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建设项目的工程保险到底由谁投保更有利于项目的风险管理,国内各行业施工招标范本约定不一,加上保险专业性强,条款复杂难懂,发包方要么参照以往惯例,要么感到复杂难办直接推给承包方.这种简单处理方式都没有从有效风险管理的角度设身处地考虑项目风险管控.本文通过总结南京南站综合枢纽快速环线工程保险的实践经验,分析工程风险的主要承担对象,对发包方投保和承包方投保的利弊进行对比,认为重大建设项目工程保险由发包方投保更合理,并建议在投保过程中委托保险经纪人进行专业策划.  相似文献   

在煤炭企业中存在着一群特殊的群体——残疾矿工。他们在小城镇中生活几十年,是整个社区中的弱势群体。看上去他们受到了一些社会的保护(比如各种补贴和福利),但事实上,他们在受到当地煤炭企业的轻视的同时没有获得足够的社区关注。本文试图通过介绍分析残疾矿工的生活现状,应运社会资本理论分析他们生活中社会资本的状况。本文认为:社区在改善残疾矿工的生存状况中具有带动性作用,结合其它社区主体(社会组织和志愿者等)的共同协作才能促使伤残矿工的社会支持网络的形式和内容发生转变。进而促使现有救助方式由消极被动的救助方式想积极发展型救助方式转变。  相似文献   

相较于发达国家,我国近40年的无障碍设施建设总体滞后,完善无障碍设施的空间布局与提升其使用效率已成为空间规划中社会公平的重要内容,也是以人民为中心的重要体现。基于此,本文从个体因素、社会经济因素、行为活动因素和建成环境因素等四个方面对南京市残疾人无障碍设施使用率展开分析,进一步结合深度访谈及实地调查情况,分析其影响因素。研究结果显示,残疾人的个体生理因素对其使用无障碍设施的频率并无显著的影响,而社会经济因素、行为活动因素对残疾人使用无障碍设施的频率有一定的影响,建成环境因素对残疾人使用无障碍设施频率的影响最为显著。基于此,本文提出我国无障碍设施建设应实现从"建成度"向"可使用性"的目标转换。  相似文献   

在推动文化大发展大繁荣的过程中,以社区为依托活跃基层残疾人社区文化生活,共建、共享、共融社会主义文明,已成为当下社会的共识。本文拟以青岛市黄岛区的实地调研为例,通过对其当前残疾人社区文化发展现状、创新理念以及目前所面临的相关困难与问题进行整合与探究,力求为残疾人社区文化发展提供相关理论借鉴。  相似文献   

残疾人是社会中的弱势群体,且群体的差异性较大,对于残疾人来说残疾人福利对其改善生活至关重要。本文以南京市为例,对残疾人福利供需状况展开深入调查,并利用供需差率等指标分析福利供需差距状况。结果显示南京市残疾人的福利供给不能满足需求,且结构不匹配。基于此提出应该健全残疾人福利法律体系,建立残疾人福利津贴制度,并通过加大财政投入、根据残疾人福利需求偏好有针对性增加相应供给等对策缩小残疾人福利供需差距,实现残疾人福利供给均等化的目标。  相似文献   

夏菁 《城市规划》2019,43(2):46-51,66
残疾人作为典型的弱势群体,确保其基本生存空间需要是城市规划的重要责任,也是人本思想的重要体现。本文从"城市人"规划理论中典型城市人与典型人居的匹配关系切入,用满意度来衡量残疾人追求空间接触机会的水平,以南京市域为实证范围,采取半结构式访谈法,对南京市老旧小区、保障性小区、农村社区三类典型人居共计6个样本单元进行满意度总体评价,并通过对残疾人出行场所的偏好分析,识别最高满意度样本单元(凤栖苑社区)的人居特征,以及不同类型人居单元的残疾人出行空间偏好差异。研究发现,残疾人聚居存在对"家及周边"这一空间范围的强偏好与对突破"家及周边"空间弱依赖的双重特征。为提升残疾人对聚居空间的满意度,研究提出下一步规划应遵循"从全面到重点、从基础到提升"的原则,在空间供给时应优先强化"家及周边"这一空间范围内的残疾人出行保障,再拓展"家及周边"范围外的残疾人偏好场所。  相似文献   

从日本福利都市环境整备的社会背景、发展过程、整备的基本内容及相关理念与技术要点四方面探讨了以残疾人、老年人的社会自立为目标的日本福利都市环境整备,指出福利都市建设是为残疾人、老年人创造丰富、愉悦优美的生活环境,是社会平等的价值观的体现.  相似文献   

从日本福利都市环境整备的社会背景、发展过程,整备的基本内容及相关理念与技术要点四方面探讨了以残疾人,老年人的社会自立为目标的日本福利都市环境整备,指出福利都市建设是为残疾人、老年人创造丰富,愉悦、优美的生活环境,是社会平等的价值观的体现。  相似文献   

该文结合福建省残疾人体育康复就业培训中心这一工程实例,对无障碍设计理念展开探讨。紧扣培训中心的设计理念——欢聚的家园,运动的乐土这一设计主题,从建筑总体到建筑细部全方位介绍培训中心以主要服务对象——残疾人自身的生理机能、生活习惯为出发点,如何将无障碍设计渗透到建筑设计的各个细节。  相似文献   

对于“城中村”,不同的学者有不同的理解。有学者从居住特色的角度进行分析,强调“城中村是指在城市建成区内,在原农村居民点范围内形成的与周边城市环境构成鲜明反差的以原农村居民‘一户一栋’为基本特征的特殊居住区,也称都市里的村庄”。有学者从土地、户籍、社会关系的角度进行综合描述,认为“城中村现象是指从地域角度讲已被纳入城市范畴的局部地区,就其社会属性而言,  相似文献   

在当代社会,机动性已经成为一种社会生活的必要条件.但机动性的能力并不是人人相等的.由于体能、技能、家庭负担、经济贫困等原因,造成某些社会群体的实际机动性能力低于其他群体,从而导致社会孤立甚至是社会排斥现象.笔者旨在提出这个至今仍没有引起足够重视的社会问题.  相似文献   

中国城市机动性与社会排斥   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尝试运用社会排斥理论研究中国城市交通的社会公平问题,认为在当今快速城市化和机动化的中国,机动性与社会排斥既表现出某些与西方国家相似的现象,更呈现出转型社会(即从计划经济向市场经济转型)所具有的特点。分析了由机动化所产生的社会排斥的机制和过程,以及由此造成的社会后果,并提出反排斥的交通政策。  相似文献   

As a prolonged period of Australian prosperity ends, attention has now begun to turn to the likely impacts of a severe economic downturn. The pain of recession is unlikely to be evenly distributed across the population or across space. Not that the previous economic good fortune was evenly spread across society. It is, therefore, expected that a new layer of socio-economic stress will be laid over existing patterns of social and spatial disparity. In this context, questions of deprivation and social exclusion are an important ongoing concern. Deprivation and social exclusion are operative at a number of levels of society. Neo-liberal thought and policy has been directed at the level of the individual. However, space and place are also important, as spatially concentrated disadvantage has structural consequences for both individual fortunes and the broader social fabric. This article considers the spatial distribution of disadvantage across our major metropolitan regions and considers potential approaches to address social exclusion in our suburban heartlands.


以自上而下的方式展开的城市化过程中,农村土地被政府大量征用,导致了大量的农民失去土地而被动的进入城市生活。面对身份从农民到市民的转变,多数人表示对城市生活的不适应。失地农民问题已经成为全国性的社会问题。本研究基于定性与定量相结合的研究方法,从社会排斥的角度,以合肥市芙蓉社区为例,从社会学和城市规划双重视角的角度分析了失地农民的社会适应的状况,并从就业、规划设计以及管理层面对其实现社会融入提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

Transport-related social exclusion (TRSE) is a common problem across the globe. Despite TRSE has been identified to be a multifaceted concept, researchers often focus on a single dimension to identify individuals/groups facing exclusion, which leaves most of the at-risk groups unidentified – due to a lack of comprehensive empirical framework. This paper reports the development of a multidimensional framework through a review of the literature and based on a Delphi survey. A range of dimensions and indicators of TRSE were identified through the review. Their suitability was assessed by the experts through a two-round Delphi survey involving 33 international experts. These experts reached a consensus that individuals are likely to face TRSE in physical, economic, temporal, spatial, psychological, and information dimensions, which can be measured by 15 key indicators consisting of 47 sub-indicators. The findings of this research serve as a guide for scholars and policymakers to understand what constitutes TRSE and act accordingly.  相似文献   

Nowadays in France, a political rhetoric highlights the 'excluded' and aims to reduce 'social fracture'. Most sociologists react negatively to this stance and propose alternative concepts to exclusion, such as 'disaffiliation' and 'disqualification'. This paper links together integration and exclusion as a social transaction process and outlines how this theoretical framework is applicable to the housing field. It identifies some implications for housing policy, particularly in relation to the management of the HLM sector in France.  相似文献   

This paper takes the view that concepts of social exclusion are socially constructed by different combinations of economic, social and political processes. It is suggested that the core meaning of social exclusion is bound up with social isolation and social segregation, and it is therefore argued that an analysis of social mobility (or the lack of it) is crucial to understanding the content and extent of social exclusion. Three approaches to the analysis of social mobility are briefly considered, and it is concluded that the causation of social exclusion appears to have three interrelated dimensions: economic, legal/political, and moral/ideological. The main theoretical approaches to social exclusion, encompassing 'structural' and 'cultural' perspectives, are then examined, and a new, more holistic theory is proposed, using the concept of a duality of interrelated labour processes. This theory is developed on three different levels, corresponding to the three dimensions of social exclusion. The final part of the paper is concerned with the application of the theory of social exclusion to housing processes. The latter are discussed under the headings of housing production, housing tenure, residential segregation, housing mobility, and processes associated with homelessness and leaving home. It is shown how housing processes cut across the different social levels (labour process, social reproduction and ideology), how they reflect prevailing patterns of social exclusion, and how they can either mitigate or reinforce those patterns. Social exclusion is distinguished from forms of housing exclusion (for example, relating to tenure), with which it is sometimes confused. It is noted that the groups which are commonly socially excluded through housing processes are those which are to be expected on the basis of the theory, namely unwaged, unskilled, not within a 'traditional' family household, and seen as 'undeserving'.  相似文献   

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