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Electrical properties of tantalum oxide (Ta2O5) thin films formed by metalorganic decomposition have been studied with respect to their defect states. A shallow band of defect states, which are the origin of hole traps, is detected by thermally stimulated current. The defect states in the Ta2O5 films are fully suppressed with additive elements such as TiO2 and WO3. It is considered that oxygen vacancies are fully compensated by Ti4+ ions or W6+ ions that are substitutionally incorporated into Ta5+ sites.  相似文献   

Aluminum nitride films were deposited, at 200 °C, on silicon substrates by RF sputtering. Effects of rapid thermal annealing on these films, at temperatures ranging from 400 to 1000 °C, have been studied. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) revealed that the characteristic absorption band of Al–N, around 684 cm−1, became prominent with increased annealing temperature. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns exhibited a better, c-axis, (0 0 2) oriented AlN films at 800 °C. Significant rise in surface roughness, from 2.1 to 3.68 nm, was observed as annealing temperatures increased. Apart from these observations, micro-cracks were observed at 1000 °C. Insulator charge density increased from 2×1011 to 7.7×1011 cm−2 at higher temperatures, whereas, the interface charge density was found minimum, 3.2×1011 eV−1cm−2, at 600 °C.  相似文献   

Tantalum doped indium oxide films are prepared by RF magnetron sputtering technique and the films are annealed in air at 300 °C. The effect of Ta doping on the structural, morphological, and optical properties of the annealed films are studied using techniques like X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), EDX analysis, micro-Raman, UV–visible and photoluminescence spectroscopy and electrical measurements. The XRD patterns present a cubic bixbyite structure for all the films with preferred orientation along the (222) plane. The lattice constant estimation presents a reduction in lattice size with Ta doping. The W–H plot shows a tensile strain for all the films and also indicates the presence of strain induced broadening of the XRD peaks. The Raman spectra present all the characteristic modes of In2O3 cubic bixbyite phase. FESEM and AFM images show the uniform and dense distribution of smaller grains in the films. All the films show high transmittance (above 85%) in the 400–900 nm region. Electrical measurement shows a systematic increase of carrier concentration and electrical conductivity with increase in Ta doping concentration. Band gap energy increases with increase in Ta doping concentration. All the films show intense PL emission in the UV region.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the influences of film thickness on structural and electrical properties of dc magnetron sputter-deposited copper (Cu) films on p-type silicon. Cu films with thicknesses of 130-1050 nm were deposited from Cu target at sputtering power of 125 W in argon ambient gas pressure of 3.6 mTorr at room temperature. The electrical and structural properties of the Cu films were investigated by four-point probe, atomic force microscopy (AFM) as well as X-ray diffraction (XRD). Results from our experiment show that the grain grows with increasing film thickness, along with enhanced film crystallinity. The root mean square (RMS) roughness as well as the lateral feature size increase with the Cu film thickness, which is associated with the increase in the grain size. On the other hand, the Cu film resistivity decreases to less than 5 μΩ-cm for 500 nm thick film, and further increase in the film thickness has no significant effects on the film resistivity. Possible mechanisms of film thickness dependent microstructure formation of these Cu films are discussed in the paper, which explain the interrelationship of grain growth and film resistivity with increasing Cu film thickness.  相似文献   

ZnO thin films were deposited on silicon substrate by rf magnetron sputtering from metallic zinc target. The electrical properties of ZnO are currently being studied. In this work, measurements of the ac conductivity properties of ZnO sandwich structures with silver and platinum electrodes are reported. The frequency dependence of both the ac conductivity and dielectric constant of thin films of ZnO have been investigated in the frequency range 5 kHz-13 MHz. It is shown that the total ac conductivity σ(ω), obeys the equation σ(ω)=S where s is an index which increases with frequency and decreases with temperature. It appears that for ZnO films, the conduction mechanism is thermally activated and both the overlap large polaron tunnelling and the correlated barrier-hopping of charge carrier over localized states fit the experimental data. The dielectric constant, εr, lies in the range 8-9 at room temperature and is independent of the frequency in the dielectric thin films.  相似文献   

In this work hafnium oxide (HfO2) was deposited by r.f. magnetron sputtering at room temperature and then annealed at 200 °C in forming gas (N2+H2) and oxygen atmospheres, respectively for 2, 5 and 10 h. After 2 h annealing in forming gas an improvement in the interface properties occurs with the associated flat band voltage changing from −2.23 to −1.28 V. This means a reduction in the oxide charge density from 1.33×1012 to 7.62×1011 cm−2. After 5 h annealing only the dielectric constant improves due to densification of the film. Finally, after 10 h annealing we notice a degradation of the electrical film's properties, with the flat band voltage and fixed charge density being −2.96 V and 1.64×1012 cm−2, respectively. Besides that, the leakage current also increases due to crystallization. On the other hand, by depositing the films at 200 °C or annealing it in an oxidizing atmosphere no improvements are observed when comparing these data to the ones obtained by annealing the films in forming gas. Here the flat band voltage is more negative and the hysteresis on the CV plot is larger than the one recorded on films annealed in forming gas, meaning a degradation of the interfacial properties.  相似文献   

Gallium-doped zinc oxide (GZO) thin films with very high conductivity and transparency were successfully deposited by RF magnetron sputtering at a substrate temperature of 400 °C. The dependence of the film properties over the thickness was investigated. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results revealed the polycrystalline nature of the films with hexagonal wurtzite structure having preferential orientation along [001] direction normal to the substrate. The lowest resistivity obtained from electrical studies was 5.4×10−4 Ω cm. The optical properties were studied using a UV–vis spectrophotometer and the average transmittance in the visible region (400–700 nm) was found to be 92%, relative to the transmittance of a soda–lime glass reference for a GZO film of thickness 495 nm and also the transparency of the films decreases in the near IR region of the spectra. The mobility of the films showed a linear dependence with crystallite size. GZO film of thickness 495 nm with the highest figure of merit indicates that the GZO film is suitable as an ideal transparent conducting oxide (TCO) material for solar cell applications.  相似文献   

Samples of (Dy–Mn) oxide thin films were prepared on quartz and Si(p) substrates for optical and electrical investigations. These samples were annealed at different temperatures and characterised by UV–VIS absorption spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The XRF spectrum was used to determine the weight fraction ratio of Mn to Dy in the prepared samples. The XRD shows that Dy oxide and Mn oxide prevent each other to crystallise alone or making a solid solution even at 600 °C. However, compound of DyMnO3 was formed through the solid-state reaction for T > 800 °C. The ac-conductance and capacitance were studied, as a function of frequency and gate voltage and the fixed and interface charge densities were determined. It was found that the “correlated barrier hopping” CBH model controls the frequency dependence of the conductivity, while the Kramers–Kronig (KK) relations explain the frequency dependence of the capacitance. The parameters of CBH model were determined and show that the ac-conduction in crystalline (Dy–Mn) oxide is realised by bipolaron mechanism, where the barrier height of hopping is equal to the bandgap determined the UV–VIS absorption spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Solution-processed p-type gallium tin oxide (GTO) transparent semiconductor thin films were prepared at a low temperature of 300 °C using ultraviolet (UV)-assisted annealing instead of conventional high-temperature annealing (> 500 °C). We report the effects of UV irradiation time on the structural, optical, and electrical properties of sol-gel derived GTO thin films and a comparison study of the physical properties of UV-assisted annealed (UVA) and conventional thermally annealed (CTA) GTO thin films. The Ga doping content was fixed at 15 at% in the precursor solution ([Ga]/[Sn]+[Ga] = 15%). After a spin-coating and preheating procedure was performed two times, the dried sol-gel films were heated on a hotplate at 300 °C under UV light irradiation for 1–4 h. Each UVA GTO thin film had a dense microstructure and flat free surface and exhibited an average optical transmittance approaching 85.0%. The level of crystallinity, crystallite size, and hole concentration density of the GTO thin films increased with increasing UV irradiation time. In this study, the UVA 4 h thin film samples exhibited the highest hole concentration (9.87 × 1017 cm−3) and the lowest resistivity (1.8 Ω cm) and had a hole mobility of 5.1 cm2/Vs.  相似文献   

Structural and electrical properties of brush plated ZnTe films   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zinc telluride thin films were deposited by the brush plating technique at a potential of −0.90 V (SCE) on conducting glass and titanium substrates at different temperatures in the range 30–90 °C. The films were polycrystalline in nature with peaks corresponding to the cubic phase. Direct band gap of 2.30 eV was observed. XPS studiers indicated the formation of ZnTe. Depth profiling studies indicated a uniform distribution of Zn and Te throughout the entire thickness. EDAX measurements were made on the films and it was found that there was a slight excess of Te. The carrier concentration was found to vary from 1014–1015 cm−3 with increase of substrate temperature. The mobility was found to vary from 5 to 60 cm2 V−1 s−1.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the effects of substrate temperature on electrical and structural properties of dc magnetron sputter-deposited copper (Cu) thin films on p-type silicon. Copper films of 80 and 500 nm were deposited from Cu target in argon ambient gas pressure of 3.6 mTorr at different substrate temperatures ranging from room temperature to 250 °C. The electrical and structural properties of the Cu films were investigated by four-point probe and atomic force microscopy. Results from our experiment show that the increase in substrate temperature generally promotes the grain growth of the Cu films of both thicknesses. The RMS roughness as well as the lateral feature size increase with the substrate temperature, which is associated with the increase in the grain size. On the other hand, the resistivity for 80 nm Cu film decreases to less than 5 μΩ-cm at the substrate temperature of 100 °C, and further increase in the substrate temperature has not significantly decreased the film resistivity. For the 500 nm Cu films, the increase in the grain size with the substrate temperature does not conform to the film resistivity for these Cu films, which show no significant change over the substrate temperature range. Possible mechanisms of substrate-temperature-dependent microstructure formation of these Cu films are discussed in this paper, which explain the interrelationship of grain growth and film resistivity with elevated substrate temperature.  相似文献   

Transparent conducting indium tin oxide (ITO) thin films with the thickness of 300 nm were deposited on quartz substrates via electron beam evaporation, and five of them post-annealed in air atmosphere for 10 min at five selected temperature points from 200 °C to 600 °C, respectively. An UV–vis spectrophotometer and Hall measurement system were adopted to characterize the ITO thin films. Influence of thermal annealing in air atmosphere on electrical and optical properties was investigated in detail. The sheet resistance reached the minimum of 6.67 Ω/sq after annealed at 300 °C. It increased dramatically at even higher annealing temperature. The mean transmittance over the range from 400 nm to 800 nm reached the maximum of 89.03% after annealed at 400 °C, and the figure of merit reached the maximum of 17.79 (Unit: 10−3 Ω−1) under the same annealing condition. With the annealing temperature increased from 400 °C to 600 °C, the variations of transmittance were negligible, but the figure of merit decreased significantly due to the deterioration of electrical conductivity. With increasing the annealing temperature, the absorption edge shifted towards longer wavelength. It could be explained on the basis of Burstein–Moss shift. The values of optical band gap varied in the range of 3.866–4.392 eV.  相似文献   

The tantalum oxide thin films with a thickness of 14 nm were deposited at 95°C by electron cyclotron resonance plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (ECRPECVD), and annealed at various temperatures (700∼850°C) in O2 and N2 ambients. The microstructure and composition of the tantalum oxide thin films and the growth of interfacial silicon oxide layer were investigated and were related to the electrical characteristics of the film. Annealing in an O2 ambient led to a high dielectric constant (εr(Ta2O5) = 24) as well as a small leakage current (Ebd = 2.3 MV/cm), which were due to the improved stoichiometry and the decreased impurity carbon content. Annealing in an N2 ambient resulted in poor and nonuniform leakage current characteristics. The as-deposited tantalum oxide films were crystallized into δ-Ta2O5 after annealing at above 750°C regardless of the ambient. The leakage current of the film abruptly increased after annealing at 850°C probably because of the stress caused by thermal expansion or contraction.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to develop high quality of CuIn1−xGaxSe2 thin absorbing films with x (Ga/In+Ga)<0.3 by sputtering without selenization process. CuIn0.8Ga0.2Se2 (CIGS) thin absorbing films were deposited on soda lime glass substrate by RF magnetron sputtering using single quaternary chalcogenide (CIGS) target. The effect of substrate temperature, sputtering power & working pressure on structural, morphological, optical and electrical properties of deposited films were studied. CIGS thin films were characterised by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM), Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDAX), Atomic force microscopy (AFM), UV–vis–NIR spectroscopy and four probe methods. It was observed that microstructure, surface morphology, elemental composition, transmittance as well as conductivity of thin films were strongly dependent on deposition parameters. The optimum parameters for CIGS thin films were obtained at a power 100 W, pressure 5 mT and substrate temperature 500 °C. XRD revealed that thin film deposited at above said parameters was polycrystalline in nature with larger crystallite size (32 nm) and low dislocation density (0.97×1015 lines m−2). The deposited film also showed preferred orientation along (112) plane. The morphology of the film depicted by FE-SEM was compact and uniform without any micro cracks and pits. The deposited film exhibited good stoichiometry (Ga/In+Ga=0.19 and In/In+Ga=0.8) with desired Cu/In+Ga ratio (0.92), which is essential for high efficiency solar cells. Transmittance of deposited film was found to be very low (1.09%). The absorption coefficient of film was ~105 cm−1 for high energy photon. The band gap of CIGS thin film evaluated from transmission data was found to be 1.13 eV which is optimum for solar cell application. The electrical conductivity (7.87 Ω−1 cm−1) of deposited CIGS thin film at optimum parameters was also high enough for practical purpose.  相似文献   

Nanocrystalline CdO thin films were prepared onto a glass substrate at substrate temperature of 300 °C by a spray pyrolysis technique. Grown films were annealed at 250, 350, 450 and 550 °C for 2.5 h and studied by the X-ray diffraction, Hall voltage measurement, UV-spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscope. The X-ray diffraction study confirms the cubic structure of as-deposited and annealed films. The grain size increases whereas the dislocation density decreases with increasing annealing temperature. The Hall measurement confirms that CdO is an n-type semiconductor. The carrier density and mobility increase with increasing annealing temperature up to 450 °C. The temperature dependent dc resistivity of as-deposited film shows metallic behavior from room temperature to 370 K after which it is semiconducting in nature. The metallic behavior completely washed out by annealing the samples at different temperatures. Optical transmittance and band gap energy of the films are found to decrease with increasing annealing temperature and the highest transmittance is found in near infrared region. The refractive index and optical conductivity of the CdO thin films enhanced by annealing. Scanning electron microscopy confirms formation of nano-structured CdO thin films with clear grain boundary.  相似文献   

This work refers to the electro-optical and structural characteristics of titanium oxide (TiOx) thin films produced by radio frequency (r.f.) magnetron sputtering that present promising performances for gate dielectric applications, alone or in mixed tandem structures, such as with AlyOz films, taking advantage of its high dielectric constant. Films produced with a O2/Ar ratio between 0.1 and 0.15 present an improved stochiometry and density where the resistivity overcomes 1011 Ω cm and the fixed charge density decreases below 1012 cm−2. The deposition pressure influences greatly the growth rate that seems to be a determinant factor dictating the films properties.  相似文献   

Undoped and fluorine doped ZnO thin films were deposited onto glass substrates using successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) technique and then annealed at 350 °C in vacuum ambience. The F doping level was varied from 0 to 15 at% in steps of 5 at%. The XRD analysis showed that all the films are polycrystalline with hexagonal wurtzite structure and preferentially oriented along the (002) plane. Crystallite sizes were found to increase when 5 at% of F is doped and then decreased with further doping. It was seen from the SEM images that the doping causes remarkable changes in the surface morphology and the annealing treatment results in well-defined grains with an improvement in the grain size irrespective of doping level. All the films exhibit good transparency (>70%) after vacuum annealing. Electrical resistivity of the film was found to be minimum (1.32×10−3 Ω cm) when the fluorine doping level was 5 at%.  相似文献   

An effective method of dopant incorporation in rf sputtered ZnO film is reported. The electrical, optical and structural properties of zinc doped ZnO films are investigated. Electron mobility of∼10 cm2 /V-sec and electron concentration of∼1019 cm−3 have been measured at room temperature. X-ray diffraction data obtained on films prepared on Corning 7059 glass show (002) peak, dominating. The high electrical conductivity and transmission makes ZnO films very attractive as a component for heterojunction solar cells.  相似文献   

ZnO/Cu/ZnO transparent conductive multilayer films are prepared by simultaneous RF sputtering of ZnO and DC sputtering of Cu. The properties of the multilayer films are studied at different substrate temperatures. Sheet resistance of the multilayer film decreased initially with increase of substrate temperature and increased further with increase of substrate temperature beyond 100 °C. However, transmittance of the multilayer film increased with increase of substrate temperature. Good transparent conductive film of sheet resistance 9.3 Ω/sq and transmittance of 85% was found at a substrate temperature of 100 °C. The performance of the multilayer film was evaluated using a figure of merit. The observed property of the multilayer film is suitable for the application of transparent conductive electrodes.  相似文献   

Nickel oxide thin films were prepared by the sol–gel technique combined with spin coating onto glass substrates. The as-deposited films were pre-heated at 275 °C for 15 min and then annealed in air at different temperatures. The effects of the annealing temperature on the structural and optical properties of the films are studied. The results show that 600 °C is the optimum annealing temperature for preparation of NiO films with p-type conductivity and high optical transparency. Then, by using these optimized deposition parameters, NiO thin films of various thicknesses were deposited at the same experimental conditions and annealed under different atmospheres. Surface morphology of the films was investigated by atomic force microscopy. The surface morphology of the films varies with the annealing atmosphere. Optical transmission was studied by UV–vis spectrophotometer. The transmittance of films decreased as the thickness of films increased. The electrical resistivity, obtained by four-point probe measurements, was improved when NiO layers were annealed in N2 atmosphere at 600 °C.  相似文献   

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