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水法生产铬盐和五氧化二钒过程中排出的浸出残渣,除含有铬和钒外,尚含有较高的剧毒水溶性六价铬。通过烧结炼铁和制造耐磨铸铁球工艺,不但消除了六价铬污染,而且有效地利用了其中的铬,钒和铁,取得了经济效益,产生出的含Cr-V-Ti耐磨铸铁球(件)耐磨性优于低铬合金铸铁球。  相似文献   

就马钢恢复铁水沟提钒工艺进行了调研,认为铁水沟提钒工艺成熟,投资少,对在线生产干扰小,钒渣生产成本较低。铁合金厂化工车间恢复五氧化二钒生产,具有一定的经济效益。  相似文献   

钒渣钠化焙烧提钒是我国钒生产所采用的主流提钒工艺。近年来,我国钒产业得到迅猛发展,产量居世界第一位。然而,由于缺乏有效的处理技术,资源浪费和生态环境问题突出,尤以钒化工固废问题最为严重。本文介绍了基于循环经济理论的钒产业发展的原则和基本思路,构建了钒产业循环经济模式和产业链结构图,并介绍了钒产业循环经济的主要技术。  相似文献   

以碳酸钙、钒酸钙为研究对象,考察两种物质分解机理,用来指导钒产品的生产。  相似文献   

钒作为一种稀贵金属 ,在世界矿产资源中具有极强的战略意义 ,已被越来越多地运用到冶金材料、化工等行业以及航空、航天等高科技领域。攀钢所在的攀西地区是世界钒资源的富集地之一 ,已探明储量高达1 3 0 0多万吨 ,几乎占世界总储量的 1 5。攀钢是中国生产钒制品的主要基地 ,其钒制品生产能力占全国 70 %以上。近几年 ,攀钢利用所处攀西地区得天独厚的钒资源优势 ,抓住目前国际市场钒制品紧俏、价格坚挺的有利时机 ,加快钒制品开发步伐。公司于 1 998年买下了欧洲目前最大的钒工厂———德国电冶金公司的钒生产设备 ,并于 1 999年 5月完成…  相似文献   

钒消费前景看好——国内外钒的资源、生产和市场预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钒是“现代工业味精”,是发展现代工业、现代国防和现代科学技术不可缺少的重要材料。目前,钒主要应用于生产合金钢和化工催化剂等领域,在其它领域的应用也在不断扩展,且具有良好发展前景。  相似文献   

正为满足更严格的排放标准威顿(铜仁)化工有限责任公司系加拿大威顿集团收购铜仁市化工厂后采用新技术、新工艺、新装备打造的具国际水平的钒催化剂企业,企业集加拿大威顿集团200万吨/年硫酸运行和生产技术、国际先进钒催化剂生产技术,能更好地为用户创造价值,并致力于成为全球最具影响力的硫酸钒催化剂产品与服务的专业供应商。  相似文献   

铬盐售价有下限日前召开的全国铬盐经营协作组第11次会议讨论了近期铬盐生产形势。认为近两年来由于铬盐生产能力增加了2万多吨和  相似文献   

攀宏钒制品厂生产过程中产生的尾渣,含有较高的钒、铬、铁等金属元素,历年来全部用于对外销售,由于市场供大于求的矛盾日益突出,经常出现尾渣堵库现象,严重威胁攀宏钒制品厂的正常生产。为此,我们开拓管理思路,针对性地提出了含钒尾渣返厂循环利用和市场销售相结合的"两条腿走路"方针,同时回收尾渣中的钒、铬、铁等金属元素,通过加工增值,实现经济效益最大化。  相似文献   

钒的应用与展望   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
介绍了世界钒的资源、生产和供应分布情况。叙述了钒近年来在钢铁、化工、TiAl金属间化合物、光学转换涂层、核聚变反应堆、代替合金中的金属元素、汽车二次电池、航空航天等方面的应用和开发。对钒的开发与展望进行了分析和预测。  相似文献   

采用能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪替代传统化学湿法分析测定硅铬合金中铬、硅、磷的含量,可实现在减少人力物力、绿色环保的前提下满足生产的需要。实验采用粉末压片法,通过试验确定将40g破碎缩分样品研磨20s制成120目(124μm)化学分析样,然后在25.00g化学分析样中加入0.20g硬脂酸和2.00g微晶纤维素,研磨90s使其粒度不小于200目(74μm以下),在此条件下研磨压制成片后分析面坚固平滑。根据铬、硅、磷3元素的特点,确定光谱仪最佳工作参数,选择低功率一次靶在不加滤光片抽真空的条件下测定硅和磷,用大功率的二次靶模式测定铬。由于硅铬合金标准样品较少,因此实验选取硅铬合金不同生产阶段且含量呈梯度的多个经化学湿法准确定值的样品作为校准样品建立校准曲线。采用经验系数法校正元素间的影响,消除基体效应、粒度效应,降低谱线重叠干扰。精密度试验表明,硅铬合金样品中铬、硅、磷测定结果的相对标准偏差(RSD,n=10)依次为0.002%、0.002%和0.016%;对硅铬合金生产样品进行正确度考察,测定值与化学湿法分析值一致。方法实现了X射线荧光光谱仪对硅铬合金中铬、硅、磷等元素的同时测定,开拓了仪器应用的新领域。  相似文献   

传统酸盐洗预处理钼酸铵生产工艺多使用强酸对工业氧化钼进行预处理,其废水中含有未反应的强酸、氮氧化物及重金属等物质,通常采用化学沉淀法进行处理,容易造成二次污染.通过对酸盐预处理工艺的钼酸铵生产线废水进行蒸发浓缩、化学沉淀处理,有效去除了废水中的酸和金属离子,产生的蒸发冷凝液和反应除杂滤液可返回酸洗工序循环利用,降低了酸...  相似文献   

针对目前钒渣焙烧提钒工艺钒资源利用率低、铬无法同步提取、"三废"环境污染严重等问题,基于亚熔盐非常规介质优异的物理化学性能,通过反应分离耦合工艺设计,提出了亚熔盐法高效清洁提钒新技术。亚熔盐新技术可将钒渣分解温度由传统工艺的850℃降至200~400℃,钒一次转化率可达95%以上,铬回收率提高到80%以上,可望突破传统钒渣提钒方法的资源环境制约。  相似文献   

钒铬还原渣是有色金属冶金领域最为常见的一种废渣,含有高含量和高价值的钒与铬,迫切需要对其加以回收和利用。由于钒铬的化学性质相似,钒铬的提取、分离和利用一直是困扰人们的关键难题。在阐述钒铬还原渣综合利用的必要性基础上,介绍了最新的钒铬还原渣综合回收利用工艺,探讨了新工艺的优缺点,并提出了钒铬还原渣综合利用的建议。  相似文献   

The results of an investigation into salt slags on the bottom of an aluminum electrolyzer under conditions of acting electrolysis production are presented. The mechanism of slag formation, the chemical composition, and some properties are considered. It is shown that this type of secondary raw material is potentially valuable for electrolysis production and that the effective search for efficient methods of its processing is necessary. Several variants are suggested that make it possible to include salt slags into production with minimal losses. Laboratory and pilot tests by the suggested methods are performed and the expected production and environmental effects are calculated.  相似文献   

介绍济钢120m^2烧结机消化济南裕兴化工厂含Cr^6+铬渣的生产情况,重点是使用铬渣进行的工艺改造和效果,达到消化铬渣的同时不产生二次污染,即消除污染,又造福社会。  相似文献   

Slags from the production of high‐alloyed steel contain both chemically bound chromium (mainly as Cr2O3) in the mineral fraction and elemental chromium in the metallic remainders. Thermochemical post treatment of the slag in an electric arc furnace under reducing conditions enables the nearly complete recovery of the total amount of chromium in form of a metallic alloy. The best results were achieved by resistance melting (submerged electrodes) with addition of a reducing agent into the melt. The efficiencies of the reducing agents carbon, aluminium, silicon (as ferrosilicon) and silicon carbide were investigated and compared. As aluminium is the strongest reducing agent, it is less selective and reduces much more SiO2 than Cr2O3. While SiC shows only low reactivity because of its high thermal resistance, carbon and silicon had the highest reducing potentials: More than 97% of the chemically bound chromium can be recovered by application of these reducing agents. Due to the high temperature required for the reduction of the chromium compounds, the reduction of SiO2 as an undesired side reaction cannot be avoided. However, compared with mechanical procedures that are limited to the recovery of the metallic remainders, the total chromium recovery can be significantly increased by the described reductive melting procedure.  相似文献   

Breathing zone samples obtained at a production arc welding operation employing approximately 90 welders demonstrated excessive exposure to chromium from the welding of high chromium alloy steel. Breathing zone samples were collected inside welding helmets. Methods considered for reducing employee exposure included local exhaust ventilation and the use of air-supplied helmets. Air-supplied helmets were chosen as best suited for the production scheme and suitable devices were subsequently developed that reduced breathing zone contaminant levels well below applicable standards.  相似文献   

Experimental studies were carried out on the reducibility of two different chromite ores using different reducing carbonaceous reducing agents in the temperature range 1173 to 1573 K. “Friable lumpy” ores and “hard lumpy” ores were used in the experiments. Petroleum coke, devolatilized coke, (DVC) and graphite were used as reducing agents. It was found that iron was practically completely reduced before the commencement of the reduction of chromium in the ore. The reduction of iron was controlled by diffusion. The activation energy for this process was estimated to be 130 kJ/mole. The reduction of chromium was controlled by either chemical reaction or nucleation. Rate of reduction was highest when raw petroleum coke was used as the reducing agent. The DVC was less effective compared to raw coke, whereas the rate of reduction was lowest when graphite was used as the reducing agent.  相似文献   

陈英华 《铁合金》2002,33(5):10-12
通过对铝热法金属铬硅含量来源的分析,针对金属铬生产的特点,提出 了降低浸出液中杂质硅含量的工艺方法,改变氢氧化铬煅烧窑窑衬材质及控制合理的冶炼配热量等措施。  相似文献   

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