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Spatial physicochemical parameters were determined from 39 sampling sites distributed throughout Lake Baringo during December 2010. Mean values of temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration and electrical conductivity decreased successively with depth, while the pH remained constant. Only the turbidity values increased marginally with depth. Of the surface water parameters, mean (range) values of dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, electrical conductivity, water transparency and turbidity were 6.9 (4.5–8.4) mg L?1, 8.3 (7.8–8.5), 573 (556–601)μS cm?1, 33 (28–37) cm and 43.3 (32.7–54.6) NTU, respectively. Mean and range values of total nitrogen (TN), nitrate‐nitrogen(NO3‐N), ammonia nitrogen (NH4‐N), total phosphorus (TP) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) were 788.4 (278–4486) μg L?1, 4.5 (2.4–10.0) μg L?1, 42.6 (33.8–56.3) μg L?1, 102.9 (20.3–585.3) μg L?1 and 23.5 (15.2–30.5) μg L?1, respectively. Dissolved silica concentrations ranged from 19.7 to 32.7 mg L?1, with a mean value of 24.7 mg L?1. The chlorophyll‐a concentrations were quite low, ranging from 1.4 to 4.9 μg L?1, with a mean value of 4.2 μg L?1. In contrast to previous reported values, a key finding in the present study is a relatively high water transparency, indicating a relatively clear water column, due possibly to the fact that the sampling was conducted during the dry period. The nutrient levels remained low, and the chlorophyll‐a concentration also was an almost all time low value. A TP value of 20 μg L?1 and higher confirms strongly eutrophic conditions prevailing in the lake, with an extremely low potential for fish production and low species diversity, consistent with other studies. The results of the present study, therefore, reinforce the database for future management and monitoring plans for the Lake Baringo ecosystem, which lies adjacent to known geothermally active zones and a saline Lake Bogoria.  相似文献   

Spatial and seasonal variations of phytoplankton, expressed in terms of species composition, cell density, biovolumes and biomass, collected at 10 sampling sites in alkaline–saline Lake Nakuru, Kenya, were investigated monthly from March 2004 to February 2005, in relation to selected physical and chemical water quality parameters. A total of eight species, belonging to five genera and three classes, were recorded. The Cyanophyceae comprised the bulk of the phytoplankton, followed by Euglenophyceae, while Bacillariophyceae were the least abundant. Arthrospira fusiformis was the most dominant species, in terms of density, among the Cyanophyceae, while Euglena spp. and Navicula elkabs dominated the Euglenophyceae and Bacillariophyceae density, respectively. Seasonal variations in phytoplankton species composition, density and biomass were significant (P < 0.05) with minimum cell density and biomass occurring during the dry season, and being maximum following the end of the two rainy seasons from May to November 2004, suggesting the possible influence of various environmental factors on the lake. Sampling sites located close to the inlets of inflowing rivers exhibited significantly (P < 0.05) higher phytoplankton cell density and biomass than those by the inshore sites. Soluble reactive phosphorus, ammonia‐nitrogen, conductivity and total alkalinity accounted for most of the variations in the cell densities of phytoplankton species.  相似文献   

Distribution coefficients for suspended sediments may be estimated from water and sediment quality variables, using detailed conceptual chemical models or semi-empirical models. The predicted KD values find application in trace metal fate modelling and risk assessment. The detailed chemical model SWAMP (Sediment Water Algorithm for Metal Partitioning) which expresses trace metal distribution coefficients as a function of environmental variables and sediment characteristics was used to describe field KD values. Besides SWAMP, semi-empirical models were derived from field-KD values. The field KD-values for Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were measured on samples taken monthly from four surface waters in The Netherlands. In this paper we discuss the differences between the two modeling approaches.  相似文献   

The impacts of large-scale, episodic sediment resuspension on the cycling of polychlorinated biphenyl congeners (PCBs) were examined using a spatially coordinated air and water sampling strategy conducted in southern Lake Michigan in the late winters of 1998, 1999, and 2000. We found no significant temporal changes in gas phase, dissolved phase, or suspended sediment PCB concentrations despite large-scale seasonal storms occurring before and after sampling campaigns. Only gas phase and suspended sediment PCBs varied spatially. Higher total suspended material (TSM) concentrations and fraction organic carbon (foc) were measured at sampling stations located in the near-shore region of southern Lake Michigan than at open-water sampling stations. Gas phase concentrations (ΣPCBg) were higher in the west (0.436 ± 0.200 ng/m3, n = 11) and south (0.408 ± 0.286 ng/m3, n = 5) than the east (0.214 ± 0.082 ng/m3, n = 10) and central (0.253 ± 0.145 ng/m3, n = 8) regions of southern Lake Michigan. Dissolved phase concentrations (ΣPCBd) averaged 0.18 ± 0.024 ng/L (n = 52); suspended sediment concentrations (ΣPCBs) accounted for between 4% and 72% (23 ± 4%, n = 52) of the total ΣPCB concentrations (ΣPCBT = ΣPCBd + ΣPCBs). Despite no consistent temporal variations in both dissolved phase or suspended sediment ΣPCB concentrations, there were temporal and spatial variations in the distribution shift between phases that can be linked to sediment resuspension, not a state of equilibrium. Specifically, our analysis suggests sediment resuspension results in preferential sorption of heavier, more chlorinated PCB congeners.  相似文献   

采用野外原位小区模拟径流冲刷试验对北江流域上游的广东大宝山矿区不同年限堆积土重金属随径流泥沙迁移特征进行了研究,结果表明:a)新弃土、老弃土侵蚀泥沙中cd、Pb、zn、cu重金属含量均高于自然土侵蚀泥沙,但新弃土、老弃土侵蚀泥沙重金属含量相差不大;b)新弃土、老弃土、自然土侵蚀泥沙Cd的平均流失率为32.55、12.18、0.09mg/(min·m^2),Pb的平均流失率为1648.98、432.10、8.07mg/(min.m^2),Zn的平均流失率为1854.35、460.14、4.92mg/(min.m^2),Cu的平均流失率为1742.63、429.47、8.69mg/(min·m^2),新弃土、老弃土重金属平均流失率要远远高于自然土;c)新弃土、老弃土侵蚀泥沙cd、Pb、zn、cu流失率随时间均呈下降趋势。在冲刷初期,新弃土、老弃土侵蚀泥沙重金属平均流失率较大,有明显的“初期冲刷”效应;d)在冲刷的20分钟里,新弃土、老弃土、自然土侵蚀泥沙中的累积流失量分别为:Cd为651.00、243.62、1.79mg,Pb为32.98、8.64、0.16g,Zn为37.09、9.20、0.10g,Cu为34.85、8.59、0.17g,在相同时段内,新弃土、老弃土重金属流失总量要远远高于自然土。  相似文献   

Lakes Kanyaboli, Sare and Namboyo are three important freshwater satellite lakes in the northern region of the Lake Victoria (Kenya) basin. Lake Simbi, a small alkaline -saline crater-lake is located near the southern shoreline of the Nyanza Gulf of Lake Victoria. The three freshwater lakes provide unique aquatic habitats for the important indigenous fish species and other aquatic biodiversity, as well as serving as water resources for the surrounding communities. Surface and sediment samples were collected and examined to characterize these lake systems. Metal partitioning among the various defined geochemical phases also was determined. Based on the measured concentrations, the satellite lake waters are relatively uncontaminated with regard to Al (aluminium), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and chromium (Cr). Levels of most elements were below detection limits, as well as being well below the desirable drinking water guideline values proposed by the World Health Organization. The exception was the elevated iron (Fe) contents (>300 μg L−1). The sediments exhibited a relatively low level of contamination with regard to heavy metals. The mean values of the measured metals in the sediments were compared to levels in adjacent Lake Victoria. The study results from these poorly-studied, and relatively unperturbed ecosystems, compared to the main body of lake Victoria, highlight their importance as conservation areas, despite the small-scale fishery activity, potential threats from human activities and their sensitivity to fluctuating environmental conditions.  相似文献   

To understand better the pollution levels in the waters of the Nakivubo Channel and Lake Victoria, the concentrations of manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and lead (Pb) were determined using convectional Energy Dispersive X‐ray Fluorescence Analysis (EDXRF) and Total X‐ray Fluorescence (TXRF) analysis. Particulate deposits were analysed for trace metals with a convectional EDXRF spectrometer. Extracted dissolved metals contents were analysed with Total Reflection X‐Ray Fluorescence. The analyses indicated higher copper concentrations in the filtrate samples collected at the rivermouths and inshore stations than on the particulate matter. Samples from battery manufacturing industry‐1 indicated copper concentrations in the filtrate exceeding the National Environmental management Authority (NEMA) drinking water standard of 1.0 mg L?1. Free zinc concentrations were measured for almost all the sampling sites, but at concentrations below the 3 mg L?1 NEMA standard. High concentrations of iron in the labile form measured at the lake shores were above NEMA drinking water standards of 0.3–3.5 mg L?1 in 2006, except for the April 2006 Murchison Bay rivermouth, and for low manganese concentrations in the lake waters. The iron and manganese concentrations on the particulate matter at the upstream end of the Channel, but were lower in the lake waters. Effluents from soap manufacturing industries exhibited elevated total iron concentrations, ranging from 19.038 ± 0.190 to 63.129 ± 6.248 mg L?1 throughout the 2‐year study period. The manganese concentrations were the highest for the battery manufacturing industry‐2 site in April 2006. The total iron and manganese concentrations were generally higher upstream along the Nakivubo Channel than in the lake waters. Cobalt and lead concentrations were below detection limits for most of the sampling sites. Generally, most metal concentrations along the Nakivubo Channel exceeded acceptable limits, illustrating the need for mitigation measures.  相似文献   

Nutrient management in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence basin has focused on the reduction of tributary phosphorus inputs to control lake eutrophication. However, the regional implications of nutrient enrichment on stream eutrophication and management remain understudied. We compared nutrient concentrations and stoichiometric ratios of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus to evaluate spatial and temporal patterns in the potential for nutrient limitation in streams of the lower Great Lakes-St. Lawrence basin in Ontario, Canada. Monitoring data from 127 streams was used to describe macronutrient concentrations and stoichiometry over a 10-year period (2007–2016). Nutrient enrichment was widespread as 65% and 68% of studied streams had nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations above regional guidelines, respectively. Macronutrient stoichiometry indicated that 35% of streams were depleted for phosphorus and 65% were co-depleted for nitrogen and phosphorus relative to the Redfield ratio. However, algal production in most streams was likely nutrient saturated such that only 2% of streams showed the potential for phosphorus limitation and 21% for nitrogen and phosphorus co-limitation. Temporal assessment of individual nutrients that were depleted indicated minimal variation within most streams. In contrast, macronutrient stoichiometry was associated with spatial patterns in catchment land-cover whereby a shift from nitrogen and phosphorus co-depletion to phosphorus depletion occurred with increasing agriculture and decreasing natural and wetland cover. Our results suggest that phosphorus reductions alone may be insufficient to manage stream eutrophication in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence basin and that dual nutrient reductions needed to improve stream conditions may be achievable through land-cover management.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study are to use different approaches to assess the current pollution status in the wadis of the Kebir Rhumel basin. First, sediment trace metal contents were measured by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy. Then, sediment quality was assessed on the basis of contamination assessment indexes such as: Geoaccumulation Index (Igeo), Contamination factor (C(f)), Contamination degree (C(d)), Sediment Pollution Index (SPI) and SEQ guidelines (Consensus Sediment Quality Guidelines). In addition, several toxicity tests (Daphnia magna mobility inhibition acute test-48 h, Aliivibrio fischeri luminescence inhibition acute test - 15/30 mn and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata growth inhibition chronic test - 72 h) were conducted to assess sediment pore water ecotoxicity. Trace metal concentrations followed the order: Mn > Zn > Pb > Cr > Cu > Ni > Co > Cd. Indexes used indicate varying degrees of sediment quality. Igeo, C(f), C(d) and SPI reveal a polymetallic contamination dominated by two or more elements in which Cd, Cu and Pb are of greatest concern. SEQ guidelines showed that biological effects on fauna would likely be observed occasionally and/or frequently for Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn contents. Test organisms exposed to sediment pore water showed that the algal P. subcapitata test was more sensitive than the D. magna and A. fischeri tests. Hence, algal growth inhibition proved to be the most sensitive response to contaminants present in sediment extracts but a significant relationship with trace metal contents was not demonstrated.  相似文献   

Lake Naivasha is a freshwater lake with no surface outlet, lying within a closed basin of the Kenyan Rift Valley. It is perceived to be a lake undergoing anthropogenic stresses. This study is intended to determine the speciation of some selected heavy metals in the sediments of Lake Naivasha, as an indicator of potential pollution of the lake. Sediment and water sampling of the lake was conducted in March and May 2003, during the dry and wet seasons, respectively. Analyses of the speciation of heavy metals in sediment samples (<63 µm faction) were performed on sediment samples collected from five sites within the lake. The study results obtained indicated that influent Malewa River was not a source of labile copper (Cu), lead (Pb) or zinc, despite the river having the highest percentage clay content during the wet season (86%). Copper was highly distributed in the residual sediment fraction (average of 90%). Among the labile sediment factions, the highest quantity of Cu was in the oxidizable phase (3.58 and 2.30 µg g−1 during the dry and wet season, respectively). Carbonate‐bound Cu was sparingly distributed during both the dry and the wet seasons, ranging between 0.74 and 1.81 µg g−1. Iron was highly distributed in the oxidizable sediment phase, exhibiting concentrations ranging between 2.0 and 6.0 (×103) µg g−1. Relative to the other heavy metals, manganese was distributed in lower proportions in the residual sediment fraction. High concentrations of Pb were observed in the oxidizable phase from most of the sampling sites along the lake shore. Zinc was distributed largely in the oxidizable phase, being highest at sampling site SS, which was located near a municipal sewage input to the lake. The sediments collected at the sampling sites located in the deep portion of the lake exhibited the highest concentrations of labile heavy metals.  相似文献   

在分析黄河流域水沙资源区域分布的基础上,本文采用Mann-Kendall秩次相关检验法和水文量累计曲线法分析黄河水沙资源量的变化特征,进而探讨了黄河泥沙的资源化及水沙资源量变化对泥沙资源化的影响.黄河龙羊峡水库以上河段年径流量和输沙量没有明显变化,其他干流河段和中游大部分典型支流的径流量和输沙量随时间具有明显的减少趋势.黄河水沙资源量大幅减少对泥沙资源化产生不同程度的影响,水沙资源量大幅减少会降低引洪淤滩、淤临和淤背的效率,限制灌区黄河泥沙烧制建筑材料、淤改与稻改等途径的实施,减小黄河口泥沙造陆的速率,影响黄河与河口湿地质量与数量的塑造;而对灌区浑水灌溉、清淤泥沙利用等没有明显的影响.  相似文献   

在分析黄河流域水沙资源区域分布的基础上,本文采用Mann-Kendall秩次相关检验法和水文量累计曲线法分析黄河水沙资源量的变化特征,进而探讨了黄河泥沙的资源化及水沙资源量变化对泥沙资源化的影响。黄河龙羊峡水库以上河段年径流量和输沙量没有明显变化,其他干流河段和中游大部分典型支流的径流量和输沙量随时间具有明显的减少趋势。黄河水沙资源量大幅减少对泥沙资源化产生不同程度的影响,水沙资源量大幅减少会降低引洪淤滩、淤临和淤背的效率,限制灌区黄河泥沙烧制建筑材料、淤改与稻改等途径的实施,减小黄河口泥沙造陆的速率,影响黄河与河口湿地质量与数量的塑造;而对灌区浑水灌溉、清淤泥沙利用等没有明显的影响。  相似文献   

根据灞河流域水沙特点,选取反映灞河流域水沙变化趋势的马渡王水文站,利用灞河流域50年的实测年径流量和年输沙量资料,采用Mann-Kendall非参数统计检验法、小波分析法、双累积曲线法,结合流域降雨量分析了灞河流域水沙年际变化特点及突变的年份。结果表明:灞河流域水沙年内分配极不均匀,水沙总体下降趋势明显;水沙序列具有多时间尺度特征,但变化尺度并不一致;径流量和输沙量分别在1989年和1981年发生了突变,但突变时间具有差异性,且输沙量的敏感性更强;进一步分析表明,降雨量的波动是径流量年际变化的主要影响因素,而输沙量的减少则主要受到径流量和人类活动的综合影响。  相似文献   

黄河流域泥沙矿物成分与分布规律   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
黄河及其干支流经常产生高含沙水流,泥沙中矿物的成分及含量是影响高含沙水流性质的主导因素,粘土矿物颗粒含量对高含沙水流流变性质的影响,远大于颗粒粒径大小对流变性质的影响,粘土颗粒和阳离子之间的相互作用对高含沙水流的流变性质也有非常大的影响。通过对黄河及其支流地区12个地点进行采样分析,得出黄河及其支流地区泥沙基本来源于同一地区,次生矿物是在长期的、相同的环境条件作用下形成的。根据泥沙样本的粒径分布曲线和矿物成分及含量,建立了黄河及其支流泥沙粘土、非粘土矿物含量与中值粒径之间的关系,能够更方便、快捷、廉价地估算黄河及其支流粘土矿物的含量。  相似文献   

In coastal areas of Finland, extensive artificial drainage of Holocene sulphide‐bearing marine and lacustrine sediments has resulted in development of acid sulphate (AS) soils (pH 2.5–4.5) over an estimated area of approximately 3000 km2. During heavy rains and snow melting, these soils are flushed resulting in discharge of acidic and metal‐rich waters that strongly affect small streams. However, the total and precise effects in the important and large rivers are not well understood. In this study, the impact of AS soil occurrence and hydrological changes on water quality was determined in an important regulated boreal river (Esse River) having a catchment area of 2054 km2 partially covered with AS soil (39 km2). Water samples, collected at five sites along the river during four carefully selected events, were analysed for pH, total organic carbon, conductivity and the following elements/anions: Al, Ba, Br, Ca, Cd, Cl?, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, La, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, NO, Rb, Sc, Si, SO, Sr, Th, Y and Zn. There is a clear spatial correlation between AS soil occurrence and elevated element concentrations in the river water, especially when the conditions change from dry/warm (summer) to wet/cool (autumn). During the rains in autumn these soils are extensively flushed and concentrations of Co, La, Zn, Y, Mn and Al are increased between three and nine times towards the outlet. The buffering capacity of the river was, however, high enough to prevent a detrimental drop in pH. Another intriguing feature is substantially elevated concentrations of several potentially toxic metals (Cr, Cd, Cu) in the middle reaches in winter when the river is ice‐covered. Since no external source for this was found, we suggest an internal source operating by an as yet unknown mechanism. During baseflow in summer, the concentrations of several solutes reach minimum concentrations. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

淮河流域水沙变化趋势及其成因分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据淮河流域来水来沙特点,选定反映淮河流域水沙变化趋势的代表水文站,利用50余年来的实测年径流量及年输沙量资料,研究了淮河流域水沙量的时空分布特性;采用Mann-Kendal秩相关检验法,分析了淮河流域水沙量年际变化趋势和可能发生突变的年份。研究结果表明整体上淮河流域来水量无明显的减小趋势,其中淮河干流年径流量无明显的变化趋势,支流及沂、沭、泗水系各站年径流量减小趋势明显;而淮河流域来沙量则呈现显著减少的趋势,发生突变的年份为1973—1975年。从流域降雨量、用水变化、水库拦沙、水土流失及其治理状况等方面分析了引起淮河流域水沙变化的主要成因,提出了淮河流域上游山区河流水库建设是流域来沙量减少的主要原因。  相似文献   

流域水沙资源优化配置研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水沙合理配置是影响河流健康的重要环境课题,正确认识水沙灾害和水沙利用的相互关系,开展流域水沙资源联合优化配置研究具有重要意义。本文系统地分析与总结了流域水沙资源联合优化配置研究的进展状况,包括局部流域的水土保持规划、水库水沙联合调度运用、灌区水沙输移分配和全流域范围的水沙资源优化配置理论与数学模型研究现状,探讨了目前流域水沙资源优化配置理论、模型、方案和评价中存在的问题,提出了未来流域水沙资源优化配置研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

嘉陵江为三峡入库含沙量最大的河流 ,在长江上游各支流中居首位。支流渠江位于大巴山暴雨区 ,为含沙量较高的支流 ,其来沙量占北碚站比例较大。因此 ,在嘉陵江流域水土保持对三峡工程来沙影响研究中 ,选定水沙来量较大的渠江作为重点研究对象之一。流域中泥沙来量及其在出口断面的时程分配较为复杂 ,主要与泥沙来源和水流挟沙能力等有关。根据渠江流域降雨、地形、地质特点 ,选定合适的泥沙释放函数 ,结合现行流域降雨径流预报方案 ,建立起渠江州河流域产水、汇水汇沙模型。模型具有概念明确 ,能结合流域降雨径流预报方案等特点。水沙过程检验预报表明 ,能够较好地模拟洪水及其含沙量过程  相似文献   

本文基于统计理论的概念,从建立泥沙频率分布曲线入手,分析了松辽流域主要河流(松花江、辽河)水沙频率之间的关系.定量界定了水沙丰平枯组合类型,将年径流量和输沙量分别划分为丰、平、枯(大、中、少)3个等级,以频率作为实测年径流量和输沙量丰、平、枯(大、中、少)划分的标准,结合泥沙频率研究成果,对松辽流域主要河流的水沙分布规律进行了探讨,为进一步研究松辽流域人为活动时河流泥沙、水土流失问题的影响创造了条件.  相似文献   

在具有水沙异源特征的流域中,不同水沙来源区的来水来沙之间的关系,可以称为流域水沙藕合关系.流域水沙耦合关系通过流域侵蚀带与沉积带的耦合,会进一步影响沉积带的冲淤过程.对于黄河流域,提出以多沙粗沙区的来沙量和河口镇以上清水区的来水量之比来表示流域产水产沙搭配关系,称之为流域产水产沙耦合指标.无论是对于洪水系列还是对于年系列,黄河下游来沙系数、含沙量与流域产水产沙耦合指标之间都具有密切的关系.流域产水产沙耦合指标控制着下游河道的来沙系数、平均含沙量和最大含沙量,并进而影响河道冲淤量和河道泥沙输移比.黄河下游高含沙水流的发生与流域产水产沙耦合指标I(ws)之间有密切的关系.当I(ws)<0.314t/m3时,下游可不再发生高含沙水流.这启示我们,通过对多沙粗沙区来沙量和河口镇以上清水区来水量的控制,可以减少下游河道高含沙水流发生的频率.对于场次洪水而言,当流域产水产沙耦合指标I(ws)<0.2t/m3时,冲淤量、淤积强度变化很小,但当I(ws)>0.2t/m3以后,冲淤量、淤积强度迅速增大.本文的研究成果对于黄河流域的治理有一定的参考意义.通过对流域水沙耦合关系的调控,来减少下游河道的淤积,是一种可行的途径.  相似文献   

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