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Because few prospective studies have examined predictors of body dissatisfaction--an established risk factor for eating disorders--the authors tested whether a set of sociocultural, biological, interpersonal, and affective factors predicted increases in body dissatisfaction using longitudinal data from adolescent girls (N=496). Elevated adiposity, perceived pressure to be thin, thin-ideal internalization, and social support deficits predicted increases in body dissatisfaction, but early menarche, weight-related teasing, and depression did not. There was evidence of 2 distinct pathways to body dissatisfaction--1 involving pressure to be thin and 1 involving adiposity. Results support the contention that certain sociocultural, biological, and interpersonal factors increase the risk for body dissatisfaction, but suggest that other accepted risk factors are not related to this outcome. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although a number of factors have been found to predict smoking status among adolescents, few researchers have examined how belief in smoking as a weight-control strategy may be related to smoking in this high-risk population. With the goal of discovering whether belief in smoking as a weight-control strategy predicted smoking status, the present investigation surveyed 659 Black and White high school students. Analyses showed that among regular smokers, 39% of White female and 12% of White male smokers reported using smoking to control their appetite and weight. Although belief in smoking as a weight-control strategy did not predict regular smokers versus never smokers, the weight-belief item reliably separated experimental smokers from regular smokers. The survey also revealed that White female restrained eaters were the most likely to actually use smoking as a weight-control strategy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study investigated prospective risk factors for increases in body dissatisfaction in adolescent girls and boys in the Eating Among Teens Project. At the time of first assessment (Time 1), participants were a cohort of early adolescent girls (N=440) and boys (N=366) and a cohort of middle adolescent girls (N=946) and boys (N=764). Participants were followed up 5 years later (Time 2). Potential prospective risk factors examined included body mass index, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, parent dieting environment, peer environment, and psychological factors. Predictors of Time 2 body dissatisfaction were Time 1 body dissatisfaction, body mass index, socioeconomic status, being African American, friend dieting and teasing, self-esteem, and depression. However, the profile of predictors differed across the samples. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Structural equation modeling was used to evaluate components within the theories of reasoned action (TRA), planned behavior (TPB), and self-efficacy (SET) for understanding moderate and vigorous physical activity among 1,797 Black and White adolescent girls. Modest to strong support was provided for components of TPB and SET; weak support was provided for components of TRA. Perceived behavioral control was related to vigorous physical activity. Self-efficacy was related to moderate and vigorous physical activity, and it accounted for the effect of intention on physical activity. The observed relationships were similar between Black and White girls. Self-efficacy and perceived behavioral control are independent influences on physical activity among Black and White adolescent girls and warrant study as potential mediators in physical activity interventions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the emergence of eating problems in adolescent girls as a function of pubertal growth, body image, personality development, and family relationships. 193 White females and their mothers were seen in middle-school years (M age?=?13.93 years) and 2 years later. Results showed that girls who early in adolescence felt most negatively about their bodies were more likely to develop eating problems (on EAT-26) 2 years later. Concurrently, Time 1 eating problems were associated with body fat, grade, negative body image, and psychopathology, but not family relationships. At Time 2, adolescent body image and internalizing dimensions of psychopathology predicted problem-eating scores, as did maternal body image and depression. Findings are discussed in terms of adolescent patterns of adaptation, developmental psychopathology, and the study's relevance for understanding clinical eating disorders. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study explored friendship variables in relation to body image, dietary restraint, extreme weight-loss behaviors (EWLBs), and binge eating in adolescent girls. From 523 girls, 79 friendship cliques were identified using social network analysis. Participants completed questionnaires that assessed body image concerns, eating, friendship relations, and psychological, family, and media variables. Similarity was greater for within than for between friendship cliques for body image concerns, dietary restraint, and EWLBs, but not for binge eating. Cliques high in body image concerns and dieting manifested these concerns in ways consistent with a high weight/shape-preoccupied subculture. Friendship attitudes contributed significantly to the prediction of individual body image concern and eating behaviors. Use of EWLBs by friends predicted an individual's own level of use. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Surveyed the prevalence of weight reducing and weight gaining in 1,373 high school students. 63% of the girls and 16.2% of the boys reported being on weight-reducing regimens; 9.1% of the girls and 28.4% of the boys were trying to gain weight. Most female reducers and male gainers were already normal weight. Whites and Hispanics were more likely to be reducing, whereas Blacks were more likely to be gaining. Exercise and moderate caloric reduction were most popular for weight reducing, and a small but significant number were regularly using fasting, vomiting, laxatives, and appetite suppressants. The rate of weight reducing in female high school adolescents has increased significantly since similar surveys of American youths 20 yrs ago. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: Previous research indicates that body mass index (BMI) and sex are important factors in understanding physical activity (PA) levels. The present study examined the influence of BMI on psychosocial variables (self-efficacy, social support) and PA in underserved (ethnic minority, low income) boys in comparison with girls. Methods: Participants (N = 669; 56% girls; 74% African American) were recruited from the “Active by Choice Today” trial. Main Outcome Measures:BMI ? score was calculated from objectively collected height and weight data, and PA was assessed with 7-day accelerometry estimates. Self-report questionnaires were used to measure self-efficacy and social support (family, peers) for PA. Results: A 3-way interaction between BMI z score, sex, and family support on PA was shown such that family support was positively associated with PA in normal-weight but not overweight or obese boys, and was not associated with PA in girls. Self-efficacy had the largest effect size related to PA in comparison with the other psychosocial variables studied. Conclusions: Self-efficacy was found to be an important variable related to PA in underserved youth. Future studies should evaluate possible barriers to PA in girls, and overweight youth, to provide more effective family support strategies for underserved adolescents' PA. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Dietary, activity, and body weight differences in high- and low-restrained eaters and the independent impact of dietary restraint on body weight change were evaluated in 287 adults (141 men, 146 women) followed over a 1-yr period. Analyses of measures of energy intake, physical activity, and dietary restraint indicated that high-restraint eaters did not differ in physical activity compared to low-restrained eaters at baseline but were ingesting significantly fewer kcal/lb and a higher percentage of the diet from fat. Body mass was significantly greater in both high-restrained men and high-restrained women than in their low-restrained counterparts. Regression modeling procedures revealed that weight and body mass at baseline were related to weight gain in men. In contrast, weight gain in women was predicted by baseline weight and higher restraint scores. Results indicate that dietary restraint is associated with weight gain in women but not in men. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effects of menarcheal status and opposite-sex socializing (mixed-sex social activity, dating, and noncoital sexual involvement with boyfriends) on dieting and disordered eating among early adolescent girls are examined. In all, 89 12- and 13-year-old girls reported their menarcheal status, dieting behaviors and attitudes, and involvement in dating and other heterosocial activities. Girls who are more involved in mixed-sex social activities are more likely to exhibit disordered eating tendencies, and this effect is stronger among girls who have experienced menarche. Also, girls who are dating and are more physically involved with boyfriends are more likely to report dieting and disordered eating than are their peers. An interaction between dating and menarcheal status was observed in the prediction of dieting and disordered eating, with dating more strongly linked to dieting and disordered eating among girls who have recently experienced menarche. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Assessed the links between adolescent behavioral problems and childhood sexual abuse in 3 groups of girls (aged 13–19 yrs). A set of questionnaires was administered to a control group (N?=?181) and 2 clinical groups, one (N?=?62) presenting with sexual behavioral problems and the other (N?=?107) with behavioral problems of a nonsexual nature. Girls in the clinical groups who disclosed sexual abuse had experienced frequent abuse, with penetration, at an older age. Abuse revealed in the control group was less frequent, involved fondling only, and occurred at an earlier age. Considering the clinical groups alone, sexually related behavioral disorders were associated with high frequency, severity, an adolescent abuser, and a reaction of fear. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The article describes a 20-year longitudinal study of body weight, dieting, and disordered eating in women and men. Body weight increased significantly over time in both women and men. However, women's weight perception and dieting frequency decreased over time, whereas men's weight perception and dieting frequency increased, and disordered eating declined more in women than in men from late adolescence to midlife. In both women and men, changes in weight perception and dieting frequency were associated with changes in disordered eating. In addition, adult roles such as marriage and parenthood were associated with significant decreases in disordered eating from late adolescence to midlife in women, whereas few associations were observed in men. Despite different developmental trajectories, women demonstrated more weight dissatisfaction, dieting, and disordered eating compared with men across the period of observation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article describes a 10-year longitudinal study of eating attitudes and behaviors. A sample of 509 women and 206 men completed a detailed survey in 1982 while they were in college. The authors contacted participants 10 years later and administered a 2nd questionnaire to assess stability and change in eating behaviors that occurred during the transition to early adulthood. Women in the study had substantial declines in disordered eating behavior as well as increased body satisfaction. However, body dissatisfaction and desires to lose weight remained at relatively high levels. Men, who rarely dieted or had eating problems in college, were prone to weight gain following college, and many of them reported increased dieting or disordered eating. The authors conclude that disordered eating generally tends to decline during the transition to early adulthood. However, body dissatisfaction remains a problem for a substantial segment of the adult population. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined whether preschool children differed on measures of psychosocial functioning both cross-sectionally and longitudinally. 132 children who varied in levels of body fat participated in the study along with their natural parents. Results indicated that the children did not differ in levels of self-esteem and family functioning as a function of their body fat. Prospectively, physical self-esteem weakly (but significantly) correlated with body fat at ages 1 and 2 yrs, and father's perception of family functioning predicted body fat at age 1 yr only. Results suggested that childhood obesity may not develop as a result of psychosocial factors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined longitudinal patterns of smoking among students (N = 852) followed from 6th through 12th grades using longitudinal grouping analysis. Six patterns (clusters) were identified: nonsmokers, quitters, experimenters, early escalators, late escalators, and continuous smokers. Baseline (6th-grade) differences in associated risk factors were examined. Growth curve modeling revealed meaningful intercluster differences in risk factor trends over the study period. In general, nonsmokers had the fewest baseline risk factors and slowest increase in risk factors, whereas continuous smokers had higher baseline and more rapidly increasing trends in risk factors. Results suggest that some clusters may respond to population-based antismoking interventions, whereas others (early escalators and continuous smokers) will probably require more focused interventions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This investigation assessed the hypothesis that early adolescent girls with more negative weight-related body images would report higher levels of depressive symptoms. The Beck Depression Inventory was administered, and measures of objective weight and four dimensions of weight-related body image were obtained: self-reported weight, subjective classification of weight from very underweight to very overweight, satisfaction with weight, and concerns about weight. The results indicated that the more subjective and personal measures of weight-related body image discontent--weight dissatisfaction and weight concerns--were associated with increased depressive symptoms, even controlling for objective weight status. These results are discussed in relation to the ontogenesis of body image and the place of body image in personality and the development of depression.  相似文献   

Prevalence, frequency, and psychosocial predictors of Internet and computer game use were assessed with 803 male and 788 female adolescents across 2 time periods, 21 months apart. At Time 1, participants were in the 9th or 10th grade; at Time 2, they were in the 11th or 12th grade. Most girls (93.7%) and boys (94.7%) reported using the Internet at both time periods, whereas more boys (80.3%) than girls (28.8%) reported gaming at both time periods. Girls reported a small decrease over time in the frequency of hours spent per day on overall technology use, mostly due to a decrease in gaming. Both linear and curvilinear relations were examined between parental relationships, friendship quality, academic orientation, and well-being measured in early high school and the frequency of technology use in late high school. Being male significantly predicted both computer gaming and Internet use. There also were trends in favor of higher friendship quality and less positive parental relationships predicting higher frequency of Internet use. Importantly, moderate use of the Internet was associated with a more positive academic orientation than nonuse or high levels of use. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although studies have explored the predictors of changes in rank ordering of adolescent substance use over time, little research has specifically examined the predictors of substance use escalation and de-escalation. The present study tested whether social influences, individual differences, and symptomatology predicted substance use escalation and de-escalation over a 9-month period in a community sample of adolescents (n?=?390). Peer substance use, negative affectivity, externalizing symptoms, and internalizing symptoms prospectively predicted substance use escalation. Only peer substance use and parental control predicted de-escalation. Results provide support for the assertion that social influences, individual differences, and symptomatology predict substance use escalation and de-escalation but suggest that the relations differ for alcohol use versus illicit substance use and for the prediction of escalation versus de-escalation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Participants in an 8-session, community-based smoking cessation intervention rated whether they would stay quit if they experienced weight gain. The majority reported that they would not relapse to smoking, even after a 20-lb. (9.07-kg) weight gain. Those who were weight concerned were more likely to be female, to weigh less and be normal or underweight, and to report chronic dieting. This group was also significantly less likely to be abstinent posttreatment, and at the 1-, 6- and 12-month follow-ups. Individuals presenting for formal smoking cessation interventions may be less weight concerned than the general population of smokers. However, weight-concerned smokers who do present for treatment are less likely to quit smoking. Implications for recruitment and intervention are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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