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The issue of termination as viewed from a cognitive-behavioral orientation is considered within the context of the duration of treatment, the goals of therapy, and the underlying coping skills model that characterizes this orientation. These factors make a cognitive-behavioral approach to therapy both similar to and different from other orientations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A review of the frontalis EMG biofeedback (BF) literature demonstrates that EMG BF compares favorably with other relaxation procedures, although some reviewers have prematurely concluded that alternative relaxation treatments are preferable on a cost–benefit basis. Previous statements about the efficacy of BF have oversimplified the data, however, and have failed to recognize sufficiently that reliable effects are associated with different relaxation procedures and specific trait dimensions operating for certain groups of Ss. Definitive statements regarding the efficacy of EMG BF and other relaxation treatment modalities need to acknowledge the full complexity of the data and await further research on specific person–treatment interactions. (3 p ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated individual differences in 48 female undergraduates' capacities for absorption and examined the effects of instructions designed to encourage the use of imaginal processes during EMG biofeedback (BFB). 24 high-absorption and 24 low-absorption Ss were assigned to either a BFB condition, a BFB condition with imagery encouragement, or a no-BFB condition. Each S participated in 2 sessions of testing. Results show that instructional manipulation of imaginal strategies was effective in overcoming the previously observed interference effect of BFB for high-absorption Ss. For low-absorption Ss, performance in the 2 BFB conditions was equivalent and, by the end of each session, was appreciably greater than in the no-BFB condition. It is concluded that cognitive mediational strategies employed by Ss were closely related to performance during BFB and that these strategies were manipulated effectively in a manner that appreciably enhanced the efficacy of the BFB as a relaxation procedure. (26 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

30 moderately depressed high school students were randomly assigned to either cognitive-behavioral treatment, relaxation training, or a wait-list control condition. Treatment Ss met in small groups for 10 50-min sessions over 5 wks in a high school setting. Outcome measures included a modified Beck Depression Inventory, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. The cognitive-behavioral and relaxation training groups were superior to the wait-list control group in the reduction of depressive symptoms at both posttest and 5-wk follow-up assessments. There was no significant difference between active treatments in their effectiveness for reducing depression. Ss in the cognitive-behavioral and relaxation training conditions went from moderate levels of depression at pretest to nondepressed levels at posttest, and they maintained these levels at follow-up. Improvements in anxiety and academic self-concept were also demonstrated by the active treatments. Findings demonstrate that these short-term group-administered therapies are effective in significantly decreasing depression in adolescents. (48 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the spring of 1999, a storm of controversy arose at the local, state, and national levels surrounding an article (B. Rind et al, see record 1998-04232-002) on the effects of child sexual abuse published in 1998 in Psychological Bulletin. The article was vehemently denounced by various media outlets, conservative grassroots organizations, members of the general public, state legislatures, and ultimately by the United States Congress. The authors chronicle these unprecedented events and related challenges faced by the American Psychological Association (APA). The authors also describe the Association's efforts to resolve the crisis, while staunchly upholding academic freedom and scientific integrity, and review the lessons learned for the field of psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Compared 3 types of treatments for chronic musculoskeletal pain. 57 patients who suffered from chronic back pain and 21 patients who suffered from temporomandibular pain and dysfunction were randomly assigned to either electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback, cognitive-behavioral therapy, or conservative medical treatment. At posttreatment, improvements were noted in all 3 treatment groups, with the biofeedback group displaying the most substantial change. At the 6- and 24-mo follow-up, only the biofeedback group maintained significant reductions in pain severity, interference, affective distress, pain-related use of the health care system, stress-related reactivity of the affected muscles, and an increase in active coping self-statements. Treatment outcome was predicted by chronicity and treatment-specific variables. Analysis of attrition showed a significant effect for therapist and extent of somatic pathology. Results suggest that pain patients who suffer from musculoskeletal pain problems and display few physical disabilities may profit the most from short-term EMG biofeedback treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the effects of EMG biofeedback on tension reduction by schizophrenic, neurotic, and tension headache patients. 14 patients (mean age 39 yrs) participated voluntarily in at least 10 weekly EMG biofeedback sessions at a public outpatient clinic. All had complained of chronic tension. Ss showed significant decreases in their muscle tension levels with successive biofeedback training sessions. No significant differences were found between the schizophrenic, neurotic, and tension headache groups. A further contribution is the finding that patients with diverse socioeconomic and educational levels benefited similarly from EMG biofeedback training. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Theorists have posited that controversy among peers in which a person is forced to take the perspectives of others is vital for cognitive and moral development. There is no direct evidence, however, relating controversy and perspective taking. In the present study, 30 undergraduates expressed an opinion about a moral issue and discussed their opinion and reasoning with a confederate (an undergraduate) who always used social order (Kohlberg Stage 4) reasoning. In the controversy condition, the confederate had the opposing opinion and in the no-controversy condition, the same opinion. Compared to those in the no-controversy condition, Ss in the controversy condition indicated more accurate understanding of the structure of the confederate's reasoning than did those in the no-controversy condition. Ss in the no-controversy condition, however, rated that they believed they understood the other's reasoning more than did those in the controversy condition. (27 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the relation between absorption capacity and relaxation during EMG biofeedback and no-feedback (instructions only) conditions. 16 high absorption and 16 low absorption female undergraduates underwent a biofeedback and a no-feedback session with the order of conditions counterbalanced. For high absorption Ss in the 1st session, EMG reductions were greater during no-feedback than during biofeedback, although the performance of biofeedback Ss improved in the 2nd session. For low absorption Ss, no differences in EMG reductions were apparent across experimental conditions. Postexperimental self-report data demonstrated differences between absorption groups in Ss' state of arousal and quality of consciousness. It is concluded that for Ss with high capacity for absorbed attention, experimental conditions that allow for a withdrawal from the external environment are most conducive to relaxation, whereas for Ss with limited capacity for absorbed attention, conditions such as biofeedback that place an attentional demand on Ss may be preferable. (31 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three groups of meditators with varying amounts of experience (averages of 7 days, 14 mo, and 5 yrs), a group trained in relaxation, and a pseudomeditation group were tested for changes in heart rate, respiration, skin temperature, and skin conductance during meditation or relaxation. Each group consisted of 7 Ss. The 2 more experienced groups of meditators showed decreases in heart rate during meditation while the relaxation group showed increases in skin temperature. There were no significant changes in skin conductance or respiration before, during, or after the meditation or relaxation periods. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined whether 3 techniques commonly used to treat anxiety (anxiety management training, EMG biofeedback, and stress-management training) could be used to prevent the academic underachievement associated with anxiety in college students. 19 anxious freshman women (identified by a test battery that included the Achievement Anxiety Test, Eysenck Personality Inventory, and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory) each completed 6 sessions of either anxiety-management or stress-management training with live instruction. Additionally, each S received 6 sessions of either EMG biofeedback or taped instruction. All 4 treatment combinations successfully reduced both somatic and cognitive anxiety symptoms. The average GPA of the experimental Ss was significantly higher than that of matched no-treatment controls. These findings suggest that early intervention for academic anxiety may be beneficial. (43 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studied the effect of using electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback to increase the efficacy of cue-controlled relaxation training in the treatment of test anxiety. 40 college undergraduates scoring in the upper third on the Test Anxiety Scale were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatment conditions—EMG-assisted cue-controlled relaxation, cue controlled relaxation alone, attention-placebo relaxation, and no-treatment control. Pre–post self-report measures of test anxiety, state anxiety, and trait anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory) were obtained. In addition, a performance measure (Otis-Lennon Mental Abilities Test) was administered. Ss from the 3 relaxation groups received 6 45-min individual sessions over 2 wks. All treatments were conducted using audiotape recordings. Results indicate that cue-controlled relaxation is effective in increasing test performance for test anxious Ss, that EMG biofeedback does not contribute to the effectiveness of this procedure, and that self-report measures of anxiety are susceptible to a placebo effect. (26 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Nondirective (ND), applied relaxation (AR), and cognitive behavioral (CBT) therapies for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) were compared. The latter 2 conditions were generally equivalent in outcome but superior to ND at postassessment. The 3 conditions did not differ on several process measures, and ND created the greatest depth of emotional processing. Follow-up results indicated losses in gains in ND, maintained gains in the other 2 conditions, especially CBT, and highest endstate functioning for CBT. AR and CBT thus contain active ingredients in the treatment of GAD; support exists for further development of imagery exposure methods or cognitive therapy because of their likely role in promoting maintenance of change with this disorder. Expectancy for improvement was also associated with outcome, suggesting the need for further research on this construct for understanding the nature of GAD and its amelioration. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Compared progressive muscle relaxation (PMR), thermal biofeedback (BFB), and drug withdrawal (DW) as possible substitutes for 2nd-stage (sympatholytic) antihypertensive medications, using 73 hypertensive adults. Reactivity (heart rate, systolic blood pressure, and diastolic blood pressure) to 3 stressors (mental arithmetic, cold pressor, and negative mental imagery) was measured before and after PMR, BFB, and DW. PMR led to more reductions in some aspect of reactivity than did BFB. Reductions in reactivity were seen more for mental arithmetic and systolic blood pressure. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Compared live and taped progressive relaxation (LR, TR), self-relaxation (SR), and EMG biofeedback (BF) on measures of autonomic and somatic arousal and subjective tension. 40 20–54 yr old male and female respondents to an ad for therapy were evaluated in 5 training sessions and a posttraining assessment of self-control. During training, LR was superior to TR on reductions in physiological arousal; SR and BF were equivalent except for the superiority of SR on reductions in autonomic arousal. After training, LR was superior to the other procedures on self-control of autonomic arousal. It is concluded that LR is the treatment of choice for a variety of clinical objectives. (30 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

It has been widely argued that meditation has psychotherapeutic potential. Research on meditation has yielded 3 sets of findings: (a) experienced meditators who are willing to participate without pay in meditation research appear happier and healthier than nonmeditators; (b) beginning meditators who practice meditation for 4-10 wks show more improvement on a variety of tests than nonmeditators tested at the same time; and (c) persons who are randomly assigned to learn and practice meditation show more improvement over 4-10 wks than control Ss assigned to some form of alternate treatment. However, this is not conclusive evidence that meditation is therapeutic. The therapeutic benefits found could be the result of expectation of relief or of simply sitting on a regular basis. (30 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Assessed the effectiveness of electromyograph (EMG) and skin-temperature (ST) biofeedback and relaxation training (RXT) in reducing the aversiveness of cancer chemotherapy (CHEMO). 81 cancer patients (aged 18–75 yrs) were randomized to 1 of 6 groups formed by a 3?×?2 factorial design. Outcome was assessed with physiological, patient-reported, and nurse-reported indices taken over 5 consecutive CHEMO treatments. RXT patients showed decreases in nausea and anxiety during CHEMO and physiological arousal after CHEMO. EMG and ST biofeedback reduced some indices of physiological arousal but had no other effects on CHEMO side effects. RXT may be effective in reducing the adverse consequences of CHEMO. It is suggested that the positive effects found for biofeedback were due to the RXT that was given with the biofeedback, not to the biofeedback alone. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A study by M. B. Sobell and L. C. Sobell (see PA, Vols 50:3611 and 56:8425) showed that alcoholic inpatients who received individualized behavior therapy to control their drinking showed significant improvement in "days functioning well" (including days of controlled drinking) compared to patients who received treatment with a goal of abstinence. These results were challenged by M. L. Pendery et al (see record 1983-04261-001) in an independent follow-up of patients originally treated in the Sobells's study. Pendery et al claimed that most patients trained to do controlled drinking failed from the onset to drink safely, and charges were leveled against the Sobells stating that their earlier research was fraudulent. A brief review of the ongoing debate is presented, along with the conclusions of an investigative committee of independent scientists that exonerated the Sobells. The controversy is discussed with an emphasis on the following topics: the historical evolution and current status of controlled-drinking research and treatment, methodological issues in the assessment of posttreatment drinking behavior, questions for future research arising from the controversy, and an emerging paradigm shift in the alcoholism field. (66 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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