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This paper deals with the flotation separation of wollas-tonite from quartz by using Na-oleate as a collector and metallic ion as anactivator. The reasons why wollastonite is difficult to separate from quartzusing Na-oleate as a collector have been studied. It is found that quartzdoes not float well in a mixture of wollastonite and quartz because of thesolution chemistry effect in a wollastonite suspension. The compositions ofthe wollastonite suspensions have been studied, and the (?)-potential of thetwo minerals have been determined to explain the solution chemistry effectson the flotation of the respective minerals.  相似文献   

The floatabilities of single mineral samples of wollas-tonite and diopside have been studied with addition, of a cationic collector,dodecyoamine hydrochloride (DDA·HCl) , and,modifiers. A mixture oftwo minerals was successfully separated,when DDA·HCl and tannicacid (as depressant)were used together. The interaction between tannicacid and wollastonite and diopside in the pulp and the adsorption of tannicacid on the surface of the two minerals was studide with the help of ultra-violet (UV) spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) ,re-spectively.  相似文献   

The depression mechanisms of tannin on thediopside surface have been studied by the use of Infraredspectroscopy(IR),simulated pulp and mixed solution tests,Itis found that the first order hydroxy complexes of calciumare able to interact with tannin,and to form chemical com-plexes.The functional groups in tannin molecules participat-ing in the chemical complexation are the hydroxyl groups,andcarboxyl groups derived form the hydrolysis of hydroxylgroups.  相似文献   

本文借助于等离子发射光谱(ICP—AES)和紫外光谱(UV)研究了单宁酸与硅灰石、透辉石矿浆作用的溶液化学。结果表明:矿浆中硅灰石溶解下来的钙离子组分能与单宁酸发生化学反应。揭示了单宁酸对透辉石选择性抑制机理。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the common parage-netic minerals of skarn-type wollastonite ore and its principleof gravitation separation for purifcation. Through the sepa-ration experiment of concentrating table on the wollastoniteore from Xiaojipu Wollastonite Mine of Hubei province, theproduct has reached the reguirement of wollastonite powderused as the ceramic raw material.  相似文献   

利用MNDO法,计算了马来酸、富马酸酸式离解过程的总能量变化,电荷分布及键合能.从微观角度讨论了分子内氢键的形成对二酸酸性的影响,计算结果与实验结果一致。  相似文献   

In order to nealize the efficient floatation separation ofgarnet and wollastonite,the authors studied the surface chemical charac-teristics and various floatation behaviour of the two minerals,developedacidic combination depressant FD_1 and introduced sodium oleate,FeCl_3 andFD_1 as the flotation agent,they achieved success.In the experimental re-search on the artificiallymixed ores separation,the recovery and concentra-tion grade of the two minerals were both over 92% and 95% respectively.At the same time,it was found that the chemical absorption form of ironoleate presented bridge and chelating patterns on the surfaces of garnetand wollastonite activated by Fe~(3+).  相似文献   

The effect of solution surface tension on theflotation behavior of natural hydrophobic mineralssuch as graphite and talc is studied. The best sol-ution surface tension range is also given in thegraphite and talc flotation. And the critical sur-face tension distribution of floatability of themis analysed.  相似文献   

The feasibilities of ultrafine wollastonits powder have beenanalysed based on joint considerations of satisfying product size re-quiremet,preserving the needlelike wollastonite structure,maintaining aneasy operation,stable performance and simolified flowsheet,etc.Opti-mum operating conditions have been established through systematic reseach-es on the bases of product requirements.Modern analytical technique suchas light-transmission particle sizing and scanming electron spectroscopyhave been used to determine the size and morphology of the product.It isfound that the meedelelike structure can be preserved even down to the ul-trafine range by using the tower mill.The tower,mill is easy to operate,has stable performances,and can be used in open-circuit to produce re-quired products without needing for a classifier.  相似文献   

本文从缓冲微分方程式说明强酸、强碱溶液具有缓冲能力,并且比同总浓度的由共轭酸碱对组成的缓冲溶液的缓冲容量大。  相似文献   

通过对学生关于分析化学仪器维修专业物理化学教学的评价作调查,得到了一些很有价值的反馈信息。提出了今后物理化学教学中应注意的问题及其对策。  相似文献   

硅灰石矿体产出在下石炭系岩关阶(C_1y)硅质灰岩外接触带中。成矿作用以接触热变质作用为主,并伴随接触交代作用的叠加。硅灰石成分中的CaO,SiO_2主要来自硅质灰岩中,与岩体无明显关系。硅灰石的形成是硅质灰岩中的O,Si,Ca在岩浆提供热源条件下发生活化就地固相扩散而重新组合的产物。本区硅灰石属低温相三斜Tc型,可用作陶瓷原料及烧制釉面砖。  相似文献   

合成了系列SN型活性染料,并研究了其颜色深浅与其结构的关系,结果表明:SN型活性偶氮染料的颜色深浅受电子效应和空间效应的影响;受电子体的吸电子能力增强,导致吸收光谱产生深色位移,空间障碍使吸收光谱产生浅色位移。  相似文献   

TiO2光催化降解酸性蓝染料溶液的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用溶胶-凝胶法在玻璃纤维表面涂覆TiO2,在紫外灯管或太阳光的照射下处理染料溶液,使染料分子降解.研究结果表明,采用本方法可达到较好的降解效果,在溶液中添加Fe3+电子掩蔽剂或在TiO2中掺杂Y2O3,均能显著地促进光催化反应.  相似文献   

On the bases of practical investigation, the paper, through synthesizing lots of documents and materials, discusses the stability and crystalline pattern transforming of C_2S, the hydrating and hardening mechanism of its solid solution as well as the affect of adding ions.In recent years, the research on C_2S has been attached importance to and has achieved obvious success, especially in the study of the match phase of C_2S solid solution, many cement systems with fine characteristics have been formed. It shows it's quite easy for C_2S to match other minerals, which plays an important role in saving energy, improving cement properties and developing new cement materials. The broad propspects are revealed in C_2S studying area.  相似文献   

将保加利亚乳杆菌接入添加特定氨基酸的牛乳培养基中培养,研究了不同氨基酸对保加利亚乳杆菌生长状况的影响.实验结果表明,添加丝氨酸、赖氨酸和亮氨酸培养保加利亚乳杆菌,活菌数均可达到109cfu/mL,较对照组提高了一个数量级.  相似文献   

通过分析中浓盘磨机磨浆区纸浆的受力情况,推导出盘磨机允许通过量公式,该公式表明盘磨机的纸浆通过量主要与磨片间隙有关,进一步分析盘磨机最大可允许通过量与实际纸浆流量的关系,解释了盘磨机进浆管道存在压力的原因.通过分析实验数据证明盘磨机进口管道压力与实际纸浆流量及磨片间隙具有显著的对应关系.  相似文献   

植物油或脂肪与甘油一步转化成单脂肪酸甘油酯和合成过程中的粗甘油,经过常压、减压蒸馏获得纯甘油。  相似文献   

以胡萝卜为原料制汁,采用多菌种发酵制得乳酸饮料,实验确定了最佳的发酵温度和时间,探讨了菌种的配比、接种量.结果表明,混合菌株发酵优于单一菌株发酵,产品具有胡萝卜的天然色泽,又具乳酸发酵的独特风味,氨基酸含量为247.022mg/100ml,可作为保健型饮料  相似文献   

Nb-doped TiC ceramic,or (Nb_yTi_(1-y)) C_x, inwhich amount of Nb element added is increased from zero to40Wt.%, synthisized with self propagating high temperaturesynthesis, is studicd with SCF-Xa-DV,a quantum chemistry cal-culating method. The chemical bonding is studied to discuss therelation between structrues and properties. Several classes ofmodels in which there is no vacancy,one vacancy or two vacan-cies have been calculated. From the calculated results of bond or-der, a measure of covalent bond strength, and molecule orbitalcontotr map, it is concluded that when Nb element added in-creases, the vacancies increase correspondinigly, the covalent com-ponent of chemical bonds of the samples decreases while the met-al-bonding component increases, so the hardness and resistanceof the samples decrease.  相似文献   

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