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经过5年的研发,Atos公司现在能给所有电子液压比例阀件配套一体化数字式的电子器件。这些产品能赋予传统控制体系新的功能。它的基本功能是使新型紧凑的机器带有更高技术含量。数字电子器件集成了多种逻辑和控制功能(分布智能),且使大部分现代现场总线通讯系统变成可行和便宜。  相似文献   

张坚 《内燃机与配件》2022,(10):115-117
随着自动驾驶、人工智能、新能源等技术的不断突破,传统的汽车行业即将迎来一场深刻的变革,智能汽车的时代正在来临。华为、苹果、Google、百度、等科技巨头纷纷布局智能汽车细分领域,推进车规级芯片、智能操作系统、车载高精度传感器等产品的研发与产业化,构建一个完善的智能汽车产业生态体系。本文旨在研究福建省加快发展智能汽车电子产业,打造数字福建新增长极的背景、基础和路径。  相似文献   

近年来,随着数字技术的飞速发展,PLC、DCS和FCS三大控制系统在工业自动化中的广泛应用,液压元件作为机电一体化的器件也随着电子技术及自动控制的进步得到不断发展。液压 电子已逐渐成为液压行业的发展方向。  相似文献   

针对传统船舶舵机系统存在的局限性,提出利用数字液压技术构造新型舵机系统,既保留了传统液压舵机固有优点,又具有知识简单、功能强大的优点。而且容易与上位计算机、卫星定位系统结合,组成自动驾驶系统,完成长距离自动导航控制。  相似文献   

该文针对航天用液压伺服系统,批生产中动压反馈式伺服阀零件种类多,调试难度增大。生产周期长,调试合格率低等突出问题进行分析。开展控制回路优化设计,增加电子校正环节,建立数学模型进行仿真计算和实物验证试验,可在保证系统动态特性前提下,避免了动压反馈式伺服阀生产难度过大问题。  相似文献   

结晶器液面控制,一直是连铸控制中的重大难题。长期以来,一直依靠进口解决,但由于价格昂贵,技术复杂,调试维护困难,使许多厂家不敢采用。而液面控制又是保证连铸坯质量、提高产量、减少漏钢跑钢事故的先进控制设备,因此许多厂家不得不花巨额外汇引进了这项技术。但由于维护困难、备品备件不易保证等,使得许多系统相继失败而报废,甚至还有相当数量厂家引进的液面控制系统,在投产初期就从来没有调试成功过。这不但浪费了国家大量外汇,而且还制约了我国连铸水平的进一步提高。国外引进的系统大都采用液压伺服控制系统,其框图如图l…  相似文献   

基于颤振补偿的电子液压制动系统液压力优化控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
集成式电子液压制动系统满足了车辆智能化和电动化的发展需求,已经成为制动系统的发展趋势。针对集成式电子液压制动系统液压力控制中摩擦力给系统带来的振荡和低速爬行现象,采用颤振补偿方法对系统进行液压力控制。试验表明,叠加颤振信号后的系统控制精度高,系统性能得到改善。在跟踪正弦信号时,相对于无颤振补偿的系统其误差方均根减小了79.7%。针对颤振补偿,基于试验分析,对比不同的颤振补偿信号的响应,从而优化了低频和高频液压力控制工况下叠加的颤振信号。试验证明,颤振补偿能够减轻集成式电子液压制动系统液压力控制中摩擦力所带来的振荡和低速爬行现象。此外,经过优化的颤振信号能够进一步地提高系统的液压力控制品质。  相似文献   

为推动航天器以物理试验为主导的模式向以物理试验与虚拟试验深度融合的模式转型,针对航天器试验过程中存在的周期长、成本高与其他制造环节海量数据共享困难等问题,提出基于数字孪生和多智能体的智能试验体系架构设计方法.该方法首先建立包含物理空间、数字空间和数学空间的智能试验任务分析范式,基于数字孪生和多智能体的智能试验体系功能建...  相似文献   

根据液压原理,设计出了液压拉伸夹具,通过电磁换向阀控制油液方向,实现了对夹具的夹紧和松开,实现了自动控制,较好地满足了试验要求.  相似文献   

基于DSP的智能电子送经控制系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文首先分析了国内外织机现有的送经控制系统,然后详细说明了本控制系统的原理、方案和软硬件构成。控制系统采用DSP(TMS320LF2407A)作为主控制器,由张力传感器实时测得经纱的张力,然后与设定值比较得到一偏差。根据这个偏差,通过控制器的智能模糊PID算法计算,形成闭环来控制织机的送经量,使织机织出符合要求的布。  相似文献   

Digital switched hydraulics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews recent developments in digital switched hydraulics particularly the switched inertance hydraulic systems (SIHSs). The performance of SIHSs is presented in brief with a discussion of several possible configurations and control strategies. The soft switching technology and high-speed switching valve design techniques are discussed. Challenges and recommendations are given based on the current research achievements.  相似文献   

工业液压与行走液压   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如果你到欧美等发达国家考察液压技术,人家很可能首先要问你感兴趣的是工业液压还是行走液压。工业设备用液压技术(Industry hydraulic)主要用于固定在厂房中的机械设备,典型的如油压机、注塑机、轧机、机床和材料试验机等,简称“工业液压”。行走机械用液压技术(Mobile hydraulic)主要用于能够自行或借助外力在室外移动的车辆、机具和设备,如工程机械、农业机械、自卸卡车等,简称为行走液压。  相似文献   

Industries’ systems are shifting toward almost entirely sophisticated electronic devices. Power Quality (PQ) analysis is getting importance for the economy because this equipment is highly sensitive to PQ events. Control and supervision of an industrial process has mainly been focused on the electrical protection, and little attention has been paid to the quality of the electrical supplies. Nowadays, measurement and communications systems have advanced to enable the installation of web-based sensors within a PQ assessment scenario. In this sense, this paper presents an innovative low-cost measurement system, as well as investigates the challenges and trends in the development of distributed PQ measurement systems using smart sensors.  相似文献   

1999年液压气动标准化工作在全国液压气动标准化技术委员会(以下简称全国液标委)的组织和指导下,在行业协会的大力支持及企业的积极参与下,围绕标准制修订的工作重点全面开展。现将有关情况做一简要介绍。1 标准制修订工作根据全国液标委的工作计划,今年的工作重点是标准...  相似文献   

This communication presents the approaches set up for processing spinner flowmeter well logs in vertical wells with a single fluid phase, which is the most widely used in assessing wells productivity. These focus on improving the pipe hydraulics relationships so that the different fluid inputs throughout the well can be quantified. Since vertical flow inside wells varies with depth between laminar flows (very low Reynolds number, i.e. Re < 103) and turbulent (Re > 4·103) the aim has been to reduce the uncertainty in the transition interval. Starting from bibliographical data and/or well-known formulas for laminar and for turbulent flow, several continuous relationships have been developed for any regime: 1) an expression for the radial distribution of velocity inside the pipeline (velocity profile) was developed. 2) A relationship between the average velocity and the velocity at the axis (velocity factor) was created. 3) A third equation was generated to obtain the friction factor in smooth pipes (and starting from this, a new explicit equation for rough pipes). The purpose has been to have a set of empirical expressions of easy and continuous application for any regime, as an alternative to the use of computer simulations.  相似文献   

水液压系统的发展现状与面临的挑战   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
介绍了正处于发展中的水液压系统及元件的性能、特点和应用实例,提出了水液压系统面临的挑战。  相似文献   

海水液压传动在潜水器中应用具有突出优势,该文介绍了潜水器海水液压浮力调节系统,并对海水液压水下作业工具和海水液压机械手在潜水器中的应用进行了展望.  相似文献   

Wastewater hydraulics problems are frequently addressed by investigation on physical models. Dimensional analysis is a powerful tool that allows discovering essential information about the investigated phenomenon, but in some cases it is affected by significant limitations. In such cases, many issues can be addressed by means of machine learning algorithms, resulting from the theories on pattern recognition and computational learning. In order to show the potential of such an approach, in this study Regression Tree M5P model, Bagging algorithm and Random Forest algorithm were applied to the solution of some complex problems of wastewater engineering: the prediction of energy loss, the pool depth, the air entrainment in a drop manhole, and the forecasting of the lateral outflow in a low crested side weir. The algorithms were trained and tested on data obtained from experimental tests that were carried out at the Water Engineering Laboratory of the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio. In most of the considered cases, regression trees and ensemble methods were able to provide very accurate predictions.  相似文献   

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