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On the basis of a variety of physiological, biochemical and morphological characteristics, 201 staphylococcal strains were identified to species level. All of the cultures were isolated from the anterior nares of food handlers. 83 strains produced coagulase and 88 produced thermonuclease. Amongst the coagulase-positive cultures, 80 belonged to the species Staphylococcus aureus and 3 could not be identified. These latter strains showed similar properties and were related to S. intermedius. S. epidermidis was the coagulase-negative species most frequently found (97 strains), followed by S. capitis (10 strains), S. saprophyticus (3 strains), S. hyicus subsp. chromogenes (2 strains), S. hominis (1 strain), S. haemolyticus (1 strain) and S. warneri (1 strain). The remaining 3 coagulase-negative strains were thermonuclease producers and one of them was identified as S. aureus. The quantitative estimations showed that most of the species isolated were present in large populations, S. aureus giving the highest counts. The strains of S. saprophyticus, novobiocin resistant species associated with animals, and S. hyicus subsp. chromogenes were isolated from food handlers woking with animals and foods derived from animals (abattoirs and butchers' shops). The possible role of food handlers in the epidemiology of staphylococcal food poisoning outbreaks is also discussed.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine whether the levels of selected microorganisms differed on foods handled by gloved and bare hands at fast food restaurants. Three hundred seventy-one plain flour tortillas were purchased from fast food restaurants and analyzed for Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella sp., coliform bacteria, and heterotrophic plate count bacteria. Approximately 46% of the samples were handled by workers wearing gloves compared with 52% of samples with bare hand contact. Coliform bacteria were found in 9.6% of samples handled by gloved workers and 4.4% of samples handled by bare hands, although this difference was not statistically significant. The distribution of heterotrophic plate count bacteria, a general measure of hygiene, was also higher in samples handled by gloved workers in one restaurant chain. The presence of E. coli, Klebsiella sp., and S. aureus was detected in one, two, and eight samples, respectively, and there were no significant differences between samples handled by gloved or bare hands. Neither direct contact of the tortilla with the food preparation surface nor gender of the worker affected the level of any organism tested. The observed tendency of food workers to wear the same pair of gloves for extended periods and complacency might account for the apparent failure of gloves to reduce or prevent bacterial contamination. The results further suggest that glove use might be counterproductive because workers might wash their hands less frequently when gloved.  相似文献   

Research has shown that traditional food safety training programs and strategies to promote hand hygiene increases knowledge of the subject. However, very few studies have been conducted to evaluate the impact of food safety training on food handlers' attitudes about good hand hygiene practices. The objective of this meta-analytical study was to assess the extent to which food safety training or intervention strategies increased knowledge of and attitudes about hand hygiene. A systematic review of food safety training articles was conducted. Additional studies were identified from abstracts from food safety conferences and food science education conferences. Search terms included combinations of "food safety," "food hygiene," "training," "education," "hand washing," "hand hygiene," "knowledge," "attitudes," "practices," "behavior," and "food handlers." Only before- and after-training approaches and cohort studies with training (intervention group) and without training (control group) in hand hygiene knowledge and including attitudes in food handlers were evaluated. All pooled analyses were based on a random effects model. Meta-analysis values for nine food safety training and intervention studies on hand hygiene knowledge among food handlers were significantly higher than those of the control (without training), with an effect size (Hedges' g) of 1.284 (95% confidence interval [CI] ~ 0.830 to 1.738). Meta-analysis of five food safety training and intervention studies in which hand hygiene attitudes and self-reported practices were monitored produced a summary effect size of 0.683 (95% CI ~ 0.523 to 0.843). Food safety training increased knowledge and improved attitudes about hand hygiene practices. Refresher training and long-term reinforcement of good food handling behaviors may also be beneficial for sustaining good hand washing practices.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate knowledge, attitudes, and behavior concerning foodborne diseases and food safety issues among food handlers in Italy. Face-to-face interviews were conducted within a random sample using a structured questionnaire. Of the 411 food handlers responding, 48.7% knew the main foodborne pathogens (Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio cholerae or other Vibrio spp., Clostridium botulinum, hepatitis A virus), and this knowledge was significantly greater among those with a higher education level, in practice from a longer period of time, and who had attended education courses (P < 0.05). A vast majority (90.4%) correctly indicated those foods classified as common vehicles for foodborne diseases, and only 7.1% of food handlers were able to name five different food vehicles, each of which transmit one of the five pathogens. The proportion of those who were able to specify a food vehicle that transmitted hepatitis A virus was significantly higher for those with a higher educational level and with a longer food-handling activity. A positive attitude toward foodborne diseases control and preventive measures was reported by the great majority of food handlers, and it was more likely achieved by those who had attended education courses. This attitude was not supported by some of the self-reported safe practices observed for hygienic principles, because only 20.8% used gloves when touching unwrapped raw food, and predictors of their use were educational level and attending education courses. Results strongly emphasize the need for educational programs for improving knowledge and control foodborne diseases.  相似文献   

Foods are likely to be faecally contaminated during preparation or dissemination by the Iranian Muslim food handler that their religion enjoins the mechanical cleaning of themselves after defecation. The current study was designed to determine the actual rate of hand contamination of Iranian food handlers with pathogenic flora of faeces or nose and to evaluate the efficacy of simple hand-washing instruction in reduction of hand contamination.A before–after study was conducted on 150 randomly selected food handlers in an Iranian city, Shahrekord. At the first stage, the hands of 72.7% of food handlers were found to be contaminated. A comparison of the before-and-after data, revealed a significant decline in hand contamination of the food handler from 72.7% to 32% (P < 0.0001).Our study showed that the poor hygienic practice by the food handler is such a serious problem facing the health sector that it merits a further consideration by Iranian authorities.  相似文献   

Food ethics: a decision making tool for the food industry?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The modern food industry is able to exercise great power and influence over society. It acts as an agent of social change and, consequently, functions as a form of moral agent. Although the industry as a whole may be thought of as `the' moral agent, the moral and ethical standing of the industry is a reflection of the moral and ethical values of the executives who lead the businesses that constitute the industry. With increasing competitiveness in the food marketplace, the use of developments in science and technology to create new food products, and the distancing of consumers from practical involvement with food, other than eating, many issues arise which must be managed sensitively if the food industry's conduct and place in society is to be seen as morally acceptable and ethically supportable. These issues are issues of food ethics. Some issues in food ethics are considered and food ethics is proposed as a tool for decision making within the food industry, for the benefit of people and society, and the food industry itself.  相似文献   

目的了解诺如病毒在餐饮服务单位和宾馆住宿场所环境中的分布及厨师隐性感染状况,并对其基因型别进行研究。方法共抽检北京市西城区40家餐饮服务单位和10家宾馆住宿场所,每家单位采集4份环境涂抹样品及2名厨师粪便标本。用实时荧光聚合酶链式反应(PCR)对诺如病毒进行初步鉴定。通过逆转录聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)对诺如病毒开放读码框(opening reading frames,ORF)1区序列进行扩增,并对测序结果进行序列和进化分析。结果共采集环境表面涂抹样品200份,厨师粪便标本100份。其中,1份墩布池涂抹样品为诺如病毒阳性,环境样品诺如病毒阳性率为0.5%(1/200),3份厨师粪便中检出诺如病毒,隐性感染率为3.0%(3/100)。3名厨师粪便标本诺如病毒ORF1区序列经RT-PCR扩增,进化树显示,1名厨师为GII.17基因型,2名厨师为GI.3基因型。结论北京市西城区餐饮服务单位及宾馆住宿场所存在诺如病毒传播风险,应强化卫生管理,重视物体表面消毒及厨师健康教育,防止诺如病毒的进一步扩散。  相似文献   

Biotechnology embraces various physical and chemical phenomena toward advancement of health diagnostics. Toward such advancement, detection of toxins plays an important role. Toxins produce severe health impacts on consumption with high mortality associated in acute cases. The most prominent route of infection and intoxication is through food matrices. Therefore, rapid detection of toxins at low concentrations is the need of modern diagnostics. Lateral flow immunoassays are one of the emergent and popularly used rapid detection technology developed for detecting various kinds of analytes. This review thus focuses on recent advancements in lateral flow immunoassays for detecting different toxins in agricultural food. Appropriate emphasis was given on how the labels, recognition elements, or detection strategy has laid an impact on improvement in immunochromatographic assays for toxins. The paper also discusses the gradual change in sensitivities and specificities of assays in accordance with the method of food processing used. The review concludes with the major challenges faced by this technology and provides an outlook and insight of ideas to improve it in the future.  相似文献   

Nowadays, incidents related to intentional contamination of food products are a huge problem in the whole food supply chain. Therefore, it is necessary to raise awareness of food defence at every level of the food chain, from farm to fork, from government and academic institutions to retail chains, the media and consumers. The principles of food defence can be implemented at every level of the food chain. Food defence contributes to the mitigation of potential risks in intentional contamination and food fraud, which can have a harmful effect on humans and public health, business, economy, etc. The requirement for the implementation of food defence comes from retail chains. They require food companies to be certified according to the standards of the food safety system such as those supported by the Global Food Safety Initiative. Although food defence is an inevitable step in enhancing and strengthening the whole food safety system, on a global scale, an insufficient number of countries have incorporated food defence principles into their legal frameworks. The intention of this review article is to increase awareness of food defence in food industry.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of staphylococcal food poisoning (SFP) are very common across the world; however, there is hardly any report of SFP from the Indian subcontinent. An outbreak occurred in the state of Madhya Pradesh (India) after the consumption of a snack called "Bhalla" made up of potato balls fried in vegetable oil. More than 100 children and adults who ate the snack suffered from the typical symptoms of SFP and required hospitalization. Food and clinical samples were found to contain a large number of enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus. All enterotoxigenic isolates produced a combination of SEB and SED enterotoxins and were sensitive to oxacillin and vancomycin. Isolates were characterized by molecular biology tools, viz., SDS-PAGE, amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA), randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and nucleotide sequencing of seb, sed, and 16S rDNA genes. Results of these studies suggested that the isolates, irrespective of their isolation from food or clinical samples, were clonal in origin. Further, seb gene sequence of isolates showed nucleotide variations at multiple sites when compared with other sequences available in the database. Representative isolates, one each from food and clinical samples, were found to be highly heat resistant (D(60) approximately 15-16 min). Isolates obtained in the current outbreak need to be further studied to find out the impact on food safety guidelines with respect to thermal processing.  相似文献   

When food prices spiked in 2007–8, urban Africa experienced more instances of food riots than any other part of the world. Problems were then encountered again during the 2010–11 food price spikes. This paper explores the cases of 14 African countries where food riots occurred during these two periods by presenting a qualitative content analysis of news reports on the riots drawn from both global and local African news sources. This analysis highlights the ways in which the media portrayed the links between food price rises and food riots in Africa. Briefly, our results show that the international media generally portrayed poverty and hunger as the factors that linked the incidence of food price rises with the occurrence of riots. By contrast, the African media tended to portray food riots as being caused by a more complex set of factors, including citizen dissatisfaction and people’s ability to mobilize. Exploring both the international and local interpretations of the drivers behind the food riots is important for the understanding of the multi-scalar and multifaceted factors that shape increasing food insecurity in urban Africa.  相似文献   

The following are summaries of two papers presented at a joint meeting of the Food Analysis Panel of the Food Group of the Society of Chemical Industry and the Society's Manchester Section. The symposium was held at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology on 23 April 1980. The papers so published are entirely the responsibility of the authors and in no way reflect the views of the Editorial Board of the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.  相似文献   

The prevalence, antibiotic resistance, and enterotoxigenic potential of Staphylococcus aureus strains from different anatomical sites on food handlers in Gaborone, Botswana, were determined. Of a total of 200 food handlers tested, 115 (57.5%) were positive for S. aureus. Of the 204 S. aureus isolates, 63 (30.9%), 91 (44.6%), and 50 (24.5%) were isolated from the hand, nasal cavity, and face, respectively, and 43 (21%) of the isolates were enterotoxigenic. The most prevalent enterotoxin was type A, which accounted for 34.9% of all the enterotoxigenic strains, and enterotoxin D was produced by the fewest number of strains (9.3%). Resistance to methicillin was encountered in 33 (22.4%) of the penicillin G-resistant isolates, and 9 (27.3%) of these methicillin-resistant isolates also were resistant to vancomycin. Nineteen antibiotic resistance profiles were determined, and the nasal cavity had the highest diversity of resistance profiles. The nasal cavity also had the highest number of resistant strains, 77 (53%), whereas the hand and face had 49 (32%) and 24 (16.0%) resistant strains, respectively. To reduce the Staphylococcus carriage rate among food handlers, training coupled with a commitment to high standards of personal and environmental hygiene is recommended.  相似文献   

During the period 2006–2008, general inflation around the world was pressed upwards by food inflation. An important reason for concern about the impact of high food prices arises from the fact that the poorest people spend approximately three quarters of their income on staple foods. In Mexico, meals are based on maize, with tortillas providing much of the caloric intake in rural areas. Prices of maize along with nearly every agricultural commodity sharply increased creating a global food price bubble. Using the Household Income and Expenditure National Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares ENIGH) conducted in 2006 and 2008, it was found that higher prices for maize affected Mexican household living standards and food security both in urban and rural areas. There is an evident decay in household living standards from year 2006 to year 2008. In regional terms, urban areas are better off than rural areas. The poorest rural and urban households—net buyers of maize—were the most affected as their budget share on maize increased significantly. However, higher prices provided direct benefits to maize producers in rural areas at all levels of living. Another effect of higher maize prices was to redistribute income towards maize producer households in the middle and bottom of the rural income distribution.  相似文献   

This article develops the concept of food sovereignty while it critically reflects on its present status and future trajectories. The concept of food sovereignty provides an alternative framework for solutions to the human and ecological consequences of industrial food systems. While the concept of food sovereignty gains traction at international levels, including at the United Nations, its lack of conceptual clarity contributes to a variety of often diverging interpretations. This frequently constrains practical implementation and weakens its potential as an alternative paradigm to food governance. At the same time, food sovereignty thought is shifting beyond its initial agrarian focus to embrace whole food systems, which includes the role of consumers and urban areas.  相似文献   

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