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In search of an efficient nonviral vector, polyethyleneimine (PEI)-based vectors were examined. In general, the transfection efficiency of nonviral vectors is suppressed by serum. Here we show that PEI based vectors, particularly, the chitosan hexamer-PEI vector, could perform efficient gene transfection into intestinal epithelial cells (IEC-6) in the presence of serum. The conjugation order of the two polymers with a plasmid (first, chitosan hexamer; second, PEI) was found to be an important factor in enhancing transfection efficiency.  相似文献   

王培源  张贵 《纺织器材》2015,42(1):16-18,33
为了解决切削加工用PH13-8Mo高强度不锈钢与其它不锈钢制成的特种双相不锈钢材料纺机零件切削时存在难度大、刀具磨损严重的问题,从机加工难点及刀具磨损形式、机加工理论进行分析,结合切削加工中影响刀具寿命的因素进行研究,并对国内外的多种类型铣刀进行试验对比。指出,加工硬度高、隔热性好的双相不锈钢零件时,应选用正前角快进给铣刀,要有足够的冷却液,以内冷却为宜;PVD刀片性能优于CVD刀片,WSM35材质刀片优于WSP45材质刀片,纺机零件切削加工过程中,应根据材料特点及产品要求,应用不同的加工刀具配套合理的刀片采用最佳的加工方法,有效提高此种材料的机械加工性能。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Schisandra chinensis, commonly used in Asia for tea material and traditional Chinese medicine, is presumed to enhance mental and intellectual functions. In this study, the effects and signalling mechanisms of a purified compound schisandrin, one of the lignan of Schisandra chinensis, on primary cultured hippocampal neurons were investigated. RESULTS: Schisandrin treatment enhanced total dendritic length and branching complexity, both of which were significantly suppressed in the presence of specific blockers for calmodulin‐dependent kinase II (CaMKII), protein kinase C epsilon (PKCε), and mitogen activated protein kinase kinase (MEK). Moreover, schisandrin induced calcium influx, and phosphorylation of CaMKII, PKCε, and MEK. Inhibition of CAMKII and PKCε attenuated the schisandrin‐induced phosphorylation of PKCε and MEK, and the phosphorylation of MEK, respectively. Moreover, schisandrin also stimulated the phosphorylation of cyclic AMP responsive‐element binding protein (CREB) at Ser‐133, an effect that was blocked by KN93. In addition to its neuritogenic effects, schisandrin increased the numbers of postsynaptic density‐95‐positive and FM1‐43‐positive puncta in dendrites and synaptic boutons, respectively. CONCLUSION: In hippocampal neurons, schisandrin exhibits neurotrophic properties that are mediated by the CaMKII‐PKCε‐MEK pathway. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

日前,宁波市中级人民法院对"宁波特大走私进口废纺织品案"进行了一审宣判,宁波市某货运代理有限公司因犯有走私普通货物罪,被判处罚金人民币1300万元;而该公司法定代表人李某将面临10年牢狱之灾,其余5名责任人员也将面临3~5年不等的有期徒刑.  相似文献   

夏建中 《纺织器材》2001,28(4):230-231
阐述了市场经济条件下的价格问题,认为价格大战造成败败俱伤,而正常有序的竞争才能充分发挥先进企业的产销优势,并提出了价格定位的方法和定价策略。  相似文献   

Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells, which are continuously growing cell lines, have a pluripotent ability to differentiate into various cell lineages in vitro including neurons. We investigated the effects of chick dorsal root ganglion (DRG) conditioned medium (CM) and nerve growth factor (NGF) on the directed differentiation of ES cells into neurons. Because DRGs from 8-day-old chick embryos are often used in bioassays of neurotrophic factors, DRGs may release soluble factors that can induce ES cell differentiation into neurons in a culture broth. When cultivated in a Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM)/F-12K medium containing DRG-CM or NGF, the ES cell colonies clearly showed neurite outgrowths. Of particular significance, the immunofluorescence analysis of ES cell colonies using an anti-betaIII-tubulin antibody indicated that the addition of DRG-CM effectively promoted the differentiation of ES cells into neurons. We confirmed the effect of DRG-CM addition on ES cell differentiation into neurons via neuronal stem cells by the immunofluorescence analysis of ES cell colonies. Thus, DRG-CM appeared to effectively promote ES cell differentiation into neurons.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the transfer of primary aromatic amines (PAAs) from napkins into cold water extract (CWE) with transfer into four different food matrices. An HPLC-MS/MS multi-analyte method for quantification of 26 PAAs in CWE was validated and applied. In addition, the method was validated for seven different PAAs in four different food matrices (cucumber, rice, pickled gherkin and butter cookie) representing wet, dry, acidic and fatty food. The CWEs of 12 coloured napkin samples were analysed, and 3 napkins released more than 0.01 mg kg?1 PAAs into the CWE. These three napkins were chosen for transfer testing with food samples. In total, seven different PAAs were quantified in the food samples. Results show that the transfer of the tested PAAs into the CWE is in most cases comparable to the transfer into the tested food samples. In some cases, the CWE overestimates transfer into food, except for the transfer of aniline into pickled gherkin, where the CWE underestimates transfer. Therefore, the CWE serves as an adequate and certainly not overestimating simulation of reality for the tested transfer of PAAs into the food samples.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of valproic acid (VPA) on hippocampal neurons. Prenatal VPA exposure significantly increased polysialic acid (PSA) expression in the early postnatal mouse hippocampus. Moreover, VPA treatment significantly enhanced PSA expression in primary cultured hippocampal neurons and stimulated neurite growth. Our results suggest that VPA exposure in ovo affects hippocampal development.  相似文献   


Retroviruses efficiently integrate their genome into the host chromosome. Two elements of the retrovirus genome are needed for the integration: long terminal repeats (LTRs) and integrase protein. We attempted to incorporate the retrovirus integration machinery in lipid vesicle-mediated gene transfection with the aim of achieving efficient stable transfection in a nonviral gene transfection system. A DNA fragment, in which a neomycin-resistant gene was flanked between partial LTR sequences derived from the Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), was constructed. This DNA fragment was transfected together with purified recombinant RSV integrase or integrase expression vectors by means of lipid vesicle-mediated gene transfection. The integrase-mediated transfection enhanced the stable transfection efficiency. The length and the end structure of the LTR sequences were important in achieving high efficiency. Under optimal conditions, the stable transfection efficiency showed a 16-fold improvement over that without integrase.  相似文献   

1 前言随着时代的发展 ,社会的进步 ,人们对穿衣着装提出了更高的要求 ,穿衣时装化、针织内衣外衣化是历史发展的趋势。众所周知 ,在纬编针织机上 ,编织横条织物易如反掌 ,如何编织纵条织物 ?这是我们纬编针织工作者一直探索的课题。通过不懈的努力 ,我集团公司开发出了具有纵  相似文献   

通过对目前造纸企业推行的几种原料林基地经营模式的分析,探讨不同的林地条件下,企业可以考虑的原料林基地经营模式。  相似文献   

欧阳建明 《中华纸业》2006,27(12):21-23
从湖南泰格林纸集团的现状和战略目标出发,探索在基本完成信息化建设的企业如何利用技术手段与管理理念构建更加符合发展需要的工作模式一协同。描述了“泰格协同”的内涵、特点和实现的关键要素,旨在抛砖引玉激发更多的专家学者、企业家关注企业“协同”,从而为泰格以及其他企业找到一种更理性的管理方法和工作模式。  相似文献   

DNA microarray of non-viral reverse transfection in cell engineering allows drastic downsizing of large-scale functional screening of genes and siRNAs. However the control of localizability and efficiency of the microarray is still considered as a critical barrier in practical use. One of the major breakthrough to increase the transfection efficiency may be control in the condition of DNA/transfection reagent complex on the microarray surface. In this paper, we showed that negatively charged gold colloid (GC) is successfully used to control the DNA/reagent complex on a glass surface. The conjugation of gold nanoparticles (20 nm in diameter) to the pEGFP-N1/Jet-PEI complex resulted in a more than 2.5-fold increase in the intensity of fluorescence of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) (based on the efficiency of transfection) from human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs), as compared to the control without GC. Our method for reverse transfection should be useful not only for cell array-based analyses but also as a novel gene-delivery method for gene therapy in regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

陈鹏 《中国皮革》1999,28(17):27-28
1 原料皮澳大利亚盐湿皮(中短毛)2 浸水液比20(每张皮20升水)温度28℃~30℃SandocleanMWLiq.0.5g/l(非离子水和有机溶剂混合液)时间120~180分钟转动5分钟/静止60分钟排液。3 再浸水液比20温度28℃~30℃SandocleanMWLiq.15g/lTergolixCA1.5g/l(耐电解质性极佳的脱脂剂)DiamollCpw.0.2g/l(高效防腐剂)纯碱05g/l时间360分钟转动5分钟/静止60分钟要求:此处要求皮板回软充分,切口无黄心,无溜毛现象…  相似文献   

<正>近日,帝斯曼宣布将在华投资新的工厂,并以全新工艺制造合成调味配料,为客户带来更大利益,此举标志着帝斯曼对调味配料业务的进一步投入,以及对日益增长的亚洲、特别是中国食品添加剂市场的重视。全新的半连续技术是帝斯曼工程技术人员与食品工艺专家独特的合作成果,将在这个新工厂中予以采用。这一新的技术不仅可以用于生产帝斯曼现有的  相似文献   

首饰设计专业教师宋懿愿意将自己的工作定义为:培养独立设计师以及面向小众的创业者;创新产品的研发者;跨界应用协作者。身为设计领域的实践者和教育者,她在致力于教学成果的市场转化,在教学中寻找设计的影响力;身为跨界应用的协作者,她在项目中寻找设计的商业力。  相似文献   

设计了一种双螺旋副直旋作动器,该机构可以将输入的直线运动转换为输出件的旋转运动.采用Pro/E建立该机构的三维模型,并将其导入到ADAMS中,对该模型的虚拟样机进行运动仿真.仿真结果表明,该直旋作动器运动平稳,满足设计要求.这为产品的开发提供了理论支持与技术参考.  相似文献   

1 原料皮英国盐湿羔羊皮。2 预浸水液比20升/张 划槽水25℃45min控水脱脂剂BORRONWDN1.0g/l浸水酶FUROPOLAPC1.0g/l60min间歇转动过夜:转1min,静置30min,出皮,理毛,甩干,带刀剪毛,去肉。3 脱脂水35℃脱脂剂BORRONSE2.5g/lFUROPOLAPC1.0g/l90min控水,流水洗降温。4 主浸水水25℃食盐30.0g/l10min3°Bé甲酸(85%)1.2g/l90min pH:4.5酸性酶OROPONDVP3.0g/l3~4小时加脂剂CORIPOLDX-12022.0g/l油脂稳定剂BORRONSAF1.0g/l30min食盐40.0g/l10min6°Bé甲酸(85%)5.0g/l30min硫酸(96%)0.3g/l4×15min 120min间歇转…  相似文献   

The direct transfer of genetic materials into mammalian cells is an indispensable technique. We have developed calcium alginate (CA) microbeads which can deliver plasmid DNAs and yeast artificial chromosomes into plant and yeast cells. In this paper, we demonstrate the effective transfection of mammalian cells by CA microbeads immobilizing plasmid DNAs. The transfection was performed using the pEGFP-C1 plasmid containing the cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter and enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) gene. The transient expression of EGFP was observed 24 h after transfection. The expression efficiency was maximum when the concentration of sodium alginate was 1% and the amount of plasmid DNA was increased to 100 microg. The expression efficiency of our method using CA microbeads is 2-10 times higher than that of the polyethylene glycol (PEG) method. Our results suggest that the CA microbead mediated transfection of mammalian cells effectively delivers genetic materials into mammalian suspension cells.  相似文献   

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