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Understanding the long-term economic impact of wind energy on electricity markets is becoming more important due to the increasing penetration of wind power in the generation mix of power systems. In this paper, we evaluate the economics of wind energy by developing a probabilistic model to compute the long-term probability distribution of market clearing prices and wind farm revenues. The power system is assumed to consist of conventional generating units and wind farms. Availabilities of the generating units and the uncertainty in the wind power output are implicitly accounted for. The effect of increasing wind power penetration on the probability distribution functions of the market price and wind farm revenues is evaluated by changing the rated capacity of the wind farm. The model is illustrated by using a power system with a 32-unit and wind farms. The superiority of the proposed probabilistic model over a deterministic one is confirmed. 相似文献
《The Electricity Journal》2022,35(1):107074
Renewable electricity is the backbone for a net-zero carbon society. This paper estimates the national and international emissions effect of German renewable electricity in the years 2017–2019 using a Random Forest algorithm, finding negative but heterogeneous effects on emissions demand. A fraction of the estimated emission reductions translate into allowance cancellations in the EU ETS and thereby reduce overall long-term emissions. 相似文献
水电站和蓄能电站事故旋转备用效益评估模型 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
丁明 《电力系统及其自动化学报》1994,6(1):40-50
本文提出了水电站和蓄能电站承担事故旋转备用时的效益评估模型和算法,其独特之处是考虑了各台机组故障之间以及机组故障与负荷变化之间的相关性和不同类型机组的技术、经济、可靠性特征,并通过概率生产模拟从生产成本和可靠性指标两方面评价方案的优劣.实例分析表明,结果是合理的,并具有较高的实用价值. 相似文献
我国地形复杂,小气候众多,可再生能源出力曲线难以预测,日益成熟的市场规则和地域性气候的差异很难支持我国的电力市场规律、安全的运行,为此,文章提出一种多能互补的源网荷储一体化虚拟电厂的优化调度策略。首先,提出在日前市场之前增加考虑可再生能源渗透率的可再生能源日前市场,让可再生能源和负荷达成双边交易,来分担可再生能源参与日前市场时不确定性带来的风险。同时对虚拟电厂参与日前市场的全过程进行建模,在日前市场中增加了出清模型来优化市场出清电价和优化各源侧的申报电价。其次,考虑负荷波动,以及渗透到日前市场的可再生能源发电量的波动性,提出考虑备用出清模型来补偿各源侧为应对这些不确定性预留备用而产生的机会成本,并将这类成本按照“谁产生的成本,谁负责”的原则进行分摊,还原成本来源情况。最后,搭建虚拟电厂内部碳交易模型,缓解发电侧碳排放交易市场的履约压力。采用粒子群优化算法算法(PSO)对模型进行优化求解,最后通过IEEE 30节点算例验证本文所述方法的有效性。结果表明,该多能互补模型能有效应对在日前市场中不同风光电发电情况和渗透率的备用需求变化,最终达到收益最大。 相似文献
The existing electricity market mechanisms designed to promote the consumption of renewable energy generation complicate network participation in market transactions owing to an unfair market competition environment, where the low cost renewable energy generation is not reflected in the high bidding price of high cost conventional energy generation. This study addresses this issue by proposing a bi-level optimization based two-stage market clearing model that considers the bidding strategies of market players, and guarantees the accommodation of renewable energy generation. The first stage implements a dual-market clearing mechanism that includes a unified market for trading the power generations of both renewable energy and conventional energy units, and a subsidy market reserved exclusively for conventional generation units. A re-adjustment clearing mechanism is then proposed in the second stage to accommodate the power generation of remaining renewable energy units after first stage energy allocations. Each stage of the proposed model is further described as a bi-level market equilibrium problem and is solved using a co-evolutionary algorithm. Finally, numerical results involving an improved IEEE 39-bus system demonstrate that the proposed two-stage model meets the basic requirements of incentive compatibility and individual rationality. It can facilitate the rational allocation of resources, promote the economical operation of electric power grids, and enhance social welfare. 相似文献
由于风电具有很强的随机性,风电以及风电功率的预测都有难度,因此给含风电的电力系统经济调度问题带来了很大困难,依据风电间歇性和随机性的不同处理方法以及旋转备用和风险的对目标函数的约束,从模型以及求解方法两个方面考虑风电接入下的电力系统经济调度问题,模型从确定性建模、模糊建模和概率建模三个方面论述,求解方法分为传统算法和智能算法两大类,考虑了模型的优势与不足,从寻优速度、精度和收敛性比较了算法的优缺点,讨论了模型使用各种算法解决问题的方法和途径。最后指出风电接入下的经济调度问题将来所面临的工作。 相似文献
风光新能源具有显著的清洁特性,可以显著降低能源行业的碳排放,然而中国弃风弃光问题依然很严峻。为了促进风光新能源消纳容量,对全国统一电力市场背景下清洁能源消纳机制展开了深入研究。分析了中国新能源消纳的工程问题,建立了包含热电联产系统、天然气锅炉、风光新能源的综合能源系统的仿真模型,以社会福利最大化为目标,提出了可以促进新能源消纳的综合能源系统日前市场出清模型。出清模型考虑了电力需求侧管理,使得出清模型具有显著的现代电力系统特征。对提出的日前市场出清模型进行仿真验证,验证了所提出清模型对于新能源消纳的积极作用。 相似文献
Spinning reserve (SR) is an important resource for system operators (SO) to cope with unpredictable imbalances between load and generation, which is caused by load forecast errors and unexpected deviations of wind power. The increased installed capacity of wind power adds the difficulty to predict total amount of injected power accurately and increase risk of load loss and wind curtailment. In view of large wind power penetrated in system, the paper proposes a Cost-CVaR model to determine optimal reserve requirements in electricity market. CVaR is applied to evaluate the risk caused by the uncertainties of load and wind power forecast. Risk management tool is proposed to make a reasonable tradeoff between risks and profits at various risk levels. The model is tested on a regional grid in China. Then the proposed method is compared with probabilistic and deterministic method. The results demonstrate the usefulness and efficiency of the proposed method. 相似文献
从能源现状看中国能源的战略储备 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
21世纪的头20年是中国经济社会发展的重要战略机遇期,对能源供应的总量及其质量提出了较高要求。中国目前的一次能源消费量居世界第二位,能源安全问题在全面建设和谐社会目标中的地位越来越突出。通过分析中国目前所处的能源状况,论述能源战略储备的重要性。 相似文献
50 kW风光互补电站设计 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
离网型风光互补电站是针对许多边远牧区,在远离大电网,处于无电状态,人烟烯少,用电负荷低且交通不便的情况下,利用本地区充裕的太阳能、风能建设的一种经济实用性电站。文章分析了阳康乡地区气象资源,提出了供电优化设计方案,由此从50kW风光互补电站的设计中指出了其的合理和实用性,解决了此地区的用电需求。 相似文献
The fluctuant behaviors of wind power, and so as their effects on the stability of grid, span across different time scales. Hence, single type of electrical energy storage (EES) cannot level the fluctuation effectively. The high energy density sources (e.g. lead-acid batteries) and high power density sources (e.g. supercapacitors) are complementary in merits such as power density and energy density. As a result, the employment of the hybrid EES (HEES) is hoped to level wind power output more effectively. This work proposes a sizing strategy for determining the capacity allocation between the high energy density sources and high power density sources. The traits of this employed strategy are the introduction of energy-power relationships (Ragone plots) of EES as constraints and taking of the minimization of life cycle cost (LCC) of HESS as objective function; which respectively considers the power and energy storage characteristics of EES integrally, and reflects the economic need of renewable energy integration. The analytical process of the sizing strategy is described in detail. A case study for an analysis of specific wind power output, with the types of EES we adopted in project, is illustrated graphically based on the developed programming software platform. 相似文献
This paper describes a procedure for simulations of wind power integration in a deregulated power system with two complementary planning tools. The first planning tool is a joint market model (JMM) taking into account the day-ahead market and the regulating power market using 1 h average time steps. The second tool is the stepwise power flow (SPF) model simulating the frequency deviations and power balancing within the hour, e.g. based on 5 min average time steps. Input data is shared by the two tools, and the simulation results from JMM are used in the SPF simulations to ensure consistent results. JMM simulations are performed using two different scenarios for the development in the Nordic power system. The first scenario is the most likely development for 2010, and the second is a high-wind scenario assuming 10% of the electricity consumption in the Nordic countries supplied by wind power. Subsequently, a worst case 1 h period is selected from the JMM simulations, converted to the more detailed grid representation in SPF, and finally simulated and analysed with SPF. 相似文献
随着高比例新能源接入电力系统,常规机组开机减少,系统备用容量不足,需要充分挖掘第三方主体的备用能力。本文提出并比较了第三方主体参与备用辅助服务的2种现货市场出清模式:电能量和机组备用联合出清+第三方主体备用单独出清模式、电能量和两侧备用联合出清模式。论文首先结合市场发展阶段、备用资源紧缺程度等方面分析了2种出清模式的优缺点;然后,给出了2种市场模式下的出清模型,并分析了第三方主体参与对市场出清结果的影响及其费用和收益情况。最后,采用改进的IEEE30节点系统进行了仿真,结果表明电能量和两侧备用联合出清模式可以更加充分调用第三方主体的备用,降低系统发电和备用总成本。 相似文献
In recent years, electric power systems are adopting new technologies in their structure in order to achieve better performance and efficiency in the electricity production, transmission and distribution. This fact together with additional financial incentives being developed in many countries have increased considerably the number of power generating units using renewable energy sources. However, a major drawback of these units is their dependency on unexpected weather conditions such as the wind speed and the rainfalls in the respective hydrologic areas. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of wind parks and hydroelectric power plants on the reliability and operational performance of isolated power systems. A probabilistic methodology has been developed for simulating more efficiently and realistically the reliability and operational performance of these power systems. This is an effective computational methodology that is based on the Monte-Carlo sequential simulation approach and it evaluates the reliability and operational indices of the conventional thermal and hydroelectric power plants, the wind parks and the overall indices of the system. An appropriate model based on the power system of a Greek island is used and the obtained results are presented for a number of case studies representing various planning and operating schemes in order to deduce the optimal one. 相似文献