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新一代的Web Services技术   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
电子商务的应用对在Internet上的互操作提出了更高的要求,介绍了基于XML的Web Services结构框架,技术目标,并就其存在的问题和发展方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   

A Roadmap of Agent Research and Development   总被引:123,自引:0,他引:123  
This paper provides an overview of research and development activities in the field of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems. It aims to identify key concepts and applications, and to indicate how they relate to one-another. Some historical context to the field of agent-based computing is given, and contemporary research directions are presented. Finally, a range of open issues and future challenges are highlighted.  相似文献   

Since real-time search provides an attractive framework for resource-bounded problem solving, this paper extends the framework for autonomous agents and for a multiagent world. To adaptively control search processes, we propose -search which allows suboptimal solutions with error, and -search which balances the tradeoff between exploration and exploitation. We then consider search in uncertain situations, where the goal may change during the course of the search, and propose a moving target search (MTS) algorithm. We also investigate real-time bidirectional search (RTBS) algorithms, where two problem solvers cooperatively achieve a shared goal. Finally, we introduce a new problem solving paradigm, called organizational problem solving, for multiagent systems.  相似文献   

Advertising plays an important role in modern free markets. Furthermore, advertising is moving towards the establishment of one-to-one marketing relationships. Thus, personalized advertisement is currently considered as a hot topic in product promotion as it can be proved beneficial for all the key players, such as the advertisers, the advertised companies, as well as the consumers. Interactive TV and WWW can provide the means for personalized advertising. But of course, special systems and platforms for personalization must be first developed. This paper proposes a prototype system which efficiently achieves the personalization of the advertisements in the environment of digital interactive TV. Thus, the environment for the exploitation of the proposed system are examined, the details in design and implementation are given, while extensive operation testing and evaluation are provided proving its high applicability in real business environments.  相似文献   

基于中间件的分布式电力监控系统设计与研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种基于中间件、面向服务的分布式电力监控系统设计思路,论述了系统层次划分、关键节点抽象、服务设计等关键问题,讨论了数据服务和数据交换的原理与设计思路,并给出了工作流程。文章最后对系统界面远程可视化、系统合并以及时间同步等问题提出了解决方案。  相似文献   

This paper describes a set of tools that enables developers to log and analyze the run-time behavior of distributed control systems. A feature of the tools is that they can be applied to distributed systems. The logging tools enable developers to instrument C or C++ programs so that data indicating state changes can be logged automatically in a variety of formats. In particular, run-time data from distributed systems can be synchronized into a single relational database. Tools are also provided for visualizing the logged data. Analysis to verify correct program behavior is done using a new interval logic that is described in this paper. The logic enables system engineers to express temporal specifications for the autonomous control program that are then checked against the logged data. The data logging, visualization, and interval logic analysis tools are all fully implemented. Results are given from a NASA distributed autonomous control system application.  相似文献   

When users interact with a voice-operated service, they bring along their habits as well as their expectations from experience with human-human dialogues, with the domain, and with other systems and services. In addition, users' expectations are further shaped while using a system. The present study explores the extent to which user-system interaction, and in particular difficulties in the interaction, are affected by users' expectations and (mis)conceptions of the service, and how these expectations evolve during use. In an exploratory study, twenty subjects queried two different train travel information services. A semi-structured interview was held on subjects' dialogues with the systems, by replaying the recordings together with the subjects. In interacting with voice-operated services, users appear to draw from various sources of experience. Users' misconceptions and misunderstandings of the system lead to various problems in interaction, such as undesired travel suggestions and irritation. The implications for the design of voice-operated services are discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines how to use big data analytics services to enhance business intelligence (BI). More specifically, this article proposes an ontology of big data analytics and presents a big data analytics service-oriented architecture (BASOA), and then applies BASOA to BI, where our surveyed data analysis shows that the proposed BASOA is viable for enhancing BI and enterprise information systems. This article also explores temporality, expectability, and relativity as the characteristics of intelligence in BI. These characteristics are what customers and decision makers expect from BI in terms of systems, products, and services of organizations. The proposed approach in this article might facilitate the research and development of business analytics, big data analytics, and BI as well as big data science and big data computing.  相似文献   

The decentralized navigation function methodology, established in our previous work for navigation of multiple holonomic agents with global sensing capabilities is extended to the case of local sensing capabilities. Each agent plans its actions without knowing the destinations of the others and the positions of those agents lying outside its sensing neighborhood. The stability properties of the closed loop system are checked via Lyapunov stability techniques for nonsmooth systems. The collision avoidance and global convergence properties are verified through simulations. This work was partially presented in [5].  相似文献   

分析并实现了信息导航区、细节展现功能区、媒体索引功能区、卡片功能区以及相关链接区的展现模式和关键技术。通过多维数据组织和模版技术,初步解决了用户展现需求与数据资源建设不同步的问题,实现了精确信息服务与数据资源库的分离。  相似文献   

介绍了证券公司如何规划信息系统架构,信息系统间如何使用应用型数据交换中间件实现信息共享。  相似文献   

随着网络时代的迅速发展以及我国对数据信息可视化的深入研究,大数据的资源提供对于各个行业也变得越来越重要。尤其是对于股票数据的分析,如何更好地进行各股之间的相关性分析已经成为当今股票分析的重中只重。希望通过此次分析,可以为股票数据信息可视化技术的发展以及对于股票预测的训练提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

针对移动机器人自主导航系统,采用C++语言设计了一款基于Qt的跨平台实时数据可视化上位机软件;该软件执行SLAM技术和路径规划算法,实现可视化移动机器人建图与导航过程以及实时读取数据参数等功能;首先介绍移动机器人的硬件结构和功能;其次给出了自主导航所运用到的改进RRT*算法和动态窗口法;在详细叙述上位机软件工作流程的基础上,开发和设计了实时话题显示、读取以及界面可视化等功能;最后基于ROS系统完成移动机器人自主导航功能,并通过实时地图与数据可视化来验证所设计上位机软件功能的有效性。  相似文献   

长江水文泥沙数据资料对长江河道综合整治、防洪、规划、水利水电工程建设、两岸经济建设、航运管理和水文泥沙研究具有重要的价值,需要实现数据的广泛共享。针对实际需求,研究开发了水文泥沙信息网络发布系统。重点研究了系统体系结构、功能结构和网络结构,采用了先进的数据动态发布和数据可视化技术,实现了长江水文泥沙属性数据,长江水文泥沙二维图形数据,长江三维数据的网络发布与可视化服务等功能。该系统的研发可以推动“数字长江”进程。  相似文献   

信息设计(information design)是一个迅速发展的学科,也是一个引人瞩目的新兴研究点。本文从信息设计的定义入手,然后从信息设计的用途、如何应用信息设计等角度展开分析研究。论文中举了大量的例子,希望能够帮助读者更好的理解。  相似文献   

基于商品分类信息的关联规则聚类   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
关联规则挖掘经常产生大量的规则,为了帮助用户做探索式分析,需要对规则进行有效的组织。聚类是一种有效的组织方法,已有的规则聚类方法在计算规则间距离时都需要扫描原始数据集,效率很低,而且聚类结果是固定数目的簇,不利于探索式分析.针对这些问题,提出了一种新的方法,它基于商品分类信息度量规则间的距离,避免了耗时的原始数据集扫描;然后用OPTICS聚类算法产生便于探索式分析的聚类结构。最后用某个零售业公司的实际交易数据做了实验,并通过可视化工具演示了聚类效果,实验结果表明此方法是实用有效的。  相似文献   

The development of component-based software engineering enables the construction of application servers by integrating reliable OTS middleware services. However it is di cult to achieve exibility in conventional hard coding way. In this paper, we propose a exible OTS middleware services integration framework to address this problem. In this framework, we de ne two kinds of modules: the middleware service contract module to represent the stable contract which speci es the abstract interaction logic between the application server and a kind of middleware services, and the middleware service implementation module to encapsulate the mutable implementation details of di erent OTS middleware services in a uni ed way. Additionally, we propose a module management mechanism to enable the application server to replace the OTS products at runtime via con guration. We implement the framework in a J2EE application server, and the evaluations show that our framework effectively reduces the cost and the time of maintaining and customizing the OTS middleware services-based application server.  相似文献   

The Iowa Flood Information System (IFIS) is a web-based platform developed at the Iowa Flood Center (IFC) in order to provide access to flood inundation maps, real-time flood conditions, flood forecasts, flood-related data, information, applications, and interactive visualizations for communities in Iowa. The IFIS provides community-centric watershed and river characteristics, rainfall conditions, and stream-flow data and visualization tools. Interactive interfaces allow access to inundation maps for different stage and return period values as well as to flooding scenarios with contributions from multiple rivers. Real-time and historical data of water levels, gauge heights, hourly and seasonal flood forecasts, and rainfall conditions are made available by integrating data from NEXRAD radars, IFC stream sensors, and USGS and National Weather Service (NWS) stream gauges. The IFIS provides customized flood-related data, information, and visualization for over 1000 communities in Iowa. To help reduce the damage from floods, the IFIS helps communities make better-informed decisions about the occurrence of floods and alerts communities in advance using NWS and IFC forecasts. The integrated and modular design and structure of the IFIS allows easy adaptation of the system in other regional and scientific domains. This paper provides an overview of the design and capabilities of the IFIS that was developed as a platform to provide one-stop access to flood-related information.  相似文献   

随着分布式系统的发展和完善,其应用日趋广泛,同时用户对分布式系统的服务质量(QoS)提出了更高的要求。该文设计了一个基于分布式信息服务平台的协调中间件模型,该模型引入数据新鲜度作为新的QoS参数,从而满足了用户的定量QoS要求,提高了平台的服务质量。  相似文献   

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