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Various problems encountered in designing a resilient data communications network to link Lazard Brothers' London, Jersey and Guernsey sites are detailed. As the network had to be capable of supporting a delay-critical (Unisys-Burroughs) poll/select environment, it was decided that the network should be based on time division multiplexers rather than statistical multiplexers, and connected to a delta configuration via high speed modems and leased analogue lines (no digital services being currently available between the UK mainland and the Channel Islands). A PC-based network management system was developed to monitor and control the network.  相似文献   

The use of neural networks as global approximation tool in crashworthiness problems is here investigated. Neural networks are not only asked to return some meaningful indices of the structural behavior but also to reproduce load-time curves during crash phenomena. To contain the number of examples required for the training process, parallel subsystems of small neural networks are designed. Design points for the training process are obtained by explicit finite element analyses performed by PAMCRASH. The settlement of the points in the design domain is defined using a maximum distance concept. The procedure is applied to different typical absorption structures made of aluminum alloy: riveted tubes, honeycomb structures, longitudinal keel beam and intersection elements of helicopter subfloors.  相似文献   

随着农行网络建设及规模的迅速发展,网络结构的复杂性日益增加,需要选用高效率的路由协议,以提高网络的效率和性能。开放式最短路径优先协议(Open Shortest Path First,OSPF)是目前一种使用较为广泛的一种内部路由协议,很多优点使得在农行的网络建设中得到了应用。在分析和比较RIP(Routing Information Protocol)和OSPF协议的基础上,提出了一种针对OSPF协议的网络性能分析系统。  相似文献   

首先基于银行账户交易的特点,建立了一个有向加权的银行账户交易网络通用模型。进而,根据复杂网络的定义,从网络结构和节点2个层面,验证了交易网络的复杂网络特性。其中,网络结构特性包括静态特性(即无标度特性和小世界特性)和动态演化特性(即自组织特性)。此外,使用吸引子特性验证了复杂网络节点的动力学特征。分析包含非法传销交易的真实银行交易数据,得出如下结论:该网络具有无标度特性、小世界特性、部分自组织特性和奇异吸引子。  相似文献   

目前,血站主要靠冰箱或冷冻箱来保存血液,通过人工抄录,人工调节的方法来保持合适的温度,这种方法不仅浪费了人力资源,而且经常有漏抄、误抄等现象的出现。所以寻求一种更为科学、高效的温度控制方法是血站进行血液管理的当务之急。  相似文献   

Artificial immune systems (AIS) have been widely utilized for pattern recognition and data analysis in various fields of science and technology, and artificial immune networks (AIN) are based on AIS. In this study, an artificial immune network is used for collaborative filtering as a classification model for bank term deposit recommendations, once feature selection has been applied to filter out key features for classification purposes. AIN is used to represent a network of customers with bank term deposits, and it can be adopted as a group decision-making model in predicting whether a new customer will have a term deposit or not. Formulae for calculating the affinity between an antigen and an antibody, and the affinity of an antigen to an immune network are also developed. A series of experiments are conducted, and the results are very encouraging. Despite the class imbalance problem in the test dataset, the proposed model outperformed other models, achieving the highest accuracy in testing.  相似文献   

随着信息安全的发展与进步,传统恶意代码的生存空间也变得越来越狭窄。然而黑客的攻击活动并未就此而终止,他们会不断发展新攻击手段和隐藏技术来提升其恶意代码的生存能力。本文剖析的样本便是这些恶意代码之一的Android平台的新型银行木马"Moq Hao"。该银行木马为了逃避流量端监测与追踪,不仅加密了通信流量而且还利用合法的社交网络作为其C&C跳板地址;为了躲避安全软件查杀,将恶意dex加密隐藏于资源目录下;此外在银行APP钓鱼攻击的实现上还具有较大的隐蔽性和迷惑性以达到窃取银行账户的目的。本文将利用Android逆向工程技术及恶意代码分析技术深入的对该银行木马进行剖析,阐述其工作原理和实现机制。  相似文献   

介绍了网银圈存系统中的圈存机及上位机部分和WEB图存缴费系统的设计和特点,分析了各模块之间通信和数据采集的方式和技巧;通过对大量实验数据的测试和实际应用,验证了系统的性能和其他指标,保证系统能较好地达到校园卡单卡在线自助圈存的目的.  相似文献   

在现代经济中,银行间的业务往来关系形成了错综复杂的网络系统,基于复杂网络理论来研究银行系统的问题已成为一个研究热点.对此,通过系统地梳理研究文献,分别从复杂网络理论在银行网络结构特征、银行系统风险传染、银行系统性风险评估和银行系统稳健性等方面的应用研究进展进行述评,并指出在银行系统中应用复杂网络理论需要进一步探究的方向.  相似文献   

“放心用网银,安全中国行”三城市巡展启动新闻发布会9月15日在北京世纪金源大饭店举行,由中国金融认证中心(简称CFCA)联合中国工商银行、中国农业银行、中国建设银行、交通银行、华夏银行、民生银行、兴业银行、广东发展银行、深圳发展银行、上海浦东发展银行、北京银行14家商  相似文献   

近年来,针对涉众型非法金融活动在资金交易规律的研究引起了研究者的高度关注。为解决利用银行交易数据进行异常账户犯罪团伙主动发现的问题,提出一种基于银行账户非对称亲密度网络的团伙预测方法。首先,建立银行账户交易通用网络模型,将时序交易数据嵌入网络结构中。然后,利用节点的直接和间接交易关系信息,提出一种账户非对称亲密度计算方法。最终,利用节点在亲密度网络上的非对称交互信息,得到节点的异常倾向性指标。在包含传销团伙的真实数据上的实验结果表明,基于亲密度网络的团伙预测方法能有效发现潜在传销人员。  相似文献   

近年来,非法传销、非法集资和洗钱等涉众型非法金融活动屡禁不止,从资金交易网络中进行异常检测的研究,逐渐引起研究者的重视。非法组织中银行账户间的资金流转方式隐含了其成员的关系架构。以关键角色账户为核心种子节点,结合交易关系进行特定异常组织的发现研究。首先,基于银行账户的交易特点,建立了一个有向加权资金交易网络模型。进而,结合账户的局部拓扑结构,定义了组织中的两种核心节点,即黑洞节点和星光节点。利用两种节点的关联关系,提出一种“黑洞&星光”组织发现算法。在含有传销组织的真实银行交易数据上进行实验,结果表明上述算法对发现传销组织的有效性。  相似文献   

《Micro, IEEE》2002,22(4)
In the latter half of the past decade, the electronics business became a part of the telephone business. Quite unexpectedly, many parts of the electronics industry - particularly data switch makers - found their economic welfare tied to four decades of regulatory experimentation. In this experimentation, regulators wanted to develop competitors in various parts of the telephony industry. One catalyst for the change was the US Telecommunications Act of 1996 - the first major alteration to US federal communications law in more than 60 years. At the same time, the Internet exploded into commercial use, fueling the demand for bandwidth affiliated with data transmission. The general public does not widely understand these changes. This is understandable, because the events themselves were genuinely complicated. Nonetheless, if you have an eerie sense that these changes did not go well, you are right. Many of these new competitors have gone bankrupt. Some analysts now view US transmission capacity as needlessly overbuilt. Others view this crash as marking the beginning of the end to deregulation for local telephony. This situation will take some explaining  相似文献   

针对RBF神经网络确定核函数中心时没有考虑输入样本分类指标权重的问题,提出了一种动态加权聚类算法.在算法中利用样本之间的加权距离代替了欧氏距离作为选定核函数中心的量度.在此基础上,建立了信用评价模型,利用已知类别的样本对模型进行训练,再利用训练好的模型对未知类别的样本进行预测,实验结果验证了模型的有效性.  相似文献   

The paper describes the design and development of the Ogle-MIRA anthropomorphic dummies over the past five years. In the motor industry these dummies are used in safety testing of vehicles and the design of restraint systems. The work started at MIRA in 1969 to produce a dummy which was sufficiently realistic to test steering columns and safety belts for vehicle occupants. The first dummies were manufactured by David Ogle Ltd in 1972 and an advanced dummy (the OPAT Dummy) has now been designed in collaboration with the Transport aand Road Research Laboratory.  相似文献   

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