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Cucurbitacins are bitter triterpenoid compounds that are toxic to most organisms and occur widely in wild and cultivated Cucurbitaceae. The only cucurbitacin identified in Cucumis sativus is cucurbitacin C. The bitter taste of cucumber has been correlated with resistance to the spider mite Tetranychus urticae, but a quantitative relationship has not been established. We determined the spider mite resistance and cucurbitacin C content in the dihaploid progeny derived from the F1 generation of a cross between a bitter, spider-mite-resistant cucumber line and a bitter-free, spider-mite-susceptible line. The ratio of the number of bitter to bitter-free dihaploids conformed to the expected 1:1 ratio, based on a monogenic segregation pattern. Genetic analysis ascribed 69% of the variance of the difference in spider mite survival rate to the bitterness locus. Within the group of bitter dihaploids, cucurbitacin C content was significantly correlated with spider mite resistance. Thus, a quantitative relationship between cucurbitacin C content and spider mite resistance could be established.  相似文献   

An increase in resistance to the two-spotted spider mite (TSSM),Tetranychus urticae Koch, is observed in field-grown strawberry plants during the period from flowering to postharvest. This seasonal phenomenon was investigated to determine the influence of the metabolic sink, that is, fruiting in the plant. Removal of flowers and fruit and partial removal of foliage did not alter the pattern of resistance of the strawberry plant to TSSM. Bioassays were conducted in concert with chemical analyses. Headspace chemicals emitted from foliage samples were entrained in air and trapped on Tenax, identified, and compared with those entrained in nitrogen and trapped. Terpenes were among the major compounds entrained in air, whereas alcohols were obtained with nitrogen. The air-entrained headspace compounds did not appear to correlate quantitatively with the development of mite resistance in the control plants or those subjected to metabolic sink (flower and fruit) removal. Evidence was obtained for the presence of heretofore unreported strawberry foliage headspace components, namely, (Z)-3-hexenyl 2-meth-ylbutyrate, (Z)-3-hexenyl tiglate, (E)--ocimene, (Z)--ocimene, -farnesene, and germacrene D.  相似文献   

The responses ofIps pini (Scolytidae) to multiple-funnel traps baited with the pheromone, ipsdienol, and various monoterpenes were determined in stands of lodgepole pine in southern and central British Columbia.Ips pini was attracted to both ipsdienol and -phellandrene, demonstrating that -phellandrene is a kairomone for this species.Lasconotus complex (Colydiidae) and aCorticeus sp. (Tenebrionidae) were attracted to both ipsdienol and -phellandrene. TheCorticeus sp. exhibited a synergistic response to the combination of ipsdienol and -phellandrene; the responses of the other two species to the combination were additive. The predators,Thanasimus undatulus, Enoclerus sphegeus, andE. lecontei (Cleridae), were attracted to ipsdienol-baited traps, whileMonochamus clamator (Cerambycidae) andDendroctonus ponderosae (Scolytidae) were attracted to -phellandrene. Attraction of all eight species increased with increasing release rates of ipsdienol and/or -phellandrene.  相似文献   

Photo-activated plant secondary compounds have been shown to be toxic to many organisms including insects. Insect defenses include behavioral mechanisms such as light avoidance, as well as specific biochemical defenses such as antioxidants and antioxidant enzymes. These antioxidant defenses eliminate or quench the deleterious singlet oxygen and free radicals formed by these phototoxins. In this paper we examined the role of dietary antioxidants in protecting the phototoxin-sensitive insect herbivoreManduca sexta. Elevated dietary levels of the lipid-soluble antioxidants-carotene and vitamin E resulted in a concentration-dependent reduction in the mortality associated with treatment ofM. sexta larvae with the phototoxic thiophene-terthienyl. Elevated levels of dietary ascorbic acid had no effect, whereas reduced levels greatly increased the toxicity of-terthienyl. Tissue levels of antioxidants were shown to increase substantially in larvae fed antioxidant-supplemented diets. The results suggest that the ability to absorb and utilize plant-derived antioxidants could be an important defense against photo-activated plant secondary compounds and may have allowed some insects to exploit phototoxic plants.  相似文献   

In studies of the lysis of rabbit erythrocytes, red beet cells, andPenicillium notatum protoplasts by the potato glycoalkaloids -solanine and -chaconine, the latter was consistently the more membrane-disruptive compound and erythrocytes the more susceptible cell type. A 11 mixture of solanine and chaconine produced pronounced synergistic effects in all three test systems. In beet cells, such effects were apparent from an early stage of treatment and persisted over a period of several hours. With erythrocytes and fungal protoplasts, the synergism was maximal with mixtures containing approximately 70% chaconine, whereas with beet cells it peaked at approximately 40% chaconine. Synergistic interactions between solanine and chaconine also occurred with regard to cholesterol binding in vitro, with a maximum response corresponding to the 50% mixture. The implications of these findings for the nature and efficacy of chemical defense systems in plants are discussed.  相似文献   

Platinum catalyst supported on a medium surface area -SiC was successfully used for the catalytic combustion of model carbon particles and compared to a catalyst supported on a low surface area -SiC. The -SiC-based catalyst showed no deactivation as a function of cycling tests while a strong deactivation was observed on the -SiC-based catalyst. This deactivation was attributed to the progressive encapsulation of the platinum particles by a layer of silica which built up during the combustion cycle. These results render possible the use of Pt/-SiC catalyst as a diesel carbon particle catalytic filter with continuous regeneration.  相似文献   

The antennal response ofDendroctonus valens to host monoterpenes from the resin of ponderosa pine was studied using the electroantennogram (EAG) technique. Male and female beetles were given a single dose of each of 11 different monoterpenes. Response amplitude to the different compounds did not vary between sexes and was generally well correlated with results from field attraction studies. Response to (S)-(–)--pinene was greatest. The relative amplitude of the responses to the (R)-(+) and (S)-(–) enantiomers of a-pinene, however, were reversed from their relative attractiveness in the field. A dose-response study was conducted for the (R)-(+) and (S) -(–) enantiomers of a-pinene, plus a reciprocal differential saturation test with successive doses of first one enantiomer of-pinene and then the other. Comparison of EAG traces suggests different receptors for the two stereoisomers of-pinene. Differential saturation curves suggest that while one set of receptors may respond to both enantiomers, some receptors respond only to the (S)-(–) enantiomer.  相似文献   

A Rutaceae-feeding swallowtail butterfly. Papilio xuthus L., feeds on various rutaceous plants but always rejects Orixa japonica Thunb. (Rutaceae). Females were strongly deterred from laying eggs by a methanolic extract of O. japonica leaves. Larvae also rejected a diet leaf medium impregnated with O. japonica leaf extracts. Several components in the water-soluble fraction of the leaf extract were found to deter both oviposition and feeding responses. Two major deterrent compounds were characterized as 5-[[2-O-(beta-D-apiofuranosyl)-beta-D-glucopyranosyl]oxy]-2-hydroxybenzoic acid and adisyringoyl aldaric acid. These compounds induced potent deterrence of both oviposition and larval feeding by P. xuthus, which suggests a congruent chemosensory mechanism of allomonal chemicals acting on both female tarsal chemoreceptors and larval maxillary taste receptors.  相似文献   

The white pine cone beetle, Conophthorus coniperda, exhibited dose and enantiospecific responses to -pinene in stands of mature eastern white pine, Pinus strobus, in a seed orchard near Murphy, North Carolina, USA. (–)--Pinene significantly increased catches of cone beetles to traps baited with (± )-trans-pityol. (+)--Pinene did not increase catches of beetles to pityol-baited traps and interrupted the response of beetles to traps baited with (±)-trans-pityol and (–)--pinene. Maximal attraction of cone beetles to pityol-baited traps was obtained with lures releasing (–)--pinene at a rate of 103 mg/day at 23°C. Lures releasing (–)--pinene at rates lower or higher than 103 mg/day resulted in reduced catches to traps baited with (±)-trans-pityol. The sex ratio in all catches was heavily male biased. Attraction of the clerid predator, Thanasimus dubius, to traps baited with (±)-trans-pityol increased significantly with the presence of -pinene, irrespective of enantiomeric composition. Maximal attraction of T. dubius to pityol-baited traps occurred with devices releasing (–)--pinene at the highest rate tested, 579 mg/d at 23°C, a sub optimal rate for cone beetles.  相似文献   

The female sex pheromone of Rhizoglyphus robini Claparède (Astigmata: Acaridae) was identified as -acaridial [2(E)-(4-methyl-3-pentenyl)- butenedial], which stimulated males sexually and enhanced the frequency of male mounting behavior. Although a hexane extract of females manifested alarm pheromone activity against tested males due to the presence of the alarm pheromone neryl formate, silica gel column fractions containing -acaridial evoked increased mounting behavior by males at a dose of 0.1 female equivalent. Synthetic -acaridial at a dose of 10 ng showed a peak of activity as a sex pheromone, with a convex dose–response relationship. Its content was determined to be 388 ± 244 ng per female and 163 ± 97 ng per male by GC. This is the first time that two pheromones (the alarm pheromone neryl formate, and the sex pheromone -acaridial) have been demonstrated to be components of the same opisthonotal gland secretion in astigmatid mites. A mechanism for the appropriate expression of the two pheromones by the mites under different conditions is proposed.  相似文献   

Chemical defense in larvae of the plant bugHotea gambiae has been investigated. Results of analyses (GC, GC-MS) on the secretions from the three dorsally situated larval abdominal defense (scent) glands are reported. The secretion from the first abdominal gland consists of a mixture of C10 and C15 isoprenoids: (C10) -pinene, -pinene, limonene, -phellandrene; (C15) -caryophyllene, caryophyllene oxide, -humulene, and (the major component) humulene epoxide II. The secretions from the second and third abdominal glands are similar mixtures consisting of (E)-2-decenal, (E)-4-oxohex-2-enal, andn-tridecane together with lesser amounts of (E)-2-hexenal,n-dodecane, and other materials. Isoprenoid defense is now known from four species of plant bugs (Heteroptera) associated with Malvaceae.  相似文献   

Pea (Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris) and blue alfalfa aphid (A. kondoi Shinji) deterrency in alfalfa (Medicago saliva L.) may result from incorporating higher levels of the aphid alarm pheromone,(E)--farnesene relative to(E)--caryophyllene. We evaluated five eglandular and two glandular-haired alfalfa accessions for differences in(E)--farnesene and(E)--caryophyllene content under glasshouse conditions using supercritical fluid extraction and gas chromatography. In addition, pea and blue alfalfa aphid olfactory behavioral tests were conducted uponMedicago species containing different ratios of(E)--famesene relative to(E)--caryophyllene. No differences in(E)--caryophyllene content were observed among the seven entries (=0.42 ng/g plant material). Significant differences (P 0.05) among entries were observed for(E)--famesene content, with KS94GH6 exhibiting the highest (1.18 ng/g), and CUF 101 the lowest levels (0.35 ng/g). Elite tetraploid sources possessed significantly lower levels (=0.42 ng/g) of(E)--farnesene than did wild and cultivated diploid accessions (=0.83 ng/g). Olfactory behavioral tests for both the pea and blue alfalfa aphids demonstrated KS94GH6 repelled aphids while cultivated alfalfa types attracted aphids in each case. Previously demonstrated aphid resistance in diploid KS94GH6 may result from superior(E)-- farnesene levels, but(E)--farnesene is probably not a factor in cultivated alfalfa resistance. Finally, accession KS94GH6 could act as an excellent germplasm resource for the incorporation of higher(E)--farnesene levels into cultivated alfalfa.Research supported by the New Mexico State University Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

Two sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, -copaene and -ylangene, were isolated from bioactive fractions of angelica seed oil and were shown by field bioassays to be attractive to the male Mediterranean fruit fly. Their relative attractiveness, compared with the(+)-and (–)--copaene enantiomers, are: (+)--copaene>angelica -copaene>angelica -ylangene>(–)--copaene. The enantiomer ratios for the two compounds are: -copaene, 61.4% (+), 38.6% (–); -ylangene, 91.9% (+), 8.1% (–).trans--Bergamotene was also isolated from the same fractions, but in sufficient quantity for bioassay [enantiomer ratio: 95.7% (+), 4.3% (–)].  相似文献   

Salvia leucophylla, a shrub observed in coastal south California, produces several volatile monoterpenoids (camphor, 1,8-cineole, -pinene, -pinene, and camphene) that potentially act as allelochemicals. The effects of these were examined using Brassica campestris as the test plant. Camphor, 1,8-cineole, and -pinene inhibited germination of B. campestris seeds at high concentrations, whereas -pinene and camphene did not. Root growth was inhibited by all five monoterpenoids in a dose-dependent manner, but hypocotyl growth was largely unaffected. The monoterpenoids did not alter the sizes of matured cells in either hypocotyls or roots, indicating that cell expansion is relatively insensitive to these compounds. They did not decrease the mitotic index in the shoot apical region, but specifically lowered mitotic index in the root apical meristem. Moreover, morphological and biochemical analyses on the incorporation of 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine into DNA demonstrated that the monoterpenoids inhibit both cell-nuclear and organelle DNA synthesis in the root apical meristem. These results suggest that the monoterpenoids produced by S. leucophylla could interfere with the growth of other plants in its vicinity through inhibition of cell proliferation in the root apical meristem.  相似文献   

Larvae of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, a crucifer specialist, refuse to feed on a crucifer, Barbarea vulgaris, because of the presence of a feeding deterrent, which is extractable with chloroform. We isolated a feeding deterrent from B. vulgaris leaves, by successive fractionations with silica-gel, ODS, i.e., C18 reversed phase, and Sephadex LH-20 column chromatographies, and ODS-HPLC, guided by a bioassay for feeding deterrent activity. The structure of the compound was determined to be a monodesmosidic triterpenoid saponin, 3-O-[O--D-glucopyranosyl-(14)--D-glucopyranosyl]-hederagenin, based on FAB-MS, 1H- and 13C-NMR spectra, and hydrolysis experiments. When the compound was applied to cabbage leaf disks at greater than 0.18 g/mm2, consumption of the disks by third instars was less than 11% of control disks treated with the solvent alone. Furthermore, all first instars died on the disks treated with the same concentrations. Because the concentration of the compound in the fresh leaves of B. vulgaris was comparable to the effective dose in the cabbage leaf disk tested, we conclude that the unacceptability of B. vulgaris to P. xylostella larvae is primarily due to this saponin.  相似文献   

Three new dihydro--agarofuran sesquiterpenes from two species ofMaytenus were isolated and their structures were elucidated by means of1H and13C NMR studies. The differences and similarities noted in the chemical content of the dihydro--agarofuran sesquiterpenes from the fourMaytenus species from Chile are in line with the taxonomic characterization of these species; their geographical distribution is also given.  相似文献   

When attacked by a predator, an aphid may secrete a droplet of fluid from its cornicles containing a volatile alarm pheromone component, (E)--farnesene. This study investigated both qualitative and quantitative aspects of alarm pheromone production in the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum. The best predictor of cornicle droplet emission was reproductive phase, rather than instar, as prereproductive aphids were more likely to secrete cornicle droplets than either reproductive or postreproductive individuals. Analogously, alarm pheromone amounts were highest in prereproductive aphids. (E)--Farnesene quantities (mean ± SE) increased significantly from first instar (1.5 ± 0.6 ng) to second instar (11.2 ± 3.7 ng) and did not significantly change during third (12.8 ± 3.0 ng) or fourth instars (11.0 ± 3.7 ng). Alarm pheromone amounts then decreased significantly in adults (4.8 ± 2.3 ng). We suggest that prereproductive aphids have been selected to produce higher levels of pheromone because of their more clustered colony structure and higher levels of predation, as compared with adult aphids.  相似文献   

The lacewing Chrysopa cognata, one of the principal predators of aphids in Korea, was tested for responses to the aphid sex pheromone components (4aS,7S,7aR)-nepetalactone and (1R,4aS,7S,7aR)-nepetalactol and the aphid alarm pheromone (E)--farnesene. Electroantennogram responses were obtained to the sex pheromone components but not to (E)--farnesene. The sex pheromone components were attractive in a Y-tube olfactometer assay and in field trials with water traps, but no attraction was observed to (E)--farnesene.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that larvae of the eastern tent caterpillar (Malacosoma americanum F.) mark trails, leading from their tent to feeding sites on host trees, with a pheromone secreted from the posterior tip of the abdominal sternum. 5-Cholestane-3,24-dione (1) has been identified as an active component of the trail. The larvae have a threshold sensitivity to the pheromone of 10–11 g/mm of trail. Several related compounds elicit the trail-following response. Two other species of tent caterpillars also responded positively to the pheromone in preliminary laboratory tests.  相似文献   

Antifungal activity of the steam distilled essential oil fraction of Artemisia douglasiana was detected by bioautography on silica gel TLC plates against three Colletotrichum spp. The active principle was isolated by bioassay-directed fractionation using column chromatography followed by crystallization and was characterized as vulgarone B by 1H and 13C NMR and GC-MS. Antifungal activity of vulgarone B was further evaluated using 96-well microtiter assay against Colletotrichum acutatum, C. fragariae, C. gloeosporioides, and Botrytis cinerea. In addition, the antifungal activity of vulgarone B and verbenone, and their corresponding alcohols was tested by bioautography and microtiter assay. Structure–activity studies revealed that the , -unsaturated carbonyl functionality is a prerequisite for the antifungal activity of these mono and sesquiterpene ketones. This is the first report of antifungal activity of vulgarone B. The yield of essential oil from A. douglasiana is about 0.6–0.8% by weight of the dry material, including plant stems.  相似文献   

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