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A 26-year-old female, presenting for dental surgery, developed anaphylactic shock immediately after intravenous administration of lignocaine without preservative added to the propofol to alleviate pain during intravenous injection. We describe the clinical circumstances, the management and the investigations carried out to detect the cause.  相似文献   

We developed a competitive enzyme immunoassay for detection of rat P-selectin and examined temporal changes of plasma P-selectin levels in an endotoxin-induced injury model in rats. Soluble P-selectin was detected in rat plasma after intravenous administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and increased to a maximum level of five-fold over baseline after 24 hours. Plasma P-selectin was partially purified by gelfiltration and was identified as a 122 kDa band by Western blotting. Using the ELISA system we developed, monitoring of plasma P-selectin has become possible in the rat.  相似文献   

We report 81 of 107 cases of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), admitted between July 1994 and February 1996, following an outbreak of Shigella dysenteriae type 1 dysentery in Kwazulu/Natal. All patients, excluding 1, were black with a mean age of 38 months (range 1-121); 50 (61.7%) were males. The mean duration of dysentery was 11.3 days (range 1-41) and HUS 15 days (range 1-91). Most patients had acute oliguric renal failure (90.1%), 42 (51.6%) required peritoneal dialysis. Complications included encephalopathy 30 (37.0%), convulsions 12 (14.8%) and hemiplegia 2 (2.3%), gastrointestinal perforation 8 (9.9%), protein losing enteropathy 26 (32.1%), toxic megacolon 4 (4.9%), rectal prolapse 5 (6.2%), hepatitis 11 (13.6%), myocarditis 5 (6.2%), congestive cardiac failure 3 (3.7%), cardiomyopathy 3 (3.7%), infective endocarditis 1 (1.2%), septicemia 15 (18.5%), disseminated intravascular coagulation 17 (21%). Leukemoid reactions were found in 74 (91.3%) patients, hyponatremia in 56 (69.1%), and hypoalbuminemia in 67 (82.7%). Stool culture for Shigella dysenteriae type I was positive in only 7 (8.6%) patients; Shiga toxin assays were not performed. Outcome was as follows: recovery 32 (39.5%), impaired renal function 8 (9.9%), chronic renal failure 26 (32.1%), end-stage renal disease 1 (1.2%), and death 14 (17.3%) patients.  相似文献   

An easily applicable score to predict the risk of prematurity (Tab. I) (defined by weight) is examined prospectively (scoring during 6 th month of pregnancy) in 431 and retrospectively (obtained after delivery) in 1183 pregnancies. In the prospective study (Tab. II) 71.4% of all pregnancies resulting in babies below 2501 g exceed the proposed 50 points risk probabilty limit whereas only 18.7% of pregnancies with babies of more than 3000 g do so. Excluding pregnancies with 20 or more risk points and excellent prenatal care (8 or more consultations) - which should change the outcome of risk-pregnancies - the percentages are 77.8% and 12.2% respectively (Tab. III). Pregnancies resulting in babies with birth weight of 2501 g -2750 g exceeded the limit in 38.9% and those with babies of 2751 g-3000 g in 20.7%. If 60 risk points are used as the limit the percentages for more than 3000 g until less than 2501 g would be 8.2%, 6.9%, 33.3% and 66.7%. In the resrospective study (Tab. V) 14.7% of all pregnancies with babies above 3000 g exceeded the 50 risk points limit compared with 57.2 of those with babies below 2501 g. Excluding pregnancies with 20 or more risk points and excellent prental care the percentages are 7.6 and 59.4 respectively. In the retrospective study the influence of the quality of prenatal care by the number of consultations (3-4; 5-7; 8 or more) is clearly demonstrable: Pregnancies with more than 50 risk points resulted in 80.7%, 57.1% and 19.8% depending on the quality of care in babies below 2501 g. Pregnancies with 31-50 risk points did so in 47.2%, 20.4% and 11.8%. In 334 women the score could be applied twice, in the 6th month and at delivery. Comparing both scores it was found that only 1.8% of these women exceeded the 50 risk points limit by events occurring after the 6th month scoring (Tab. IV). The score, simple enough to be applied by nurses and midwives, seems to be able to select 77.8% of pregnancies resulting in babies below 2501 g already during the 6th month of pregnancy, i.e. early enough for preventive measures to be taken that decrease the frequency of underweight births by three quarters.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to demonstrate the effects of prolonged exposure to 6-ANA at low dose-levels in dogs. A male and a female Beagle dog received daily oral repetitive doses of 1 mg/kg or less for 20 weeks. Both dogs showed lacrimation, conjunctivitis, reduced motility and anemia since the second week of treatment. The female dog was more affected than the male and at the end of treatment period it had tremor, hanging lower jaw, stepping gait of the hind limbs, hunched posture, and general debilitation. Post-mortem examination of the female dog revealed prominent brain edema with pressure atrophy of the dorsal cranial bones. Microscopic examination of the nervous system revealed spongiform neuropathy in both animals mainly affecting the telencephalic cortex and hippocampal fascia dentata, the substantia gelatinosa in the spinal cord and the dorsal root and autonomic ganglia. The changes were produced by vacuolation of astrocytes in the central nervous system and perineuronal satellite cells in the ganglia. Examination of the other organs revealed thymic atrophy and high hematopoietic activity of the bone marrow in both dogs. The male had severe interstitial edema and vacuolar degeneration of the testicular seminiferous tubules and the female had marked chronic pyelonephritis. This chemically induced spongiform neuropathy in dogs obviously represents a subchronic form of the "energy deprivation syndrome" induced by impaired glucose utilization. Vacuolar degeneration of the testicular seminiferous epithelium may have the same pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is implicated in septic shock. We investigated the effect of intravenous antioxidant therapy on antioxidant status, lipid peroxidation, hemodynamics and nitrite in patients with septic shock. Thirty patients randomly received either antioxidants (n-acetylcysteine 150 mg/kg for 30 min then 20 mg/kg/h plus bolus doses of 1 g ascorbic acid and 400 mg alpha-tocopherol) or 5% dextrose. Basal vitamin C was low and redox-reactive iron was elevated in all patients. In the 16 patients receiving antioxidants, vitamin C increased (p = .0002) but total antioxidant capacity was unaffected. Lipid peroxides were elevated in all patients but did not increase further in the patients receiving antioxidants. Plasma total nitrite also increased (p = .007) in the antioxidant group. Heart rate increased in patients receiving antioxidants at 60 min (p = .018) and 120 min (p = .004). Cardiac index also increased at 60 min (p = .007) and 120 min (p = .05). Systemic vascular resistance index decreased at 120 min in the antioxidant treated patients (p = .003). The effect of antioxidants on hemodynamic variables has not previously been reported. Antioxidant administration may be a useful adjunct to conventional approaches in the management of septic shock.  相似文献   

The authors report the results of morphological studies of the brains of dogs on which transcerebral or peripheral electrotraumata were inflicted and which were killed immediately after completion of the experiment. Subarachnoidal and intracerebral hemorrhages were observed in the two groups of experimental animals. Hemorrhages were much less intense in those cases in which so-called peripheral injuries were inflicted on the animals. However, it is reasonable to expect late and permanent functional and morphological damage to the central nervous system to be produced even in those cases where electric current is not caused to flow directly through the brain. This should be carefully considered in any attempt to determine the consequences of electrotraumata.  相似文献   

EGb 761 is a preparation of Ginkgo biloba extract, which has complex biologic actions including free radical scavenging activity. To examine the anti-arrhythmic effect of EGb 761, a canine preparation of coronary artery occlusion-reperfusion was tested. Under intravenous anesthesia and open chest conditions, 32 dogs were subjected to 30 min of coronary occlusion, followed by reperfusion. Twelve received EGb 761 by intravenous injection, 1 mg/kg five minutes before coronary occlusion, followed by a continuous infusion of 0.1 mg/kg/min until five minutes after reperfusion. Immediately prior to reperfusion, an additional bolus dose of EGb 761 (1 mg/kg) was again injected (group A). The remaining 20 dogs received saline injection, and served as the control (group B). The electrocardiographic changes were recorded during the whole experimental course. The results showed that, during coronary occlusion, group A dogs had a lower count of ventricular premature beats than group B dogs. However, there was no difference in the incidence of ventricular tachycardia (VT) between the two groups. The duration of VT of the treated dogs was similar to that of the control dogs. The incidence of ventricular fibrillation (VF) was also similar. Upon reperfusion, the treated dogs were shown to be protected from VF. The duration of VT was also shorter in the treated group, although the incidence of VT was not different between the two groups. EGb 761 is effective in preventing early VF induced by coronary reperfusion while ineffective in protecting the ischemic VT and VF.  相似文献   

The response of awake and anesthesized cocks with sodium pentobarbital to stressful stimuli has been examined. The stressful stimuli was immersion in cold water. In the awake cocks plasma corticosterone concentration was increased about 4 fold; they started shivering shortly after immersion and recovered after cessation of the treatment. In the anesthesized ones there was no increase in plasma corticosterone concentration, they did not shiver and died shortly after immersion.  相似文献   

In a prospective clinical trial, low-dose, continuous, IV infusion of insulin (dosage, 2.2 U/kg of body weight, q 24 h) was used to treat 21 dogs with diabetic ketoacidosis. Mean (+/- SD) blood glucose concentration at the onset of treatment was 550 +/- 150 mg/dl and after 6 hours, was 350 +/- 106 mg/dl, with a mean decline of 34 +/- 16 mg/dl/h. By 12 hours, mean blood glucose was 246 +/- 85 mg/dl, with a mean decline of 28 +/- 14 mg/dl/h during the second 6 hours of treatment. Mean duration of treatment required to reach a blood glucose concentration < or = 250 mg/dl was 10 +/- 4 hours, with a range of 4 to 24 hours. Ketonuria was observed for 26 +/- 14 hours (range, 6 to 72 hours). Hypoglycemia developed in 3 of 21 dogs during treatment, but responded to IV administration of a glucose solution and to a reduction in rate of insulin delivery. Potassium supplementation was required in 15 of 21 dogs. Mean bicarbonate concentration was 11.6 +/- 3.4 mEq/L before treatment and was 18.2 +/- 0.7 mEq/L after 24 hours. Fifteen of 21 dogs (71%) survived to be discharged. Mean duration of treatment with the insulin infusion was 50 +/- 30 hours (range, 7 to 124 hours). In this series of dogs, continuous, low-dose, IV infusion of insulin provided a gradual and consistent reduction in blood glucose concentration while ketoacidosis, electrolyte balance, and dehydration were corrected.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine whether adverse drug reactions (ADRs) to herbal remedies would be reported differently from similar ADRs to conventional over-the-counter (OTC) medicines by herbal-remedy users. METHODS: Face-to-face interviews (using a structured questionnaire) with 515 users of herbal remedies were conducted in six pharmacy stores and six healthfood stores in the UK. The questionnaire focused on the likely course of action taken by herbal-remedy users after experiencing an ADR associated with a conventional OTC medicine and a herbal remedy. RESULTS: Following a 'serious' suspected ADR, 156 respondents (30.3%) would consult their GP irrespective of whether the ADR was associated with the use of a herbal remedy or a conventional OTC medicine, whereas 221 respondents (42.9%) would not consult their GP for a serious ADR associated with either type of preparation. One hundred and thirty-four respondents (26.0%) would consult their GP for a serious ADR to a conventional OTC medicine, but not for a similar ADR to a herbal remedy, whereas four respondents (0.8%) would consult their GP for a serious ADR to a herbal remedy, but not for a similar ADR to a conventional OTC medicine. Similar differences were found in attitudes towards reporting 'minor' suspected ADRs. CONCLUSIONS: Consumers of herbal remedies would act differently with regard to reporting an ADR (serious or minor) to their GP depending on whether it was associated with a herbal remedy or a conventional OTC medicine. This has implications for herbal pharmacovigilance, particularly given the increasing use of OTC herbal remedies. The finding that a high proportion of respondents would not consult their GP or pharmacist following ADRs to conventional OTC medicines is also of concern.  相似文献   

Intractable pain in a patient with adiposis dolorosa (Dercum's disease) was treated by IV administration of lidocaine (200 to 400 mg). Relief was maximum 20 minutes after the end of drug infusion and persisted for over 10 hours. Toxicity was minimal. Slow EEG waves which appeared during drug administration disappeared within 20 minutes.  相似文献   

Salicylate-kodein is a widely used analgesic agent, particularly in outpatient practice. Salicylates have been incriminated in hepatic injury while kodein may induce biliary spasm. We report here a case of granulomatous hepatitis attributed to prolonged intake of this combination, which has never been reported previously to our knowledge.  相似文献   

Fresh and cryopreserved autologous or allogeneic mononuclear blood cells (MBCs) intravenously injected in 1200 R total-body x-irradiated dogs repopulated lymph nodes within 10 days after tranfusion. Several parameters of the lymphopoietic regeneration were correlated with the number of cells transfused and with the number of colony-forming units contained in the cell suspension when they were cultured in agar (CFUc). Values within the normal or close to normal range were reached in the mesenteric nodes of most of the animals transfused with 10 X 10(9) MBC or more. These values were obtained when 5 X 10(5) CFUc or more were transfused. Axillary nodes showed lower values than mesenteric nodes. They were mostly under the normal range but well over those of the irradiated controls. Frozen and thawed MBCs seem to be as effective as fresh cells for lymphopoietic restoration. The mesenteric nodes of dogs transfused with allogeneic MBCs showed higher cellularity and larger cortical-paracortical areas than those of dogs tranfused with approximately the same number of autologous cells. The repopulation of lymph nodes parallels that of the marrow.  相似文献   

Administration of buthionine sulfoximine (BSO) selectively inhibits glutathione (GSH) biosynthesis and induces a GSH deficiency. Decreased GSH levels in the brain may result in less oxidative stress (OS) protection, because GSH contributes substantially to intracellular antioxidant defense. Under these conditions, administration of the pro-oxidant, dopamine (DA), which rapidly oxidizes to form reactive oxygen species, may increase OS. To test the cognitive behavioral consequences of decreased GSH, BSO (3.2 mg in 30 microliters, intracerebroventricularly) was administered to male Fischer 344 rats every other day for 4 days. In addition, DA (15 microliters of 500 microM) was administered every day [either 1 h after BSO (BSO + DA group) or 1 h before BSO (DA + BSO group), when given on the same day as BSO] and spatial learning and memory assessed (Morris water maze, six trials/day). BSO + DA rats, but not DA + BSO rats, demonstrated cognitive impairment compared to a vehicle group, as evidenced by increased latencies to find the hidden platform, particularly on the first trial each day. Also, the BSO + DA group utilized non-spatial strategies during the probe trials (swim with no platform): i.e., less time spent in the platform quadrant, fewer crossings and longer latencies to the previous platform location, and more time spent in the platform quadrant, fewer crossings and longer latencies to the previous platform location, and more time spent around the edge of the pool rather than in the platform zone. Therefore, the cognitive behavioral consequences of decreasing GSH brain levels with BSO in conjunction with DA administration depends on the order of administration. These findings are similar to those seen previously on rod and plank walking performance, as well as to those seen in aged rats, suggesting that the oxidation of DA coupled with a reduced capacity to respond to oxidative stress may be responsible for the induction of age-related cognitive deficits.  相似文献   

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