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责任政府是现代民主政治的一种基本价值理念,官员问责制起源于现代西方,是西方政党制和议会制的产物。经历长期发展后已形成一套完整的运行机制和法律体系。我国官员问责源于2003年"非典"事件,经多年发展,从中央到地方对行政官员的问责正从罕见转为常态,从风暴问责转为日常问责,官员问责日趋制度化与多元化。本文从官员问责制度的现状分析、当前困境、解决问题的途径以及官员问责制度化等几个方面论述了官员问责制度的相关问题。  相似文献   

从对重庆开县井喷、密云踩踏事故、吉林火灾、阜阳市劣质奶粉等事件的责任追究中,可以明确看出,“官员问责”开始进入制度化操作层面。  相似文献   

网络公民问责是信息时代的公民问责主要形式之一,其根本特征就是直接性、平等性、开放性、超时空性、快捷性、廉价性,有其基本优势和基本问题:网络公民问责真实和虚拟界限存在着的模糊性,这样使得公民网络问责具有欺骗化与非理性化的特性;网络政治参与还可能造成政治参与的不均衡;网络政治参与由于存在着对自由过度追求,容易产生网络暴力;公民网络媒介素养的缺失会带来无序问责;网络公民问责还能引发一些官员对网络的极端情绪与问责的策略性行为;网络公民问责还容易引发网络群体事件。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国的法治建设的不断完善,出现了冤案平反的小高潮,法院共纠正23起重大冤案。刑事冤案纠错救济及问责机制的建设问题也被提出,现有伸冤渠道的不全面与纠错问责制度的不健全为冤案平反工作带来很大阻碍。本文通过分析借鉴国外已有的相关制度进一步探究我国刑事冤案纠错问责机制的完善。  相似文献   

网络问责作为一种新型的问责方式,对于完善我国行政异体问责制度具有重要作用。网络问责具有开放性、大众性、自由性与便捷性等特点,充分认识网络问责的现实优越性与客观局限性,可以正确把握网络问责对我国政治社会生活及其行政体制改革的积极方面,也可以认识到网络问责在我国具体的问责实践中存在的问题,从而对其作出理性评价。通过对我国网络问责的理性评价与思考,对于规范与完善我国网络问责理论与实践具有重要意义。  相似文献   

行政决策后评估制度作为连接前端决策程序和末端决策责任追究的中间环节,是重大决策责任追究的配套制度之一。当前决策后评估与决策问责衔接不畅,导致决策后评估利用价值开发不足,决策问责缘由认定随意性强。基于对决策后评估的特征和决策问责要求的考察,发现二者有效衔接的内在逻辑在于决策后评估是增强决策问责精准性的制度工具,决策问责是贯彻决策后评估的强效驱动。运用扎根理论对多个决策问责案例进行分析可知,决策问责缘由包括决策有效性、合法性、可行性、公平性,这四类缘由实质是决策正当性要求的精细划分。根据二者衔接的内在逻辑与决策问责的实证研究,可构建出"决策后评估-决策问责"互动模型。该模型显示:决策后评估与决策问责有效衔接关键在于决策后评估内容与决策问责缘由保持一致。因此,实现决策后评估与决策问责的有效衔接,应当细化决策后评估的正当性要求,在对决策结果、程序、方案和执行监督的考察中评估决策是否坚持或实现了有效性、合法性、可行性和公平性要求。  相似文献   

在日益频发的公共危机和公共事件后,行政问责制日益受到了重视。近几年来,虽然我国行政问责制取得了一定的成效与进步,但同时也产生了一些问题。本文试图从问责要素的角度分析行政问责制的相关问题,在行政问责制及其要素等相关基本概念的基础上,从不同问责要素的方面结合我国实际面临的问题,提出完善问责制度的对策建议。  相似文献   

通过再现工程事故问责过程的一般场景,揭示了结构工程检测工作的重要性、责任和潜在的问责风险,并就结构工程检测工作中的主要风险源进行探讨,在此基础上提出了规避风险的具体措施,供从业人员参考借鉴。  相似文献   

作为重要党内监督手段,派驻纪检组可以达到整肃组织风气、规范人员行为思想等方面的作用,对组织运行与发展会产生极为积极的影响。为将派驻纪检组监督执纪问责功能发挥到最大,文章将结合自身在陕西省延安市人民检察院监察部多年的工作经验,对派驻纪检组监督执纪问责功能落实方式展开全面解读,旨在提高派驻纪检组工作水平,保证监督执行问责功能具体发挥效果。  相似文献   

党的十九大报告提出了"建立全面规范透明、标准科学、约束有力的预算制度,全面实施绩效管理"。从理论和实践来看,预算制度能否有效推进国家治理现代化很大程度上取决于是否存在完善的预算问责机制。文章首先提出一个包含责任政府、中国式分权和政府审计等范畴的概念框架,然后结合中国预算问责制度运行过程中面临的主要问题,探讨政府审计保障预算问责效力的逻辑与路径,为"改革审计管理体制",充分发挥政府审计的信息保障和权力制约功能,保障预算问责效力提供一定的思路与建议。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates, through a fourfold framework, the extent to which devolution in Great Britain has enhanced the organisational accountability of housing associations three years after the creation of the Scottish Parliament and National Assembly for Wales. The evaluation framework examines the goals set for social housing organisations, the processes by which they are set, and the ways in which goals are monitored and enforced. The assessment reveals that, whilst it would be a mistake to suggest that housing policies and administrative frameworks have been traditionally monolithic across Britain, there is evidence that they are now diverging further, and that policy priorities for housing associations are coming to reflect local circumstances and locally-determined decisions to a greater extent than hitherto. The utility of the evaluation framework is thus demonstrated. It is concluded that the organisational accountability of housing associations has been enhanced alongside, and, to some extent, as a result of, devolution.  相似文献   

利用ANSYS软件对再生混凝土梁受弯性能进行有限元分析[1—8]。并将ANSYS计算出来的结果与试验结果进行比较。证明了ANSYS软件计算的可靠性。  相似文献   

This paper compares four different public sector-led urban development institutional arrangements within New Public Management (NPM)’s framework. The cases come from three European countries – Sweden, Finland and the Netherlands – and the Australian state of Victoria. These four jurisdictions, though distant, share much in terms of urban development processes and actors’ responsibilities within these processes, as well as legislation concerning urban development. In the comparison, emphasis is placed on addressing public accountability and ecological sustainability. Ecological sustainability is important to the public sector and urban development has a significant role in achieving more ecologically sustainable built environments. It was found out that steering the development projects is relevant to sustainability issues. Accountability needs to be addressed when forming single-purpose organizational arrangements, but the paper concludes that the examined organizations have no flaws in accountability. In examining these cases, it is assumed that all four operate in governance environments dictated by NPM’s methods, and their success is thus evaluated in that framework. There is little evidence so far of international comparative urban development research combining values and results achieved; or comparing cases from different jurisdictions.  相似文献   


This article explores the role of formal accountability mechanisms as a necessity to fulfill HOPE VI plan goals and the limitations of participant commitment during plan implementation. The presence of accountability mechanisms, such as a consent decree, often influences participation level, unit mix, tenant selection, design, and community building efforts during plan implementation. This article draws from a comparative case study of two mixed-income planning efforts in Chicago. This qualitative research illustrates the differences in project plan trajectories relative to their accountability mechanisms. My findings indicate a range of commitment varying across phases of development. In short, commitment matters at earlier stages of development, while accountability matters at the later stages of development. However, without accountability mechanisms in place, projects moved further away from intended project plans. Overall, this research suggests several ways to embed accountability mechanisms in the development of mixed-income housing.  相似文献   

《深化新时代教育评价改革总体方案》明确提出"三不得一严禁"要求,学校发展性督导评价管办问责与质量改进的实践价值更加凸显,具体体现在:对地方党委和政府进行履行教育职责及落实政策之治理能力的督政问责,对中小学校进行规范化办学及教育教学质量监测的督学问责,保障与助力每一所学校的内涵发展,促进中小学校循证决策文化建设。为进一步实现学校发展性督导评价的实践价值,激发教育督导机构以及中小学校等多方主体深度参与,需要强化各级特别是区县教育督导机构督政督学的双重职能。在督政方面,建议在关注办学条件等基础性要素的同时,将重心转向对地方党委和政府治理体系与治理能力现代化水平的督政问责上;在督学方面,建议持续改进督导评价的方式方法,强化专业支持与服务。学校发展性督导评价的有效实践还需大幅削减其他涉及中小学校和教师的督查检查评比考核事项,强化学校自我评价的意义和价值;进一步聚焦学生的学习成果,对"学生到底学会了什么,到底能做什么"进行督导与评价。  相似文献   

文章通过两处住宅用房安装中央空调的事例,现场查勘、验算与鉴定,证实了在住宅用房的混凝土梁上钻孔洞安装中央空调管线的做法,影响了房屋结构的安全,同时给出了加固处理意见,提出了个人的几点看法.  相似文献   

郑怀平 《安徽建筑》2013,(5):189-190
为了适应新的形势发展需要,安徽省国土资源厅已启动新一轮测量标志普查工作。与过去不同,此次普查在资料汇集、调查人员组织、调查资料归档与调用等方面做了较大变革,文章简明阐述了变革后的测量标志普查资料汇集技术处理的过程。  相似文献   

Conclusions 1. The effect of relative penetration on the change in magnitude of settlement is substantial. With the same specific pressure on the base the settlement of the model decreases as the relative penetration increases.2. Published data on values of unit friction forces along lateral surfaces of deep foundations were confirmed. The maximum value of resistance along the side surface was 2 tons/m2.3. It was established that the realtionship between the settlement of the model and its diameter is nonlinear. This is of great importance in working out a method for calculating foundations of deep footings from deformations especially if one considers that in this case the foundation carries substantial pressures and deforms under conditions of strongly developed shear regions.Translated from Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhanika Gruntov, No. 6, pp. 11–12, November–December, 1971.  相似文献   

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