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This paper is concerned with the forced convective heat transfer of dilute liquid suspensions of nanoparticles (nanofluids) flowing through a straight pipe under laminar conditions. Stable nanofluids are formulated by using the high shear mixing and ultrasonication methods. They are then characterised for their size, surface charge, thermal and rheological properties and tested for their convective heat transfer behaviour. Mathematical modelling is performed to simulate the convective heat transfer of nanofluids using a single phase flow model and considering nanofluids as both Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid. Both experiments and mathematical modelling show that nanofluids can substantially enhance the convective heat transfer. Analyses of the results suggest that the non-Newtonian character of nanofluids influences the overall enhancement, especially for nanofluids with an obvious non-Newtonian character.  相似文献   

The heat transfer performance of axial rotating heat pipes was measured under steady state at rotational speeds up to 4000 RPM, or a maximum centrifugal acceleration of 170g, and heat transfer rates up to 0.7 kW. A cylindrical and an internally tapered heat pipe with water as the working fluid were tested with different fluid loadings that ranged from 5% to 30% of the total interior volume. The measurements were used to characterize the effects of rotational speed, working fluid loading, and heat pipe geometry on the heat transfer performance. The internal taper on the condenser was found to significantly increase the heat transfer rate compared to the cylindrical case. A comparison between the test results and predictions from previous models showed that natural convection in the liquid film at the heat pipe evaporator plays an important role in the heat transfer mechanism at high rotational speeds.  相似文献   

Forced convective of a nanofluid that consists of water and Al2O3 in horizontal tubes has been studied numerically. Computed results were validated with existing well established correlation. Two-phase Eulerian model has been implemented for the first time to study such a flow field. A single-phase model and two-phase mixture model formulations were also used for comparison. The comparison of calculated results with experimental values shows that the mixture model is more precise. It is illustrated that the single-phase model and the two-phase Eulerian model underestimates the Nusselt number. Effects of nanoparticles concentration on the thermal parameters are also discussed.  相似文献   

理想流体对流传热问题的理论解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究理想流体受迫对流传热和自然对流传热问题的理论解。采用流体无垂直于壁面法线方向运动(即无穿透)的条件取代黏性流体在壁面无滑移条件,解决了流体在边界上有滑移时计算对流传热系数的困难,给出了理想流体与平壁受迫对流传热、理想流体与竖直壁面自然对流传热和理想流体在管内受迫对流传热的理论解。结果表明:理想流体的对流传热与黏性流体同样存在着热边界层。在外部流动的情况下,无论受迫对流传热还是自然对流传热,对流传热系数都与流体的导热系数、密度和比热三乘积的二分之一次方成正比。在管内受迫对流的情况下,当无因次长度大于0.05时,局部Nu和界面无因次温度分布都不再变化,对于恒热流边界条件,Nu等于8,截面无因次平均温度等于2;对于恒壁温边界条件,Nu等于5.782,截面无因次平均温度等于2.316。  相似文献   

In terms of the tensor analysis technique, the relative N-S equations and the energy equation in a rotating helical coordinate system are presented in this paper. Convective heat transfer in the rotating helical pipes with circular cross-section is investigated employing theoretical and numerical method. A perturbation solution up to the secondary order is obtained for a small Dean number. Variations of the temperature distribution with the force ratio (the ratio of the Coriolis force to the centrifugal force), the curvature and the torsion are discussed in detail. Present studies also show the natures of the Nusselt number, as well as the effects of the force ratio, the curvature, and the torsion. This study explores many new characteristics of convective heat transfer in the rotating helical pipes and covers wide ranges of parameters.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work is to examine the effects of interaction between turbulence and thermal radiation on the fully developed turbulent channel flow with variable properties in the presence of combined mixed convection‐radiation heat transfer. The vertical and horizontal channels under study are formed by differentially heated flat parallel plates. Large eddy simulation and the low Mach number approach are used to solve the governing equations. Also, the radiative transfer equation is solved using the method. The results are achieved by developing a solver in an open‐source computational fluid dynamics toolbox. The main focus is to find out whether neglecting turbulence‐radiation interaction (TRI) is a valid assumption for such flows under consideration. The present results show that, in both configurations, the maximum values of emission TRI and incident TRI are 2% and 3%, respectively. These results are consistent with the previous findings suggesting that in the nonreactive flows, these two terms are negligible.  相似文献   

The present paper focuses on the heat transfer of an equilateral triangular duct by employing the CuO/water nanofluid in a laminar flow and under constant heat flux condition. The triangular ducts were used due to their ease of creation and high compaction. They have less pressure drop when compared to the circular and non‐circular ducts and their other attributes are very useful in industrial applications. These reasons cause their heat transfer characteristics to be very important. In this paper, to improve the heat transfer of an equilateral triangular duct, a CuO/water nanofluid was employed. The nanofluid was conducted through an equilateral triangular duct with a constant wall heat flux. Results show that the experimental heat transfer coefficient of the CuO/water nanofluid is more than that of distilled water. Also, the experimental heat transfer coefficient of a CuO/water nanofluid is greater than the theoretical one. The heat transfer enhancement of the equilateral triangular duct increases with the nanofluid volume concentration as well as the Peclet number. So a 41% enhancement in the convective heat transfer coefficient for a 0.8% CuO/water nanofluid can be seen when compared to pure water. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/htj ). DOI 10.1002/htj.21011  相似文献   

The investigation of laminar convective mass transfer and friction factor was performed experimentally for the circular tubes with the diameter of 0.20 mm and the L/d values in the range of 100–500 for a Reynolds number range of 40–1400. The pressure drop experiments were conducted with distilled water, and the mass transfer experiments were carried out with an electrochemical solution by using the electrochemical limiting diffusion current technique. The friction factor results showed good agreement with the classical Poiseuille flow theory, while Sherwood numbers are smaller than those obtained by conventional correlations.  相似文献   

The coupled heat and mass transfer problem of gas flow over a UHF flat plate with its wall coated with sublimable substance has been solved by local non-similarity method. Considerations have been given also to the effect of non-saturation of the sublimable substance in the oncoming flow and the normal injection velocity at the surface. Analytical results are given for local Nusselt and Sherwood numbers at the various locations.  相似文献   

环路热管作为一种高效的相变传热装置,其性能与位于蒸发器和储液槽之间的毛细芯结构密切相关。为了更深入研究双层毛细芯对环路热管传热性能的影响,利用不同颗粒直径铜粉制备双层毛细芯,在毛细芯总厚度为5 mm的条件下,通过调整大粒径和小粒径层的相对厚度来改变毛细芯厚度比,对平板型蒸发器环路热管启动和变工况运行进行实验测试。实验结果表明:在同一工况下,不同厚度比的双层毛细芯启动特性存在显著差异,启动过程中出现小粒径层蒸发效率低引起的温度过冲和环路热管中气液两相流变化导致的温度振荡;同时存在一个较优的双铜层毛细芯厚度比,大粒径(180~280μm)铜层厚度为3 mm可提高蒸发效率,小粒径(56~71μm)铜层厚度为2 mm可提供足够毛细抽吸力保证环路热管稳定运行。搭载该厚度毛细芯的环路热管不仅启动速度快(125 s),而且总热阻和蒸发器壁面温度均最低,最大加热功率达到120 W(21.10 W/cm~2),对应热阻为0.17 K/W。  相似文献   

This paper numerically studies the transient mass transfer in mixed convective heat flow with melting effect from a vertical plate in a liquid saturated porous medium in the presence of aiding external flow. The governing equations are transformed into the non-dimensional form by using pseudo similarity coordinate (ζ) and dimensionless time (ξ). The resulting two dimensional boundary value problem (BVP) is then solved by the method of lines (MOLs) with the central finite difference and Newton's iteration to obtain the entire numerical solutions for all transient process from the initial stage (ξ = 0) to the final state (ξ = 1). The results show the rate of dynamic mass transfer at the solid–liquid interface is reduced with increasing the melting strength. In addition, the response time and the rate of the dynamic mass transfer for aiding buoyancy are respectively shorter and faster than those for opposing buoyancy from the transient molecular diffusion to the steady mixed convection in a porous medium with melting effect.  相似文献   

基于Brinkman-Darcy模型和两方程模型,本文对流体在金属泡沫平板通道内的强制对流换热进行了自编程数值模拟,采用体积平均法对流体在金属泡沫内的流动和换热进行宏观处理。模拟结果表明:流体主流速度随孔密度增大而减小,随孔隙率增大而增大;流体相和固体相之间的局部对流换热系数随孔隙率和孔密度增加而增加,金属泡沫对流换热性能随孔隙率增大而减小,随孔密度增大而增大。金属泡沫强化换热的效果十分明显,可以应用于需要强化换热的紧凑式换热器和散热器。  相似文献   

Natural convection driven by combined thermal and solutal buoyant forces in a fluid-saturated porous enclosure was studied experimentally. An electrochemical method was employed to establish the concentration gradients. The inside temperature profiles and heat and mass transfer coefficients on the vertical walls were determined experimentally. The effects of dimensionless parameter Ra, Le, N on flow, heat, and mass transfer are discussed in detail. © 1999 Scripta Technica, Heat Trans Asian Res, 28(4): 266–277, 1999  相似文献   

曲线拟合法是换热器传热性能实验中经常用到的一种方法,但传统的曲线拟合法存在较多的缺陷。所介绍的曲线拟合法限定条件较少,实用性强。对气体采用温度修正函数时,能够扩大该曲线拟合法适用的温度变化范围。当两侧的流体种类和流体通道相同时,其优点将更加明显。  相似文献   

在气体中施加高压电场后,引起气体放电,产生的电晕风可以强化空气的对流换热。综述了国内外电晕风强化气体对流换热方面的研究进展,概括了以往研究的特点,指出了目前研究所存在的问题,对今后在该领域的研究方向及重点提出了建议。  相似文献   

This study presents details of the heat and fluid flow around two counter‐rotating cylinders. For this goal, three different nondimensional gap spaces such as G/D = 1.5, 2.0, and 3.0 are examined in the constant Reynolds number of 200 and Prandtl number of 7.0. In addition, computations are carried out at various nondimensional rotating speeds (R.S) in the range from 0 to 4. The obtained results are validated against the available data in the open literature for stationary cases. The results showed that the flow structure, vortex shedding process, and exerted forces on the cylinders strongly depended on the R.S and G/D. Reductions of the drag coefficients are observed for both cylinders with increasing the R.S due to suppression of the wake downstream of the cylinders at low R.S and eliminating the vortex shedding process at high R.S. Finally, it is demonstrated that, regardless of the G/D value, increasing the R.S diminishes dramatically the convective heat exchange rate between the cylinders and fluid flow.  相似文献   

熔融盐作为太阳能热发电中的重要的传热蓄热介质,其强制对流传热特性对如何强化对流传热和设计以熔融盐作为工质的换热器具有很重要的指导意义。建立了熔融盐-油套管式换热器内不同种类的熔融盐在不同工况下的强制对流传热模型,数值模拟并理论研究了管内熔融盐强制对流传热特性,提出数值模拟的熔融盐对流传热关联式;并将数值模拟结果与实验结果进行了对比。在此基础上分析了流速对管内熔融盐对流传热系数和热流密度的影响规律。结果表明在Re处于10000~60000的范围内数值模拟和实验结果具有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

Because of the rapid properties variation of fluid under supercritical pressure, there is a violent secondary flow in a heated pipe, which will certainly complicate the heat transfer of fluid in a pipe under supercritical pressure. In this paper, a numerical study is conducted for the laminar developing mixed convective heat transfer of water under supercritical pressure. The velocity field and temperature field are given, and the influence of different parameters on flow and heat transfer is investigated in detail. The results show that secondary flow has a great influence on velocity and temperature distributions and thus affects the friction factor and the Nusselt number remarkably. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 34(8): 608–619, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20079  相似文献   

This paper reports an experimental work on the convective heat transfer of nanofluids, made of γ-Al2O3 nanoparticles and de-ionized water, flowing through a copper tube in the laminar flow regime. The results showed considerable enhancement of convective heat transfer using the nanofluids. The enhancement was particularly significant in the entrance region, and was much higher than that solely due to the enhancement on thermal conduction. It was also shown that the classical Shah equation failed to predict the heat transfer behaviour of nanofluids. Possible reasons for the enhancement were discussed. Migration of nanoparticles, and the resulting disturbance of the boundary layer were proposed to be the main reasons.  相似文献   

In this article, we examined the effect of heat and mass transfer flow of two immiscible Jeffrey fluids in a vertical channel. The highly nonlinear coupled ordinary differential equations are evaluated using regular perturbation parameters, for small values of perturbation parameter. The effect of Jeffrey's parameter on the flow and the effects of various physical parameters entering into the problem on dimensionless velocity, temperature, and concentration distribution is illustrated graphically. We observe that the Jeffrey parameter, thermal, and mass Grashof number enhance the fluid flow, while the chemical reaction parameter suppresses the fluid flow, also it is established that the Nusselt number is boosted by enhancing the thermal and mass Grashof number. We observed that the results are in very good agreement with the results obtained for a viscous fluid.  相似文献   

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