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A 122 kDa RNase from eggs of Xenopus laevis was purified by sequential chromatography on Sephadex G-75, DEAE-cellulose, heparin-Sepharose and TSK gel G3000SW columns, and gave a single 60 kDa band on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing and nonreducing conditions. The RNase composed of two 60 kDa subunits is able to recognize pyrimidine bases specifically. The pH optimum of the RNase was 7.5 in Tris-HCl buffer. The enzyme activity was abolished by treatment at 80 degrees C for 5 min and pH 2 or 12 for 1 h. Since egg lectins with RNase activity obtained from Rana catesbeiana and R. japonica and bovine pancreatic RNase A show about 30% protein homology and these three proteins are 12-14 kDa heat-stable RNases, [K. Titani, K. Takio, M. Kuwada, K. Nitta, F. Sakakibara, H. Kawauchi, G. Takayanagi and S. Hakomori, Biochemistry, 26, 2189 (1987); Y: Kamiya, F. Oyama, R. Oyama, F. Sakakibara, K. Nitta, H. Kawauchi, Y. Takayanagi and K. Titani, J. Biochem. (Tokyo), 108, 139 (1990)], the data suggest that the X. laevis egg RNase is a unique protein compared with RNases from not only amphibians, but also mammals.  相似文献   

Centrioles organize microtubules in two ways: either microtubules elongate from the centriole cylinder itself, forming a flagellum or a cilium ("template elongation"), or pericentriolar material assembles and nucleates a microtubule aster ("astral nucleation"). During spermatogenesis in most species, a motile flagellum elongates from one of the sperm centrioles, whereas after fertilization a large aster of microtubules forms around the sperm centrioles in the egg cytoplasm. Using Xenopus egg extracts we have developed an in vitro system to study this change in microtubule-organizing activity. An aster of microtubules forms around the centrioles of permeabilized frog sperm in egg extracts, but not in pure tubulin. However, when the sperm heads are incubated in the egg extract in the presence of nocodazole, they are able to nucleate a microtubule aster after isolation and incubation with pure calf brain tubulin. This provides a two-step assay that distinguishes between centrosome assembly and subsequent microtubule nucleation. We have studied several centrosomal antigens during centrosome assembly. The CTR2611 antigen is present in the sperm head in the peri-centriolar region. gamma-tubulin and certain phosphorylated epitopes appear in the centrosome only after incubation in the egg extract. gamma-tubulin is recruited from the egg extract and associated with electron-dense patches dispersed in a wide area around the centrioles. Immunodepletion of gamma-tubulin and associated molecules from the egg extract before sperm head incubation prevents the change in microtubule-organizing activity of the sperm heads. This suggests that gamma-tubulin and/or associated molecules play a key role in centrosome formation and activity.  相似文献   

Significant amounts of D-aspartate (Asp) are found in mammalian tissues and D-Asp is presumed to play some significant, but as yet undefined physiological role. However, it is not known whether D-Asp is synthesized in mammals. In this study, we addressed this issue in cultured rat pinealocytes, parenchymal cells of the pineal gland, which contain significant amounts of D-Asp. Biosynthesis of D-Asp was found to be minimal to non-existent in cultured rat pinealocytes. We then investigated the mechanism of uptake of D-Asp into these cells and its consequent effect on cell function. D-Asp was efficiently taken up into cells, in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Interestingly, the L-Asp levels in the cells and media decreased concomitantly with the uptake of D-Asp. This decrease was not due to D-Asp cytotoxicity, since the cellular levels of othernted. D-Serine and D-alanine were not taken up efficiently into the cells and the cellular levels of L-serine and L-alanine were unchanged. Also, immunocytochemical staining with anti-D-Asp antibody showed that D-Asp, which had been taken up into the cells, was dispersed throughout the cytoplasm. In response to norepinephrine stimulation, pinealocytes, which had been pretreated with D-Asp released D-Asp as well as L-Asp. In these cells, norepinephrine-induced secretion of melatonin, a pineal hormone, was suppressed. The mechanism of this suppression is discussed here.  相似文献   

Three types of ribosomal preparations from Xenopus laevis eggs and embryos were tested in a cell-free system to study possible translational regulation of protein synthesis as mediated by the ribosome during early amphibian development: type 1, a crude high-speed sediment, mainly containing monoribosomes completely dissociable by 0.5 M KC1; type II, ribosomes washed with 0.5 M KC1; and type III, ribosomes treated with puromycin - 0.5 M KC1. All three types showed an active response to the addition of poly[U]. Type III was found to be the most active: levels of incorporation of 30 phenylalanine residues/ribosome were reached. In all three cases ribosomes prepared from unfertilized eggs were 30-40% less active in vitro than those from cleavage and gastrula stages.  相似文献   

Maize storage proteins synthesized in oocytes were compartmentalized in membrane vesicles because they were resistant to hydrolysis by protease, unless detergent was present. The site of storage protein deposition within the oocyte was determined by subcellular fractionation. Optimal separation of oocyte membranes and organelles was obtained when EDTA and high concentrations of NaCl were included in the homogenization and gradient buffers. Under these conditions, fractions in sucrose gradients containing a heterogeneous mixture of smooth membranes (presumably endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and plasma membrane, density = 1.10-1.12 g/cm3), mitochondria (densities = 1.14 and 1.16 g/cm3), yolk platelets (density = 1.21 g/cm3), and a dense matrix material (density = 1.22 g/cm3) could be separated. Some zein proteins were recovered in the mixed membrane fraction, but the majority occurred in vesicles sedimenting with yolk platelets and granular material at a density of approximately 1.22 g/cm3. When metrizamide was included in the gradient to increase the density, little of the dense matrix material was isolated, and vesicles containing zein proteins were separated from other oocyte components. These vesicles were similar to protein bodies in maize endosperm because they were of identical density and contained the same group of polypeptides.  相似文献   

A role for thioredoxin in metazoan DNA synthesis has been assessed by injecting rapidly dividing Xenopus eggs with purified heterologous thioredoxins, which might act as inhibitors if they were to replace resident thioredoxins in some but not all reaction steps. Of 10 tested proteins, spinach chloroplast thioredoxin m is the most potent inhibitor. Eggs cleave and produce cells lacking nuclei. DNA synthesis is severely reduced. Development arrests before gastrulation. In egg extracts, thioredoxin m inhibits incorporation of radioactive dCTP into DNA of sperm nuclei and M13 phage. Inhibition exceeds 90% when thioredoxin m and M13 DNA are preincubated together. The data support the interpretation that thioredoxins normally participate in initiation of metazoan DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Dorsal-ventral patterning in the Xenopus egg becomes established midway through the first cell cycle during a 30 degree rotation of the subcortical yolk mass relative to the egg cortex. This 'rotation of symmetrisation' is microtubule dependent, and its direction is thought to be cued by the usually eccentric sperm centrosome. The fact that parthenogenetically activated eggs also undergo a directed rotation, despite the absence of a sperm centrosome, suggests that an endogenous asymmetry in the unfertilised egg supports the directed polymerisation of microtubules in the vegetal cortex, in the way that an eccentric sperm centrosome would in fertilised eggs. Consistent with this idea, we noticed that the maturation spot is usually located an average of more than 15 degrees from the geometric centre of the pigmented animal hemisphere. In parthenogenetically activated eggs, this eccentric maturation spot can be used to predict the direction of rotation. Although in most fertilised eggs the yolk mass rotates toward the sperm entry point (SEP) meridian, occasionally this relationship is perturbed significantly; in such eggs, the maturation spot is never on the same side of the egg as the SEP. In oocytes tilted 90 degrees from upright during maturation in vitro, the maturation spot developed 15 degrees or more from the centre of the pigmented hemisphere, always displaced towards the point on the equator that was up during maturation. This experimentally demonstrated lability is consistent with an off-axis oocyte orientation during oogenesis determining its eccentric maturation spot position, and, in turn, its endogenous rotational bias.  相似文献   

We have developed a method for the isolation of cleavage furrows from dividing sea urchin eggs, which is applicable to various sea urchin species. The new method differs from that used for isolating cleavage furrows from sand dollar Clypeaster japonicus eggs [Yonemura, S., Mabuchi, I., and Tsukita, S. (1991) J. Cell Sci. 100, 73-84] in the type and concentration of detergent included in the isolation medium, the temperature during the treatment of dividing eggs with the isolation medium, and the centrifugation conditions. The contractile ring was included in the isolated cleavage furrows, as seen on rhodamine-phalloidin staining of actin filaments. When the furrows were isolated with the isolation medium containing both NaF and beta-glycerophosphate, which are potent protein phosphatase inhibitors, the isolated furrows were found to be accompanied by the mitotic apparatus. When the isolation was carried out in the absence of both NaF and beta-glycerophosphate, cleavage furrows without the mitotic apparatus were obtained. The development of a method of isolation of cleavage furrows from regular sea urchin eggs enabled us to compare protein constituents among furrows from different sea urchin and sand dollar species. We found that 32, 36, and 51 kDa proteins were concentrated in common in the cleavage furrows isolated from eggs of the sand dollars, C. japonicus and Scaphechinus mirabilis, and the sea urchins, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus and Strongylocentrotus nudus, on two-dimensional gel electrophoreses.  相似文献   

Previous experiments from our lab have suggested that the hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) is required for sperm-induced egg activation in Xenopus laevis. Here we measure the endogenous production of both Ins(1,4,5)P3 and PIP2 during the sperm-induced and ionomycin-induced calcium wave in the egg and find that both increase following fertilization. Ins(1,4,5)P3 increases 3.2-fold from an unfertilized egg level of 0.13 pmole per egg (0.29 microM) to a peak of 0.42 pmole per egg (0.93 microM) as the calcium wave reaches the antipode in the fertilized egg. This continuous production of Ins(1,4,5)P3 during the time that the Ca2+ wave is propagating across the egg suggests the involvement of Ins(1,4,5)P3 in wave propagation. This increase in Ins(1,4,5)P3 is smaller in ionomycin-activated eggs than in sperm-activated eggs, suggesting that the sperm-induced production of Ins(1,4,5)P3 involves a PIP2 hydrolysis pathway that is not simply raising intracellular Ca2+. While one might expect PIP2 levels to fall as a result of hydrolysis, we find that PIP2 actually increases 2-fold. The total lipid fraction in unfertilized egg exhibits 0.8 pmole PIP2 per egg and this increases to 1.5 pmole as the calcium wave reaches the antipode. The PIP2 concentration peaks 2 min after the completion of the calcium wave at 1.8 pmole per egg. The amount of PIP2 in the animal and vegetal hemispheres of the egg was also measured by cutting frozen eggs in half. The vegetal hemisphere contained twice the amount of PIP2 as the animal hemisphere but it also contained twice the amount of lipid. Thus, there was an equivalent amount of PIP2 normalized to lipid in each hemisphere. Isolated animal and vegetal hemisphere cortices exhibit similar PIP2 concentrations, suggesting that the 2-fold higher total PIP2 in the vegetal half is not due to a gradient of PIP2 in the plasma membrane, but rather implies that cytoplasmic organelle membranes also contain PIP2.  相似文献   

In the preceding paper Fontanilla and Nuccitelli (Biophysical Journal 75:2079-2087 (1998)) present detailed measurements of the shape and speed of the fertilization Ca2+ wave in Xenopus laevis eggs. In order to help interpret their results, we develop here a computational technique based on the finite element method that allows us to carry out realistic simulations of the fertilization wave. Our simulations support the hypothesis that the physiological state of the mature egg is bistable, i.e., that its cytoplasm can accommodate two alternative physiological Ca2+ concentrations: a low concentration characteristic of the prefertilization state and a greatly elevated concentration characteristic of the state following the passage of the wave. We explore this hypothesis by assuming that the bistability is due to the release and re-uptake properties of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) as determined by inositol trisphosphate (IP3) receptor/Ca2+ channels and sarcoendoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA) pumps. When combined with buffered diffusion of Ca2+ in the cytoplasm, our simulations show that inhomogeneities in the Ca2+ release properties near the plasma membrane are required to explain the temporal and spatial dependences of the shape and speed of these waves. Our results are consistent with an elevated IP3 concentration near the plasma membrane in the unfertilized egg that is augmented significantly near the site of fertilization. These gradients are essential in determining the concave shape of the Ca2+ fertilization wave front.  相似文献   

As a step toward defining in molecular terms the sperm-triggered block to polyspermy reaction established by the egg at fertilization, vitelline (VE) and fertilization (FE) envelopes were isolated from eggs of the Sounth African clawed toad Xenopus laevis and some of their physicochemical properties determined. Envelopes were isolated after lysis of the fertilized or unfertilized eggs by sieving techniques; isolated envelopes retained their in situ morphology as determined by electron microscopy. The isolated envelopes had different solubility properties and, in general, VE was more readily dissolved by aqueous solvents than FE, although both could be completely dissolved by detergents or chaotropic agents. Changes in envelope solubility correlated with the progression of the cortical reaction implicating a role for cortical granule material in modifying the solubility properties of the envelope. The VE and FE were composed of protein and carbohydrate with no lipid components detected. As determined by immunodiffusion experiments, the FE contained the same antigens as the VE plus components derived from the cortical granules and the innermost jelly layer, J. The macromolecular composition of the envelopes was determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. The VE contained at least 11 glycoproteins with molecular weights ranging from 125 000 to less than 16 000 with two components (40 000 and 33 000) accounting for almost two-thirds of the total stainable material. The FE contained ten glycoproteins that had the same molecular weights as those in the VE. One glycoprotein component underwent a reduction in molecular weight from 77 000 to 67 500 when the VE was converted to the FE. This molecular weight change was interpreted as the probable result of limited proteolysis. In addition, the FE gel electrophoresis patterns contained macromolecular components derived from the cortical granules and jelly layer, J, consistent with the immunodiffusion experiments. These components were absent when the FE was prepared in the absence of Ca2+, suggesting a role for Ca2+ in binding the VE, cortical granules, and J components together. We concluded that the conversion of the glycoproteinaceous VE to FE at fertilization is caused by interaction of the VE with components from the cortical granules and jelly layer J. These interactions are of both a chemical and physical nature.  相似文献   

The influence of Aloe vera (L.) Burman f. on the glycosaminoglycan (GAG) components of the matrix in a healing wound was studied. Wound healing is a dynamic and complex sequence of events of which the major one is the synthesis of extracellular matrix components. The early stage of wound healing is characterized by the laying down of a provisional matrix, which is then followed by the formation of granulation tissue and synthesis of collagen and elastin. The provisional matrix or the ground substance consists of GAGs and proteoglycans (PGs), which are protein GAG conjugates. In the present work, we have studied the influence of Aloe vera on the content of GAG and its types in the granulation tissue of healing wounds. We have also reported the levels of a few enzymes involved in matrix metabolism. The amount of ground substance synthesized was found to be higher in the treated wounds, and in particular, hyaluronic acid and dermatan sulphate levels were increased. The levels of the reported glycohydrolases were elevated on treatment with Aloe vera, indicating increased turnover of the matrix. Both topical and oral treatments with Aloe vera were found to have a positive influence on the synthesis of GAGs and thereby beneficially modulate wound healing.  相似文献   

In the first study, we evaluated 101 oocytes [2, 4, 6, 8, 16, 18 and 20 h after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)] that had been microinjected with testicular spermatozoa. Of the 70 normally fertilized oocytes (69%) 30 (43%) had two pronuclei by 6 h after ICSI. Fifty-one (73%) by 8 h, 69 (99%) by 16 h and four of them by 20 h cleaved to the 2-cell stage. In the second study, 95 cumulus-corona-oocyte complexes (CCOC) were divided into two groups. Forty-seven CCOC were inseminated by conventional in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and 40 metaphase-II oocytes by ICSI. Oocytes were evaluated at 2, 4, 6 (only after ICSI), 8, 10, 12, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28 and 30 h after both ICSI and IVF. After IVF, 35 oocytes were fertilized normally (75%), four of which (11%) had two pronuclei by 8 h, 11 (31%) by 10 h, 27 (77%) by 12 h and 35 (100%) by 14 h. The first cleavages had occurred by 24 h after insemination (four oocytes, 11%). After ICSI, 34 oocytes were fertilized normally (79%), 13 of which (38%) had two pronuclei by 6 h, 27 (79%) by 8 h and 32 (94%) by 10 h. Three oocytes cleaved by 20 h after microinjection (9%) and 19 by 24 h (56%). Pronuclei developed asynchronously in six oocytes after ICSI (18%) as opposed to 16 oocytes after IVF (46%). The results of this study suggest that the timing of pronuclear formation is no different when a testicular spermatozoon is microinjected into the oocytes from when an ejaculated spermatozoon is injected. Secondly, pronuclear development and first cleavage generally take place 4 h sooner after ICSI than after IVF. On the other hand, a higher proportion of oocytes develop two pronuclei asynchronously after IVF than after ICSI.  相似文献   

Sea urchin eggs stained with fluorescein-conjugated wheat germ agglutinin (F-WGA) before or after fixation showed a marked accumulation of fluorescence at the cleavage furrow in the first and the second cell divisions. WGA receptors (WGA-binding membrane glycoproteins) were redistributed to the equatorial region through several steps in compressed eggs. Accumulated WGA receptors showed a distribution similar to that of contractile-ring microfilaments throughout most of the steps. Therefore, the former is probably associated with the latter directly or indirectly. Labeling with F-WGA provides a simple method to detect contractile-ring microfilaments in living eggs. Treatment of eggs with colcemid shortly before cytokinesis dispersed the ring-like accumulation of WGA receptors together with contractile-ring microfilaments. This result suggests that microtubule structures, probably asters, are involved in the redistribution of WGA receptors. Cytochalasin B prevented furrowing when it was applied shortly before cytokinesis. While contractile-ring microfilaments showed a spotty distribution in the expected furrow region, WGA receptors were normally redistributed. Furthermore, a higher concentration of the drug allowed the appearance of accumulated WGA receptors in compressed eggs although the development into a ring-like configuration was inhibited. These observations suggest the possibility that the redistribution of WGA receptors is involved in the formation of contractile ring.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study on exposure to tobacco smoke among adolescents was carried out in Turin (North-Western Italy) in January-February 1992 and in January-February 1993. In 1992, 394 schoolchildren aged 14-16 years were enrolled in a study protocol which consisted in answering a standardized questionnaire, measurement of urinary cotinine and testing of lung function (flow-volume curve--[FVC] and forced expiratory volume in I sec.--[FEV1]). In 1993, 333 schoolchildren from the same group repeated the survey. By comparison to urinary cotinine, findings obtained showed a reduction of increase, from 1992 to 1993, of -0.57% (p = 0.082) for FVC, and -0.66% (p = 0.05) for FEV1. Assuming that the systematic selection bias did not seem to have occurred, findings, obtained from a multiple regression analysis, showed that active and passive exposure to tobacco smoke, as measured by urinary cotinine, had a significant effect on lung growth (as measured by FEV1) in adolescents; this effect, though small, was dose-related.  相似文献   

The Xenopus Vg1 gene, a TGFbeta superfamily member, is expressed as a maternal mRNA localized to prospective endoderm, and mature Vg1 protein can induce both endodermal and mesodermal markers in embryonic cells. Most previous work on embryonic inducers, including activin, BMPs and Vg1, has relied on ectopic expression to assay for gene function. Here we employ a mutant ligand approach to block Vg1 signaling in developing embryos. The results indicate that Vg1 expression is essential for normal endodermal development and the induction of dorsal mesoderm in vivo.  相似文献   

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