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Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) represents one of the main odorant gases emitted from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) and a mathematical model can be a fast and low cost tool to estimate its emission. In this work H2S emission rates in a WWTP, composed of an up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor and an aerobic biofilter (BF), are estimated using four mathematical models available in the literature (AP-42, GPC, TOXCHEM + and WATER8). The results show that the GPC model leads to the best agreement with the experimental data, except for the biofilter due to its lack of capability to include biodegradation as a H2S removal process. On the other hand, the AP-42 and WATER8 models showed a slightly better ability to predict H2S removal in the biofilter than the TOXCHEM + model, as all models underestimate the H2S concentration decay.  相似文献   

Post-treatment of an UASB reactor effluent, fed with domestic sewage, was conducted using two-stage flotation and UV disinfection. Results were compared to those obtained in a parallel stabilisation pond. The first flotation stage employed 5 - 7.5 mg L(-1) cationic flocculant to separate off more than 99% of the suspended solids. Then, phosphate ions were completely recovered using carrier flotation with 5-25 mg L(-1) of Fe (FeCl3) at pH 6.3-7.0. This staged flotation led to high recoveries of water and allowed us to separate organic matter and phosphate bearing sludge. The water still contained about 1 x 10(2) NMP/100 mL total coliforms, which were removed using UV radiation to below detection levels. Final water turbidity was < 1.0 NTU, COD < 20 mg L(-1) O2 and 71 mNm(-1), the liquid/air interfacial tension. This flotation-UV flowsheet was found to be more efficient than the treatment in the stabilisation pond and appears to have some potential for water reuse. Results were discussed in terms of the biological, chemical and physicochemical mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

对UASB反应器在中温下处理VC废水的工艺流程和设备进行了合理的改进,在容积为300 m3的UASB反应器中,以出水回流与高浓度废水混合稀释降低进水CODCr.生产运行效果表明,该工艺提高了进水的总碱度,同时控制反应器水力负荷,提高了反应器的处理能力,并节省了调节pH的用碱量约2 t/d和稀释水约230 m3/d.  相似文献   

This study aimed at determining the influence of ammonia volatilization on nitrogen removal in polishing (maturation) ponds treating sanitary effluent from upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. An apparatus for the capture and absorption of volatilized ammonia in three polishing ponds in series was installed. Volatilized ammonia was captured by a chamber on the surface of the ponds and dissolved in boric acid solution, in order to estimate the amount of ammonia per unit surface area of each pond. Low rates of volatilization, below 0.2 kg/ha.d, in about 75% of samples from all the ponds, were observed. The mass balance of ammonia nitrogen of the ponds showed that the volatilization represented only about 2% of the total removal of nitrogen from the polishing ponds. The results obtained suggest that ammonia volatilization was a mechanism of little importance in nitrogen removal in the investigated polishing ponds.  相似文献   

The performance of an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor and a hybrid UASB-filter reactor was investigated and compared for the treatment of domestic wastewater at different operational temperatures (28, 20, 14 and 10 degrees C) and loading rates. For each temperature studied a constant CODt removal was observed as long as the upflow velocity was lower than 0.35 m/h. At these upflow velocities similar removals were observed for both reactor types at 28 and 20 degrees C, 82 and 72% respectively. However, at 14 and 10 degrees C the UASB reactor showed a better COD removal (70% and 48%, respectively) than the hybrid reactor (60% and 38%). COD removal resulted from biological degradation and solids accumulation in the reactors. At 28 degrees C, a constant 200 g sludge mass was observed in both reactors and COD removal was attributed to biological degradation only. At lower temperatures, solids accumulation was observed in addition to biological degradation with an increase in reactor sludge as the temperature decreased. The decrease in biological degradation at lower temperatures was offset by solids accumulation and explains the similar overall COD removal efficiency observed at 28 degrees C, 20 degrees C and 14 degrees C. The decrease in temperature was also followed by an increase in the effluent TSS concentration in both reactors. At 14 and 10 degrees C a lower effluent TSS concentration and better performance was observed in the UASB reactor.  相似文献   

In this paper, the feasibility of grey water treatment in a UASB reactor was investigated. The batch recirculation experiments showed that a maximum total-COD removal of 79% can be obtained in grey-water treatment in the UASB reactor. The continuous operational results of a UASB reactor treating grey water at different hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 20, 12 and 8 hours at ambient temperature (14-24 degrees C) showed that 31-41% of total COD was removed. These results were significantly higher than that achieved by a septic tank (11-14%), the most common system for grey water pre-treatment, at HRT of 2-3 days. The relatively lower removal of total COD in the UASB reactor was mainly due to a higher amount of colloidal COD in the grey water, as compared to that reported in domestic wastewater. The grey water had a limited amount of nitrogen, which was mainly in particulate form (80-90%). The UASB reactor removed 24-36% and 10-24% of total nitrogen and total phosphorus, respectively, in the grey water, due to particulate nutrients removal by physical entrapment and sedimentation. The sludge characteristics of the UASB reactor showed that the system had stable performance and the recommended HRT for the reactor is 12 hours.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to evaluate the performance of a semi-pilot scale BAF in order to obtain a highly polished effluent in terms of removal of organic matter, suspended solids and ammonia and to observe the influence of temperature, pH and nitrite accumulation on the nitrification process. The ammonia removal efficiency during summer and winter and the nitrite accumulation in presence of free ammonia were observed. The biomass density was measured at different filter bed heights and the sludge production from the effluent of the backwashing water was evaluated. The results obtained were used to calibrate a mathematical model for the prediction of the ammonia removal profile in the filter bed and of biomass thickness.  相似文献   

In this study, continuous operation of a pilot-scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor for sewage treatment was conducted for 630 days to investigate the physical and microbial characteristics of the retained sludge. The UASB reactor with a working volume of 20.2 m(3) was operated at ambient temperature (16-29 °C) and seeded with digested sludge. After 180 days of operation, when the sewage temperature had dropped to 20 °C or lower, the removal efficiency of both total suspended solids (TSS) and total biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) deteriorated due to washout of retained sludge. At low temperature, the cellulose concentration of the UASB sludge increased owing to the rate limitation of the hydrolytic reaction of suspended solids in the sewage. However, after an improvement in sludge retention (settleability and concentration) in the UASB reactor, the process performance stabilized and gave sufficient results (68% of TSS removal, 75% of total BOD removal) at an hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 9.7 h. The methanogenic activity of the retained sludge significantly increased after day 246 due to the accumulation of Methanosaeta and Methanobacterium following the improvement in sludge retention in the UASB reactor. Acid-forming bacteria from phylum Bacteroidetes were detected at high frequency; thus, these bacteria may have an important role in suspended solids degradation.  相似文献   

This work deals with the methodology put in place to fit and validate the parameters of a biofiltration model (BAF) in tertiary nitrification treatment and dynamic conditions. For an average loading rate of 0.65 kg NH4-N/m(3) media/d, different time loading rates are applied inside a filtration-backwash run using a semi-industrial pilot. Comparisons between predicted and observed values on the NH4-N, NO3-N and TSS in treated water and the total head loss deltaP are carried out firstly using default values of BAF parameters. Model predictions overestimate values measured but trends are well reproduced. A sensitivity analysis is carried out and the hierarchy of BAF parameters has been set up classifying them into strong and low influence on the effluent concentrations. Among parameters revealing the strongest influence are those of the filtration module and the mean density of biofilm for the TSS effluent and the total AP, the specific autotrophic growth rate, the maximum biofilm thickness and the reduction coefficient of diffusivity in the biofilm for the NH4-N, NO3-N effluent. Finally, this classification leads to setting a calibration procedure, thanks to specific experimental tests directly measuring some BAF parameters.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the performance of the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor as the pretreatment system for silk-dyeing wastewater. Two laboratory-scale UASB reactors, with working volume of 15.59 I, were used during May 1998 to June 1999. The actual wastewater was diluted to reduce ammonium ion toxicity on anaerobic bacteria. The experiments were conducted at the organic loading rates (OLRs) of 0.52, 1.01, 1.04, 1.54 and 2.56 kgCOD/(m3 x d), treating only wastewater generated from the acid-dye process of mixed-species raw silk. It took approximately 4 1/2 months to reach the steady-state conditions. It was found that the COD removal was in the ranges of 74.1-85.3%, except at OLR 2.56 kgCOD/(m3 x d) where efficiency significantly dropped to 55.2%. The apparent color removal was in the similar trend as COD. During the study periods, wastewater input had various color shades while the effluent generally looked pale yellowish. The methane generation rates ranged from 0.18-0.31 m3/kg COD removed, with methane composition 81.0-88.1% in biogas. The average granule size in the sludge bed had slowly increased to 0.73 mm in the last experiment. It can be concluded that the UASB reactor is suitable as a pretreatment system for silk-dyeing wastewater. An OLR of 1 kgCOD/(m3 x d) and an influent concentration diluted to 2,600 mgCOD/l are suggested while COD and apparent color removal efficiency of 80% and 70%, respectively, can be expected.  相似文献   

A pilot-scale multi-staged UASB (MS-UASB) reactor with a working volume of 2.5 m3 was operated for thermophilic (55 degrees C) treatment of an alcohol distillery wastewater for a period of over 600 days. The reactor steadily achieved a super-high rate COD removal, that is, 60 kgCOD m(-3) d(-1) with over 80% COD removal. However, when higher organic loading rates were further imposed upon the reactor, that is, above 90 kgCOD m(-3) d(-1) for barely-based alcohol distillery wastewater (ADWW) and above 100 kgCOD m(-3) d(-1) for sweet potato-based ADWW, the reactor performance somewhat deteriorated to 60 and 70% COD removal, respectively. Methanogenic activity (MA) of the retained sludge in the thermophilic MS-UASB reactor was assessed along the time course of continuous run by serum-vial test using different substrates as a vial sole substrate. With the elapsed time of continuous run, hydrogen-utilizing MA, acetate-utilizing MA and propionate-fed MA increased at maximum of 13.2, 1.95 and 0.263 kgCOD kgVSS(-1) d(-1), respectively, indicating that propionate-fed MA attained only 1/50 of hydrogen-utilizing MA and 1/7 of acetate-utilizing MA. Since the ADWW applied herewith is a typical seasonal campaign wastewater, the influence of shut-down upon the decline in sludge MA was also investigated. Hydrogen-utilizing MA and acetate-utilizing MA decreased slightly by 3/4, during a month of non-feeding period, whereas propionate-fed MA were decreased significantly by 1/5. Relatively low values of propionate-fed MA and its vulnerability to adverse conditions suggests that the propionate degradation step is the most critical bottleneck of overall anaerobic degradation of organic matters under thermophilic condition.  相似文献   

An anaerobic hybrid reactor (UASB/Filter) was used for petrochemical wastewater treatment in mesophilic conditions. The seeded flocculent sludge from a UASB plant treating dairy wastewater, acclimatized to the petrochemical wastes in a two-stage operation. After start up, under steady-state conditions, experiments were conducted at OLRs of between 0.5 and 24 kg TCOD m(-3) d(-1), hydraulic retention times (HRT) of 4-48 h and up-flow velocities 0.021-0.25 mh(-1). Removal efficiencies in the range of 42-86% were achieved at feed TCOD concentrations of 1,000-4,000 mg L(-1). The results of reactor performance at different operational conditions and its relations are presented and discussed in this paper. Then, the obtained data are used for determination of kinetic models. The results showed that a second-order model and a modified Stover-Kincannon model were the most appropriate models for this reactor. Finally, the biogas production data were used for the determination of biogas production kinetics.  相似文献   

The operation of an activated sludge process at a paper mill (AIPM) in Hedera, Israel, was often characterized by disturbances. As part of a research and development project, a study on new biological treatment was initiated. The study included the operation of three pilot units: a. anaerobic treatment by upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB); b. aerobic treatment by two pilot units including activated sludge and membrane bioreactor (MBR), which have been operated in parallel for comparison reasons. The pilot plant working on anaerobic treatment performed COD reduction from 2,365 to 755 mg/L, expressed as average values. Based on the pilot study, a full scale anaerobic treatment system has been erected. During a period of 100 days, after achieving steady state, the MBR system provided steady operation performance, while the activated sludge produced effluent characterized by oscillatory qualities. The following results, based on average values, indicate much lower suspended solids concentrations in the MBR effluent, 2.5 mg/L, as compared to 25 mg/L in the activated sludge. The ability to develop and maintain a concentration of over 11,000 mg/L of mixed liquor volatile suspended solids in the MBR enabled an intensive bioprocess at relatively high cell residence time. This study demonstrates that the anaerobic process, followed by aerobic MBR can provide effluent of high quality which can be considered for economic reuse in the paper mill industry.  相似文献   

采用浸没式超滤膜处理水厂沉淀池出水的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究采用中试规模的浸没式超滤(UF)膜系统处理水厂沉淀池出水,为现有传统水厂的升级改造提供技术依据。试验中考察了UF膜系统对水质的改善情况及不同水质期内有机物的组成特征,结果表明:膜出水浊度≤0.1 NTU的保证率在96.5%以上,膜系统对CODMn和UV254的平均去除率分别为14.3%和9.0%;不同水质期的沉淀池出水DOC在各相对分子质量区间的分布有较大差别,混凝过程产生的高价离子修饰作用在膜分离池可能被减弱,且预氯化过程对大分子有机物具有氧化作用,这些因素都影响了DOC的去除效果。  相似文献   

Reetha (Sapindus trifoliata) seed extract and Chitosan were used as additives in the sludge bed of a UASB reactor treating low strength wastewater to enhance granulation. Five parallel laboratory scale UASB reactors were operated for 250 days with synthetic wastewater feed containing COD in the range of 600-800 mg/L. The reactors were seeded with spent sludge from a full-scale 5MLD UASB treatment plant at Jajmau, Kanpur, India. The seed sludge contained little or no granules. Different additives in the five reactors were as follows: control with no additive, cationic part of Reetha extract as additive, anionic part of Reetha extract as additive, bulk Reetha extract as additive and Chitosan as additive. The granulation rapidly increased in all the reactors beyond the 90th day of operation. The mean granule sizes as well as the fraction of granular sludge (particle size > or = 100 microm) were more in the presence of some of the additives compared to the control reactor. Chitosan significantly enhanced granulation followed by the cationic and anionic fractions of the Reetha extract. The bulk Reetha extract did not show enhancement of granulation. The ESEM/EDAX results showed that the bigger granules (3-4 mm) had porous structure and appeared as conglomerates of smaller granules.  相似文献   

The treatment of grey water in two upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors, operated at different hydraulic retention times (HRTs) and temperatures, was investigated. The first reactor (UASB-A) was operated at ambient temperature (14-25 degrees C) and HRT of 20, 12 and 8 h, while the second reactor (UASB-30) was operated at controlled temperature of 30 degrees C and HRT of 16, 10 and 6 h. The two reactors were fed with grey water from 'Flintenbreite' settlement in Luebeck, Germany. When the grey water was treated in the UASB reactor at 30 degrees C, total chemical oxygen demand (CODt) removal of 52-64% was achieved at HRT between 6 and 16 h, while at lower temperature lower removal (31-41%) was obtained at HRT between 8 and 20 h. Total nitrogen and phosphorous removal in the UASB reactors were limited (22-36 and 10-24%, respectively) at all operational conditions. The results showed that at increasing temperature or decreasing HRT of the reactors, maximum specific methanogenic activity of the sludge in the reactors improved. As the UASB reactor showed a significantly higher COD removal (31-64%) than the septic tank (11-14%) even at low temperature, it is recommended to use UASB reactor instead of septic tank (the most common system) for grey water pre-treatment. Based on the achieved results and due to high peak flow factor, a HRT between 8 and 12 h can be considered the suitable HRT for the UASB reactor treating grey water at temperature 20-30 degrees C, while a HRT of 12-24 h can be applied at temperature lower than 20 degrees C.  相似文献   

A wastewater containing a mixture of methanol, isopropyl alcohol, ethylene glycol, acetic anhydride, methyl, ethyl and isopropyl acetate, acrylic acid, butyl and methyl acrylate, o, m and p-xylene and styrene was fed to an UASB reactor. Isopropanol addition diminished the removal efficiency to 60% and required a long adaptation time for its total mineralization. When acrylic acid was added to the mixture, the removal dropped to 83% and recovered after 40 days. As for the rest of the substrates, p-m-o-xylene addition had no effect on reactor performance, although in batch assays it showed low mineralization. Also the effect of volumetric organic load on removal efficiency was followed up. After diminishing the HRT to 4 and 3 h yielding 4.8 and 6.5 gCOD L(-1) d(-1), removal efficiencies decreased to 79 and 74% respectively.  相似文献   

The biological elimination of polymeric resins compounds (PRC) such as acrylic acid and their esters, vinyl acetate and styrene under methanogenic and oxygen-limited methanogenesis conditions was evaluated. Two UASB reactors (A and B) were used and the removal of the organic matter was studied in four stages. Reactor A was used as methanogenic control during the study. Initially both reactors were operated under methanogenic conditions. From the second stage reactor B was fed with 0.6 and 1 mg/L.d of oxygen (O2). Reactor A had diminution in chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency from 75+/-4% to 37+/-5%, by the increase of PRC loading rate from 750 to 1125 mg COD/L.d. In this reactor there was no styrene elimination. In reactor B the COD removal efficiency was between 73+/-5% and 80+/-2%, even with the addition of O2 and increase of the PRC loading rate, owing to oxygen being used in the partial oxidation of these compounds. In this reactor the yields were modified from 0.56 to 0.40 for CH4 and from 0.31 to 0.60 for CO2. The O2 in low concentrations increased 40.7% the consumption rates of acrylic acid, methyl acrylate and vinyl acetate, allowing styrene consumption with a rate of 0.103 g/L.d. Batch cultures demonstrated that under methanogenic and oxygen-limited methanogenesis conditions, the glucose was not used as an electron acceptor in the elimination of PRC.  相似文献   

Biological ammonia-nitrogen removal utilizes two distinct processes, nitrification and denitrification. In nitrification, ammonia oxidizes to nitrite then to nitrate. In this study, elimination of nitrite oxidation to nitrate step was attempted in order to directly remove nitrite to nitrogen gas by denitrification. For this study the supernatant from an anaerobic digester was used as an ammonia source and a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) was employed. Emphasis was given to the evaluation of the operational factors affecting nitrite accumulation and the elucidation of kinetics for biological nitrification and denitrification. Accumulation of nitrite in the nitrification process was achieved by suppressing the growth of Nitrobacter, a nitrite oxidizer, by loading high concentration ammonia supernatant immediately after all ammonia in the previous loading was oxidized to nitrite. Nitrite oxidation was taking place as the solid retention time (SRT) was increased from 2.5 days to 3.0 days in a continuously aerated SBR mode with daily feeding. However, nitrite accumulation was achieved even at longer SRT of 5 days when the aeration and non-aeration periods were appropriately combined and the non-aeration period can be used for denitrification of the accumulated nitrite with a carbon source supplied.  相似文献   

A new nitrogen removal process (up-flow sludge blanket and aerobic filter, USB-AF) was proposed and tested with real sewage. In the USB reactor, the larger part of influent organic and nitrogen matters were removed, and ammonia was effectively oxidized in the subsequent aerobic filter. The role of the aerobic filter was to convert ammonia into nitrate, an electron acceptor that could convert soluble organic matters into volatile suspended solid (VSS) in the USB. The accumulated as well as influent VSS in the USB was finally degraded to fermented products that were another good carbon source for denitrification. Total COD, settleable COD and soluble COD in the raw sewage were 325, 80 and 140 mg/l, respectively. Most unsettleable COD as well as some SCOD in the influent was successfully removed in the USB. TCOD removal in the anoxic filter was by denitrification with the recycled nitrate. Low COD input to the aerobic filter could increase nitrification efficiency, reduce the start-up period and save the aeration energy in the USB-AF system. About 95% of ammonia was nitrified in the aerobic filter with no relation to the influent ammonia concentration. Denitrification efficiency of the recycled nitrate in the anoxic filter was about 85, 83, and 72% at recycle ratios of 100, 200, and 300%, respectively. T-N removal efficiency was 70% at recycle ratio of 300%.  相似文献   

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