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Control of the oxygen activity andits content inthe molten steel are the main factors in the produc-tion of clean,high quality and homogeneous steel[1].Deoxidation of the steel includes reducing both theoxygen activity and total oxygen in molten steel.Sin…  相似文献   

In this study, significant correlations were discovered between the following three parameters: (i) pH values of human hair, (ii) K, Ca, Mg, Zn contents of human hair and (iii) sex. We also discovered that most trace elements are not significantly correlated with hair pH.  相似文献   

以含H2SO4、As、Sb、Bi的酸性溶液为研究体系,采用化学分析及电化学测试,研究了电解液中锑的氧化还原规律及价态转化途径。实验表明,在铜电解液中,溶解的氧气在一定温度下将Sb(III)氧化,其中砷可显著促进Sb(III)的氧化。通过向电解液中加入适量双氧水可实现电解液中锑的氧化,促进砷锑铋的共沉淀反应。电化学测试表明,加入Sb(III)后,阴极过程在-0.13 V出现还原峰,阳极过程在0.03 V出现氧化峰,随着三价锑浓度增加,阳极过程氧化峰电流先增大再减小。加入Sb(V)后,阴极过程在-0.1 V出现还原峰,阳极过程在0.05 V出现氧化峰,随着五价锑浓度的增加,阳极过程峰电流逐渐增大。采用H2O2氧化方法调节电解液中nSb(III)/nSb(V)至1∶4附近,Sb、Bi在一定条件下脱除率分别达到68.2%和83.7%。  相似文献   

研究了用还原剂亚硫酸钠还原分金液中的金离子,确定了电位与金离子质量浓度及金还原率之间的关系。结果表明:电位降到585mV以下时,金还原率可达99%;电位约为505mV时,还原反应结束。  相似文献   

Influence of Stress State on Soil-Water Characteristics and Slope Stability   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A soil-water characteristic curve defines the relationship between the soil (matric) suction and either the water content or the degree of saturation. Physically, this soil-water characteristic is a measure of the water storage capacity of the soil for a given soil suction. Conventionally, the soil-water characteristic curves (SWCCs) are determined in the laboratory using a pressure plate apparatus in which vertical or confining stress cannot be applied. For investigating the influence on the stress state on the soil-water characteristics, a new stress controllable pressure plate apparatus has been developed. Effects of K0 stress conditions on the SWCCs of an “undisturbed” volcanic soil in Hong Kong are determined and illustrated. The net normal stresses considered in the apparatus are 40 and 80 kPa, which are appropriate for many slope failures in Hong Kong. Experimental results show that the soil-water characteristic of the soil specimens is strongly dependent on the confining stress. Numerical analyses of transient seepage in unsaturated soil slopes using the measured stress-dependent soil-water characteristic curves predict that the distributions of pore-water pressure can be significantly different from those predicted by the analyses using the conventional drying SWCC. For the cut slope and the rainfall considered, the former analyses predicted a considerably lower factor of safety than that by the latter analyses. These results suggest that wetting stress-dependent soil-water characteristic curves should be considered for better and safer assessment of slope instability.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report three cases of a suspected interaction between warfarin and fluvastatin. CASE SUMMARIES: Three patients receiving stable warfarin dosages with therapeutic international normalized ratios (INRs) exhibited increased INRs when fluvastatin was added to their maintenance regimens. While none of the patients experienced a bleeding episode, they did require a reduction in their weekly warfarin dosage to achieve an appropriate level of anticoagulation. DISCUSSION: Reports of an interaction between warfarin and lovastatin have been described previously; however, to our knowledge, this is the first published report of a possible interaction between warfarin and fluvastatin. These cases were chosen because other factors that could potentially increase the INR were ruled out as significant contributors. CONCLUSIONS: The exact mechanism for the potential interaction between warfarin and fluvastatin is unknown. Until more is known, it is advisable to monitor patients more frequently when fluvastatin is initiated, discontinued, or adjusted in patients taking warfarin.  相似文献   

利用EAM势计算了Ni-Al系合金的有序无序转变,发现Ni3Al为一级相变,其晶格常数随长程有序度呈线性变化,而NiAl为二级相变,品格常数则呈非线性变化,此不同的转变规律是与相变类型有关,而不是完全由有序无序转变中原子构型力学平衡条件所决定.一级相变晶格常数变化是线性的,二级相变为非线性的.  相似文献   

The creep rates of AA1100 are measured during exposure to a variety of aggressive environments. NaCl solutions of various concentrations have no influence on the steady-state creep behavior, producing creep rates comparable to those measured in lab air at room temperature. However, after an initial incubation period of steady strain rate, a dramatic increase of strain rate is observed on exposure to HCl solutions and NaOH solutions, as well as during cathodic polarization of specimens in NaCl solutions. Creep strain produces a continuous deformation and elongation of the sample surface that is comparable to slow strain rates at crack tips thought to control the kinetics of crack growth during stress corrosion cracking (SCC). In this experiment, we separate the strain and surface deformation from the complex geometry of the crack tip to better understand the processes at work. Based on this concept, two possible explanations for the environmental influences on creep strain rates are discussed relating to the anodic dissolution of the free surface and hydrogen influences on deformation mechanisms. Consistencies of pH dependence between corrosion creep and SCC at low pH prove a creep-involved SCC mechanism, while the discrepancies between corrosion creep behavior and previous SCC results at high pH indicate a rate-limit step change in the crack propagation of the SCC process.  相似文献   

从健身气功的历史渊源与"心性"的思想来源探究它们存在着难以割舍的关系,对健身气功这种善行的直觉修养、道德追求、养心寡欲、身心一体进行逻辑分析,认为它的本质是体现"道血气,以求长年、长心、长德.此为身也"的心性修养.  相似文献   

Over the past decades, the mechanism of interface migration during the austenite-ferrite transformation in steels has attracted significant attention from physical metallurgists. There are two challenging research questions in this field: (i) What is the effect of (substitutional) alloying elements on migrating interfaces? and (ii) How to accurately determine the value of interface mobility?. Recently, a cyclic partial phase transformation approach has been proposed to study interface migration, and new insights into the above two questions have been provided. An overview of the cyclic partial phase transformation concept is given, and pathways for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

Some of the acidic reagents or medicines (i.e. HCl, GSH & GSSG, Vit. C, Vit. B6) and basic reagents (Tris) were used to regulate the pH of water soluble protein and urea soluble protein solution of human lenses. At a certain pH, the lens protein solution appears opalescence, the pH of opacity solution which is measured by pH meter is around 5.6-6.3. The opalescence of water soluble and urea soluble lens protein solution of human fetal, adult and cataractous lenses were also determined by gradient acidic and basic solution. The result show that the opacity is more obvious in soluble protein solution of cataractous lenses and clear lenses than in that of fetal lenses, and the lens urea soluble protein has a marked opalescence in comparison with the water soluble protein. So we assume that cataractogenesis might be associated with the change of pH within lens.  相似文献   

The match relationship between rail and wheel was studied by investigating the behavior of the contact fatigue wear in rail/wheel systems. The hardnesses of samples were close or equal to that of the real rail and wheel. Meanwhile the probe of study went further into the condition match and the material match based on the hardness match. The experim ental results show that the wear rate depends on the hardness ratio (HR/ HW) between rail and wheel, and the safe value of HR/HW equals 1 .00-11.20. The fatigue life of materials relies on the operating conditions except hardness. The selected experimental conditions satisfy the condition match except R1 heat-treated out-line. The factor H/S-1/2 is the main element effecting wears in rail steel and wheel steel. The nature of the har dness match is the microstructure match under specified operating conditions.  相似文献   

企业经营成功是资本和资本运作的胜利,上市公司资本运作是大战略,利益相关者管理和建立和谐的利益相关者关系是上市公司资本运作、实现发展目标的关键。  相似文献   

This study describes the symptom profile of 46 patients with delirium seen as consecutive referrals to a consultation-liaison psychiatry service. The relationship between symptoms rated on the Delirium Rating Scale (DRS) and delirium subtypes defined according to three putative etiologic groups are described. The relationship between etiologic groups and motoric subtype of the delirium episode is also described. Drug-related cases had the highest total DRS score and higher scores than the anticholinergic group for perceptual changes, delusions, psychomotor disturbance, and mood lability. Drug-related cases had higher scores than both the anticholinergic and infectious/electrolyte group for changes in sleep-wake cycle and fluctuation of symptoms. Those from the anticholinergic etiologic group were more likely to fit the hypoactive motoric subtype. Although our findings are tentative, etiologic categories may present with different symptom profiles, which may be associated with differing treatment responsiveness and course.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic monitoring was carried out on a group of 38 nurses who reconstitute antineoplastic drugs in order to determine the extent of chromosomal damage. Genotoxic activities of antineoplastic drugs are studied by chromosome aberration assay, micronucleus assay, sister chromatid exchange (SCE) frequency high frequency cells (HFC) analysis, and mitotic activity of peripheral lymphocytes. Results confirmed that occupational exposure to a mixture of antineoplastic drugs may cause genome damages. The results of this study show that biomonitoring after exposure to a mixture of antineoplastic drugs which express clastogenic and aneugenic activity should involve a battery of cytogenetic methods.  相似文献   

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