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《Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, IEEE Transactions on》2008,55(10):1061-1065
Super-Resolution Time Delay Estimation in Multipath Environments 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Feng-Xiang Ge Dongxu Shen Yingning Peng Li V.O.K. 《IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. I, Regular papers》2007,54(9):1977-1986
The super-resolution time delay estimation in multipath environment is very important for many applications. Conventional super-resolution approaches can only deal with signals with wideband and flat spectra. In this paper, we propose a novel super-resolution time delay estimation method that can treat signals with narrowband spectra. In our method, the time delay estimation is first transformed into the frequency domain, in which the problem is converted into the parameter estimation of sinusoidal signals with lowpass envelopes. Then a MUSIC-type algorithm taking account of the envelope variation is applied to achieve the super-resolution estimation. Time delay estimation in active and passive systems are considered. Simulation results confirm that the proposed estimators provide better performance than the classical correlation approach and the conventional MUSIC algorithm for separating closely spaced signals with narrowband spectra. 相似文献
在正交频分复用无线局域网系统的室内场景下,针对单快拍多重信号分类的超分辨到达时间估计由于多径数估计不准确导致的到达时间估计误差偏大的问题,提出了一种未知多径数的互相关超分辨到达时间估计算法。该算法根据正交频分复用无线局域网系统的物理层协议数据单元的特点,考虑到前导码中相邻两个长正交频分复用符号的信道不变性和噪声的不相关性,首先利用两个长正交频分复用符号估计两组信道频域响应,然后,采用前后向频域平滑的方法,求两组信道频域响应的互相关矩阵,进而用所求互相关矩阵逆的高次幂近似噪声特征矩阵的乘积,最后构造伪谱函数并进行谱峰搜索,从而实现到达时间的估计。仿真结果表明,该算法估计精度高,且对噪声不敏感,具有较好的鲁棒性。 相似文献
使用带网格的观测字典进行稀疏信道估计是近年来常用的多径稀疏信道估计方法,而网格的存在使得这种方法存在估计精度较差的问题,尤其在网格间距较大时,这种方法的劣势更加明显。本文针对这个问题,抛弃了传统的观测字典,采用连续压缩感知方法,结合线性调频训练序列的使用,提出了更加精确的多径稀疏信道估计方法。这种方法避免了网格化带来的误差,实现了高精度、高分辨率的估计。本文首先对此进行了理论阐述,进而在两种不同的多径稀疏信道模型下进行了仿真试验,并从估计精度、计算效率等方面与其他稀疏估计算法进行了对比。仿真结果证明,采用本文提出的方法进行多径稀疏信道估计时,相比其他算法可以更加精确地估计出信道冲激响应。 相似文献
Chuanbo Chen Hu Liang Shengrong Zhao Zehua Lyu Shaohong Fang Xiaobing Pei 《Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing》2016,35(4):1213-1238
Multi-frame super-resolution image reconstruction aims to restore a high-resolution image by fusing a set of low-resolution images. The low-resolution images are usually subject to some degradation, such as warping, blurring, down-sampling, or noising, which causes substantial information loss in the low-resolution images, especially in the texture regions. The missing information is not well estimated using existing traditional methods. In this paper, having analyzed the observation model describing the degradation process starting with a high-resolution image and moving to the low-resolution images, we propose a more reasonable observation model that integrates the missing information into the super-resolution reconstruction. Our approach is fully formulated in a Bayesian framework using the Kullback–Leibler divergence. In this way, the missing information is estimated simultaneously with the high-resolution image, motion parameters, and hyper-parameters. Our proposed estimation of the missing information improves the quality of the reconstructed image. Experimental results presented in this paper show improved performance compared with that of existing traditional methods. 相似文献
传统的块匹配运动估值算法(BMA)不适合对下列情形进行运动估计:旋转、伸缩(scale)、形变(deformation)、卷曲(warping)、错切(shear)和不规则的伸展(unevenstretching)等,因而在实际应用中常常出现方块失真、沿运动边缘方向预测性能差等现象。为克服上述缺陷,本文研究了基于多种运动模型的运动估计算法,提出了一种自适应选择运动模型的算法。为了估计模型参数,本文实现了基于模拟退火的运动参数估计算法。实验表明本文算法与传统BMA算法相比较,较好地提高了帧间预测增益。 相似文献
《Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation》2008,19(4):256-269
In this paper, we propose the Content-Aware Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm (CAFME) that can reduce computation complexity of motion estimation (ME) in H.264/AVC while maintaining almost the same coding efficiency. Motion estimation can be divided into two phases: searching phase and matching phase. In searching phase, we propose the Simple Dynamic Search Range Algorithm (SDSR) based on video characteristics to reduce the number of search points (SP). In matching phase, we integrate the Successive Elimination Algorithm (SEA) and the integral frame to develop a new SEA for H.264/AVC video compression standard, called Successive Elimination Algorithm with Integral Frame (SEAIF). Besides, we also propose the Early Termination Algorithm (ETA) to early terminate the motion estimation of current block.We implement the proposed algorithm in the reference software JM9.4 of H.264/AVC and the experimental results show that our proposed algorithm can reduce the number of search points about 93.1%, encoding time about 42%, while maintaining almost the same bitrate and PSNR. 相似文献
运动矢量估计问题是当今一个热点问题,它在诸如视频编码、目标实时跟踪等众多领域都有着广泛的应用,目前普遍采用的估计算法是块匹配算法(BMA)。经典的块匹配算法有顺序排除算法(SEA)和多级顺序排除算法(MSEA),文章在分析两种算法的基础上。对MSEA算法做了两点改进.实验结果表明改进后的算法计算量得到有效的减少,并且保证了估计的准确性。 相似文献
传统的MUSIC超分辨时延估计技术是直接基于测量数据,其性能往往只对宽带且频谱近似平坦的信号较优,而对窄带信号估计性能较差。针对上述问题,本文通过利用谐波频率估计模型和DOA (Direction of Arrival)估计模型之间的等价性,将时延估计问题转化为谐波频率估计问题,提出了一种改进SSMUSIC(Signal Subspace Scaled Multiple Signal Classification)超分辨多径时延估计算法。改进后的算法采用平滑的思想和SSMUSIC算法的思想构造协方差矩阵和MUSIC谱,实现了对多径时延的超分辨估计。仿真表明,该算法能够实现对窄带信号多径时延超分辨估计且具有DP(Direct-Path)不模糊和谱峰陡峭的特点,估计性能优于传统的超分辨算法。 相似文献
图像通信中的运动估值 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
本文综述了图像通信中二维运动估值方法近年来的发展。分别介绍了块匹配法、像累递归法、相位相关法的基本原理和新进展。并介绍了全局运动参数的估值。 相似文献
Selective Disparity Estimation and Variable Size Motion Estimation Based on Motion Homogeneity for Multi-View Coding 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
《Broadcasting, IEEE Transactions on》2009,55(4):761-766
在对运动图像进行运动估计的时候,搜索策略的选择对运动估计的准确性、运动估计的速度影响重大。介绍一种基于运动矢量中心偏置的运动估计搜索策略,该搜索策略是根据运动矢量具有中心偏置分布的特点,以块误差函数最小作为调整搜索区域大小和位置的判断依据,从而实现准确的运动估计。详细叙述了算法的实现步骤,并通过实验比较,得出该算法在运算速度、信噪比方面的效果都较好。 相似文献
根据估计量的统计特性,提出了一种适用于低信噪比条件下运动估计的最小化MSE(均方误差)滤波器多尺度运动估计算法.首先,根据Cramer-Rao下界建立一个包含估计量噪声项的MSE惩罚函数.然后,最小化MSE惩罚函数设计一种用于低信噪比条件下运动估计的优化滤波器.该优化滤波器与多尺度方法相结合,使其对低信噪比条件下运动估计的精度得到了进一步提高.实验模拟表明,该方法在估计2个像素附近的噪声图像运动时,估计偏差小于0.008个像素.与传统方法相比,本文方法对低信噪比条件下的运动估计具有更高的估计精度. 相似文献