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Reading involves constructing a mental representation in long-term working memory of the world described by the text. Disrupting short-term working memory can interfere with the maintenance of mental models (sets of retrieval cues) needed to access these representations, producing detrimental effects on reading time. In two experiments, subjects read passages that included pairs of coreferential sentences interrupted by unrelated text. As in previous research, reading times increased for the first sentence after the interruption, likely reflecting a reinstatement process for mental models in working memory. In the present research, pictures were provided as visuospatial cues to aid the reinstatement process. The interruption effect was found to be smaller with pictures related to the passages than with unrelated pictures (Experiment 1) or titles (Experiment 2); however, both of these effects occurred only for slow readers. The authors hypothesize that slow readers take the time needed to integrate visuospatial information into their mental models, providing more resilient access to long-term working memory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

One of the main tenets of the mental model theory is that when individuals reason, they think about possibilities. According to this theory, reasoning on what is possible from the truth of a sentence would be psychologically basic, whereas reasoning the other way round, on the truth or falsity of a sentence from a given state of affairs, would require some meta-ability. The present study tested the developmental corollary of this theory, which is that reasoning about possibilities should develop first, whereas the development of reasoning about truth-value should be delayed. For this purpose, 3rd, 6th, and 9th graders as well as adults were presented with tasks requiring them to evaluate either the possibilities compatible with conditional sentences or the truth-value of these sentences from these same possibilities. The results revealed 2 phenomena. First, the same developmental trend was observed in both tasks with 3 successive interpretational levels: conjunctive, biconditional, and then conditional. Second, there was a developmental lag between the 2 forms of reasoning—with developmental transitions from one level to the next occurring about 3 years later when reasoning about truth-value. The implications of these results for theories of cognitive development and of reasoning are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Integrated what-where-when memory, sometimes called 'episodic-like' memory, has been shown to occur in a number of animals, including food-storing birds and rodents. It is not always clear in these studies, however, what aspect of “when” is remembered. We examined memory for what, where, and when in black-capped chickadees Poecile atricapillus in a procedure designed to dissociate memory for elapsed time (how long ago) from memory for a point in time, the sense of “when” implied in most discussions of episodic or episodic-like memory. Chickadees searched for food in multiple trials that each involved a two-phase procedure. In Phase 1, birds found preferred mealworms in half the sites on one side of an aviary and less preferred sunflower seeds in half the sites on the other side of the aviary. In Phase 2, following a retention interval, birds searched in the aviary with fresh sunflower seeds placed in the sites that held seeds in Phase 1 but either fresh or degraded mealworms in the sites that held mealworms in Phase 1. Whether a site held fresh or degraded worms depended on either when during the day Phase 1 had occurred (Group When), how long ago Phase 1 had occurred (Group HLA), or both (Group When + HLA). Chickadees in all three groups were able to discriminate where and when palatable worms were to be found, but there were temporal limitations on the use of HLA and When + HLA cues that were not found for the use of When cues. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Does interference, a primary source of forgetting in explicit memory, also affect implicit memory? Several early and highly influential studies have suggested that implicit memory is immune to interference. In contrast, a number of subsequent investigations have reported evidence for interference. As well, amnesic patients, whose performance relies primarily on implicit memory, often show interference effects. A review of methods, materials, and findings suggests that interference occurs on implicit tests when targets and nontargets are similar and so compete as potential responses to the memory cue. Further, there is some evidence that the degree of interference on implicit tasks is affected by the number of competing items and their strength relative to the target. Interference effects in implicit memory seem to parallel those in explicit memory, and the authors consider the implications of this conclusion for theoretical concepts of memory and the brain. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to extend theory and research regarding the emergence of mental models and transactive memory in teams. Utilizing Kozlowski, Gully, Nason, and Smith’s (1999) model of team compilation, we examined the effect of role identification behaviors and posited that such behaviors represent the initial building blocks of team cognition during the role compilation phase of team development. We then hypothesized that team mental models and transactive memory would convey the effects of these behaviors onto team performance in the team compilation phase of development. Results from 60 teams working on a command-and-control simulation supported our hypotheses. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

One widespread belief about automatic mental processes is that, among other characteristics, they are involuntary. No initial conscious intent is necessary because such processing is stimulus initiated. This claim was studied in the context of a novel task-choice procedure in which subjects were informed as to which of two tasks they should perform on a letter string either well in advance of a target, or when the target appeared. The hypothesis that initial processing of the target occurs without intent predicts that the effect of contrast reduction will be absent when the task cue appears synchronously with the target. This is because initial processing of the target should be completed during the time taken to decode the task cue. The results are inconsistent with this account. Instead, they support an account in which functional target processing is delayed until the subject knows what the task is. Some directions for future investigations are noted. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effects of practice on 2 retrievals from a single cue were investigated. In Experiment 1, participants were given extended single-task practice and were then tested on a dual memory retrieval task. Performance was consistent with a sequential retrieval model proposed by T. C. Rickard and H. Pashler (2003). In Experiment 2, participants practiced both single- and dual-retrieval tasks extensively. Initially, data from all participants indicated sequential retrieval. However, participants who grouped the 2 response outputs were eventually able to perform the dual task with a latency that approached the prediction of a parallel race model. Models that assume a transition from sequential to parallel retrieval with practice, along with other models that assume an immutable retrieval bottleneck at all practice levels, are considered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"The nub of the simulation problem involves the use of similar types of 'programs' of 'instructions' to the machine in order to reproduce the steps an individual goes through in thinking out the solution to a difficult problem." Simulation methods "have a tremendous role in sharpening our formulations concerning mental processes and phenomena." The "simulation of human responses has the same overwhelming advantages for our understanding of behavioral phenomena as similar methods in other sciences." Research "on simulation of complex psychological processes is yielding results of increasing importance." From Psyc Abstracts 36:02:2CM87H. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Exemplar-similarity models such as the exemplar-based random walk (EBRW) model (Nosofsky & Palmeri, 1997b) were designed to provide a formal account of multidimensional classification choice probabilities and response times (RTs). At the same time, a recurring theme has been to use exemplar models to account for old–new item recognition and to explain relations between classification and recognition. However, a major gap in research is that the models have not been tested on their ability to provide a theoretical account of RTs and other aspects of performance in the classic Sternberg (1966) short-term memory-scanning paradigm, perhaps the most venerable of all recognition-RT tasks. The present research fills that gap by demonstrating that the EBRW model accounts in natural fashion for a wide variety of phenomena involving diverse forms of short-term memory scanning. The upshot is that similar cognitive operating principles may underlie the domains of multidimensional classification and short-term old–new recognition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studies of age differences in event-based prospective memory indicate wide variation in the magnitude of age effects. One explanation derived from the multiprocess framework proposes that age differences depend on whether the cue to carry out a prospective intention is focal to ongoing task processing. A meta-analysis of 117 effect sizes from 4,709 participants provided evidence for this view, as age effects were greater when the prospective cue to the ongoing task was nonfocal compared with when it was focal. However, the results only support a weaker but not a stronger prediction of the multiprocess framework, as age impairments were reliably above zero for both types of retrieval cues. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Preventing mental illness has become increasingly emphasized as a priority for psychologists. Unfortunately, clinicians who want to incorporate prevention activities into their practice have few available models to guide how they might accomplish such a task. Using the literature on the prevention of depression, the authors make specific recommendations to clinicians who are interested in expanding their practice by offering preventive interventions in addition to their usual treatment activities. Topics discussed include choosing target populations for the intervention, using a theoretical orientation to guide the intervention, selecting specific ingredients to include in the intervention, deciding among different intervention modalities, and obtaining financial reimbursement for prevention work. Prevention work can be a novel solution to help meet the unsatisfied needs of patients, clinicians, and society. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined whether the well-documented adult tendency to perceive gaze aversion as a lying cue is also evident in children. In Experiment 1, 6-year-olds, 9-year-olds, and adults were shown video vignettes of speakers who either maintained or avoided eye contact while answering an interviewer's questions. Participants evaluated whether the speaker was telling the truth or lying on each trial. The results revealed that at both ages, children were more likely to attribute lying to speakers in the gaze aversion condition; however, the effect was significantly greater among 9-year-olds. Significant gender differences were also uncovered, with girls demonstrating strongest sensitivity to the gaze cue. Experiment 2 replicated the gender effect in 6-year-olds but found that when the speakers' verbal responses were removed, boys' use of the gaze cue increased and the gender difference disappeared. These findings indicate that at 6 years old, children interpret interpersonal gaze behavior as a socially informative cue. Furthermore, the growing appreciation of the stereotypic gaze behavior associated with lying and the reputed female advantage in gaze sensitivity may reflect differential processing of multimodal communication. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Four experiments examined the age at which children start to use external symbols to aid their memory and how external symbol use affects both their memory performance and information allocation strategies. In Experiment 1, children in Grades 1, 3, 5, and 7 played a memory card game twice, once with the opportunity to make notes to aid performance and once without the opportunity. Grades 1 and 3 students tended to produce nonmnemonic notations, whereas Greades 5 and 7 students were more likely to produce functional, adultlike notations that aided performance in the task. In Experiments 2a and 2b, unexpected removal of children's notations led to a decrease in performance, suggesting that the spontaneously produced notations were being used as an external store rather than as an aid to encoding information. Experiment 3 examined whether all information was placed in external storage or if some types of information remained in memory. Grade 7 students who had their notations unexpectedly taken away were able to recognize the identity of the cards they had previously seen but had more difficulty remembering their locations. These results suggest that in mid-childhood, children begin to distribute information actively between internal and external memory storage. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Event-based prospective memory requires responding to cues in the environment that are associated with a previously established intention. Some researchers believe that intentions reside in memory with an above baseline level of activation, a phenomenon called the intention superiority effect. The authors of this study predicted that intention superiority would be masked by additional cognitive processes associated with successful event-based prospective memory. These additional processes include noticing the cue, retrieving the intention, and coordinating intention execution with the ongoing activity, In 3 experiments, intention superiority was demonstrated by faster latencies to the ongoing activity on failed prospective trials and the existence of the additional processes was demonstrated by slower latencies on successful trials. This study demonstrates the importance of investigating the microstructure of the cognitive components involved with processing and responding to an event-based prospective memory cue. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

At work and in our personal life we often need to remember to perform intended actions at some point in the future, referred to as Prospective Memory. Individuals sometimes forget to perform intentions in safety-critical work contexts. Holding intentions can also interfere with ongoing tasks. We applied theories and methods from the experimental literature to test the effectiveness of external aids in reducing prospective memory error and costs to ongoing tasks in an air traffic control simulation. Participants were trained to accept and hand-off aircraft and to detect aircraft conflicts. For the prospective memory task, participants were required to substitute alternative actions for routine actions when accepting target aircraft. Across two experiments, external display aids were provided that presented the details of target aircraft and associated intended actions. We predicted that aids would only be effective if they provided information that was diagnostic of target occurrence, and in this study, we examined the utility of aids that directly cued participants when to allocate attention to the prospective memory task. When aids were set to flash when the prospective memory target aircraft needed to be accepted, prospective memory error and costs to ongoing tasks of aircraft acceptance and conflict detection were reduced. In contrast, aids that did not alert participants specifically when the target aircraft were present provided no advantage compared to when no aids were used. These findings have practical implications for the potential relative utility of automated external aids for occupations where individuals monitor multi-item dynamic displays. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, The Nature of Thought: Essays in Honor of D.O. Hebb edited by P.W. Jusczyk and R.M. Klein (1980). The phenomenon of thinking, the topic to which this important collection of essays is addressed, is one of the principal perennial concerns of psychology. It is as fundamental and as unsolved a problem today as at the time of experimental psychology's introspectionist beginnings and, through the ensuing decades, has never ceased to stimulate, fascinate, baffle, and bewilder the serious student of psychological phenomena. The present volume appropriately reflects a wide spectrum of specific concerns and approaches to this topic. Appropriate, as well, is its dedication in honour of D.O. Hebb, whose own approach to the study of thought is especially broad and encompassing. The book resulted from a recent series of lectures, in Hebb's honour, at Dalhousie University. This is not, however, a volume primarily addressed to Hebb's ideas. Rather, it is a collection of progress reports by a number of distinguished researchers in the fields of human and animal cognition on recent approaches to topics such as consciousness, mental imagery, problem solving, representation, attention, and skilled performance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study analyzed the spatial memory capacities of rats in darkness with visual and/or olfactory cues through ontogeny. Tests were conducted with the homing board, where rats had to find the correct escape hole. Four age groups (24 days, 48 days, 3-6 months, and 12 months) were trained in 3 conditions: (a) 3 identical light cues; (b) 5 different olfactory cues; and (c) both types of cues, followed by removal of the olfactory cues. Results indicate that immature rats first take into account olfactory information but are unable to orient with only the help of discrete visual cues. Olfaction enables the use of visual information by 48-day-old rats. Visual information predominantly supports spatial cognition in adult and 12-month-old rats. Results point out cooperation between vision and olfaction for place navigation during ontogeny in rats. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Corporate sponsorship of sports, causes, and the arts has become a mainstream communications tool worldwide. The unique marketing opportunities associated with major events also attract nonsponsoring companies seeking to form associations with the event (ambushing). There are strategies available to brands and events which have been ambushed; however, there is only limited information about the effects of those strategies on attainment of sponsorship objectives. In Experiment 1, university staff and students participated by studying paragraphs linking a sponsor to a novel event. Relative to each sponsor-event pair, they then studied one of three different messages about a competitor. Results find a message which linked the competitor and the event increased competitor recall given the event as a cue and event recall given the competitor as a cue. These effects were moderated if there was information about the competitor not being the sponsor. In Experiment 2 ambushing and counter-ambushing information was presented over 2 days. Both types of messages increased competitor recall given the event as a cue and event recall given the competitor as a cue. In addition, “not sponsor” information was not always used even when it should have been recallable. The results can be explained if participants are using three cues: a specific cue such as a brand name, a contextual cue, and a category cue, such as the concept of an event. Findings suggest to sponsoring firms and event properties that counter-ambushing communications may have the unintended effect of strengthening an ambusher-event relationship in memory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

According to information-processing models of alcohol use, alcohol expectancies constitute representations in long-term memory that may be activated in the presence of drinking-related cues, thereby influencing alcohol consumption. A fundamental implication of this approach is that primed expectancies should affect drinking only for those individuals who possess the specific expectancies primed. To test this notion, in the present study, participants were initially assessed on 3 distinct domains of positive alcohol expectancies. Approximately 1 week later, they completed an ad libitum drinking study during which only a single expectancy domain (sociability) was primed in the experimental condition. Consistent with predictions, following exposure to sociability primes but not control primes, individuals with stronger expectancies that alcohol would enhance sociability uniquely showed increased placebo consumption of nonalcoholic beer. These results, which demonstrate the moderating role of compatibility between the specific content of primes and that of underlying expectancies, offer new, direct support for memory network-based models of drinking behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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