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Distillative Deacidification of Fats and Oils Based on the general principles of steam distillation, a method and diagrams for calculating the consumption of stripping steam in the distillative deacidification of various types of fats and oils are given. With the example of distillative deacidification of palm oil, it is shown as to how the minimum consumption of stripping steam is obtained in a two-step process. Subsequently, the corresponding determinations for palm kernel, coconut, peanut and rapeseed oils are shown. The operational scheme of a continuous plant for distillative deacidification and deodorization as well as photos of the fittings of the distilling cylinder are also included.  相似文献   

Neutralization and Deodorization of Edible Oils and Fats by Plants Working According to the Multistage Counter Current Film Principle - Basic Principles and Economy On the contrary to the 1976 presented one stage counter current film process in a temperature field obtruded from outside the new multistage process has in comparison to the one stage process by factor 3 smaller differences for the Reynold number of the vapour flow between head and bottom. They effect relatively smaller differential pressures. The further development of the multistage film process resulted in plants which may operate under condition that a neutralization of cocoa butter is possible with respect to economy and without changes in the glycerol structure.  相似文献   

A New Process for the Manufacture of Hydrogen from Methanol Based on the experience in low pressure synthesis of methanol and low temperature conversion over copper-containing catalysts, a new process has been developed for splitting methanol into hydrogen and CO2 by an one-step process. The carbon dioxide is removed by scrubbing. The process operates at low temperature. It is highly flexible in capacity and suitable for batch operation.  相似文献   

Combination of Various Constructional Units for the Fatty Acid Distillation and Fractionation as well as Distillative Deacidification and Deodorization of Fats Highly efficient constructional units such as those for flashing and degassing release, straight distillation using falling film evaporator, separator and head condenser for low pressure drop and evaporation under protective condition, platecolumns and trickling columns for continuous, discontinuous and combined operations at extremely low pressure drop, all developed by the ACV are reported in the present paper. These units can be practically combined with each other in every desired manner which enables one to tackle the numerous tasks of varied nature that are encountered frequently in that fat and fatty acid industry. As regards the purity, colour and smell, high degree of separation can be achieved with great economy. A few examples of the versatile application of these new units are described Considerations have been made on the material of construction and the problems involving plant control.  相似文献   

Contribution to the Physics of Fats - A New Improved Method for Measurement and Evaluation of the Solidification Properties of Fats The physical behaviour of solidified fats can vary widely (e.g. consistency, melting behaviour, sensoric) depending on solidification conditions. The reason for this is mainly the polymorphism, but also other physical effects like e.g. fractionated cristallization. Reliable information about the solidification properties of fats and fat blends are to be expected only if reproducible and usefully selected test conditions are kept. Up to now only indirect procedures have been available which were related to the solidification enthalpy (Shukov. Jensen a. o.). New impulses were brought by the “thermorheography” (“TRG-procedure”, according to Baenitz/Kleinert), in this method the moving resistance (torque) is controlled during solidification. Initial disturbations caused by the device could be removed in the meantime by a varied construction of the measuring device. By this an additional improvement of enthalpy recording was possible. For this examples of determination are shown and explained.  相似文献   

A Continuous Prerefining Plant with Continuous Bleaching It is reported about a continuous prerefining with thin layer bleaching, which can be easily integrated in existing refining plants with continuous or semicontinuous desodorizing plants. How far the described “entire dry desliming process”can be applied to other fats like coconut oil, palm oil and animal fats has not been investigated. In the main only the constructive conception of the constructed plant is shown.  相似文献   

Oxy Acids in the Assessment of Thermally Treated Fats The usual characteristic values such as peroxide, aldehyde and epoxide values are mostly insufficient for the assessment of the degree of oxidation of thermally treated fats. Characteristics such as acid value and especially colouration with alkali and oxy acids offer a good insight into the degree of oxidation of a fat. According to the investigations carried out till now a good correlation exists between the alkali colouration and the oxy acids so that the determination of either of the two suffices. The measurement of alkali colouration is preferred, since it is simple and rapid, and permits the simultaneous assessment of oxy acids.  相似文献   

Deacidification of Vegetable Oils with Ammonia – An Environmentally Safe Refining Method Compared to conventional deacidification of vegetable oils using sodium hydroxide, neutralization with aqueous ammonia has the advantage of being safe to environment, because the deacidification agent can be repeatedly reused. Oils, especially soybean oil with low degree of oxidation, can be fully deacidified only with the help of ammonia. A post-refining with 0.5 N sodium hydroxide at 95-100° C reduces the residual phosphorus content to 1-4 ppm. The same effect can be frequently achieved by a preliminary desliming with 5% formic acid or citric acid. Deodorization at 210° C of oils that have been deacidified with ammonia and washed with water yields bland and pale edible oils having good keepability.  相似文献   

Coffee Oils in the Assessment of Raw and Roasted Coffee Beans Increasing amounts of robusta coffee is used for the production of roasted coffee mixtures for the preparation of beverages and coffee extract powders. Owing to the differences between arabica and robusta coffee varieties with respect to composition and flavour, the detection of the latter variety is desirable. The composition of coffee oils from the arabica and robusta varieties is reported and colour reactions of the coffee oils are discussed which enable to distinguish between raw and roasted, whole and powdered beans of arabica and robusta varieties and permit the detection of robusta coffee in mixtures with arabica coffee.  相似文献   

50 Years Technology of Vegetable Oils and Fats - a Report of Experiences In a survey about the development of the technology of vegetable oils and fats between 1932 and 1982 above all those areas are dealt, in which the author could contribute to the optimization of technological process steps and to the quality improvement of final products. It is described in detail: influence of solvent composition on benzine losts and on hydrocarbon retention in the oil seed extraction, improvement of the lecithin removal process, the entire desliming of extracted oils and its influence on raffinate quality, methods for determination of refining lost and for estimation of quality of raw and refined oils, comparison between various alkali-neutralization methods, relations between bleaching earth activity and oxidation stability of the oils, recovery of oil from used bleaching earth, distillative neutralization and determination of optimal deodorising conditions. The report is finished with hints on the importance of special fats for the fat processing industry obtained by hydrogenation, interesterification or fractionation.  相似文献   

Melt Granulation - A New Method for the Formation of Compact Globules with defined Bead from Melt A method by which uniform beads of a definite size can be produced from the melts is described. The construction and working of a plant already erected is explained as well as the methods of calculation for the lay out and dimensioning are given. The application is shown with the help of an example.  相似文献   

The Removal of Trace Contaminants from Oils and Fats by Deodorization In the introduction to this topic the importance of the pre-treatment of oils and fats in respect of the removal of trace contaminants is discussed. Deodorization conditions used in practice are defined. The role played by deodorization and distillative neutralization in reducing the content of organochlorine pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrosamines and solvent residues is discussed in detail. Finally, some comments will be made as to the utilization of deodorizer distillates.  相似文献   

The Formation of Artefacts during Deodorization of Fats and Oils Various artefacts are formed during deodorization of fats and oils. Their amount depends on the process parameters, particularly temperature and time of deodorization. The design of the equipment as well as the fatty acid composition of the fats and oils also have some influence. We investigated the formation of trans-isomers as well as of dimeric or oligomeric triglycerides in various fats and oils of different degree of unsaturation by means of IR-spectrometry and capillary GLC on one hand and by gel permeation chromatography on the other hand. The amount of the formation of artefacts is insignificant up to 240°C. At somewhat higher temperatures the amount clearly increases and in the temperature range 260-270°C a steep increase can be observed. Under process conditions as applied in the industrial practice of to-day objectionable concentrations of artefacts are never formed.  相似文献   

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