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The literature on mechanisms of grain refinement in magnesium alloys is reviewed with regard to two broad groups of alloys: aluminium-bearing and aluminium-free alloys. While a low level zirconium addition significantly reduces the grain size of the aluminium-free alloys, the understanding of mechanisms of grain refinement in aluminium-bearing alloys is poor and in some cases probably confusing due to the interaction between impurity elements and aluminium in affecting the potency of nucleant particles. Mechanisms of grain refinement in magnesium alloys are dealt based on the experimental results in conjunction with microstructural observations. Informations revealed by this approach identify new directions for further research to focus on obtaining an improved understanding of the detailed mechanisms of grain refinement in magnesium alloys.  相似文献   

Attempted to assess the validity of the phenomenon of "animal neurosis." The behavior of 14 cats exposed to the type of conflict specified by J. Masserman as critical to the development of "experimental neurosis" was contrasted with that of 14 cats simply confined in the conditioning apparatus for the same length of time. Comparison of the groups on the basis of the "symptoms" Masserman considered neurotic did not yield any evidence of neurotic behavior. It is concluded that cats do not become neurotic following exposure to conflict and that Masserman's findings are best explained as artifacts of the experimental procedures employed. (15 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The author investigates the concept of psychoanalytic process as it relates to the capability for defining the specificity of psychoanalytic treatments. The concept is traced back to its origin in Freud’s understanding of transference and transference neurosis. The author suggests that this process should be understood as an issue in which via “just-like-interpretations” contents of the patient’s transference enter into consciousness in the guise of a transference neurosis. These newly built substitutive formations are then removed by “just-like-it-was-interpretations” and changed into other substitutive formations. As this process can only be instigated by psychoanalytic measures, it is, therefore, the process itself that defines the specific difference of psychoanalytic treatments. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Current attempts at preventing infections caused by group B Neisseria meningitidis are largely directed on generating immune responses to outer membrane proteins or the lipopolysaccharide of this organism. We suggest an alternative approach: the use of a live, attenuated strain of Neisseria meningitidis which could be delivered mucosally to elicit both local and systemic immune responses.  相似文献   

In the previous Special Section, the authors presented empirical evidence and logical analysis that were sufficient to demonstrate that the widespread use of the Rorschach in clinical, legal, forensic, and occupational settings is unwarranted on both scientific and ethical grounds (J. Hunsley and J. M. Bailey, see record 1999-11130-004). To expand on their analysis and to respond to issues raised in the previous and current Special Sections, they begin their article by examining a number of conceptual issues that are at the heart of the disagreements about the Rorschach. The focus is then shifted to the central issue of clinical utility, with an emphasis on why current research is insufficient to demonstrate the utility of the Rorschach. Next, the psychometric issues raised by I. B. Weiner (see record 2001-05665-002) are addressed and an alternative perspective on the psychometric viability of the Rorschach is provided. Finally, the authors conclude with some suggestions for future directions that must be taken in research to address the substantive concerns raised by Rorschach critics. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

AGeneralAccountofLanzhouAlu-minumCompanyLimitedLanzhouAluminumCompanyLimited(“LAC”)isalimitedshareholdingcompanysetupbyLanzhouA-luminumSmelter(“LAS”)andotherfoursmallershareholderson14April,1999,registeredinLanzhouHigh-TechnologyDevelopmentZonewithregisteredcapitalof295.0millionYuan.LAS,astheinitiatorandmajorshareholderofLAC,hasputitsoperativeassets(No.1andNo.2Smelter,CarbonPlant,Me-chanicalPlant,PowerSupplyPlant,etc.)intoLAC,whichwasapp…  相似文献   

"Two hundred and eight college graduates who were members of the supervisory staff of a large manufacturing organization took Form M of How Supervise? and were rated for supervisory performance… . Statistical analysis indicated no relation between scores on How Supervise? and rated success in a supervisory position. An item analysis indicated that the items consistently measured some quality, possibly supervisory knowledge. The items in the test were found to be too easy for the group of subjects and for the most part not valid predictors of supervisory success as measured… ." 27 references. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Trust between coworkers is critical to the success of organizations and teams. This is especially true for those who are geographically dispersed and who must interact virtually. The authors studied the factors related to the development of trust between pairs of coworkers (dyads) in a new product development team. Some of the members were colocated, and others worked virtually. Using the actor–partner interdependence model, the authors found reciprocal effects for propensity to trust and trust in dyads. They found that propensity has greater influence on trust for virtual dyads and that trust has less influence on organizational citizenship when partners are virtual. Trustworthiness was shown to fully mediate the influence of trusting predisposition on trust. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the association between parental divorce and children's adjustment is mediated by genetic factors was examined in the Colorado Adoption Project, a prospective longitudinal study of 398 adoptive and biological families. In biological families, children who experienced their parents' separation by the age of 12 years exhibited higher rates of behavioral problems and substance use, and lower levels of achievement and social adjustment, compared with children whose parents' marriages remained intact. Similarly, adopted children who experienced their (adoptive) parents' divorces exhibited elevated levels of behavioral problems and substance use compared with adoptees whose parents did not separate, but there were no differences on achievement and social competence. The findings for psychopathology are consistent with an environmentally mediated explanation for the association between parent divorce and children's adjustment; in contrast, the findings for achievement and social adjustment are consistent with a genetically mediated explanation involving passive genotype–environment correlation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Over 2,200 North American psychotherapists completed a Web-based survey concerning their clinical work, including theoretical orientation, client characteristics, and use of specific psychotherapy techniques. Psychotherapeutic integration was common, with the majority of respondents identifying with more than one theoretical orientation or as having an eclectic orientation. The modal patient was a White female adult suffering from a mood or anxiety disorder and interpersonal problems. Individual psychotherapy was the preferred treatment modality. The most frequently endorsed techniques were relationship-oriented such as conveying warmth, acceptance, understanding, and empathy. The least frequently endorsed techniques were biofeedback, neurofeedback, body and energy therapies, and hypnotherapy. Efforts to disseminate empirically based therapies require understanding and accommodating clinicians' tendencies to integrate techniques. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Promises are positioned centrally in the study of psychological contract breach and are argued to distinguish psychological contracts from related constructs, such as employee expectations. However, because the effects of promises and delivered inducements are confounded in most research, the role of promises in perceptions of, and reactions to, breach remains unclear. If promises are not an important determinant of employee perceptions, emotions, and behavioral intentions, this would suggest that the psychological contract breach construct might lack utility. To assess the unique role of promises, the authors manipulated promises and delivered inducements separately in hypothetical scenarios in Studies 1 (558 undergraduates) and 2 (441 employees), and they measured them separately (longitudinally) in Study 3 (383 employees). The authors’ results indicate that breach perceptions do not represent a discrepancy between what employees believe they were promised and were given. In fact, breach perceptions can exist in the absence of promises. Further, promises play a negligible role in predicting feelings of violation and behavioral intentions. Contrary to the extant literature, the authors’ findings suggest that promises may matter little; employees are concerned primarily with what the organization delivers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We examined the proposition that employees' work-flow centrality (i.e., the extent to which they are critical to the task-related interaction networks of their work groups) enhances their personal influence within their work groups and, therefore, motivates them to engage in voice behaviors. In support of this proposition, in a study of 184 bank employees nested within 42 work groups, we found that employees' work-flow centrality was positively related to voice behaviors, with their personal influence mediating this relationship. Further, work-flow centrality was more strongly related to personal influence when employees had higher task performance, and personal influence was more strongly related to voice behaviors when employees had higher levels of work-group identification. Implications for theory and practice are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Numberl,March 1990Reface···············‘·······一······························、、、、-、·、·,,···································,··…Xu Guangxian(l)Best Wishes to the Journal oftheChineseRareEarthsoeiety··············,···········,···················…MaFukang(2)Retardation ofPhotosensitized0xidationbyComPlexofHyPocrellinAandPraseodymiumlon .,二,.....…  相似文献   

R. M. Nosofsky and T. J. Palmeri's (1997) exemplar-based random-walk (EBRW) model of speeded classification is extended to account for speeded same–different judgments among integral-dimension stimuli. According to the model, an important component process of same–different judgments is that people store individual examples of experienced same and different pairs of objects in memory. These exemplar pairs are retrieved from memory on the basis of how similar they are to a currently presented pair of objects. The retrieved pairs drive a random-walk process for making same–different decisions. The EBRW predicts correctly that same responses are faster for objects lying in isolated than in dense regions of similarity space. The model also predicts correctly effects of same-identity versus same-category instructions and is sensitive to observers' past experiences with specific same and different pairs of objects. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Researchers have assumed that low self-esteem predicts deviance, but empirical results have been mixed. This article draws upon recent theoretical developments regarding contingencies of self-worth to clarify the self-esteem/deviance relation. It was predicted that self-esteem level would relate to deviance only when self-esteem was not contingent on workplace performance. In this manner, contingent self-esteem is a boundary condition for self-consistency/behavioral plasticity theory predictions. Using multisource data collected from 123 employees over 6 months, the authors examined the interaction between level (high/low) and type (contingent/noncontingent) of self-esteem in predicting workplace deviance. Results support the hypothesized moderating effects of contingent self-esteem; implications for self-esteem theories are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Research on early detection and early treatment of schizophrenia is not only based on findings of studies of course, outcome and therapy, but is the most obvious consequence of the nowadays dominating conceptualisation of schizophrenia. In the last decades, results of birth cohort studies as well as of genetic and psychometric "high-risk" research, of epidemiological studies and of studies of the clinical course have given starting points for the development of early detection and early intervention programmes. Such programmes will be applicable most likely at the begin of the psychotic first manifestation, but it seems possible that they can be extended to the prodromal phase or the premorbide phase. Therefore, it is important to build up early detection networks based on regional early detection centres interacting between each other via an international network. The main aim of these centres--once sensitive screening instruments are existent--should be the identification of not yet psychotic at-risk persons in the general population and, after the application of specific prediction instruments, their preventive treatment.  相似文献   

The authors address 3 general issues raised by the commentaries on S. Goldberg, J. E. Grusec, and J. M. Jenkins (see record 1999-15264-001) by J. Braungart-Rieker and J. Karrass (see record 1999-15264-003), S. Dickstein (see record 1999-15264-002), R. Isabella (see record 1999-15264-006), K. MacDonald (see record 1999-15264-004), and D. R. Pederson and G. Moran (see record 1999-15264-005). (a) In response to questions regarding the nature of protection, they outline a definition consistent with J. Bowlby's (1969) that extends beyond predation and survival to include protection in times of illness, injury, and emotional distress; (b) they argue that protective needs extend well beyond infancy into adulthood and are relevant to a lifespan perspective on attachment; and (c) the challenges of differentiating aspects of relationships are discussed, and the significance of a narrow definition of attachment in such efforts is emphasized. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Notes that the process of describing an object's location relative to another object results in ambiguity. How do people handle this ambiguity? The present 3 studies, using a total of 88 undergraduates, examined spatial language processing when use of different reference frames results in ambiguity. This study investigated whether electrophysiological measures of cognitive processing may elucidate underlying reference frame processing; in particular, the authors were interested in semantic integration. Electrophysiological results show a larger N400, peaking between 300 and 375 ms, when the intrinsic frame was not used. Behavioral results mirrored this finding, indicating a reduced cognitive processing requirement for the intrinsic reference frame. Previous work has not definitively tied spatial reference frame processing to specific electrophysiological components and their associated cognitive processes. Although the N400 peak seen in this data is early, additional work supports the N400 interpretation, thereby linking spatial frame processing to semantic integration. Results are discussed within the larger context of spatial reference frame processing. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Office automation(OA)has evolved with the development of computer science,improving staff efficiency.Unstructured information processing is an important aspect of OA;therefore,in this paper,we propose an efficient method for distinguishing scanned and rasterized document images which can be used in this process.To ensure the efficiency and precision of our method,two steps are included:rapid processing and classification using noise features.In the first step,color,skew,and isolated noise features are used to identify the source of the images. In the second step,noise features are extracted from the input image and a support vector machine(SVM)classifier is used for classification.Our experiments show that our method has high precision and speed for distinguishing scanned and rasterized document images.  相似文献   

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