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Guger C. Edlinger G. Harkam W. Niedermayer I. Pfurtscheller G. 《IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering》2003,11(2):145-147
Ninety-nine healthy people participated in a brain-computer interface (BCI) field study conducted at an exposition held in Graz, Austria. Each subject spent 20-30 min on a two-session BCI investigation. The first session consisted of 40 trials conducted without feedback. Then, a subject-specific classifier was set up to provide the subject with feedback, and the second session - 40 trials in which the subject had to control a horizontal bar on a computer screen - was conducted. Subjects were instructed to imagine a right-hand movement or a foot movement after a cue stimulus depending on the direction of an arrow. Bipolar electrodes were mounted over the right-hand representation area and over the foot representation area. Classification results achieved with 1) an adaptive autoregressive model (39 subjects) and 2) band power estimation (60 subjects) are presented. Roughly 93% of the subjects were able to achieve classification accuracy above 60% after two sessions of training. 相似文献
Muller G.R. Neuper C. Pfurtscheller G. 《IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering》2003,11(1):54-59
By the use of a brain-computer interface (BCI), it is possible for completely paralyzed patients, who have lost their ability to speak, to have a new possibility to communicate with their environment. The training with such a BCI system can be performed at the patient's home, if there is a responsible person present who is familiar with the system. This person has to adjust different parameters and to adapt the training individually to each patient. Since this function is usually taken over by the developers of the system, the number of patients who can be included in regular BCI training is restricted due to geographical distances. This paper describes the implementation of a telemonitoring system, which makes it possible for the developer to control and supervise the BCI training from his or her own place of work. First experiences with a patient living far away from the developer's lab are reported. 相似文献
Georg E Fabiani Dennis J McFarland Jonathan R Wolpaw Gert Pfurtscheller 《IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering》2004,12(3):331-338
The Wadsworth electroencephalogram (EEG)-based brain-computer interface (BCI) uses amplitude in mu or beta frequency bands over sensorimotor cortex to control cursor movement. Trained users can move the cursor in one or two dimensions. The primary goal of this research is to provide a new communication and control option for people with severe motor disabilities. Currently, cursor movements in each dimension are determined 10 times/s by an empirically derived linear function of one or two EEG features (i.e., spectral bands from different electrode locations). This study used offline analysis of data collected during system operation to explore methods for improving the accuracy of cursor movement. The data were gathered while users selected among three possible targets by controlling vertical [i.e., one-dimensional (1-D)] cursor movement. The three methods analyzed differ in the dimensionality of the cursor movement [1-D versus two-dimensional (2-D)] and in the type of the underlying function (linear versus nonlinear). We addressed two questions: Which method is best for classification (i.e., to determine from the EEG which target the user wants to hit)? How does the number of EEG features affect the performance of each method? All methods reached their optimal performance with 10-20 features. In offline simulation, the 2-D linear method and the 1-D nonlinear method improved performance significantly over the 1-D linear method. The 1-D linear method did not do so. These offline results suggest that the 1-D nonlinear or the 2-D linear cursor function will improve online operation of the BCI system. 相似文献
Sensorimotor rhythm-based brain-computer interface (BCI): feature selection by regression improves performance. 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Dennis J McFarland Jonathan R Wolpaw 《IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering》2005,13(3):372-379
People can learn to control electroencephalogram (EEG) features consisting of sensorimotor rhythm amplitudes and can use this control to move a cursor in one or two dimensions to a target on a screen. In the standard one-dimensional application, the cursor moves horizontally from left to right at a fixed rate while vertical cursor movement is continuously controlled by sensorimotor rhythm amplitude. The right edge of the screen is divided among 2-6 targets, and the user's goal is to control vertical cursor movement so that the cursor hits the correct target when it reaches the right edge. Up to the present, vertical cursor movement has been a linear function of amplitude in a specific frequency band [i.e., 8-12 Hz (mu) or 18-26 Hz (beta)] over left and/or right sensorimotor cortex. The present study evaluated the effect of controlling cursor movement with a weighted combination of these amplitudes in which the weights were determined by an regression algorithm on the basis of the user's past performance. Analyses of data obtained from a representative set of trained users indicated that weighted combinations of sensorimotor rhythm amplitudes could support cursor control significantly superior to that provided by a single feature. Inclusion of an interaction term further improved performance. Subsequent online testing of the regression algorithm confirmed the improved performance predicted by the offline analyses. The results demonstrate the substantial value for brain-computer interface applications of simple multivariate linear algorithms. In contrast to many classification algorithms, such linear algorithms can easily incorporate multiple signal features, can readily adapt to changes in the user's control of these features, and can accommodate additional targets without major modifications. 相似文献
Real-time EEG analysis with subject-specific spatial patterns for a brain-computer interface (BCI). 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
C Guger H Ramoser G Pfurtscheller 《IEEE transactions on rehabilitation engineering》2000,8(4):447-456
Electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings during right and left motor imagery allow one to establish a new communication channel for, e.g., patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Such an EEG-based brain-computer interface (BCI) can be used to develop a simple binary response for the control of a device. Three subjects participated in a series of on-line sessions to test if it is possible to use common spatial patterns to analyze EEG in real time in order to give feedback to the subjects. Furthermore, the classification accuracy that can be achieved after only three days of training was investigated. The patterns are estimated from a set of multichannel EEG data by the method of common spatial patterns and reflect the specific activation of cortical areas. By construction, common spatial patterns weight each electrode according to its importance to the discrimination task and suppress noise in individual channels by using correlations between neighboring electrodes. Experiments with three subjects resulted in an error rate of 2, 6 and 14% during on-line discrimination of left- and right-hand motor imagery after three days of training and make common spatial patterns a promising method for an EEG-based brain-computer interface. 相似文献
Huang D Qian K Fei DY Jia W Chen X Bai O 《IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering》2012,20(3):379-388
This study aims to propose an effective and practical paradigm for a brain-computer interface (BCI)-based 2-D virtual wheelchair control. The paradigm was based on the multi-class discrimination of spatiotemporally distinguishable phenomenon of event-related desynchronization/synchronization (ERD/ERS) in electroencephalogram signals associated with motor execution/imagery of right/left hand movement. Comparing with traditional method using ERD only, where bilateral ERDs appear during left/right hand mental tasks, the 2-D control exhibited high accuracy within a short time, as incorporating ERS into the paradigm hypothetically enhanced the spatiotemoral feature contrast of ERS versus ERD. We also expected users to experience ease of control by including a noncontrol state. In this study, the control command was sent discretely whereas the virtual wheelchair was moving continuously. We tested five healthy subjects in a single visit with two sessions, i.e., motor execution and motor imagery. Each session included a 20 min calibration and two sets of games that were less than 30 min. Average target hit rate was as high as 98.4% with motor imagery. Every subject achieved 100% hit rate in the second set of wheelchair control games. The average time to hit a target 10 m away was about 59 s, with 39 s for the best set. The superior control performance in subjects without intensive BCI training suggested a practical wheelchair control paradigm for BCI users. 相似文献
Current movement-based brain-computer interfaces (BCI's) utilize spontaneous electroencephalogram (EEG) rhythms associated with movement, such as the mu rhythm, or responses time-locked to movements that are averaged across multiple trials, such as the readiness potential (RP), as control signals. In one study, we report that the mu rhythm is not only modulated by the expression of self-generated movement but also by the observation and imagination of movement. In another study, we show that simultaneous self-generated multiple limb movements exhibit properties distinct from those of single limb movements. Identification and classification of these signals with pattern recognition techniques provides the basis for the development of a practical BCI. 相似文献
A new communication channel for severely handicapped people could be opened with a direct brain to computer interface (BCI). Such a system classifies electrical brain signals online. In a series of training sessions, where electroencephalograph (EEG) signals are recorded on the intact scalp, a classifier is trained to discriminate a limited number of different brain states. In a subsequent series of feedback sessions, where the subject is confronted with the classification results, the subject tries to reduce the number of misclassifications. In this study the relevance of different spectral components is analyzed: 1) on the training sessions to select optimal frequency bands for the feedback sessions and 2) on the feedback sessions to monitor changes. 相似文献
EEG-based synchronized brain-computer interfaces: a model for optimizing the number of mental tasks.
Julien Kronegg Guillaume Chanel Sviatoslav Voloshynovskiy Thierry Pun 《IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering》2007,15(1):50-58
The information-transfer rate (ITR) is commonly used to assess the performance of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). Various studies have shown that the optimal number of mental tasks to be used is fairly low, around 3 or 4. We propose an experimental validation as well as a formal approach to demonstrate and confirm that this optimum is user and BCI design dependent. Even if increasing the number of mental tasks to the optimum indeed leads to an increase of the ITR, the gain remains small. This might not justify the added complexity in terms of protocol design. 相似文献
Manoj Thulasidas Cuntai Guan Jiankang Wu 《IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering》2006,14(1):24-29
We report the implementation of a text input application (speller) based on the P300 event related potential. We obtain high accuracies by using an SVM classifier and a novel feature. These techniques enable us to maintain fast performance without sacrificing the accuracy, thus making the speller usable in an online mode. In order to further improve the usability, we perform various studies on the data with a view to minimizing the training time required. We present data collected from nine healthy subjects, along with the high accuracies (of the order of 95% or more) measured online. We show that the training time can be further reduced by a factor of two from its current value of about 20 min. High accuracy, fast learning, and online performance make this P300 speller a potential communication tool for severely disabled individuals, who have lost all other means of communication and are otherwise cut off from the world, provided their disability does not interfere with the performance of the speller. 相似文献
ERPs evoked by different matrix sizes: implications for a brain computer interface (BCI) system 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Allison B.Z. Pineda J.A. 《IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering》2003,11(2):110-113
A brain-computer interface (BCI) system may allow a user to communicate by selecting one of many options. These options may be presented in a matrix. Larger matrices allow a larger vocabulary, but require more time for each selection. In this study, subjects were asked to perform a target detection task using matrices appropriate for a BCI. The study sought to explore the relationship between matrix size and EEG measures, target detection accuracy, and user preferences. Results indicated that larger matrices evoked a larger P300 amplitude, and that matrix size did not significantly affect performance or preferences. 相似文献
Asynchronous BCI and local neural classifiers: an overview of the adaptive brain interface project 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
Millan Jdel.R. Mourino J. 《IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering》2003,11(2):159-161
In this communication, we give an overview of our work on an asynchronous brain-computer interface (where the subject makes self-paced decisions on when to switch from one mental task to the next) that responds every 0.5 s. A local neural classifier tries to recognize three different mental tasks; it may also respond "unknown" for uncertain samples as the classifier has incorporated statistical rejection criteria. We report our experience with 15 subjects. We also briefly describe two brain-actuated applications we have developed: a virtual keyboard and a mobile robot (emulating a motorized wheelchair). 相似文献
将脑-机接口(brain-computer interface,BCI)技术与虚拟现实(virtual reality,VR)相结合构成基于虚拟现实的脑-机接口(BCI-VR)新技术是最近在多媒体和娱乐领域出现的一种BCI应用新模式。BCI-VR兼取两者优势互补,同时又相互促进创新,显示出广阔应用前景。本文从BCI-VR系统基本构成、BCI对VR控制和VR对BCI影响等方面,较详细介绍了近年来BCI-VR的主要研究方法、研究进展和成就,并根据作者体会小结了目前存在的难点与未来的可能发展动向,以与读者交流、共同促进BCI-VR新技术的快速发展。 相似文献
J Adam Wilson Elizabeth A Felton P Charles Garell Gerwin Schalk Justin C Williams 《IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering》2006,14(2):246-250
Most current brain-computer interface (BCI) systems for humans use electroencephalographic activity recorded from the scalp, and may be limited in many ways. Electrocorticography (ECoG) is believed to be a minimally-invasive alternative to electroencephalogram (EEG) for BCI systems, yielding superior signal characteristics that could allow rapid user training and faster communication rates. In addition, our preliminary results suggest that brain regions other than the sensorimotor cortex, such as auditory cortex, may be trained to control a BCI system using similar methods as those used to train motor regions of the brain. This could prove to be vital for users who have neurological disease, head trauma, or other conditions precluding the use of sensorimotor cortex for BCI control. 相似文献
Phase synchronization for the recognition of mental tasks in a brain-computer interface 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Gysels E. Celka P. 《IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering》2004,12(4):406-415
Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) may be a future communication channel for motor-disabled people. In surface electroencephalogram (EEG)-based BCIs, the extracted features are often derived from spectral estimates and autoregressive models. We examined the usefulness of synchronization between EEG signals for classifying mental tasks. To this end, we investigated the performance of features derived from the phase locking value (PLV) and from the spectral coherence and compared them to the classification rates resulting from the power densities in alpha, beta1, beta2, and 8-30-Hz frequency bands. Five recordings of 60 min, acquired from three subjects while performing three different mental tasks, were analyzed offline. No artifacts were removed or rejected. We noticed significant differences between PLV and mean spectral coherence. For sole use of synchronization measures, classification accuracies up to 62% were achieved. In general, the best result was obtained combining phase synchronization measures with alpha power spectral density estimates. The results demonstrate that phase synchronization provides relevant information for the classification of spontaneous EEG during mental tasks. 相似文献
Walter G Besio Hongbao Cao Peng Zhou 《IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering》2008,16(2):191-194
For persons with severe disabilities, a brain-computer interface (BCI) may be a viable means of communication. Lapalacian electroencephalogram (EEG) has been shown to improve classification in EEG recognition. In this work, the effectiveness of signals from tripolar concentric electrodes and disc electrodes were compared for use as a BCI. Two sets of left/right hand motor imagery EEG signals were acquired. An autoregressive (AR) model was developed for feature extraction with a Mahalanobis distance based linear classifier for classification. An exhaust selection algorithm was employed to analyze three factors before feature extraction. The factors analyzed were 1) length of data in each trial to be used, 2) start position of data, and 3) the order of the AR model. The results showed that tripolar concentric electrodes generated significantly higher classification accuracy than disc electrodes. 相似文献
应用数字信号处理器设计了一个基于想象动作电位的脑-机接口系统,通过模拟滤波与数字信号器处理相结合的方法,实现了对想象动作电位信息的有效采集和处理.系统在硬件上设计了脑电信号放大器,DSP开发板;对脑电信号放大、AD转换后,通过分类特征提取处理后,完成动作识别与控制命令的输出.将数字信号处理器应用在脑-机接口中,利用数字信号处理器优异的处理能力和丰富的外设资源,实现了一个嵌入式、微型化的脑-机接口构建,实现了脑-机接口实时处理与微型化. 相似文献
Current trends in Graz Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) research. 总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18
G Pfurtscheller C Neuper C Guger W Harkam H Ramoser A Schl?gl B Obermaier M Pregenzer 《IEEE transactions on rehabilitation engineering》2000,8(2):216-219
This paper describes a research approach to develop a brain-computer interface (BCI) based on recognition of subject-specific EEG patterns. EEG signals recorded from sensorimotor areas during mental imagination of specific movements are classified on-line and used e.g. for cursor control. In a number of on-line experiments, various methods for EEG feature extraction and classification have been evaluated. 相似文献