic theory. Results indicated that both the learning algorithm and network architecture play important roles in the performance of the NN based backcalculation process.  相似文献   

The paper deals with an experimental study of the undrained cyclic behavior of a natural coarse sand and gravel deposit located in Gioia Tauro, a town situated on the continental side of the Messina Strait in Italy. The study was conducted through cyclic undrained triaxial tests carried out on both undisturbed and reconstituted samples. Undisturbed samples were recovered by an in situ freezing technique and the sample quality was carefully assessed. Reconstituted samples were prepared by using two different reconstitution methods, namely air pluviation (AP) and water sedimentation (WS), and tested under the same in situ initial relative density and effective overburden stress. Tests were carried out on both isotropically and anisotropically consolidated specimens. The results obtained from this study provide direct evidence that cyclic liquefaction resistance obtained from water sedimented samples closely approximates that exhibited by undisturbed samples in both isotropically and anisotropically consolidated tests. Conversely, AP leads to a marked underestimation. Since the investigated deposit is considered to have been formed by the marine water environment, these results can be regarded as proof that WS closely replicates the in situ fabric of the investigated deposit allowing the substitution of the expensive undisturbed samples with their reconstituted counterparts. Anisotropically consolidated specimens respectively exhibit “cyclic liquefaction” or “cyclic mobility” depending on whether or not they are loaded under the shear stress reversal mode.  相似文献   

Many false positives (no liquefaction detected when the normalized shear wave velocity-cyclic stress ratio (Vs1-CSR) combination indicated that it should have been) are observed in the database used in the simplified liquefaction assessment procedure based on shear wave velocity. Two possible reasons for false positives are the presence of a thick surface layer of nonliquefiable soil and the effects of fines on cyclic shear resistance (CRR) and Vs1. About 67% of the false positives that could not have been caused by an overlying thick surface layer are associated with silty sands with less than 35% fines. The effects of fines on the liquefaction resistance of silty sands and on the shear wave velocity are analyzed. Theoretical CRRfield?versus?Vs1 curves for silty sands containing 0 to 15% nonplastic fines are established. They show that the theoretical CRR-Vs1 correlations for silty sands with 5 to 15% nonplastic fines are all located to the far left of the semi-empirical curves that separate liquefaction from no-liquefaction zones in the simplified liquefaction potential assessment procedures. The results suggest the currently used shear wave velocity-based liquefaction potential curves may be overly conservative when applied to sands containing nonplastic fines.  相似文献   

Evaluating Liquefaction Strength of Partially Saturated Sand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method is presented for evaluating the liquefaction strength of partially saturated sand using the compression wave velocity (P-wave velocity), a new indicator of saturation. Based on laboratory test results, an empirical correlation that relates the liquefaction strength with the pore pressure coefficient B is firstly proposed. The strength is defined as the cyclic stress ratio required to cause liquefaction at a specified number of cycles. With the aid of a theoretical relation between B and the P-wave velocity, an explicit correlation of more interest is then established between the liquefaction strength of sand and its P-wave velocity. A comparison of the predictions using this explicit correlation with laboratory measurements shows a satisfactory agreement. The significance of this method lies in that it makes it possible to evaluate the liquefaction strength of sand as affected by saturation through the measurement of P-wave velocity, which can be made not only in the laboratory but particularly in the field.  相似文献   

A cavity expansion-based theory for calculation of cone penetration resistance qc in sand is presented. The theory includes a completely new analysis to obtain cone resistance from cavity limit pressure. In order to more clearly link the proposed theory with the classical cavity expansion theories, which were based on linear elastic, perfectly plastic soil response, linear equivalent values of Young's modulus, Poisson’s ratio and friction and dilatancy angles are given in charts as a function of relative density, stress state, and critical-state friction angle. These linear-equivalent values may be used in the classical theories to obtain very good estimates of cavity pressure. A much simpler way to estimate qc—based on direct reading from charts in terms of relative density, stress state, and critical-state friction angle—is also proposed. Finally, a single equation obtained by regression of qc on relative density and stress state for a range of values of critical-state friction angle is also proposed. Examples illustrate the different ways of calculating cone resistance and interpreting cone penetration test results.  相似文献   

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