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在介绍凝结水回收方式的基础上,对如何选择蒸汽凝结水回收系统和设备作了讨论,分析了蒸汽凝结水回收系统节能的经济效益。  相似文献   

文中介绍了某化工公司通过节能技术改造,对该公司高温凝结水进行了回收利用,该技术的利用不仅有效降低了公司运行生产成本,而且减少了热污染的排放,节约了能源,具有明显的经济效益、环境效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

从计算凝结水热量占蒸汽总热量的份额入手,阐述凝结水回收的目的、意义和原则要求;介绍凝结水回收系统构成与分类,提出了凝结水回收的技术经济指标,并导出了凝结水回收效益的简易算法;最后通过两个计算示例说明凝结水回收的可观效益.  相似文献   

本文对传统的凝结水回收系统节能效果的分析计算方法提出了新的修正,使以小型锅炉为主的供热系统节能计算结果更趋近实际情况.  相似文献   

才式凝结水回收系统具有较高的节能效益,应根据不同设备条件灵活地采用了不同的凝结水回收利用方式。  相似文献   

钱粮 《节能》2001,(10):20-21
1 前言 近年来,各烟厂均进行了大规模的制丝设备改造,随着制丝设备的增加,蒸汽消耗随之增加,蒸汽凝结水也大量增加,以往简单的凝结水回收设备已不能满足要求。另外,由于用汽设备增加,生产用汽和生活用汽冲突较大,用汽高峰汽压明显下降,影响生产;若多开一台锅炉,除增加能耗外,还增加人力成本。因此开发一套完整的、自动化水平较高的凝结水回收设备,既可以解决生产生活用汽的矛盾,节约能源,又可以满足环保的要求。2 存在的问题 目前国内凝结水回收有两种形式,一种是开式回收;另一种是闭式回收。开式回收是将凝结水流入一容…  相似文献   

一、凝结水回收的经济意义 蒸汽供热系统中凝结水回收是最后一个环节,这个环节的好坏直接影响整个供热系统的经济性与合理性。蒸汽作为一种载热体,从锅炉里产生出来,经热网输送至用热设备。从系统节能的观点看,锅炉、输送、用热设备、凝结水回收中哪部分热损失较大呢?这个问题对于不同的企业有不同的情  相似文献   

本文阐述了闭式凝结水回收系统的基本适用条件,并对三种实用的闭式凝结水回收系统的特点及适用范围作了介绍.  相似文献   

第二讲 凝结水回收系统 一、重力凝结水回收系统(自流凝结水回收系统) 重力凝结水回收系统的特点是,用户处于高位,凝结水回水箱处于低位,完全靠用户排水点和凝结水箱之间的位差来克服凝结水在管道中的流动阻力和水箱中的压力。在这种系统中,凝结水在管内的流动有的是满管流动,有的是非满管流动(管内一部分是凝结水,一部分是空气,通常选用的管径较  相似文献   

分析了目前应用在各企业中冷凝水回收装置的系统特征和性能特点,阐述了离心泵防汽蚀技术的理论发展进程,介绍了冷凝水回收技术针对不同行业的系统节能思路。  相似文献   

某动力车间冷凝水回收与乏汽余热利用系统设计及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对某厂余热资源、冷凝水源进行分析后,通过热回收计算,开发了某厂乏汽余热利用与冷凝水回收的新方法,并进行了初步的投资估算、社会效益评估与经济效益核算。  相似文献   

马天德  金经宇 《节能》2000,(4):15-17
重点讨论了人造板行业中高温凝结水回收的梯级利用问题,阐述了适宜搞梯级利用的条件和实施方式,以促进该项工作取得最佳成效。  相似文献   

介绍了回收冷凝水的技术基础及在饭店行业如何具体应用等方面的基本知识。  相似文献   

In previous investigations, humidification-dehumidification (HDH) solar-assisted desalination systems were designed produce the daily fresh water during sun hours which lead to big sizes and unsteady systems. In the present study, integration of solar-assisted HDH desalination system with heat recovery and thermal energy storage unit is developed to enhance system productivity, reduces auxiliary power consumptions and system size and assure system continuous operation. The mathematical modelling based on energy and mass conservation equations is presented and solved using iterative techniques by C++ and engineering equation solver software. Detailed parametric study of the developed system is conducted for wide ranges of operating conditions and design parameters to study the effects of integrating the HDH system with solar collectors, heat recovery and thermal energy storage units on the system performance. The results revealed that (i) this integration improves system productivity and reduces operating cost, (ii) increasing air to water mass ratio and sea water temperature and decreasing ambient humidity decrease water productivity and gained output ratio (GOR) and increase operating cost parameter (OCP) and (iii) increasing air inlet temperature and sea water flow rates increase GOR and decrease OCP. Comparison with previous systems showed that the proposed system reduces the electric heating power of the system at solar noon by 37% at MR = 0.5 and gives daily fresh water productivity (123.7 kg/h) two times more than previous systems with comparable OCP (0.099 $/kg).  相似文献   

This paper presents the preliminary theoretical results obtained on a model of a kinetic energy recovery system for sailing yachts, based on the conversion of wave-induced boat oscillations (heave, pitch and roll) into electric energy by means of a linear generator.The recovery system is based on a linear generator, with a mass oscillating along the vertical axis and gaining kinetic energy: the resulting mechanical energy can be extracted (by means of electromagnetic damping) and converted into electricity. The oscillating mass incorporates permanent magnets which, moving in proximity of stator windings, generate electric power due to electromagnetic induction.The device aims at recovering as much kinetic energy as possible from the natural movements of a sailing yacht on the sea, therefore taking the view of a boat as a moving wave energy converter with energy harvesting capability. The boat's motions can be vertical oscillations due to the buoyancy in the presence of sea waves, both when the boat is still or sailing, and rolling and pitching motions originated both by sailing in wavy waters and by the normal boat dynamics due to the sails' propulsion. Linear generators will convert kinetic energy into electrical energy to be used as “green” electricity for any possible application on board.Preliminary calculations show that a properly configured system could be able to recover approximately 100 W under most sea conditions on an almost continuous basis, which can be an extremely attractive result since an electric energy availability of 1–2 kWh on a sailing yacht is of significant interest.  相似文献   

介绍了别墅型太阳能中央热水系统的组成、工作原理和性能特点,并与其它形式的热水系统的综合性能进行了比较.实际工程应用表明:别墅型太阳能中央热水系统是一种节能、环保、安全、高效的热水装置,每平方米太阳能热水器的年平均获热量(每年按360 d计)相当于1 200 kWh的电力、500 kg煤和180 kg液化气通过相应装置得到的热量.  相似文献   

薛宏  姜东岳  王克涛 《节能》2010,29(1):27-29
针对辽宁营口地区使用太阳能集中供热水系统进行系统形式的设计,对集中供应热水系统的能耗、太阳能集热板的面积进行计算,并将集中供应热水系统与分散供应热水系统的能耗进行对比,研究证明:太阳能集中供热水系统是一种低能耗、易推广的热水供应系统。  相似文献   

卷烟生产企业的节能减排形势日趋紧迫,结合自动化技术和信息技术的能源管理系统建设可促进卷烟生产企业的进一步系统节能,具有显著的节能效果。介绍了卷烟生产企业能源管理系统的设计原则、总体构架及系统功能模块。能源管理系统运行以来,卷烟生产中单位产品综合能耗下降了30%,对其他卷烟厂的能源管理系统建设具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

本文讨论了反渗透工艺的能量消耗和能量回收方式,详细分析了不同的能量回收方法。重点介绍了新型能量回收专利技术原理及其技术特点。  相似文献   

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